Peaceful Pet Dreams
Peaceful Pet Dreams
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3H Calming Music for Dogs🐶💖Stressed Dog Relief🎃Cozy Autumn Vibes | Separation Anxiety
개를 진정시키는 3시간 음악🐶스트레스 받는 개를 위한 음악💖아늑한 가을 마을 할로윈 분위기🎵개 분리 불안 음악
1. 개를 위한 진정 음악의 필요성
반려견도 사람처럼 스트레스와 불안을 느낄 수 있습니다. 갑작스러운 소리, 새로운 환경, 주인과의 이별 등 다양한 이유로 개들은 불안해질 수 있습니다. 특히, 주인이 집을 비울 때 반려견은 분리 불안을 경험할 수 있습니다. 이러한 상황에서 진정 음악은 개에게 편안함을 제공하고, 스트레스와 불안을 완화하는 데 매우 효과적입니다.
2. 12시간 진정 음악의 효과
긴장 완화 및 안정감 제공: 진정 음악은 부드러운 멜로디와 안정적인 리듬을 통해 개의 긴장을 완화하고 마음을 편안하게 합니다. 이는 개가 편안하게 휴식을 취할 수 있게 도와줍니다.
스트레스 해소: 진정 음악은 개가 경험하는 다양한 스트레스 요인을 줄이는 데 도움을 줍니다. 차분한 음악은 개의 신경계를 안정시켜 스트레스를 해소하고, 더 나은 기분을 유지하도록 돕습니다.
분리 불안 완화: 분리 불안은 많은 반려견이 겪는 문제 중 하나입니다. 진정 음악은 주인이 없는 동안 개에게 안정감을 주어, 분리 불안을 줄이는 데 효과적입니다.
3. 개 진정 음악의 특징
부드러운 멜로디: 부드럽고 차분한 멜로디는 개의 심박수를 낮추고, 긴장을 완화하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 음악이 조용하고 느린 템포일수록 개는 더 쉽게 진정할 수 있습니다.
반복적이고 예측 가능한 리듬: 음악의 리듬이 반복적이고 예측 가능할 때 개는 더 큰 안정감을 느낄 수 있습니다. 이는 개가 환경에 적응하고 편안함을 느끼는 데 중요한 역할을 합니다.
자연의 소리 포함: 새소리, 물소리 등 자연의 소리가 포함된 음악은 개에게 더욱 진정 효과를 줄 수 있습니다. 이러한 소리들은 개에게 자연 속에 있는 듯한 느낌을 주어 심리적인 안정감을 제공합니다.
4. 개를 위한 진정 음악 사용 방법
휴식 시간에 재생: 반려견이 휴식을 취할 때나 낮잠을 잘 때 진정 음악을 재생해 주세요. 이는 개가 더 쉽게 진정하고 깊은 수면을 취할 수 있게 돕습니다.
외출 시 사용: 주인이 외출할 때 진정 음악을 틀어두면, 반려견이 혼자 있는 동안에도 안정감을 느끼고 분리 불안을 줄일 수 있습니다.
스트레스 상황에서 사용: 개가 스트레스를 받는 상황, 예를 들어 불꽃놀이나 천둥 같은 소음이 있을 때 진정 음악을 사용하면 개가 더 빨리 진정할 수 있습니다.
5. 결론
개를 진정시키는 3시간 음악 🐶 스트레스 받는 개를 위한 음악 💖🎵 개 분리 불안 음악 #5는 반려견의 스트레스와 불안을 완화하는 데 매우 효과적인 도구입니다. 이 음악은 개의 마음을 편안하게 하고 안정감을 제공하여, 더 행복하고 건강한 삶을 살 수 있도록 돕습니다. 반려견의 일상에 이러한 진정 음악을 도입해보세요. 이는 반려견의 정서적 안정과 행복을 위한 최고의 선택이 될 것입니다.
Переглядів: 109


