Binocular Base
Binocular Base
  • 311
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The Moorhen: Close Up HD Footage (Gallinula chloropus) #birds #birding #wildlife #birdwatching
Moorhens are common water birds you'll spot around ponds and lakes in the UK. They've got dark feathers that look almost black, with a bit of white on their sides and bottom. What really stands out is their bright red beak with a yellow tip - you can't miss it! These birds are pretty good swimmers, but they're not too shabby on land either. They've got long toes that help them walk on floating plants without sinking.
Moorhens eat all sorts - plants, small animals, and even eggs sometimes. They're not fussy! When it comes to nesting, both mum and dad pitch in. They build their nests near water, using whatever bits and bobs they can find. The chicks are proper cute, all fluffy and black. They can swim almost straight away, but mum and dad keep a close eye on them for a while. Moorhens are tough little birds and can live in all sorts of watery places, from city parks to countryside streams.
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The Marsh Warbler: Close Up HD Footage (Acrocephalus palustris) #birds #birding #wildlife
Переглядів 214 годин тому
The Marsh Warbler is a small bird that likes to stay hidden. It's about the size of a sparrow and has brown feathers on top with lighter colours underneath. These clever birds can copy the sounds of lots of other birds - up to 200 different kinds! Marsh Warblers fly all the way from Africa to Europe each spring to have their babies. They build nests in tall plants near water, like in reed beds ...
The Marsh Tit: Close Up HD Footage (Poecile palustris) #birds #birdwatching #wildlife #birdlife
Переглядів 121 годину тому
The Marsh Tit is a small bird you might spot in woodlands across the UK. Despite its name, you won't find it in marshes - it actually prefers old forests with lots of oak and beech trees. These little birds are about the size of a Blue Tit and look quite similar to their cousins, the Willow Tit. Marsh Tits have a shiny black cap, white cheeks, and greyish-brown feathers on their back and wings....
The Marsh Harrier: Close Up HD Footage (Circus aeruginosus) #birds #wildlife #birdwatching
Переглядів 2День тому
Marsh Harriers, known scientifically as Circus aeruginosus, are impressive birds of prey that call wetlands home. You'll find them across Europe and Asia, often swooping low over marshes and reedbeds. These big birds are hard to miss with their long wings and tails. One interesting thing about Marsh Harriers is that males and females look quite different. The blokes are mostly brown with grey w...
The Mandarin Duck: Close Up HD Footage (Aix galericulata) #birds #wildlife #birdwatching
Переглядів 1День тому
The Mandarin Duck, or Aix galericulata, is a really pretty bird from East Asia. The males are super colourful, with bright orange "sails" on their backs and a red beak. Females are more plain, mostly brown with white spots. These ducks live in forests near water, like ponds and streams. They're ace at flying through trees and often nest in holes high up in trunks. Mandarin Ducks eat all sorts o...
The Mallard: Close Up HD Footage (Anas platyrhynchos) #birds #birdwatching #birdlife #wildlife
Переглядів 114 днів тому
Mallards are the most common ducks you'll see in the UK. They're easy to spot - the males have shiny green heads and grey bodies, while the females are mottled brown. You'll find them in all sorts of watery places, from ponds and rivers to city parks. These ducks aren't fussy eaters. They'll munch on plants, insects, and even small fish. They're famous for their loud "quack" sound, which you ca...
The Magpie: Close Up HD Footage ((Pica pica) #birds #birding #birdwatching #wildlife
Переглядів 221 день тому
