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CEPS Ljubljana
Приєднався 22 лют 2013
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education
Centre for Educational Policy Studies (CEPS)
CEPS School Field Seminar
Kardeljeva ploscad 16
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel: +386 (0)1 5892 347
Centre for Educational Policy Studies (CEPS)
CEPS School Field Seminar
Kardeljeva ploscad 16
SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel: +386 (0)1 5892 347
From Actors to Reforms in European Higher Education - A Festschrift for Pavel Zgaga
Celebrating publication of 'From Actors to Reforms in European Higher Education - A Festschrift for Pavel Zgaga': A Response From and Conversation With Pavel Zgaga
Time: Nov 24, 2022 15:30-17:00 CET
This event brought together authors contributing chapters to 'From Actors to Reforms in European Higher Education - A Festschrift for Pavel Zgaga', and Professor Pavel Zgaga to whom the Festschrift is dedicated. The book has been published as part of the Higher Education Dynamics book series with Springer Nature. Professor Pavel Zgaga offered a brief response to the Festschrift followed by a conversation with the contributors and other participants.
Pavel Zgaga is Professor of Philosophy of Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His main research interest is higher education, with internationalisation as one of the central themes. He has received several research grants and has led or participated in a number of national and international research projects dealing mainly with issues in higher education, educational policies and reforms in the contemporary European context, and teacher education as a specific area of higher education. He is a member of the editorial boards of several international research journals. In his field of expertise, he has also collaborated with many universities in Europe and worldwide, as well as with international organisations, e.g., the Council of Europe, the European Commission, UNESCO, the OECD, etc., and has served as a consultant and invited speaker in a number of countries. He has participated in evaluations of numerous study and/or research programmes and higher education institutions, in addition to domestic ones (in Slovenia), also in Estonia, Iceland, Norway and Portugal. In the 1990s, during the period of social and political transition in Slovenia, he was State Secretary for Higher Education (1992-1999) and Minister of Education and Sports (1999-2000). Upon his return to academia, he was Dean of the Faculty of Education and co-founder of the Centre for Educational Policy Studies. In the early years of the Bologna Process, he served as the general rapporteur (2001-2003) for the Berlin Conference, as a member of the Board of the Bologna Follow-up Group (2004-2005), and as rapporteur for the BFUG Working Group on the External Dimension of the Bologna Process (2006-2007).
Moderated by: Dr Manja Klemenčič, Harvard University
Time: Nov 24, 2022 15:30-17:00 CET
This event brought together authors contributing chapters to 'From Actors to Reforms in European Higher Education - A Festschrift for Pavel Zgaga', and Professor Pavel Zgaga to whom the Festschrift is dedicated. The book has been published as part of the Higher Education Dynamics book series with Springer Nature. Professor Pavel Zgaga offered a brief response to the Festschrift followed by a conversation with the contributors and other participants.
Pavel Zgaga is Professor of Philosophy of Education at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. His main research interest is higher education, with internationalisation as one of the central themes. He has received several research grants and has led or participated in a number of national and international research projects dealing mainly with issues in higher education, educational policies and reforms in the contemporary European context, and teacher education as a specific area of higher education. He is a member of the editorial boards of several international research journals. In his field of expertise, he has also collaborated with many universities in Europe and worldwide, as well as with international organisations, e.g., the Council of Europe, the European Commission, UNESCO, the OECD, etc., and has served as a consultant and invited speaker in a number of countries. He has participated in evaluations of numerous study and/or research programmes and higher education institutions, in addition to domestic ones (in Slovenia), also in Estonia, Iceland, Norway and Portugal. In the 1990s, during the period of social and political transition in Slovenia, he was State Secretary for Higher Education (1992-1999) and Minister of Education and Sports (1999-2000). Upon his return to academia, he was Dean of the Faculty of Education and co-founder of the Centre for Educational Policy Studies. In the early years of the Bologna Process, he served as the general rapporteur (2001-2003) for the Berlin Conference, as a member of the Board of the Bologna Follow-up Group (2004-2005), and as rapporteur for the BFUG Working Group on the External Dimension of the Bologna Process (2006-2007).
Moderated by: Dr Manja Klemenčič, Harvard University
Переглядів: 88
Izzivi spoprijemanja z epidemijo COVID pri strokovnih delavkah in delavcih v vzgoji in izobraževanju
Переглядів 933 роки тому
21. decembra 2020 je potekala okrogla miza z naslovom Izzivi spoprijemanja z epidemijo COVID-19 pri strokovnih delavkah in delavcih v vzgoji in izobraževanju, ki jo bo ob svoji letni skupščini organizaralo društvo SLODRE. COVID-19 je zaznamoval večino leta 2020 in doprinesel k številnim spremembam v življenju posameznikov ter tudi in predvsem na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja. Podatki namreč ...
Koncept patriotizma
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Odločili smo se, da predstavimo zanimivo mednarodno monografijo, ki obravnava temo, ki je bila v zadnjih letih tudi pri nas pogosto v ospredju javnih diskusij, pa tudi polemik - tako splošnih kot tudi tistih posebnih, ki se navezujejo na vzgojno-izobraževalni prostor. Gre za koncept patriotizma. Pri priznani založbi Springer je nedavno izšel Handbook of Patriotism, ki ga je uredil dr. Mitja Sar...
