謝隆廣Long-Kwang Hsieh
謝隆廣Long-Kwang Hsieh
  • 1 528
  • 313 122
Taiwan-Kaohsiung City 高雄市-田文筆創作個展 Tian Wenbi's Creation Solo Exhibition 音樂:伊伯特-港口素描 Music : Ibert
On the evening of December 15, 2024, I was going to the Kaohsiung City Cultural Center to watch a Min Dong musical drama, Because I arrived early, I saw a personal painting exhibition in Zhizhen Hall, so I went to visit and discovered the paintings of this painter. It's my favorite genre, and it's very high-quality, so I made this documentary.
畫家田文筆先生1978 生於台灣屏東縣琉球鄉,畢業於國立台灣藝術大學版畫藝術研究所,現任畫東畫西畫會會長、田文筆美術補習班負責人。曾獲許多大獎。Painter Mr. Tian Wenbi was born in Liuqiu Township, Pingtung County, Taiwan in 1978. He graduated from the Institute of Printmaking Art at the National Taiwan University of Arts. He is currently the president of the Hua Dong Hua Xi Painting Association and the head of Tian Wenbi's art cram school. Has won many awards.
Переглядів: 60


VIENNA-Tram Nr. 2 from Paliament to City Park-2號電車自國會到市立公園
Переглядів 3519 годин тому
國會大廈美麗的外貌,風格來自希臘,與羅馬類似。是維也納最重要的景點。The beautiful appearance of the Parliament Building has a style from Greece, similar to Rome. It is the most important attraction in Vienna. 影片記錄著,搭2路電車往市立公園的沿路景象,途中經過國立博物館、歌劇院、國王大飯店等環城大道上的著名建築。The video records the scene along the way on the No. 2 tram to the City Park, passing by famous buildings on the Ring Road such as the National Museum, the Opera House, ...
VIENNA -A Tour to Prater Amusment Park 維也納普拉特遊樂場之旅
Переглядів 65День тому
孩童們的歡樂尖叫聲,與成人們愉悅的笑容,構成了一片歡樂的世界。The children's screams of joy and the adults' joyful smiles constitute a joyful world. 與我三十多年前來訪時相比,遊樂的設施精進了不少,似乎更刺激,也更安全,聲光俱美! Compared with when I visited more than 30 years ago, the amusement facilities have improved a lot. They seem to be more exciting and safer, and the sound and light are beautiful! 搭捷運、火車、公車或自行開車等,皆可輕鬆到達。It can be easily reached by taking t...
Taiwan -The Russian preachers in Taipei台北西門町-一群來自俄羅斯的宣道者
Переглядів 10721 день тому
很偶然的在台北西門町.遇到了來自莫斯科的瑜珈宣道團,一面唱一面跳舞,初以為來自印度,後來問了她們,才知道是來自俄羅斯,為這一地區帶來了歡樂的氣息 By chance, I met a yoga missionary group from Moscow in Ximending, Taipei. They sang and danced at the same time. I thought they were from India at first, but after asking them, I found out that they were from Russia, bringing a joyful atmosphere to this area.
VIENNA- Hundertwasser Village Overview 百水村概覽-Music :Stockhausen & Beethoven音樂: 史托克豪森&貝多芬
Переглядів 6121 день тому
百水先生幾乎是奧地利20世紀末期最有名的藝術家,他的作品中,最常見的主題是對直線、鮮亮的顏色、有機結構、人類和自然的調和和強烈的個人主義 他的作品遍布歐洲許多城市,美國也有其蹤影。2000年病逝於紐西蘭。Mr. Hundertwasser is almost the most famous artist in Austria in the late 20th century. The most common themes in his works are straight lines, bright colors, organic structures, the harmony of humans and nature, and strong individualism. His works can be found in many European cities and can a...
VIENNA-Schlosse Belvedere 美景宮-近代重要畫作 Famous modern paintings
Переглядів 9328 днів тому