Magpies are clever birds you'll often see in the UK. They're part of the crow family and have a distinct black and white look. These birds are pretty big, about the size of a pigeon, with long tails that shimmer green and purple in the sun. Magpies are known for being smart and curious. They'll eat just about anything, from insects and small animals to berries and even rubbish. You might spot t...
The Long Tailed Tit: Close Up HD Footage (Aegithalos caudatus) #birds #birdslover #wildlife
Переглядів 121 день тому
Ever seen a Long-Tailed Tit? These cute little birds are a common sight in British gardens and woods. They're dead easy to spot with their roundish bodies and super long tails - almost as long as the rest of them! Their black and white feathers are topped off with a lovely pink colour on their shoulders. These sociable birds love to hang out in family groups, chirping away with their high-pitch...
The Long Tailed Duck: Close Up HD Footage (Clangula hyemalis) #birds #birding #birdslover #wildlife
Переглядів 321 день тому
The Long-Tailed Duck, with the scientific name Clangula hyemalis, is a bird native to the Arctic and sub-Arctic zones. Males are known for their long, elegant tail feathers during the breeding season. These ducks are adept at diving, often plunging into the water to find food like shellfish and small fish. In the winter months, they migrate to less icy areas. They are social birds and frequentl...
The Long Eared Owl: Close Up HD Footage (Asio otus) #birds #birdlife #birdwatching #wildlife
Переглядів 221 день тому
The Long-Eared Owl, or Asio otus, is a brilliant bird you might spot in the UK. These owls are proper masters of disguise, with feathers that look just like tree bark. They've got these tall ear tufts that make them look a bit grumpy, but they're not ears at all - just feathers! These owls are night owls through and through. They sleep all day in trees and come out at night to hunt. They've got...
The Little Tern: Close Up HD Footage (Sternula albifrons) #birds #birding #birdwatching #wildlife
Переглядів 521 день тому
The Little Tern, scientifically known as Sternula albifrons, is a small seabird often found along coastlines. With a wingspan of around 50 cm, it’s easy to spot due to its white forehead, black cap, and slender build. These birds are excellent fishers, diving into the water to catch small fish and other marine life. They breed in colonies on sandy or shingle beaches, where they lay their eggs i...
The Little Ringed Plover: Close Up HD Footage (Charadrius dubius) #birds #birdwatching #wildlife
Переглядів 128 днів тому
The Little Ringed Plover is a small wading bird that likes to live near water. You can find them around lakes, rivers, and even gravel pits. These birds are quite small, about the size of a sparrow, with brown and white feathers. They've got a black band across their head and a yellow ring around their eyes. These clever birds are good at hiding their nests. They make them on the ground, often ...
The Little Owl: Close Up HD Footage (Athene noctua) #birds #birdwatching #birdlovers #wildlife
Переглядів 1Місяць тому
Little Owls, also known as Athene noctua, are quite small owls. They're often found in Europe, North Africa, and parts of Asia. These birds like to live in open areas, like farmland and grasslands. They're not afraid of humans and can often be seen in towns and villages. Little Owls are nocturnal, meaning they're most active at night. They hunt for small creatures like insects, rodents, and bir...
The Little Grebe: Close Up HD Footage (Tachybaptus ruficollis) #birds #birdwatching #wildlife
Переглядів 1Місяць тому
The Little Grebe, known to scientists as Tachybaptus ruficollis, is a small water bird you might spot on ponds and lakes across the UK. These cute little fellas are about the size of a blackbird, making them one of the smallest water birds around. They're pretty good swimmers and can dive underwater for up to half a minute to catch small fish and insects. In summer, Little Grebes have a reddish...
