Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik
Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik
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PRoKIT from 2019-2024: Performance, Recovery, and Diet Optimisation in Intermittent Sports
"National Network for Performance, Recovery, and Diet Optimisation in Intermittent Sports", abbreviated as PRoKIT, aims to evaluate performance, recovery, and nutritional optimization for male and female elite athletes, particularly in team handball, football, and ice hockey.
PRoKIT has been active since 2019, supported by a DKK 10 million grant from Team Denmark’s research funding from the Novo Nordisk Foundation.
Over its first five years, the PRoKIT researchers have published more than 85 scientific articles, reviews, and editorials and contributed to several books on elite team handball (men and women), elite football (men and women), elite ice hockey (men), and interval-based sports more broadly.
Additionally, the research network has contributed to the development of training models for the general population.
The network consists of a strong team of researchers from the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), the University of Copenhagen, and Aarhus University, including Peter Krustrup, Bente Kiens, Magni Mohr, Per Aagaard, Morten B. Randers, Kristian Overgaard, Thomas Bull Andersen, Andreas Mæchel Fritzen, Jeppe Foged Vigh-Larsen, Lars Nybo, Malte Nejst Larsen, and Bjørn Fristrup.
The Performance and Recovery studies of the network are led by Professor Peter Krustrup from the Department of Sports Science and Biomechanics at the University of Southern Denmark, while the Nutritional studies are led by Professor Bente Kiens from the Department of Nutrition, Exercise, and Sports (NEXS) at the University of Copenhagen.
For more information about PRoKIT, visit the PRoKIT Research Project at:
...Or contact Professor Peter Krustrup at
Переглядів: 138


PRoKIT’s første 5 år: Præstation, Restitution og Kostoptimering i Intervalidræt
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Amalie: Derfor skal du læse til kiropraktor på SDU!
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Amalie Horstmann Nøddeskou-Fink læser til bachelor i 'Klinisk Biomekanik' ved Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik på SDU. Hør ham fortælle om sit valg af kiropraktoruddannelsen og om Syddansk Universitet som uddannelsessted. Læs mere om uddannelsen:
Lukas: Derfor skal du læse idræt på SDU!
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Lukas Pejinovic Svendsen læser til bachelor i 'Idræt og sundhed' ved Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik på SDU. Hør ham fortælle om sit valg af kiropraktoruddannelsen og om Syddansk Universitet som uddannelsessted. Læs mere om uddannelsen:
Ida: Derfor skal du læse bachelor i idræt på SDU!
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UEFA Grassroots Awards 2023: Professor Peter Krustrup
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Professor Peter Krustrup, University of Southern Denmark after receiving the Gold Award for 'Best Social Initiative' at the UEFA Grassroots Awards 2023 - on behalf of DBU Bornholm (local branch of the Danish FA) and the University of Southern Denmark. The Danish Football Association and researchers at the university's dept. for Sport and Biomechanics receive the award for organizing the "The Da...
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Nordic Sports Innovation Summit 2022 - Introduction
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Football is Medicine in China
Pernille har læst Idræt og sundhed på Syddansk Universitet. Skal du også?
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Pernille har læst Idræt og sundhed på Syddansk Universitet. Skal du også?
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Søren har læst Idræt og sundhed på SDU. Skal du også?
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Casper har læst Idræt og sundhed på SDU. Skal du også?


  • @Khan-SportsTraining
    @Khan-SportsTraining Рік тому

    In 2018 during your visit to Shanghai University Of Sport for " Football is the Medicine " workshop which attended and this was totally mind blowing because before this i don't have any knowledge about this and since then i always wanted to do work in the same direction and I'm honered to have meeting with Professor Peter Krustrup during this workshop. And recently i attended 5th international conference for FOOTBALL IS THE MEDICINE at Emory University Atlanta GA and it was absolutely amazing and full of latest knowledge. I'm very thankful to Professor Peter Krustrup and his team for their great efforts to provide such scientific research based knowledge.

  • @Khan-SportsTraining
    @Khan-SportsTraining Рік тому

    It could be very much beneficial if there's some English language subtitle to understand what are you saying. I just understand that FIFA is involved or appreciating something related to yours project.

  • @Khan-SportsTraining
    @Khan-SportsTraining Рік тому

    It was the day when first time i meet you at SUS and to know about Football is the medicine first time. It was great memorable day.

  • @miguelj37
    @miguelj37 Рік тому

    🙂 *promosm*

  • @Khan-SportsTraining
    @Khan-SportsTraining Рік тому

    Currently I'm PhD candidate at Shanghai University Of Sport in Department of Physical education and Sport training.

  • @Khan-SportsTraining
    @Khan-SportsTraining Рік тому

    Is there any course Or workshop Or any project that i can join to know more about " Football FITNESS effects on well-being " ?

  • @Khan-SportsTraining
    @Khan-SportsTraining Рік тому


  • @Khan-SportsTraining
    @Khan-SportsTraining Рік тому

    Can't wait to be there to learn more to know more and improve my skills💪🍀

  • @minakarimi95
    @minakarimi95 Рік тому

    actually football is life, football is medicine👌🏻

  • @precious877
    @precious877 2 роки тому


  • @precious877
    @precious877 2 роки тому

    Min yndlings brainbreak er den hvor Dyt skal gå under Dot osv.! ;-)

  • @Lastskywalker
    @Lastskywalker 5 років тому

    Min niece er verdens sejeste.. ❤️