許多年代較近的年輕畫家,展現了創意及精美的色彩調配,令人眼光一亮!There are many young painters from recent times who have shown creativity and exquisite color matching, which is eye-catching! 很可惜,許多畫作標示著禁止拍攝,因此只能提供允許拍攝的部分。 Unfortunately, many of the paintings are marked as prohibited from photography, so only the permitted portions are available.
VIENNA-Palace Belvedere-precious artwork美景宮-珍貴的古代藝術品
Переглядів 83Місяць тому
除了300多年前的,高超技藝畫家-法蘭茲.安東.莫爾伯特奇(Franz Anton Maulbertsch)的主題展外,也有許多珍貴的宗教性雕刻,都非常精緻優美,顯現出巴洛克時期的精美藝術。 In addition to the themed exhibition of Franz Anton Maulbertsch, a highly skilled painter from 300 years ago, there are also many exquisite religious sculptures, all of which are very delicate and beautiful, showing the exquisite art of the Baroque period.
VIENNA-Belvedere Palace-Beautiful scenery inside and outside 美景宮-內外美景速覽
Переглядів 87Місяць тому
很美的白色建築,裡面有許多展覽室,分別展出古代精美藝術及近代畫作精品。本片主要介紹其外貌及格局。 It is a beautiful white building with many exhibition rooms displaying ancient fine art and modern paintings. This film mainly introduces its appearance and layout. 前方有遼闊的景觀外,宮殿後面的花園景色極佳,視野遼闊,很適合散步。 In addition to the vast landscape in front, the garden behind the palace has an excellent view and a broad view, which is very suitable for walking. .
VIENNA- International Cristian Church 維也納-國際基督教教會
Переглядів 109Місяць тому
由於同行夥伴羅先生,是非常虔誠的基督徒,適逢星期日,他想到維也納少有的基督教會作禮拜,所以我陪他前往,因此編了這段紀錄影片。 Since my traveling companion, Mr. Luo, is a very devout Christian, he wanted to worship at a rare Christian church in Vienna on Sunday, so I accompanied him there and compiled this documentary video.
Kubin-Special Exhibition-2 (VIENNA) Albertina Modern 庫賓特展-2
Переглядів 44Місяць тому
奧地利藝術家Alfred Kubin(1877-1959)的作品,數量極多,內容甚有創意。他是象徵主義和表現主義的重要代表。 並以黑暗、幽靈、象徵性的幻想而聞名,這些幻想經常被組裝成主題系列的繪畫。 It mainly displays the Works such as prints and watercolors of Austrian artist Alfred Kubin (1877-1959), which are extremely large in number and very creative in content. He is an important representative of symbolism and expressionism. and is known for dark, ghostly, symbolic fantasies that are ...
Kubin Special Exhibition (1) Albertina Modern (VIENNA)- 庫賓特展(1) 維也納-阿爾貝緹娜現代館 Music : Dutilleux (杜蒂勒)
Переглядів 81Місяць тому
主要是展示奧地利藝術家Alfred Kubin(1877-1959)的版畫及水彩等的作品,數量極多,內容甚有創意。他是象徵主義和表現主義的重要代表。 並以黑暗、幽靈、象徵性的幻想而聞名,這些幻想經常被組裝成主題系列的繪畫。 It mainly displays the Works such as prints and watercolors of Austrian artist Alfred Kubin (1877-1959), which are extremely large in number and very creative in content. He is an important representative of symbolism and expressionism. and is known for dark, ghostly, symbolic fantasi...
Vienna-Albertina Modern 阿爾貝緹娜現代藝術館速覽Quick overview-music : Messiaen 音樂:梅湘
Переглядів 70Місяць тому
經過多年的整修,終於開放參觀了! 雖然規模不是很大,但是裡外仍然有一股堂皇氣勢。After many years of renovation, it is finally open to visitors! Although the scale is not very large, it still has a majestic atmosphere inside and outside. 展示的內容,都是由一些年輕的藝術家提供,各有其想法和特色。The contents displayed are all provided by some young artists, each with their own ideas and characteristics. 在地下室展出的 Alfred Kubin 特展,很有特色,非常值得參觀,本人將接著把參觀紀錄,陸續編成影片,以饗共好! T...
