Wow!!! Beats me why there was no service today. Actually I went to the church twice this morning, first time I was an hour too early so I went back at the regular time but the church was still in darkness. Was it posted that there would be no service today
Both of us are on different devices and sadly have had to give it up. We are not on FB either. Both computers have sound on our devices with no problems.
Wow!!! Beats me why there was no service today. Actually I went to the church twice this morning, first time I was an hour too early so I went back at the regular time but the church was still in darkness. Was it posted that there would be no service today
Good Morning everyone. Have a great day, 😊 Enjoying our cooler temperatures.❤
Good Morning everyone. Have a great day.
Why is there a mic in the sound booth?
Good Morning Everyone.
Why is the mic "on" in the sound booth?
Very cool video.
Enjoin this beautiful service in Mexico. Thank you.💕
Should read Mexico 😊
Beautiful service. Watching g it in Mechio. Thanks to everyone.💕
Sorry we Have no sound
Good Morning everyone. Have a great day.
I have no sound
Has any body got the sound or is it just our 2 computers at our home?
Both of us are on different devices and sadly have had to give it up. We are not on FB either. Both computers have sound on our devices with no problems.
It just simply would not work for us this morning. Sorry!
Another lovely service. We watched it in BC. Thanks to all.💕
Another lovely service. We watched it in BC. Thanks to all.💕
Cool video.
Beautiful Service.
Very nice service.❤
Sorry folks, the internet went down mid service and we didn't have a Telus tech sitting in a pew to fix it.
Cool video.
R.I.P Queen Elizabeth II.
Cool video.
Still no audio??
It’s not working this morning?
Unable to receive the service this morning.
Shortly after we fixed the sound issue, we had a hearing aid squeal for a couple of minutes, that does go away!
We apologize for the sound issues of this morning. Sound actually comes through around the 32 min, 17 seconds mark.