12 Hours of Calming Music for Dogs🐶Music for Stressed Dogs💖🎵Dog Separation Anxiety Music #4
Переглядів 1,3 тис.4 години тому
개를 진정시키는 12시간 음악🐶스트레스 받는 개를 위한 음악💖🎵개 분리 불안 음악 #4 반려견이 스트레스를 받을 때, 그들에게 제공할 수 있는 최선의 방법 중 하나는 편안하고 진정되는 음악입니다. 개들도 사람처럼 스트레스를 받고, 특히 주인이 집을 비우거나 낯선 환경에 처했을 때 분리 불안을 겪는 경우가 많습니다. 이러한 상황에서 음악은 그들에게 큰 위로가 될 수 있습니다. 1. 개를 위한 음악의 효과 음악은 개의 마음을 안정시키고, 불안과 스트레스를 완화하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 특히 특정한 주파수와 리듬을 사용한 음악은 개의 신경계를 진정시키는 효과가 있어, 심박수를 안정시키고 긴장감을 줄여줍니다. 이는 사람의 심리적 안정감을 위한 음악과 유사한 원리로, 개들도 특정한 음악에 반응하여 마음이 편안해지...
💖Soothing Separation Anxiety Jitters🎵Effective Strategies Promoting Deep Sleep🐶
Переглядів 2,9 тис.9 годин тому
이별 불안 떨림을 진정시키세요 🎵 강아지의 깊은 수면을 촉진하는 효과적인 전략 🐶 안녕하세요! 이번 글에서는 강아지의 이별 불안을 완화하고 깊은 수면을 촉진하기 위한 효과적인 전략을 소개하겠습니다. 강아지가 스트레스와 불안을 느낄 때, 적절한 접근과 도구를 사용하면 강아지의 정서적 안정과 건강한 수면을 도울 수 있습니다. 1. 이별 불안의 이해 강아지가 이별 불안을 경험하면, 주인이 외출할 때나 혼자 있을 때 심리적인 스트레스를 겪을 수 있습니다. 이로 인해 강아지는 불안한 행동을 보이거나, 수면 패턴에 문제가 생길 수 있습니다. 이별 불안을 효과적으로 다루는 것이 중요합니다. 2. 효과적인 전략 1. 편안한 환경 조성 안정적인 공간 마련: 강아지가 편안하게 쉴 수 있는 조용하고 아늑한 공간을 마련해...
5 Minutes with My Sweet, Playful Dog🎵🐶Calming Music for Dogs💖🐶Reduce Separation Anxiety
Переглядів 7914 годин тому
내 사랑스럽고 장난기 많은 강아지와 함께하는 5분 🎵🐶 강아지에게 편안한 음악 💖🐶 이별 불안 감소 이 5분짜리 영상은 사랑스럽고 장난기 많은 강아지와의 즐거운 순간을 담고 있으며, 강아지에게 편안한 음악이 함께 제공됩니다. 이 음악은 강아지의 이별 불안을 감소시키고, 편안한 분위기를 만들어 주는 데 도움을 줍니다. 1. 사랑스러운 순간 영상에는 장난기 많고 귀여운 강아지와의 행복한 순간들이 담겨 있습니다. 이러한 시각적 요소는 강아지에게 긍정적인 감정을 불러일으키고, 편안함을 느끼게 합니다. 2. 편안한 음악 부드럽고 안정적인 음악이 함께 제공되어, 강아지가 이별 불안을 느끼지 않고 차분하게 마음을 가라앉힐 수 있도록 도와줍니다. 음악은 강아지의 마음을 안정시켜 줍니다. 3. 이별 불안 감소 이 영상...
Best Music for Dog🐶Deep Separation Anxiety Music to Calm Dog🐾💖Video Pets
Переглядів 3,6 тис.19 годин тому
강아지를 위한 최고의 음악 🐶 강아지를 진정시키는 깊은 이별 불안 음악 🐾 반려동물을 위한 비디오 엔터테인먼트 안녕하세요! 오늘 소개할 비디오는 강아지를 위한 최고의 음악으로, 이별 불안을 진정시키고 편안한 상태를 유지하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있는 음악입니다. 이 음악은 깊은 편안함과 안정감을 제공하여, 강아지의 스트레스를 줄이고, 일상적인 불안에서 벗어나도록 돕습니다. 1. 왜 이 음악이 중요한가요? 강아지들은 다양한 이유로 이별 불안을 경험할 수 있습니다. 주인이 외출할 때나 혼자 있는 시간 동안 불안과 스트레스를 느끼기 쉬운데, 최고의 음악은 다음과 같은 도움을 줄 수 있습니다: 정서적 안정감: 부드러운 음악이 강아지의 심리적 안정감을 높이고 불안을 줄입니다. 편안한 수면: 음악이 강아지를 편안하게...
Anti-Anxiety Music for Dogs🐶Music that will help your dog fall asleep in 30 minutes🎵
Переглядів 375День тому
Anti-Anxiety Music for Dogs🐶Music that will help your dog fall asleep in 30 minutes🎵
3 Hours Anti Anxiety Music for Dogs🐶Stress Relief Music For Dogs💖Calming Music For Dogs
Переглядів 3 тис.День тому
3 Hours Anti Anxiety Music for Dogs🐶Stress Relief Music For Dogs💖Calming Music For Dogs
3 Hours Anti Anxiety Music For Dogs🐶💖Stress Relief Music For Dogs♬🐶
Переглядів 8 тис.День тому
3 Hours Anti Anxiety Music For Dogs🐶💖Stress Relief Music For Dogs♬🐶
3 HOURS of Dog Calming Music🎵Dog Sleep 🐶Dog Separation Anxiety Relief Music💖Pet Music🎵
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3 HOURS of Dog Calming Music🎵Dog Sleep 🐶Dog Separation Anxiety Relief Music💖Pet Music🎵
3 HOURS of Dog Calming Music🦮💖Dog Relax Music🐶🎵Anti Separation Anxiety Relief Music⭐
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3 HOURS of Dog Calming Music🦮💖Dog Relax Music🐶🎵Anti Separation Anxiety Relief Music⭐
Soothing Music for Dogs🐶💖🎵Separation Anxiety Music for Dog Relaxation|Dog Music
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Soothing Music for Dogs🐶💖🎵Separation Anxiety Music for Dog Relaxation|Dog Music
🎵Ultimate Calming Music for Anxiety Relief & Sleep🐶Prevent Boredom with Relaxation
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🎵Ultimate Calming Music for Anxiety Relief & Sleep🐶Prevent Boredom with Relaxation
3 HOURS of Dog Calming Music🐶🎵Music for Puppy Sleep💖🎵Dog Separation Anxiety Music
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3 HOURS of Dog Calming Music🐶🎵Music for Puppy Sleep💖🎵Dog Separation Anxiety Music