Brno(Czech republic) Castle Tour 城堡之旅 Music : Dvorak 德布札克
Переглядів 89Місяць тому
早晨在酒店用了早餐後就出發,到達了自由廣場,經過了聖.米歇爾教堂及新市府附近,也進去Barvič and Novotný書店觀賞書籍一陣子,接著經過了大學旁邊,就到達城堡公園入口了。After having breakfast at the hotel in the morning, we set off to Liberty Square, passed St. Michael's Church and near the New City Hall, and went to the Barvič and Novotný bookstore to browse books for a while. Then we passed next to the university and arrived at the Castle Park. Entrance. 城堡位在高崗上,路途有些陡峭...
Brno (Czech Republic)典雅而著名的書局-Barvic Novotny Book store. Music from A. Dvorak
Переглядів 61Місяць тому
這是一間很優雅而特別的書店,標示著以藝術,音樂,旅遊等為主題等而開設的。This is a very elegant and special bookstore, marked with themes such as art, music, travel, etc. 1883 年 7 月 12 日, 約瑟夫·巴爾維克 (Josef Barvič)創辦了這一家「書店、音樂和藝術品商店” 。約瑟夫·諾沃特尼(Josef Novotný,1881-1952)在此開始學徒生涯,並於 1900 年,19 歲時獲得了經理的職位。 1909年,Barvič與Novotný成為合作夥伴,公司名稱正式改為「Barvič and Novotný」。於 1992 年2月29日開業。2017年,進行了重大的翻修。On July 12, 1883, Josef Barvič founded this "boo...
Brno (Czech republic) 捷克-布魯諾音樂慶典 2004 Festival Brno -(29th. August 2024)
Переглядів 652 місяці тому
Brno (Czech republic) 捷克-布魯諾音樂慶典 2004 Festival Brno -(29th. August 2024)
Brno (Czech Republic)捷克-布魯諾市-到達及漫遊 Arrival & Roming-Music : Dvorak
Переглядів 1602 місяці тому
Brno (Czech Republic)捷克-布魯諾市-到達及漫遊 Arrival & Roming-Music : Dvorak
VIENNA-Albertina Museum 阿爾貝蒂娜博物館-現代繪畫及貝蕾欣特展 Modern & Eva Beresin Exhibiton
Переглядів 1202 місяці тому
VIENNA-Albertina Museum 阿爾貝蒂娜博物館-現代繪畫及貝蕾欣特展 Modern & Eva Beresin Exhibiton
VIENNA -Albertina Museum (2) 現代名家繪畫 (2) Modern Painting
Переглядів 1212 місяці тому
VIENNA -Albertina Museum (2) 現代名家繪畫 (2) Modern Painting
VIENNA Albertina Museum印象派及近代名家繪畫(1) Impression & Modern Paintings
Переглядів 1622 місяці тому
VIENNA Albertina Museum印象派及近代名家繪畫(1) Impression & Modern Paintings
Vienna Musikverein & Yo-Yo Ma concert 音樂之友協會及馬友友音樂會2024 Sep.4th.
Переглядів 3072 місяці тому
Vienna Musikverein & Yo-Yo Ma concert 音樂之友協會及馬友友音樂會2024 Sep.4th.
Zurich (Schweizland) 蘇黎世(瑞士)老城區及美術館速覽 Old town & Kunsthaus Quick
Переглядів 703 місяці тому
Zurich (Schweizland) 蘇黎世(瑞士)老城區及美術館速覽 Old town & Kunsthaus Quick
Geneva (Switzerland) 日內瓦(瑞士)聖母聖殿教堂美麗的彩繪玻璃 Beautiful stained glass
Переглядів 654 місяці тому
Geneva (Switzerland) 日內瓦(瑞士)聖母聖殿教堂美麗的彩繪玻璃 Beautiful stained glass
Geneva (Switzerland)) 日內瓦(瑞士)老城區全速覽 Old town Full overview
Переглядів 644 місяці тому
Geneva (Switzerland)) 日內瓦(瑞士)老城區全速覽 Old town Full overview
Stein am Rhein (Switzerland) 萊茵河畔施泰因(瑞士)閃爍的明珠 A shining Pearl
Переглядів 794 місяці тому
Stein am Rhein (Switzerland) 萊茵河畔施泰因(瑞士)閃爍的明珠 A shining Pearl
Memmingen(Germany)梅明根(德國)美麗的老城.Beautiful Ancent city- Q. Overview
Переглядів 995 місяців тому
Memmingen(Germany)梅明根(德國)美麗的老城.Beautiful Ancent city- Q. Overview
Wernigerode(Germany) 維尼格羅德(德國) 美麗的古老小鎮 Beautiful Old Town
Переглядів 1505 місяців тому
Wernigerode(Germany) 維尼格羅德(德國) 美麗的古老小鎮 Beautiful Old Town
Neubrandenburg(Germany)新布蘭登堡(德國)古城牆與4座城門 Ancient wall & 4 Gates
Переглядів 726 місяців тому
Neubrandenburg(Germany)新布蘭登堡(德國)古城牆與4座城門 Ancient wall & 4 Gates