The Little Egret: Close Up HD Footage (Egretta garzetta) #birds #birding #birdlife #wildlife
Переглядів 5Місяць тому
The Little Egret is a small white heron that's become more common in the UK recently. These birds are easy to spot with their bright white feathers, black legs, and yellow feet. They're about 60 cm tall and have a long, thin black beak perfect for catching fish. Little Egrets like to hang out in shallow water, where they hunt for small fish, frogs, and insects. You might see them wading in coas...
The Linnet: Close Up HD Footage (Linaria cannabina) #birds #birding #wildlifephotography #wildlife
Переглядів 2Місяць тому
The Linnet: Close Up HD Footage (Linaria cannabina) #birds #birding #wildlifephotography #wildlife
The Lesser Whitethroat: Close Up HD Footage (Curruca curruca) #birds #birding #wildlife #birdlife
Переглядів 4Місяць тому
The Lesser Whitethroat: Close Up HD Footage (Curruca curruca) #birds #birding #wildlife #birdlife
The Lesser Spotted Woodpecker: Close Up HD Footage (Dendrocopos minor) #birds #wildlife #birdlife
Переглядів 2Місяць тому
The Lesser Spotted Woodpecker: Close Up HD Footage (Dendrocopos minor) #birds #wildlife #birdlife
The Lapwing: Close Up HD Footage (Vanellus vanellus) #birds #wildlifephotography #wildlife
Переглядів 2Місяць тому
The Lapwing: Close Up HD Footage (Vanellus vanellus) #birds #wildlifephotography #wildlife
The Knot: Close Up HD Footage (Calidris canutus) #birds #birdwatching #wildlife #wildlifephotography
Переглядів 3Місяць тому
The Knot: Close Up HD Footage (Calidris canutus) #birds #birdwatching #wildlife #wildlifephotography
The Kingfisher: Close Up HD Footage (Alcedo atthis) #birds #birdlife #wildlifephotography #wildlife
Переглядів 4Місяць тому
The Kingfisher: Close Up HD Footage (Alcedo atthis) #birds #birdlife #wildlifephotography #wildlife
The Kestrel: Close Up HD Footage (Falco tinnunculus) #birds #birding #birdwatching #wildlife
Переглядів 5Місяць тому
The Kestrel: Close Up HD Footage (Falco tinnunculus) #birds #birding #birdwatching #wildlife
The Jay: Close Up HD Footage (Garrulus glandarius) #birds #birding #birdlife #wildlife #birdslover
Переглядів 4Місяць тому
The Jay: Close Up HD Footage (Garrulus glandarius) #birds #birding #birdlife #wildlife #birdslover
The Jackdaw: Close Up HD Footage (Corvus monedula) #birds #birding #birdlife #wildlife
Переглядів 3Місяць тому
The Jackdaw: Close Up HD Footage (Corvus monedula) #birds #birding #birdlife #wildlife
The House Sparrow: Close Up HD Footage (Passer domesticus) #birds #birdinglife #birdlife #wildlife
Переглядів 4Місяць тому
The House Sparrow: Close Up HD Footage (Passer domesticus) #birds #birdinglife #birdlife #wildlife
The House Martin: Close Up HD Footage (Delichon urbicum) #birds #birding #birdlife #wildlife
Переглядів 15Місяць тому
The House Martin: Close Up HD Footage (Delichon urbicum) #birds #birding #birdlife #wildlife
The Hoopoe: Close Up HD Footage (Upupa epops) #birds #birding #birdlife #wildlife #birdwatching
Переглядів 2Місяць тому
The Hoopoe: Close Up HD Footage (Upupa epops) #birds #birding #birdlife #wildlife #birdwatching
The Hooded Crow: Close Up HD Footage (Corvus cornix) #birds #birding #birdlife #wildlife
Переглядів 9Місяць тому
The Hooded Crow: Close Up HD Footage (Corvus cornix) #birds #birding #birdlife #wildlife
The Honey Buzzard: Close Up HD Footage (Pernis apivorus) #birds #birding #birdlife #wildlife
Переглядів 10Місяць тому
The Honey Buzzard: Close Up HD Footage (Pernis apivorus) #birds #birding #birdlife #wildlife
The Hobby: Close Up HD Footage (Falco subbuteo) #birds #birdlife #wildlife #birdwatching
Переглядів 3Місяць тому
The Hobby: Close Up HD Footage (Falco subbuteo) #birds #birdlife #wildlife #birdwatching