3 HOURS of Dog Calming Music🐶Serenity Sounds for Nervous Dogs💖Reduce Separation Anxiety
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3 HOURS of Dog Calming Music🐶Serenity Sounds for Nervous Dogs💖Reduce Separation Anxiety
12 HOURS of Deep Separation Anxiety Music for Dog Relaxation! Helping 4 Million Dogs
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12 HOURS of Deep Separation Anxiety Music for Dog Relaxation! Helping 4 Million Dogs
5 Minutes Watching My Sleepy Dog🐶💖Soothing Music to Help Your Pup Sleep🎵🐶
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5 Minutes Watching My Sleepy Dog🐶💖Soothing Music to Help Your Pup Sleep🎵🐶
12 HOURS of Dog Calming Music For Dogs🎵🐶Anti Separation Anxiety🐶💖stress relief music🎵
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12 HOURS of Dog Calming Music For Dogs🎵🐶Anti Separation Anxiety🐶💖stress relief music🎵
3 HOURS of Deep Separation Anxiety Music for Dog Relaxation! Helped 4 Million Dogs Worldwide! NEW!
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3 HOURS of Deep Separation Anxiety Music for Dog Relaxation! Helped 4 Million Dogs Worldwide! NEW!
Anti-anxiety music for dogs🐶Calming music for dogs♬Deep sleep for dogs💖🎵
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Anti-anxiety music for dogs🐶Calming music for dogs♬Deep sleep for dogs💖🎵
3 Hours of Calming Music for Dogs🐶Music for Stressed Dogs💖🎵Dog Separation Anxiety Music #1
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3 Hours of Calming Music for Dogs🐶Music for Stressed Dogs💖🎵Dog Separation Anxiety Music #1
12 HOURS of Calming Music Dog Deep Sleep🐶🎵Separation Anxiety Music for Dog Relaxation🎵💖Dog Song
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12 HOURS of Calming Music Dog Deep Sleep🐶🎵Separation Anxiety Music for Dog Relaxation🎵💖Dog Song
Anti-anxiety music for dogs 🐶 Calming music for dogs ♬ Deep sleep for dogs💖🎵
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Anti-anxiety music for dogs 🐶 Calming music for dogs ♬ Deep sleep for dogs💖🎵
Dog Music🎵Music that calms your mind🐶Separation anxiety therapy music 💖
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Dog Music🎵Music that calms your mind🐶Separation anxiety therapy music 💖
Dog music🎵Comfortable healing music for dogs🐶🎵Music that relieves separation anxiety💖Dog sleep
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Dog music🎵Comfortable healing music for dogs🐶🎵Music that relieves separation anxiety💖Dog sleep
Deep sleep music for dogs🐶Anti-anxiety music for dogs🐶Music to help your dog fall asleep after 30m
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Deep sleep music for dogs🐶Anti-anxiety music for dogs🐶Music to help your dog fall asleep after 30m
12 Hours of Music to Calm Your Dog🐶Music for Stressed Dogs💖🎵Dog Separation Anxiety Music
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12 Hours of Music to Calm Your Dog🐶Music for Stressed Dogs💖🎵Dog Separation Anxiety Music
12 Hours of Calming Music for Dogs🐶Music for Stressed Dogs💖🎵Dog Separation Anxiety Music #4
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12 Hours of Calming Music for Dogs🐶Music for Stressed Dogs💖🎵Dog Separation Anxiety Music #4
12 Hours of Soothing Music for Dogs 🐶 Relaxing Waterfall Sounds to Help Your Pet Sleep
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12 Hours of Soothing Music for Dogs 🐶 Relaxing Waterfall Sounds to Help Your Pet Sleep
12 hours of dog soothing music for dogs🎵🐾Separation anxiety relief music🎵💖Dog relaxation🎵
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12 hours of dog soothing music for dogs🎵🐾Separation anxiety relief music🎵💖Dog relaxation🎵
12 Hours of Calming Music for Dogs🐶Music for Stressed Dogs💖🎵Dog Separation Anxiety Music #2
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12 Hours of Calming Music for Dogs🐶Music for Stressed Dogs💖🎵Dog Separation Anxiety Music #2


