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HoTwo Ho2
Приєднався 2 лип 2012
"Whether present or not, as long as images endure, words endure, self-will can be preserved."
IG: ho2.2oh
"Whether present or not, as long as images endure, words endure, self-will can be preserved."
IG: ho2.2oh
2AM in Tuen Mun 屯門 | HONG KONG🇭🇰
In the darkness, a soft light gradually comes into view. ✨ Under the dim streetlights, a slight mist hovers, and the streets appear eerily calm under the blanket of night. 🌙
At 2 a.m. in Tuen Mun, a sense of stillness fills the air, a quiet that carries an inexplicable weight. 🌌 The heartbeat of the city slows down, the air thickens, and every corner seems to whisper stories of the night. 🌃 Everything here is shrouded in darkness, deep and silent.
The shadows of the buildings stretch across the ground like guardians of the sleeping city. 🏙️ A few windows glow faintly, a reminder that life still breathes here. 🌟 Though faint, the warmth of these lights offers a sense of calm and quiet comfort. 💖
Giveaway Instructions
Follow @ho2.2oh on Instagram
Like our post about the giveaway
Repost our giveaway post on your Instagram story & tag us!
My Camera: Sony a7m3
My Video Camera: Sony a7m3
My Video Lens: SEL2470GM E-Mount
Music: Evergreen
The music in this video was all sourced from Musicbed
Instagram: @ho2.2oh
At 2 a.m. in Tuen Mun, a sense of stillness fills the air, a quiet that carries an inexplicable weight. 🌌 The heartbeat of the city slows down, the air thickens, and every corner seems to whisper stories of the night. 🌃 Everything here is shrouded in darkness, deep and silent.
The shadows of the buildings stretch across the ground like guardians of the sleeping city. 🏙️ A few windows glow faintly, a reminder that life still breathes here. 🌟 Though faint, the warmth of these lights offers a sense of calm and quiet comfort. 💖
Giveaway Instructions
Follow @ho2.2oh on Instagram
Like our post about the giveaway
Repost our giveaway post on your Instagram story & tag us!
My Camera: Sony a7m3
My Video Camera: Sony a7m3
My Video Lens: SEL2470GM E-Mount
Music: Evergreen
The music in this video was all sourced from Musicbed
Instagram: @ho2.2oh
Переглядів: 95
Work & Study with Jazz Lofi: Let the Music Take You Away | Focus & Relax
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"Work & Study with Jazz Lofi: Let the Music Take You Away" Looking for a smooth soundtrack to boost your focus and productivity? This video pairs calming Jazz Lofi beats with scenic footage of a relaxing holiday drive on a Super Cub C125. Let the soothing rhythms and mellow melodies carry you away as you cruise through beautiful landscapes, creating the perfect atmosphere for work, study, or si...
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Okinawa 🇯🇵 // Giveaway Instructions 1. Follow @ho2.2oh on Instagram 2. Like our post about the giveaway 3. Repost our giveaway post on your Instagram story & tag us! // Gear My Camera: Sony a7m3 My Video Camera: Sony a7m3 My Video Lens:https: SEL2470GM E-Mount Music: dazeychain - On My Mind // MUSIC: The music in this video was all sourced from Musicbed // Instagram: @ho2.2oh
Nikon 28Ti | best street photography camera 2024 | Perfect For Street & Travel
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Nikon 28Ti係Nikon於廿世紀九十年代推出嘅高級袖珍相機。佢屬於Nikon嘅Ti系列,代表Titanium(鈦金屬)嘅意思。相機整體設計非常時尚,配備了高質感嘅鈦金屬機身,吸引咗唔少攝影愛好者同時尚達人。 Nikon 28Ti搭載嘅NIKKOR 28mm f/2.8鏡頭,光圈為f/2.8。呢個鏡頭提供咗優異嘅光學性能,係拍攝風景、人像或者低光環境下都有出色表現。 鈦金屬機身: 28Ti以鈦金屬製造,質感高雅同時輕巧。 28mm廣角鏡頭: 提供了寬廣嘅視野,適合風景攝影同街拍。 多重曝光功能: 提供了多重曝光功能,讓攝影者可以發揮更大的創意。 高級自動對焦: 搭載了先進嘅自動對焦系統,確保瞬間捕捉到清晰嘅畫面。 雖然Nikon 28Ti唔同於Contax T2嘅高知名度,但係佢依然受到唔少攝影師同明星嘅喜愛。好多人鍾意佢優雅嘅外觀同可靠嘅性能。 簡而言之,Nikon 28Ti...