  • @jtsang9724
    @jtsang9724 8 днів тому

    i am jack

    • @LongKwangHsieh
      @LongKwangHsieh 8 днів тому

      Hi! Thank you very much! Hope to keep in touch!

    • @LongKwangHsieh
      @LongKwangHsieh 5 днів тому

      How can I contact you? Do you have LINE?

  • @jtsang9724
    @jtsang9724 8 днів тому


  • @n.f.7342
    @n.f.7342 8 днів тому

    you can see Stockhausen at the soundboard at the end of the video

  • @vincentyeung1538
    @vincentyeung1538 20 днів тому


  • @ZonaJiang
    @ZonaJiang Місяць тому


    • @LongKwangHsieh
      @LongKwangHsieh Місяць тому

      非常感謝您的讚美! 但實在也沒有甚麼,我只是覺得行萬里路勝讀萬卷書,開展眼界放寬胸懷,我們所知的世界只是廣大宇宙之一粒塵埃而已!

    • @ZonaJiang
      @ZonaJiang Місяць тому

      @@LongKwangHsieh 真心感謝您在異國走訪之奇趣與自得其樂,讓我可轉念對服務、情感、學習及考試所受之挫。令人想起,曹操當時以忘梅止渴之方,解除行軍途中的困難,讓士兵到達了前方的水源。您的短片,正似前方那座大梅林,讓我動心忍性、曾益其所不能,您輕鬆愉悅的助益提攜了我:不輕易放棄高難度的理想。

  • @ZonaJiang
    @ZonaJiang Місяць тому


  • @张萌-x9t
    @张萌-x9t Місяць тому


  • @吳子恕
    @吳子恕 2 місяці тому


    • @LongKwangHsieh
      @LongKwangHsieh 2 місяці тому

      吳先生您好! 因為沒有注意信息,很抱歉!遲遲回覆,建議您採用Windows的編輯軟體.我用了好幾年,感覺它是非專業人士最適合採用的.謝謝關心!

  • @Jinntsai
    @Jinntsai 3 місяці тому


  • @josef4692
    @josef4692 4 місяці тому

    Awesome. I thought this stuff was to weird to exist here on YT.

  • @Olis_edits
    @Olis_edits 4 місяці тому

    Have you seen a mustache guy?

  • @philippecate964
    @philippecate964 4 місяці тому

    I don't understand the interest of this video ... nothing particular to show ; no explanation ; not a single word ...

  • @minhhoangtrinhngoc770
    @minhhoangtrinhngoc770 5 місяців тому

    Click bait

  • @Castellans
    @Castellans 5 місяців тому

    One rejection from art school got 6 million of my fellow Jews killed who ever rejected him changed the world unknowingly

    • @firey7710
      @firey7710 Місяць тому

      Why only jews are mentioned?

    @INVALID_DATA 6 місяців тому

    The same s hool that made a man wih a goofy ah moustache start a new war during the 19s

  • @windthemills8012
    @windthemills8012 7 місяців тому

    rohan kishibe

  • @LongKwangHsieh
    @LongKwangHsieh 7 місяців тому

    Thanks all

  • @engelbert1041
    @engelbert1041 8 місяців тому

    promo sm

  • @arwedtirpitz159
    @arwedtirpitz159 8 місяців тому

    Kind regards from Stendal, a lot has changed since the video but my hometown was already beautiful back then 😊 Thank you very much for the little journey back in time👍

  • @SlideShow-me4iy
    @SlideShow-me4iy 8 місяців тому

    【古蹟Slide Show】台南孔子廟(2000年攝)內庭的大樹去哪了? ua-cam.com/video/iwAJ9bz5_4o/v-deo.html&ab_channel=%E5%8F%A4%E8%B9%9FSlideShow

  • @helgapataki7747
    @helgapataki7747 9 місяців тому

    So good!!

  • @АлександрХованских-е9ц

    Было дело перед пасхой пьяные прапора покрасили яйца рыцарю.

  • @groovermctoober4508
    @groovermctoober4508 10 місяців тому

    I was there!

  • @Jean-guyLaplante
    @Jean-guyLaplante 10 місяців тому


  • @joestu1013
    @joestu1013 10 місяців тому


  • @helgapataki7747
    @helgapataki7747 11 місяців тому

    Yikes!! This is heavy! Gets heavier.

  • @alexandermathar7780
    @alexandermathar7780 11 місяців тому

    Makes me curious how Richard Wright or Tony Banks would have interpreted that piece.

  • @alexandermathar7780
    @alexandermathar7780 11 місяців тому

    Really fhat synth drones. Could be OB-X

  • @БогданГелета
    @БогданГелета 11 місяців тому

    Служив 86-88.Окремий батальйон звязку пп66795.Ванна.Відгукніться.

  • @petersiegfriedkrug
    @petersiegfriedkrug Рік тому

    I´m from Austria and live currently in Hallein. This video is a very nice one. I´ve enjoyed it very much. Thank you very much Long-Kwang Hsieh for your great video!

    • @LongKwangHsieh
      @LongKwangHsieh 11 місяців тому

      I'm very glad that you like my video, it's my honor! I hope you will continue to watch my other videos in the future! Thank you very much!