  • @PetSweetDreams
    @PetSweetDreams 3 години тому

    🐶This is the cutest lullaby ever. These sleepy dogs look like they're dreaming of endless treats!

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 3 години тому

      🐶 Aww, thank you! I can totally imagine those pups dreaming of endless treats and belly rubs! 😄🍖 So glad you're enjoying the lullaby. If you’d like more adorable, sleepy moments, feel free to subscribe for more cute and calming content! 💤❤

  • @HealingMusic0803
    @HealingMusic0803 5 годин тому

    This is calming for Dogs, too

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 3 години тому

      I'm so glad to hear it's calming for dogs too! 🐶💤 It's amazing how music can soothe both us and our furry friends. If you’d like more relaxing content for your pup, feel free to subscribe for more peaceful tunes! 😊❤

  • @HealingNadanMusic
    @HealingNadanMusic 17 годин тому

    To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. 🙏

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 14 годин тому

      Thank you so much for these beautiful words. 🙏 Sometimes we all need that reminder to let go of the worries and invite peace into our lives. Sending love and light to anyone who needs it right now. May we all find the clarity and calm we seek. ❤

  • @PetSweetDreams
    @PetSweetDreams День тому

    This is the most peaceful thing I've seen all day. My dog and I are both ready for a nap now! 💖🎵

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 21 годину тому

      That’s so wonderful to hear! 😊 I'm glad this brought some peace to both you and your dog. Hope you both enjoy a cozy nap! 🐶💤 If you’d like more relaxing moments, feel free to subscribe for more peaceful content! ❤

  • @PetSweetDreams
    @PetSweetDreams 3 дні тому

    "My mother passed over at 4 am. We listened to your sweet music and it soothed her anxiety until her last moment Thank you for sharing this "

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams День тому

      I'm deeply sorry to hear about your mother’s passing. It means so much to know that our music could bring her some comfort during such a difficult time. Sending you love and strength as you navigate this. Thank you for sharing your story. ❤️

  • @PetSweetDreams
    @PetSweetDreams 3 дні тому

    I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for this music. My beloved dog of 8 years Scooby suffered from separation anxiety. I'm a stay at home mom and my husband now works from home, but the few times we left the home as an entire family we would play this video on our tv and our sweet Scooby would be so calm and just rest/sleep while we were gone. Then this past Tuesday and Wednesday I played it nonstop as he lived out his last time on Earth as we waited for our heart wrenching, life changing vet appointment to end his suffering as we let him go. This music accompanied my entire family loving on him, saying our good byes and we are all so thankful that it played a part in keeping him calm in his final moments. Thank you so much for bringing him and us some comfort. "Who's a good boy??? SCOOBY IS A GOOD BOY!!!!

