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Приєднався 19 кві 2018
The dougukan[Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum]was opened in 1984 in Nakayamate, Kobe, as the only museum of carpentry tools in Japan, with the objective to collect and conserve carpentry tools as a cultural heritage, and to pass them on to the next generation through research and exhibitions. And In autumn 2014, the museum embarked on a new chapter, relocating to a location near Shin-Kobe Station.
Carpentry tools contain within them the characteristic aesthetic sensibilities and attention to detail of the Japanese people. We aim to be a place for coming into contact with tools to make new discoveries, and for providing new stimuli to the traditional way of making things.
The dougukan[Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum]was opened in 1984 in Nakayamate, Kobe, as the only museum of carpentry tools in Japan, with the objective to collect and conserve carpentry tools as a cultural heritage, and to pass them on to the next generation through research and exhibitions. And In autumn 2014, the museum embarked on a new chapter, relocating to a location near Shin-Kobe Station.
Carpentry tools contain within them the characteristic aesthetic sensibilities and attention to detail of the Japanese people. We aim to be a place for coming into contact with tools to make new discoveries, and for providing new stimuli to the traditional way of making things.
竹中大工道具館開館40周年記念企画展講演会「日光の建造物装飾・漆塗と彩色/Decorating Nikko’s Structures: Urushi & Coloring」
*About Foreign Languages Subtitles
We are currently preparing UA-cam subtitles (English).
Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum Special Exhibition Commemorative Lecture
August 4, 2024
“Decorating Nikko’s Structures: Urushi & Coloring”
Founded nearly 1,250 years ago, Nikko has since been revered as a holy place. A mausoleum was built in the early Edo period (1603-1867) to commemorate the great deeds of Ieyasu Tokugawa and Nikko has remained a sacred site to this day. The construction of Toshogu Shrine was completed in 1636 after just one and a half years. In a manner similar to factory production and on-site assembly seen today, components were crafted in Edo and then transported to Nikko as finished products for assembly.
The colors of the urushi(lacquer) coating on the buildings of Toshogu Shrine vary according to architectural style. This lecture will use actual examples of the urushi and coloring used during the shrine’s construction to dive into the techniques and materials that have been used, preserved, and handed down from the Edo period to present day.
●Lecturer: Noritake Sato
Urushi craftsman. Alias: “Genbu.” Born in 1949 in Okura Village, Yamagata. Joined the now Association for the Preservation of the Nikko World Heritage Site Shrines and Temples in 1972 as a urushi craftsman (currently his 53rd year ). Has helped repair approximately 90 buildings. Recognized as a holder of Selected Conservation Techniques (Building Urushi) in 2022. Provides advice and guidance on urushi at repair sites throughout the country. Other merits include: selected for the Japan Traditional Lacquerwork Exhibition, Tochigi Prefecture’s Person of Cultural Merit, Person of Regional Cultural Merit, and the 1st Okura Village People’s Honor Award.
We are currently preparing UA-cam subtitles (English).
Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum Special Exhibition Commemorative Lecture
August 4, 2024
“Decorating Nikko’s Structures: Urushi & Coloring”
Founded nearly 1,250 years ago, Nikko has since been revered as a holy place. A mausoleum was built in the early Edo period (1603-1867) to commemorate the great deeds of Ieyasu Tokugawa and Nikko has remained a sacred site to this day. The construction of Toshogu Shrine was completed in 1636 after just one and a half years. In a manner similar to factory production and on-site assembly seen today, components were crafted in Edo and then transported to Nikko as finished products for assembly.
The colors of the urushi(lacquer) coating on the buildings of Toshogu Shrine vary according to architectural style. This lecture will use actual examples of the urushi and coloring used during the shrine’s construction to dive into the techniques and materials that have been used, preserved, and handed down from the Edo period to present day.
