coca cone
coca cone
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Song Mino, Andup, Jamezz  Turtleship 거북선 Zico Paloalto Team English Sub + Romanization + HangulSong Mino, Andup, Jamezz  Turtleship 거북선 Zico Paloalto Team English Sub + Romanization + Hangul
Song Mino, Andup, Jamezz Turtleship 거북선 Zico Paloalto Team English Sub + Romanization + Hangul
Переглядів 1,3 тис.9 років тому
Please don't re-upload. thanks ^^
ENG SUB 150307 1Punch 막방 후 먹방 1Punchs Last BroadENG SUB 150307 1Punch 막방 후 먹방 1Punchs Last Broad
ENG SUB 150307 1Punch 막방 후 먹방 1Punchs Last Broad
Переглядів 9229 років тому
This is my first time subbing without any help.. sooo i'm sorry if there's so much mistake on my translation. ^^ PLEASE DON'T RE-UPLOAD just mention me on twitter @cacootalk or @cocacone if you want to ((SUGGEST)) me a video to subbed or any comment to improve my sub! hope you enjoy this ^^


  • @anaisbarre246
    @anaisbarre246 7 років тому

    This song made me addict to k-rap thanks for subs

  • @twu08_
    @twu08_ 8 років тому

    Thanks for the english subs!

  • @myrakim3274
    @myrakim3274 8 років тому

    vkook bts fav song

  • @bmlkiddl
    @bmlkiddl 9 років тому

    Out in Korea for vacation and buisness and I hear this everywhere. Keep it up guys. You've got a good thing going out here. #top5Korea !!!