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams День тому

      I’m deeply touched by your story. I’m so sorry for your loss, but it means the world to know that the music brought comfort to Scooby and your family during such a difficult time. He sounds like such a sweet and cherished member of your family, and I hope the beautiful memories you have of him will bring you peace. Scooby was definitely a good boy, and he was lucky to have a family who loved him so much. Sending you and your family love and strength during this tough time. ❤🐾

  • @PetSweetDreams
    @PetSweetDreams 3 дні тому

    i am watching my brother's 10 yr old dog for the weekend. his dog has separation anxiety and would NOT stop crying and shaking! within the first minute of me playing this video, he stopped crying, found a spot to lay down, and is now whining quietly, but he is calming down! thank you for this video. it really helps out the old guy (:

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams День тому

      I'm so glad to hear that the music is helping your brother's dog find some calm! 🐶 It’s amazing how soothing sounds can make such a difference. Thank you for sharing your experience, and I hope he enjoys some peaceful dreams! If you’d like more calming music, feel free to subscribe for more. Peaceful pet dreams to you both! 😊❤

  • @TVForDogs-DogMusic
    @TVForDogs-DogMusic 3 дні тому

    I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better.

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 3 дні тому

      Thank you so much for your kind words and prayers! It really means a lot. I hope the same for you-may you find peace and relief from any stress or worries. Take care! ❤🙏

  • @cupcakesmom0828
    @cupcakesmom0828 4 дні тому

    Good Evening Friend. What a peaceful night of Emmy s snoring thanks, to your wonderful music. Your blessed with a beautiful dog. Enjoy every moment with your fur baby. Blessings to you and your family.

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 4 дні тому

      Good evening! I'm so happy to hear Emmy is enjoying the peaceful night with our music. It’s such a joy to share those relaxing moments with our furry companions! 🐶💤 Thank you for your kind words, and blessings to you and your family as well. If you'd like more calming music for Emmy, feel free to subscribe to the channel! 😊❤

  • @TOPMusicforDogs
    @TOPMusicforDogs 5 днів тому

    so relax for my dog

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 5 днів тому

      I'm so glad this helps your dog relax! 🐶💤 It’s always nice to see our furry friends enjoy the calm moments. If you'd like more soothing content for you and your pup, feel free to subscribe for more! 😊❤

  • @HealingDogMusic166
    @HealingDogMusic166 5 днів тому

    My pups like this and they are sleeping

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 5 днів тому

      Aww, that sounds so sweet! Pups always know how to relax and find their comfort. Enjoy those peaceful moments while they snooze! 🐶💤 If you love content like this, feel free to subscribe for more cute and relaxing moments! 😊❤

  • @CurlyCoderLLC
    @CurlyCoderLLC 6 днів тому

    This has ads

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 6 днів тому

      Thank you for your feedback! We try to keep the music as relaxing as possible, but ads are added to help support the channel. You can consider subscribing for more ad-free content in the future! 😊🎶

    • @marisarombola9495
      @marisarombola9495 День тому

      Exelente .esta musica calmo a mi perro.gracias

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams День тому

      @@marisarombola9495 ¡Me alegra mucho saber que la música ayudó a calmar a tu perro! 😊 Gracias por compartir tu experiencia. Si te gusta este tipo de contenido, no dudes en suscribirte para más música relajante. ¡Un abrazo! 🐾❤

  • @cupcakesmom0828
    @cupcakesmom0828 6 днів тому

    Hi again it's Emmy. My Mom wanted me to enjoy this beautiful music while I was awake. Actually it's putting my Mom to sleep. Thank you blessings to you and yours. ❤

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 6 днів тому

      Hi Emmy! It's so sweet that your mom wanted to share this beautiful music with you. It's amazing how music can calm both of us and even put your mom to sleep! 😊 Wishing blessings to you and your family as well. If you enjoy more relaxing tunes like this, feel free to subscribe to the channel-there’s always more peaceful music to enjoy! ❤✨

  • @QD2-k4l
    @QD2-k4l 7 днів тому

    To you, dear reader, I hope that the weight on your shoulders becomes lighter with each passing day. May peace find its way into the corners of your heart, replacing stress with calm and sadness with joy. Though we may never meet, my thoughts are with you, wishing you endless strength and serenity.