●Lecturer: Noritake Sato
Urushi craftsman. Alias: “Genbu.” Born in 1949 in Okura Village, Yamagata. Joined the now Association for the Preservation of the Nikko World Heritage Site Shrines and Temples in 1972 as a urushi craftsman (currently his 53rd year ). Has helped repair approximately 90 buildings. Recognized as a holder of Selected Conservation Techniques (Building Urushi) in 2022. Provides advice and guidance on urushi at repair sites throughout the country. Other merits include: selected for the Japan Traditional Lacquerwork Exhibition, Tochigi Prefecture’s Person of Cultural Merit, Person of Regional Cultural Merit, and the 1st Okura Village People’s Honor Award.
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『Kigumi House Carpenter Akinori Abo: Building House』 Long Version / English Subtitle
Переглядів 89 тис.2 місяці тому
This is a long version with English subtitles of the film "Kigumi House" (approx. 33 minutes), which was produced for the 35th anniversary traveling exhibition "KIGUMI: Revealing the Carpentry Behind the Wood Joint," held in 2019. This documentary film, directed by Kentaroh Ueda, won the Grand Prix in the Feature Film General Category at the 3rd Ishigakijima Shonan International Documentary Fil...
『木組みの家 大工 阿保昭則の家づくり 長編版』日本語字幕・バリアフリー字幕入り
Переглядів 11 тис.2 місяці тому
2019年の開館35周年記念巡回展「木組 分解してみました」にて制作した映像『木組みの家』(約33分)の長編版。 上田謙太郎監督が第3回石垣島湘南国際ドキュメンタリー映画祭で<長編一般部門グランプリ>を獲得したドキュメンタリー映画で、聞こえない人・聞こえにくい人のためのバリアフリー(聴覚障害者用)字幕入りです。 『木組みの家 大工 阿保昭則の家づくり』 制作・監督・撮影:上田謙太郎 編集:上田謙太郎、大川景子 録音・サウンドデザイン:黄永昌 音楽:幡田 賢彦 題字:fuuyanm(猫ノ手舎) 企画:竹中大工道具館 ◆竹中大工道具館 dougukan.jp ◆竹中大工道具館Instagram takenakacarpentrytoolsmuseum ◆竹中大工道具館Facebook dougukan ◆竹中大工道具館X twitt...
竹中大工道具館開館40周年記念企画展 「日光の彩色と金工」会場映像/Venue video 'The Colors and Metalwork of Nikko'
Переглядів 1,3 тис.2 місяці тому
【日本語/English/한국어/简体中文/繁體中文/Français/Deutsch)】 2024.9.14より開催中の「日光の彩色と金工」展の様子を公開。 世界遺産「日光の社寺」。国宝9棟、重要文化財94棟の文化財建造物を中核とする日本が世界に誇る文化遺産です。17世紀の日本を代表する天才的芸術家の作品群といわれ当時最高水準の建築技術によってつくられました。 その魅力は、なんといっても日光東照宮や日光山輪王寺大猷院などの圧倒的に絢爛豪華な建築装飾です。これらの建造物は、今日までその輝きを失っていません。伝統的な技と技術、そしてそれらを活かす知識を確実に継承し、保存修理を繰り返してきた匠の力がそれを成し遂げているのです。これらの「伝統建築工匠の技」は、2020年12月にユネスコ無形文化遺産として登録されました。 本展では、伝統建築工匠の技のうち、日光の社寺を彩り、比類のない豪華さと...
原研哉「いかに知らなかったかに目覚めていく―未来資源としての日本/Visualize and Awaken - Japan as a Resource for the Future」竹中大工道具館
Переглядів 2,4 тис.3 місяці тому
※期間限定公開/Limited time release English subtitles have been released.(Oct. 13, 2024.) =Subtitle settings= Please select the Gear Icon (Settings) → Subtitle → English. *About Other Languages Subtitles* We are currently preparing UA-cam subtitles (한국/简体中文/繁體中文/Français/Deutsch). Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum 40th Anniversary Lecture June 16, 2024 “Visualize and Awaken - Japan as a Resource for the...