Contax T2 | best street photography camera
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Contax T2係廿一世紀初期嘅經典相機之一,由日本相機製造商Kyocera製造同生產。佢推出咗好耐,但一直以嚟都保持住高品質同時尖端科技嘅形象。喺廿一世紀初,Contax T2因為佢嘅優雅外觀、優秀嘅鏡頭同出色嘅性能而成為攝影愛好者同明星嘅心水之選。 Contax T2嘅LEICA VARIO-ELMAR 35-70mm f/3.5-6.5鏡頭具備35mm嘅定焦距離,同埋f/3.5-6.5嘅光圈。佢嘅鏡頭優質,唔論係拍攝風景、人像,定係特寫,都可以得心應手。 Contax T2被廣泛用於時尚攝影同紀錄明星生活。好多知名攝影師同明星都係佢嘅愛用者,其中包括時尚界嘅一線攝影師同一啲知名嘅明星,例如某某、某某等等。 Contax T2嘅特點之一係佢嘅自動對焦系統同手動對焦功能,可以確保攝影者有更大嘅靈活性同創意發揮空間。而佢嘅全自動曝光系統同多重曝光功能令攝影變得更加方便同豐富。 簡而...
Leica cm zoom | 感覺可以是人生第一台Leica
Переглядів 2,2 тис.11 місяців тому
機身設計: 喔,你得親自感受一下 CM Zoom 的機身!金屬質感搭配那一抹皮革,簡直是手感的極致表現。拿在手上的感覺真是太贊了,讓人感覺好像一位攝影大師。 精準對焦: 那個 VARIO-ELMAR 鏡頭真的厲害。無論是自動對焦還是手動對焦,都特別快速而準確,我一按快門就能捕捉到我想要的畫面。 多功能變焦: 別提了,變焦的時候真的超順手。想要遠景?Zoom!想要特寫?Zoom!這台相機簡直就是攝影小助手。 智能操控: 初次使用的時候真的沒有一絲絲的學習曲線。按按按,調調調,很直覺,很簡單。就算是攝影新手,也能立馬拍出高水準的照片。 輕巧便攜: 我經常出門玩,CM Zoom 小巧的設計真的超方便帶著走。不會讓我感覺像是攜帶了一堆重裝備,輕鬆自在! 滿足專業需求: 作為攝影愛好者,我喜歡 CM Zoom 提供的手動控制。這讓我在追求專業攝影時有更多的操作空間。 期待感受: 用 CM Zo...
Bangkok , Thailand 曼谷🇹🇭 | Thailand I'm coming | Vlog Shot on Sony A7IV
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一個小旅程,事隔幾年又來到泰國這個地方,好多地方唔同了有很多新事物,可惜的是很多店舖因疫情結業,之前的店舖都不在了。 // Giveaway Instructions 1. Follow @ho2.2oh on Instagram 2. Like our post about the giveaway 3. Repost our giveaway post on your Instagram story & tag us! // Gear My Camera: Sony a7m4 My Video Camera: Sony a7m4 My Video Lens:https: SEL2470GM E-Mount Music: Back_On_Earth_-Save_Me RVNS_Remix // MUSIC: The music in this video was all sourc...