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 7 днів тому

      What a beautiful and compassionate message! Your words are filled with warmth and kindness, offering comfort to anyone who reads them. I hope the same for you-may peace, strength, and joy fill your life as well. 💖🌿 Thank you for spreading such positivity!

  • @cupcakesmom0828
    @cupcakesmom0828 7 днів тому

    Emmy's asleep snoring again. We look forward to ending of our blessed day with your wonderful music. Until tomorrow, we wish you and yours a blessed day. 😮

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 7 днів тому

      That’s such a sweet and heartwarming message! 😊 I’m glad Emmy is enjoying the music and it’s become a comforting part of your day. Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed day as well. Until tomorrow! 🐶💖🎶

  • @josephmcgowan309
    @josephmcgowan309 7 днів тому

    Hate ads that lie thanks

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 7 днів тому

      I completely understand how frustrating misleading ads can be. Thanks for your feedback! We're always looking for ways to improve the experience, and I appreciate your understanding.

  • @MellowMedoly
    @MellowMedoly 7 днів тому

    For those reading this, I wish that whatever is troubling you or causing stress starts to improve. May confusion and doubt be replaced by understanding and tranquility. May your days be filled with peace and relaxation.

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 7 днів тому

      Such a thoughtful and comforting message! 🙏 I’m sure those who read this will feel uplifted. Wishing the same for you-may peace, understanding, and tranquility fill your life as well. 💖🌿

  • @MellowMedoly
    @MellowMedoly 7 днів тому

    To all who come across this message, I pray that your worries and troubles find resolution. May the dark clouds of anxiety clear, making way for clarity and calmness. May peace settle into your heart and mind.

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 7 днів тому

      What a beautiful and kind message! 🙏 Thank you for sharing such comforting words. May the same peace and clarity find their way to you, and may your heart be filled with calmness and joy. 💖🌟

  • @HealingNadanMusic
    @HealingNadanMusic 7 днів тому

    To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. 🙏

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 7 днів тому

      What a powerful and heartfelt message. Thank you for sharing such kindness and positivity. 🙏 I hope the same for you-that any struggles or worries you face are lifted, and that peace, clarity, and calmness fill your life. 💖

  • @Crnokosa22
    @Crnokosa22 8 днів тому

    Even though we have never talked to each other, I still hope you are always happy with your loved ones. I hope all the best will come to you. ❤❤

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 7 днів тому

      What a kind and heartfelt message! Even without knowing each other personally, your words radiate warmth and positivity. I hope the same for you-that happiness, love, and all the best things come your way. Thank you for spreading such positivity! ❤❤

  • @cupcakesmom0828
    @cupcakesmom0828 8 днів тому

    Emmy is sound asleep, the cat is also. The sound of the sea, the peacefulness of the wind makes one feel calm and thankful for being alive .

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 7 днів тому

      That sounds absolutely serene! 😊 It’s wonderful that both Emmy and the cat are at peace with the calming sounds of nature. The peacefulness of the sea and wind truly reminds us to be grateful for life’s simple moments. Thank you for sharing this beautiful scene! 🌊🌬️💖

  • @cupcakesmom0828
    @cupcakesmom0828 9 днів тому

    Emmy is snoring so loud she woke up the cat. Beautiful music.

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 8 днів тому

      Haha, that's adorable! 😊 Sounds like Emmy is getting some deep rest with the help of the music. Hopefully, the cat can join in on the relaxation soon! 🐶😹💤 Thank you for sharing this cute moment! 🎶💖

  • @HealingNadanMusic
    @HealingNadanMusic 9 днів тому

    To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life. 🙏

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 8 днів тому

      What a beautiful and heartfelt message! 🙏 Thank you for sharing such uplifting and comforting words. I hope the same for you and for anyone reading this - may peace, clarity, and joy fill your life. 💖🌟

  • @andreshunggar
    @andreshunggar 10 днів тому

    mis 4 perros duermen como bebes con esta musica jaja, es impresionante, muchas gracias!!