竹中大工道具館企画展「鉋台をつくる―東京における台屋の成立と発展」会場映像/Venue video of special exhibition 'Crafting the Kanna-Dai'
Переглядів 3,6 тис.9 місяців тому
2024.3.2より開催の鉋台をつくる展の会場の様子を公開。 「鉋身(かんなみ)一丁に鉋台十丁」といわれるほど鉋台の消耗は早く、台鉋の普及から長きに渡り大工たちは自ら鉋台をつくり、鉋刃をすげ、より切れ味のよい道具に仕上げて日々の仕事をしていました。明治時代の終わり頃から、木材をより精密により速やかに加工するためにさまざまな特殊鉋が工夫されるようになると、鉋台づくりの専門職人が現れて昭和に至るまで「台屋(だいや)」として活躍しました。 展覧会では「ゆるまない」「狂わない」鉋台を打つ名人として知られた鉋台職人、やまあさ伊藤商店店主の伊藤宗一郎(いとうそういちろう)さん(1922-2017)を中心に、おもに東京近郊で活躍した台屋たちの仕事をご紹介します。 これまで語られることの少なかった鉋台職人の世界をぜひご覧ください。 映像制作:宮本敏明 ★★終了★★ 鉋台をつくる―東京における台屋の成...
竹中大工道具館企画展「鉋台をつくる」会場映像短い版/Venue video of special exhibition 'Crafting the Kanna-Dai' Short ver.
Переглядів 2,2 тис.9 місяців тому
★★終了★★ 鉋台をつくる―東京における台屋の成立と発展 会期:2024年3月2日(土)~5月19日(日) 会場:竹中大工道具館1Fホール www.dougukan.jp/special_exhibition/kannadai 制作:宮本敏明 Crafting the Kanna-Dai : The Formation and Evolution of Plane Body Artisans in Tokyo Date: 2024 March 2 (Sat) ~ May 19 (Sun) Venue: Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum 1F Hall www.dougukan.jp/special_exhibition/kannadai?lang=en ◆竹中大工道具館 www.dougukan.jp/ ◆竹中大工道具館 おうちでミュージアム www.d...
竹中大工道具館企画展「井波彫刻 物語を彫る」会場映像/Venue video of special exhibition 'INAMI Wood Carvings'
Переглядів 5 тис.Рік тому
2023.9.30より開催の井波彫刻展の会場の様子を公開。 富山県南砺(なんと)市井波は日本を代表する木彫りの町です。町の中心を貫く八日市通りに数多くの木彫刻師たちが工房を連ね、石畳の風情ある町並みに鑿を打つ槌音を響かせています。 「井波彫刻」は宝暦13年(1763)に始まる瑞泉寺(ずいせんじ)再建を起源とし、現在まで260年に及ぶ伝統を引き継ぐ木彫刻師たちは、地元および周辺地域の寺院や神社、お祭の山車(曳山(ひきやま))はもちろん、国内の著名な寺社建築である日光東照宮、京都東本願寺や東京築地本願寺、近年では2018年に復元された名古屋城本丸御殿でもその腕をふるっています。 展覧会では、大胆な深彫りに高度な木彫刻技術が凝縮された寺院彫刻、豪華絢爛な祭り屋台を飾る精緻な曳山彫刻、そして明治期以降に住宅欄間として大きく発展した繊細優美な彫刻欄間などを展示します。また200本以上の鑿と彫刻...
竹中大工道具館『井波彫刻の技に迫る~彫刻欄間づくり~/Techniques of INAMI Wood Carvings; Making Carved Ranma Transom』
Переглядів 31 тис.Рік тому
竹中大工道具館企画展「井波彫刻 物語を彫る」の特設映像コーナー(地下2F)でご覧いただいた長編映像を公開いたします。 *Subtitle settings* English subtitles can be selected by clicking on the gear icon (Settings) and changing the subtitle language setting to English. 『井波彫刻の技に迫る~彫刻欄間づくり~』 和室の座敷に設けられる彫刻欄間の製作工程を紹介します。木の性質を知り尽くし、200本以上の鑿を駆使してつくる井波彫刻師の技をご覧ください。 出演:岩倉綾泉(井波彫刻伝統工芸士・岩倉彫刻工芸) 企画:竹中大工道具館 制作:BOUZU DESIGN、株式会社 ピクス 【お知らせ】 テロップに誤りがございました。 以下に訂正させていただきま...