Canon P 能夠媲美 Leica M Cameras|Shooting Cinestill 800T|Canon best Full Frame Mirrorless|35mm Lens
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Canon P 旁軸相機1958年12月開始生產,1961年5月停產,總共產出87,875 台。 Canon P 有以下幾個主要特點: 1. 採用徠卡 L39 螺口,擁有海量鏡頭群,下至前蘇聯鏡頭上至徠卡原廠鏡頭都能使用, 佳能自己的 ltm 系列鏡頭成像也可圈可點 2. 內置 35 / 50 / 100mm 取景框線,超越同時期的螺口機 Leica IIIg(僅 50 / 90mm 框線) 3. 對焦和取景在同一窗口內完成,方便快速拍攝,同樣優於 Leica IIIg 此外,這台相機採用橫走快門,快門動靜也十分輕微 如此可見,這台相機功能強大, 且非常實用,然而這並不能使它成為顏值巔峰。讓它登上顏值之巔 底片使用 : Cinestill 800T CineStill Film 800 Tungsten Xpro 135-36是一款鎢絲燈色溫平衡彩色電影負片,用來拍攝硬照。這獨特底片...
簡單易用的底片相機 Canon Canonet QL17 GIII|Shooting Kodak VISION3 5207 around Hong Kong|#canon #ql17 #底片相機
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1980 年代以前的佳能旁軸相機有專門的商標 Canonet,固定鏡頭的Canonet QL 系列是佳能最有人氣的旁軸相機,其中的最高級產品 QL17 從 60 年代到 80 年代,歷經三代,持續生產 20 年,算得上是旁軸相機中的常青樹。 "QL" 表示一種能輕鬆快速裝片的 "快速裝片(Quick Loading)功能 另外真的是很適合街拍用途,這部底片相機的快門聲音很寧靜,可惜他沒有自動對焦。 底片使用 : Kodak VISION3 5207 250D VISION3 5207 是Daylight日光片感光度為250,電影底片層次比較豐富,另外顏色比較特別影像比較細緻,適合用在5600K左右下拍攝,簡單來說就是有太陽的時候拍攝就對了。 // Giveaway Instructions 1. Follow @ho2.2oh on Instagram 2. Like our pos...
Taichung, Taiwan 台中 | TAKE MY BREATH AWAY | Cinematic Vlog Shot on Sony A7IV
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Taichung, Taiwan 台中 | TAKE MY BREATH AWAY | Cinematic Vlog Shot on Sony A7IV
RICOH GR IIIx | Street Photography in Taipei, Taiwan
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RICOH GR IIIx | Street Photography in Taipei, Taiwan
Mamiya RB67 Pro SD | Portra 400 | First Impressions
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Mamiya RB67 Pro SD | Portra 400 | First Impressions
KODAK VISION3 200T Color Negative Film
Переглядів 7 тис.3 роки тому
KODAK VISION3 200T Color Negative Film
Isn't vsion 200t a tungsten film?
Yes, the KODAK VISION3 200T Color Negative Film is a tungsten-balanced film.
@@Hotwo I know it is. That was a rhetorical question.
@@AnGelo-nv1hx Haha, got it! Yes, Vision 200T is definitely a tungsten film.
我部35Ti 排線壞左快門不能打開,師傅話係呢部機嘅通病,冇零件冇得維修⋯
@@Hotwo 麻煩你啦!
@@chukwongchan4763 你方便的話加一下我IG 私信我
Very good 👍
我菲林都係台灣買 台灣(蝦皮網購、台北紫羅蘭、SNAPPP寫真私館) 香港(IG : Maxfilmhk、Camera Film Photo Limited、彩圖麗快速沖印)
A black P? You don’t see those very often.
Yes !
Rare only a few made, more money than chrome and black
Boa tarde! Qual foi o ISO que você usou?
The ISO of the camera is 200
Is there taiwan?
Yes in Taiwan 🇹🇼
very good phto taking skills
Song title?
old songs but its lofi remix
Ya 👍🏻
Good film stock, bad skills... to be completely honest you missed a lot of good shots ,you need to watch more films to learn composition the pictures were just generic and boring but I'm sure you'll do better because you can ,I can see the light in them final ones ,you should only enhance your style
got some recommandations?
@@jeanpaullacroix9009 I also have the same question🥲
Solid images, great work! Loved the camera b-roll at the beginning!
Thank you for liking my video