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 10 днів тому

      ¡Qué lindo saber que tus 4 perritos duermen como bebés con esta música! 😊🐶 Me alegra mucho que les ayude a relajarse. ¡Gracias a ti por compartirlo! No dudes en suscribirte para más música relajante para ellos. 🎶💖

  • @ForYourPets
    @ForYourPets 11 днів тому

    The sound is very relaxing🥰

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 11 днів тому

      I'm so glad you find the sound relaxing! 🥰 If you're enjoying it, feel free to subscribe for more calming music. Thank you for listening! 🎶💖

  • @HealingDogMusic166
    @HealingDogMusic166 11 днів тому

    This music is a part of our bedtime routine now. It helps my dog relax and drift off to sleep. So grateful for this!

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 11 днів тому

      I'm so happy to hear that this music has become part of your bedtime routine and helps your dog relax! 🐶💖 It’s wonderful to know it brings comfort and peace. Thank you for sharing, and feel free to subscribe for more soothing tunes! 🎶😊

  • @QD2-k4l
    @QD2-k4l 11 днів тому

    beautiful picture and so warm . ❤❤❤❤❤

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 11 днів тому

      Thank you! 😊 I'm glad you found it beautiful and warm. It's always wonderful to share something that brings comfort and joy! 🌟

  • @행복튜브-m8m
    @행복튜브-m8m 11 днів тому

    귀여운 개새끼❤

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 11 днів тому

      고맙습니다! 😊 그렇게 생각하셔서 기쁩니다. 개는 정말 귀여움으로 기쁨을 가져다주는 특별한 방법이 있거든요! 🐶💖

  • @jaywalden7690
    @jaywalden7690 12 днів тому

    “NO ADS”, huh? Well, now, that’s certainly a lie…!

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 12 днів тому

      I'm really sorry for the inconvenience! It’s frustrating when ads interrupt the experience, especially when relaxation is the goal. I appreciate your understanding, and we’re always working on ways to improve the content. Thank you for your feedback! 🙏

  • @rdls9121
    @rdls9121 13 днів тому

    Please say a prayer for my dog Monty who is battling health issues. 🙏 I play this music for him to comfort him.

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 13 днів тому

      I’m sending love and positive thoughts for Monty. 🙏 May he find comfort and healing, and may this music bring him peace during this tough time. Stay strong, Monty! 💖🐾

    • @terianderson3197
      @terianderson3197 11 днів тому

      sending positive energy to Monty - bless his wee heart 💖

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 11 днів тому

      @@terianderson3197 Thank you so much for sending positive energy to Monty! 💖 I'm sure he feels the love and support. Bless his little heart, and may he continue to find strength and comfort. 🙏🐾

    • @rdls9121
      @rdls9121 10 днів тому

  • @딸기망고_tgmg
    @딸기망고_tgmg 13 днів тому

    So relaxing❤

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 13 днів тому

      I'm so glad you found it relaxing! ❤ If you enjoy the music, feel free to subscribe for more calming tunes. Thanks for listening! 🎶😊

  • @DogSleepMusicăâ
    @DogSleepMusicăâ 13 днів тому

    My cute dogs have become more obedient when listening to this music. I use this music to help my little friends sleep better.

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 13 днів тому

      That's amazing to hear! I'm so glad the music is helping your dogs not only relax but also become more obedient. 🐶💖 It's wonderful that it's part of their sleep routine now. Thank you for sharing, and feel free to subscribe for more soothing tunes for your little friends! 🎶😊

  • @DarkoDixit
    @DarkoDixit 14 днів тому

    😺 Terrible canal ☢ Échale un ojo a mi material! 🙌

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 14 днів тому

      Lamento que no hayas disfrutado del canal 😅. Aprecio tu comentario y siempre estamos buscando maneras de mejorar. ¡Le echaré un ojo a tu material! ¡Gracias por compartir! 🙌