  • @Phuong.Nguyen-
    @Phuong.Nguyen- 12 днів тому

    So cute ❤😊 and please stay connected

  • @FocusedNatureAndWildlifeByAJ
    @FocusedNatureAndWildlifeByAJ 26 днів тому

    Wow, amazing video ❤❤❤

  • @FocusedNatureAndWildlifeByAJ
    @FocusedNatureAndWildlifeByAJ 27 днів тому

    Beautiful video ❤

  • @LamJiang
    @LamJiang Місяць тому

    Beautilfu !

  • @lastllamajedi6588
    @lastllamajedi6588 2 місяці тому

    My baby eren

  • @LamJiang
    @LamJiang 2 місяці тому

    beautiful bird sub & like

  • @Jonkunniminenjuttu
    @Jonkunniminenjuttu 2 місяці тому

    I would really like to see a close up footage of a great tit. But im not talking about the bird now. Though the bird is nice too.

  • @FocusedNatureAndWildlifeByAJ
    @FocusedNatureAndWildlifeByAJ 2 місяці тому

    Beautiful video ❤❤❤

  • @FocusedNatureAndWildlifeByAJ
    @FocusedNatureAndWildlifeByAJ 2 місяці тому

    Beautiful photos and video ❤👍

  • @capturingnaturewithsandip
    @capturingnaturewithsandip 3 місяці тому

    Nice and beautiful video. Thanks for sharing & big like

  • @tylerphom
    @tylerphom 3 місяці тому

    Good stuff😊

  • @pdougalis
    @pdougalis 3 місяці тому

    the flying bird is a black kite but not a Golden eagle

  • @NapoleonCalland
    @NapoleonCalland 3 місяці тому

    👍 N°1 🦅 🦁 ☀️ 🐝 ⚡ 🦅 ⚡ 🐝 ☀️ 🦁

  • @indyreno2933
    @indyreno2933 3 місяці тому

    You got the scientific name of the northern black grouse completely wrong, its correct scientific name is actually Lyrurus tetrix.

  • @indyreno2933
    @indyreno2933 3 місяці тому

    You got the scientific name of the bewick's swan completely wrong, its correct scientific name is actually Cygnus bewickii.

  • @indyreno2933
    @indyreno2933 3 місяці тому

    You got the scientific name of the barnacle goose completely wrong, its correct scientific name is actually Berniculus leucopsis.

  • @indyreno2933
    @indyreno2933 3 місяці тому

    You got the scientific name of the eared grebe completely wrong, its correct scientific name is actually Pliodytes nigricollis.

  • @indyreno2933
    @indyreno2933 3 місяці тому

    You got the scientific name of the arctic loon completely wrong, its correct scientific name is actually Coracopotamus arcticus.

  • @indyreno2933
    @indyreno2933 3 місяці тому

    You got the scientific name of the canada goose completely wrong, its correct scientific name is actually Melanoleucocephalus canadensis.

  • @FocusedNatureAndWildlifeByAJ
    @FocusedNatureAndWildlifeByAJ 3 місяці тому

    Beautiful birds and video 😍 👍

  • @FocusedNatureAndWildlifeByAJ
    @FocusedNatureAndWildlifeByAJ 3 місяці тому

    Wow, wonderful video ❤

  • @FocusedNatureAndWildlifeByAJ
    @FocusedNatureAndWildlifeByAJ 4 місяці тому

    Beautiful video 😍👍

  • @beckydillard7353
    @beckydillard7353 4 місяці тому

    Canadian goose

  • @andycollins7215
    @andycollins7215 4 місяці тому

    Canada goose, may be.

  • @DoraJacinto-yy7tu
    @DoraJacinto-yy7tu 4 місяці тому


  • @anilprasadpv
    @anilprasadpv 4 місяці тому

    The gox in the back=🖕

  • @albertszymczak8721
    @albertszymczak8721 Рік тому

    Jakie masz ustawienia w nocy ?

  • @davidmartin3746
    @davidmartin3746 Рік тому

    nice of you to show potential customers what they will be seeing when they look through the unit, are you an idiot? did you marry your wife without seeing her first? dumb ass, how do you miss this, a device you look through is a total mystery to the customers who will be LOOKING through it, let me guess, you never look at prices before you buy stuff, its a mystery right, what an ass clown you are, i mean really bro, you're an idiot.