  • @kaorul1324
    @kaorul1324 Рік тому

    請問這樣大概火車交通費會比巴士跟機票貴嗎? 一天有幾個班次?幾個小時能到?

    • @LongKwangHsieh
      @LongKwangHsieh Рік тому

      我買的是Eurail pass 21天連續票,所以無從比較價錢,但是在Odense停留2小時再繼續往Aarhus不需2小時就到了!

    • @kaorul1324
      @kaorul1324 Рік тому


    • @LongKwangHsieh
      @LongKwangHsieh Рік тому


  • @НадеждаСемиколенова

    Муж служил в Стендале в 71- 76 и мы вместе с ним. Замечательный старинный город. Жаль, что мало интересовалась историей города: маленькие дети, особо не погуляешь по городу. Привет всем, кто служил в сапёрном батальоне в эти годы!

    • @LongKwangHsieh
      @LongKwangHsieh Рік тому

      @user-cf7ou7pd8q 4 дня назад Спасибо ! Добро пожаловать, чтобы посмотреть мое видео еще раз ua-cam.com/users/LongKwangHsieh%E8%AC%9D%E9%9A%86%E5%BB%A3/videos

  • @dm_99
    @dm_99 Рік тому


  • @moneychiu520
    @moneychiu520 Рік тому

    介紹人介紹什麼聽不清楚聲音, 影片拍的很仔細

  • @steveward5543
    @steveward5543 Рік тому

    Promo SM

  • @nafeisu5894
    @nafeisu5894 Рік тому


    • @LongKwangHsieh
      @LongKwangHsieh Рік тому

      是我應該謝謝您的! 我家族人都很高興的回憶一下, 原先我編了不公開的影影片,因為有隱私但是您也可以看看參考 studio.ua-cam.com/users/videodpw-0KXX08o/edit

    • @nafeisu5894
      @nafeisu5894 Рік тому


  • @matildawolfram4687
    @matildawolfram4687 Рік тому

    Very nice video! When visiting another city or country, every educated person must visit a museum. Visiting museums is very useful and fascinating. A love for the "eternal" and "beautiful" is awakened in a person, the beginnings of greatness and respect for history are inculcated. It is impossible to turn the excursion into something banal, ordinary and boring. The person should be a comprehensively developed person, cultured, educated, critically and analytically thinking, with knowledge of foreign languages. It is the knowledge of a foreign language that opens wide prospects for a person to realize his/her creative potential, career and financial growth. I would like to recommend the practical training course by Yuriy Ivantsiv "Polyglot Notes. Practical tips for learning foreign language", where you can find lots of useful information how to learn a foreign language quickly. Learn a foreign language and realize your creative potential on an international scale! The international community needs creative ideas! Thanks to the author of the channel for a very fascinating tour!

  • @wombat5628
    @wombat5628 Рік тому


  • @lindaxia5064
    @lindaxia5064 Рік тому

    谢谢! 怎么买票?

  • @kaustin6969
    @kaustin6969 Рік тому

    astounding!. There is no improvisation in here. See the score!

  • @Alexey_Pastushkov
    @Alexey_Pastushkov Рік тому


  • @raewang8027
    @raewang8027 Рік тому


  • @tapankumarchakrabory1958
    @tapankumarchakrabory1958 Рік тому

    Beautiful 😊😊

    • @LongKwangHsieh
      @LongKwangHsieh 11 місяців тому

      I'm very glad that you like my video, it's my honor! I hope you will continue to watch my other videos in the future! Thank you very much!

  • @王志伟-y8x
    @王志伟-y8x Рік тому


  • @ThomasAjtic
    @ThomasAjtic Рік тому

    Beautiful video about my home town ... Many places to remember ...

    • @LongKwangHsieh
      @LongKwangHsieh 11 місяців тому

      I'm very glad that you like my video, it's my honor! I hope you will continue to watch my other videos in the future! Thank you very much!

  • @uncinarynin
    @uncinarynin 2 роки тому

    Our sleepy little town ...

    • @LongKwangHsieh
      @LongKwangHsieh 11 місяців тому

      I'm very glad that you like my video, it's my honor! I hope you will continue to watch my other videos in the future! Thank you very much!

    • @uncinarynin
      @uncinarynin 11 місяців тому

      @@LongKwangHsieh I'm living here. It does have more activity on certain days. Anyway it's a good overview.

  • @wushmarst
    @wushmarst 2 роки тому


  • @Askslddl
    @Askslddl 2 роки тому


  • @dancostello6465
    @dancostello6465 2 роки тому

    No shortage of ancient architectures. Lyons to Geneva. Thank you for honkey tonk.

  • @lukehung70
    @lukehung70 2 роки тому
