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2024 福岡櫻花│舞鶴公園賞花│2024 Fukuoka Sakura│Maizuru Park
I traveled to Fukuoka in mid-Apr 2024, and could still see Sakura. This video introduces the Sakura at Maizuru Park. If you will travel to Fukuoka during Sakura season, please feel free to watch this video.
IG: liveinthemomentchannel
IG: liveinthemomentchannel
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箱根一日遊│桃源台港│箱根神社│海賊船│大涌谷│Hakone 1 day trip│Togendai│Hakone Jinja│Hakone Pirate Ship│Owakundani
Переглядів 614 днів тому
呢條片介紹由原箱根港出發,然後搭海賊船去到桃源台港,然後再去大涌谷,最後就搭纜車落去早雲山站。 This video introduces travelling from Motohakone and then take the Pirate Ship to Togendai. And then go to Owakundani. Lastly, take the ropeway to Sounzan eki. IG: liveinthemomentchannel IG: liveinthemomentchannel
富士山│波波草│紅葉隧道│忍野八海│Fujisan│Red leaves tunnel│Oshino Hakkai
Переглядів 1914 днів тому
除咗睇富士山,仲可以睇埋波波草、紅葉隧道、忍野八海。睇波波草就一定要去大石公園,如果去既時候係波波草盛開既時期,配埋富士山真係一大絕景! Besides Fujisan, you could also see kokia, red leaves tunnel and Oshino Hakkai. When kokia blooms, together with Fujisan, it must be one of the most beautiful views. IG: liveinthemomentchannel IG: liveinthemomentchannel
東京迪士尼萬聖節巡遊 Tokyo Disneyland Halloween Parade
Переглядів 185Місяць тому
2023年 東京迪士尼萬聖節巡遊 (下午) Year 2023 Tokyo Disneyland Halloween Parade (afternoon) IG: liveinthemomentchannel IG: liveinthemomentchannel
長崎Bio Park#3 可愛動物合集 - 狐獴/水獺/鸚鵡/羊駝 Nagasaki Bio Park#3 Lovely Animals - Meerkat/Otter/Parrot/Alpaca
Переглядів 8Місяць тому
長崎Bio Park有好多好可愛既動物,今集就介紹哂狐獴/水獺/鸚鵡/羊駝! 鍾意動物既朋友就一定要去呢度啦! There are different types of animals in Nagasaki Bio Park. This video introduces Meerkat/Otter/Parrot/Alpaca. If you love animals, you must visit here! Nagasaki Bio Park website: IG: liveinthemomentchannel IG: liveinthemomentchannel
長崎Bio Park#2 離家出走既北美河狸 Nagasaki Bio Park#2 Runaway American Beaver
Переглядів 82 місяці тому
長崎Bio Park有好多好可愛既動物,今集就介紹北美河狸! 仲影到佢哋散步! 鍾意動物既朋友就一定要去呢度啦! There are different types of animals in Nagasaki Bio Park. This video introduces the American Beaver. During my visit, it was also their free walking time. If you love animals, you must visit here! Nagasaki Bio Park website: IG: liveinthemomentchannel IG: liveinthemomentchannel
長崎Bio Park#1 可愛水豚君 Nagasaki Bio Park#1 Lovely Capybera
Переглядів 332 місяці тому
長崎Bio Park網站: 長崎Bio Park有好多好可愛既動物,今集就介紹水豚君! 仲咁啱影到佢哋食飯既時間! 鍾意動物既朋友就一定要去呢度啦! Nagasaki Bio Park website: There are different types of animals in Nagasaki Bio Park. This video introduces the capybera. During my visit, it was also their lunch hour. If you love animals, you must visit here! IG: liveinthemomentchannel IG: liveinthemomentchannel