Women Talk Back!
Women Talk Back!
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Women's Rights and Academia in the Age of the Thoughtless Mob
November 25th is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Women Talk Back!, the Feminist Student Society at the University of Bristol, will mark the occasion by hosting a public meeting with researchers whose scholarship focuses on, or concerns women’s lives and experiences.
‘Feminists Academics Talk Back!’ invites both our University of Bristol community and members of the public, to listen and engage with feminists researchers as speakers address the advances women have made within academia and the struggles facing feminist scholars, as instrumental to public debate and the democratic process. This issue is particularly important in the current age of the thoughtless mob and the targeting of female critical thinkers inside universities, across the UK.
Although a bleak and disillusioning subject, the Women Talk Back! Feminist Student Society at the University of Bristol is keen to commemorate the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women by hosting 'Feminist Academics Talk Back!', in light of the way that academic institutions have historically condoned and continue to enable the abuse of female staff and students, inside university campuses.
Переглядів: 1 649



  • @tatpole99
    @tatpole99 2 роки тому

    Really valuable presentations - the level of mob intimidation needs to be exposed and shamed. Some of the worst things done recently have been purportely in the name of anti-bullying.

  • @JWinParis
    @JWinParis 3 роки тому

    This is so interesting 😔

  • @RB-jl2qb
    @RB-jl2qb 3 роки тому

    It’s appalling that the skepticism Stock says she applies to philosophical arguments to ensure their legitimacy isn’t applied by the governments around the world to new laws and policies being put in place. Especially since it appears in the case of gender identity laws there is no monitoring and evaluation set up to measure whether they are having the expected outcomes or creating impacts. At present much of the monitoring and evaluation is being undertaken by women working in a voluntary capacity via freedom of information requests. Deplatforming a feminist philosopher (Dr Holly Lawford-Smith) whose specifically speaking about the deplatforming of feminists is the ultimate in woke authoritarianism. And now look what is happening to Dr Kathleen Stock 6 months later. It’s basically terrorism. Mention of the union here as a possible area to help fight back is relevant to what is happening now. The unions have given up women’s rights, they have drunk the gender identity koolaid and now have thrown Kathleen Stock under the bus. They are pitiful. We have now reached a time where females are actively discriminated against by the state and institutions. Institutional misogyny and terrorism against women is now fully endorsed by universities.

  • @heyborttheeditor1608
    @heyborttheeditor1608 3 роки тому

    I’m feeling very uncertain. I was very GC but now am worried I was just being transphobic? It seems like the anti-gc voices have gotten even louder online recently.

    • @annamitso5804
      @annamitso5804 3 роки тому

      Our opinion might not be popular, but only you can assess whether you are motivated by dislike of trans people or whether you actually dislike the concept of gender and how it restricts people. For me, the issue goes far beyond trans issues. Always did.

    • @forelithe
      @forelithe 3 роки тому

      ​@@annamitso5804 - i have no doubts but i do get heart-sick at the monumental task of the battle before us, when i feel that way i consider the children, we have a duty to stop this vicious child abuse, indoctrination and CONVERSION by this cult.

  • @riverwear
    @riverwear 3 роки тому

    At 12:30 Kathleen Stock points out how we are now discussing the equivalent of angels dancing on the head of a pin.

  • @JasonQuackenbushonGoogle
    @JasonQuackenbushonGoogle 3 роки тому

    All those topics Kathleen Stock listed as being neglected in the UK are also neglected in the US. It's disconcerting that its not just US issues but US bad habits being faddishly immitated in the UK.