Janez Krek: Dejanje v edukaciji
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Javno videokonferenčno predavanje pred izvolitvijo v naziv redni profesor na področju filozofije edukacije. Janez Krek, predavatelj Janez Vogrinc, dekan, voditelj
Michael W. Apple: Can Education Change Society
Переглядів 5 тис.7 років тому
Predavanje na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani, 5. 12. 2016 CAN EDUCATION CHANGE SOCIETY? Michael W. Apple John Bascom Professor of Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Policy Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison Uvod / Introduction: Dr. Janez Vogrinc, dekan / dean Uvodna predstavitev prof. Applea / Introductory presentation of Prof. Apple: Dr. Pavel Zgaga
Michael W. Apple: Power, policy, and the realities of curriculum and teaching
Переглядів 16 тис.8 років тому
In 2010 Centre for Educational Policy Studies (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education) started with recording lectures of foreign professors and researchers. Michael W. Apple (University of Wisconsin, USA) Power, policy, and the realities of curriculum and teaching June 8, 2016
Pomembni podatki o vzgoji in varstvu predšolskih otrok v Evropi (2014)
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Prvi seminar Šolskega polja v študijskem letu 2014/15 smo posvetili področju predšolske vzgoje. V omrežju Eurydice je letos nastala študija z naslovom Pomembni podatki o vzgoji in varstvu predšolskih otrok v Evropi (2014), ki zajema 61 kazalnikov in primerjalno analizo vzgoje in varstva predšolskih otrok v 32 evropskih državah oz. 37 izobraževalnih sistemih. V študiji so opisani izzivi, s kater...
Jana Bacevic: From class to identity - The politics of education reforms in former Yugoslavia
Переглядів 1,6 тис.10 років тому
In 2010 Centre for Educational Policy Studies (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education) started with recording lectures of foreign professors and researchers. Jana Bacevic, Aarhus University, Denmark From class to identity The politics of education reforms in former Yugoslavia May 8, 2014
Panel: Globalization, privatization, financial crises, and the future of public higher education
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10th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform (HER) Higher Education Reforms: Looking Back Looking Forward University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, October 2 4, 2013 Panel: Globalization, privatization, financial crises, and the future of public higher education - Germán Alvarez Mendiola, DIE-CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico (chair) - Dale Kirby, Memorial University of Newfoundland...
Catherine A Odora Hoppers: Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa
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10th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform (HER) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Centre for Educational Policy Studies October 2 4, 2013 Keynote address: Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Past, the Present and the Future Catherine A Odora Hoppers, University of South Africa This was the tenth International Workshop on University Reform bringing together rese...
Peter Scott: Mass to Market Higher Education Systems: New Transition or False Dawn?
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10th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform (HER) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Centre for Educational Policy Studies October 2 4, 2013 Keynote address: Mass to Market Higher Education Systems: New Transition or False Dawn? Peter Scott, Centre for Higher Education Studies, Institute of Education, University of London, United Kingdom This was the tenth International W...
Mei Li, Education in China: Characteristics and Problems
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In 2010 Centre for Educational Policy Studies (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education) started with recording lectures of foreign professors and researchers. Associate Professor Mei Li East China Normal University, Shanghai, China Education in China: Characteristics and Problems October 1, 2013
Ulrich Teichler: New Challenges for Higher Education and the Future of Higher Education Research
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10th International Workshop on Higher Education Reform (HER) University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education, Centre for Educational Policy Studies October 2 4, 2013 Keynote address: New Challenges for Higher Education and the Future of Higher Education Research Ulrich Teichler, International Centre for Higher Education Research (INCHER), University of Kassel, Germany This was the tenth Internati...
Slavko Gaber, Dewey: Šola in družba
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Dr. Slavko Gaber, Pedagoška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani Center za študij edukacijskih politik (CEPS) Ljubljana, 9. 5. 2013 Ena od dejavnosti Centra za študij edukacijskih politik je tudi organizacija srečanj, ki združujejo ljudi, ki se ukvarjajo s problematiko šolskega polja, in na katerih odpirajo razprave o različnih strokovnih vprašanjih ter vprašanjih šolskih politik. Seminar šolskega po...
Roger Dale: Education and the European Union: towards a common education policy in Europe?
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In 2010 Centre for Educational Policy Studies (University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Education) started with recording lectures of foreign professors and researchers. Professor Roger Dale, University of Bristol Education and the European Union: towards a common education policy in Europe? November 24, 2010
Ellen Hazelkorn: International Rankings
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Ellen Hazelkorn: International Rankings
John L. Brennan: The University in its Place
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John L. Brennan: The University in its Place
Ronald Barnett, Imagining the University
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Ronald Barnett, Imagining the University
Phillip G. Altbach: The Decline of the Guru: Comparative Perspectives on the Academic Profession
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Phillip G. Altbach: The Decline of the Guru: Comparative Perspectives on the Academic Profession
Susan Robertson: Governing Higher Education Through Crises: The Case of the UK
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Susan Robertson: Governing Higher Education Through Crises: The Case of the UK
Gert Biesta: Good Education in an Age of Measurement
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Gert Biesta: Good Education in an Age of Measurement