  • @sandrasuleimaandradehernan1618
    @sandrasuleimaandradehernan1618 14 днів тому

  • @ThePeacefulSleep
    @ThePeacefulSleep 14 днів тому

    So good video 😍😍😍

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 14 днів тому

      Thank you so much! 😊 I'm glad you enjoyed the video. If you'd like more content like this, feel free to subscribe to the channel for more relaxing and uplifting videos! 🎶💖

    • @MusicForDogs2024
      @MusicForDogs2024 14 днів тому

      so many channels for Dog 🙃🙃

    • @yamilethsolanoaguero8529
      @yamilethsolanoaguero8529 14 днів тому

      Hermoso video le ayudó a mis perros

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 14 днів тому

      @@yamilethsolanoaguero8529 ¡Me alegra mucho saber que el video ayudó a tus perros! 🐶💖 Gracias por compartir tu experiencia. Si te gustó, no olvides suscribirte para más música relajante para ellos. 🎶😊

  • @ForYourPets
    @ForYourPets 17 днів тому

    Amazing sounds for dogs🥰

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 17 днів тому

      Thank you so much! I'm glad you're enjoying the sounds for dogs. If you find it helpful for your furry friend, feel free to subscribe for more relaxing tunes tailored just for them! 🐶🎶💖

  • @blancaricardo2280
    @blancaricardo2280 17 днів тому

    Maravilloso mi Pakito se duerme al momento

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 17 днів тому

      ¡Qué maravilla! 😊 Me alegra saber que Pakito se duerme tan rápido con la música. Gracias por compartir tu experiencia, y si te gusta, no olvides suscribirte para más música relajante para él. 🐾🎶💖

  • @マキ岡本
    @マキ岡本 17 днів тому


  • @corgisleep6886
    @corgisleep6886 18 днів тому

    This is great for reducing my dog's anxiety during stressful situations. Highly recommend!

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 18 днів тому

      I'm so glad to hear that the music is helping reduce your dog's anxiety! Thank you for the recommendation, and if you'd like more calming tunes for your pup, feel free to subscribe to our channel for more stress-relief music. 🐶🎶💖

  • @nelsonmunoz985
    @nelsonmunoz985 18 днів тому

    Linda música, mi mascota se relajó. Graciasss😊

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 18 днів тому

      ¡Qué alegría saber que la música ayudó a tu mascota a relajarse! 😊 Gracias a ti por escucharnos y compartir tu experiencia. ¡No olvides suscribirte al canal para más melodías relajantes para ti y tu mascota! 🎵🐾

  • @HealingMusic0803
    @HealingMusic0803 18 днів тому

    Playing this music to help my dog sleep after she ran away and got lost in the woods for 22 hours and ended up 3 streets down at a neighbors house now is home safe

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 18 днів тому

      I'm so relieved to hear that your dog made it home safely after such a stressful experience! 🐾 It must have been such a scary time. I'm glad the music is helping her relax and recover. Sending lots of love and calm vibes to both of you! 💖🎶🐶

  • @giangnguyen-qk9ni
    @giangnguyen-qk9ni 18 днів тому

    Nguồn nhạc Bạn lấy từ đâu cho tôi lấy vợi

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 18 днів тому

      Thank you for sharing, and if you haven't yet, feel free to subscribe for more calming tunes for your furry friends! 🐶🎶💖

  • @DreamyDogs66
    @DreamyDogs66 19 днів тому

    To anybody who's reading this, I pray that whatever is hurting you or whatever you are constantly stressing about gets better. May the dark thoughts, the overthinking, and the doubt exit your mind. May clarity replace confusion. May peace and calmness fill your life.

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 19 днів тому

      Thank you for such thoughtful and uplifting words. Your kindness and compassion mean a lot. I truly hope the same for you - may peace, clarity, and happiness surround you always. 💖🙏

  • @HealingDogMusic166
    @HealingDogMusic166 19 днів тому

    Everyone who reads this, we don't know each other and probably never will but I wish you all the best in life and all the luck in the world

    • @PeacefulPetDreams
      @PeacefulPetDreams 19 днів тому

      Thank you so much for your heartfelt wishes! It’s beautiful to see such positive and generous sentiments. Wishing you all the best in your journey as well, and may you find happiness and success in everything you do. 🌟💖