AA Visiting School Kobe 2023: Re-imagining and Constructing a Japanese Pagoda
Переглядів 2,7 тис.Рік тому
The AAVS KOBE Architectural Association visiting school was a truly fantastic and unforgettable experience. In 12 days, the amazing participants and tutors were able to design and build a traditional Japanese Pagoda that was driven through advanced computation in both its design and its fabrication. Without the use of nails, screws or glue, the entire structure came together in less than 12 hou...
Maintaining Tools ’Natural Sharpening Stone’ / Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum Video Library
Переглядів 9 тис.Рік тому
The film documents the mining of natural whetstones at the Kyoto Hideriyama Mining Site, which closed in 2004, and the process of processing the products. *Used an automatic translation site. ○Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum Video Library Our museum displays videos in which such intangible tool techniques are recorded. As well as the various displays on each floor, group visitors can watch sele...
Skills of Craftsmen ’Kinma wood sledge’ / Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum Video Library
Переглядів 3,5 тис.Рік тому
Prior to the maintenance of forest roads, lumber was transported by sleds called kinma. We asked Mr. Haruo Nagasawa, who runs a forestry business, to reproduce the wooden horse pull. *Used an automatic translation site. ○Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum Video Library Our museum displays videos in which such intangible tool techniques are recorded. As well as the various displays on each floor, g...
Skills of Craftsmen ’Growing Kitayama cedar trees in Kyoto’ / Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum
Переглядів 6 тис.Рік тому
○Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum Video Library Our museum displays videos in which such intangible tool techniques are recorded. As well as the various displays on each floor, group visitors can watch selected videos in our Lecture Theater on 1F, and individual visitors in the library on B2F. ’Growing Kitayama cedar trees in Kyoto’ Chapter ・The tern Kitayama cedar refers to several kinds of tre...
竹中大工道具館企画展「イサム・ノグチ TOOLS」会場映像/Venue video of special exhibition 'Isamu Noguchi: TOOLS'
Переглядів 6 тис.Рік тому
2023.3.4より開催のイサム・ノグチTOOLS展の会場の様子を公開。 20世紀を代表する彫刻家イサム・ノグチ(1904-1988)。彼は、木や石はもちろん、金属や粘土、時には紙など、さまざまな素材を用いて作品制作に取り組んだことでも知られています。その幅広い創作活動は、少年時に茅ヶ崎の自宅「三角の家」を新築する際に知り合った大工から木工の手ほどきを受け、道具一式を携えて太平洋を渡った時にすでに始まっていたと言えるでしょう。 彼が用いた道具の一部はニューヨークのノグチ・ミュージアムに保存されています。それらは西洋の道具と日本の道具が入り混じったものであり、日本人の父とアメリカ人の母のもとに生まれ、東西ハイブリッドな個性を有したノグチらしい国際的なコレクションになっています。 ノグチは最終的に花崗岩や玄武岩などの硬い石を用いた彫刻にたどり着き、アトリエを香川県の牟礼町に築きます。それ...
Permanent Exhibitions #7 ’Making the Most of Wood’/ Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum
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Permanent Exhibitions #7 ’Making the Most of Wood’/ Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum
Permanent Exhibitions #5 ’The Traditional Beauty of Japanese Wa’/ Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum
Переглядів 3,1 тис.2 роки тому
Permanent Exhibitions #5 ’The Traditional Beauty of Japanese Wa’/ Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum
Permanent Exhibitions #4 ’Tools Around the World’/ Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum
Переглядів 2,9 тис.2 роки тому
Permanent Exhibitions #4 ’Tools Around the World’/ Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum
竹中大工道具館企画展「石井春 アズレージョと空間」会場映像/Venue video of special exhibition 'ISHII HARU: Azulejo and Space'
Переглядів 2,1 тис.2 роки тому
竹中大工道具館企画展「石井春 アズレージョと空間」会場映像/Venue video of special exhibition 'ISHII HARU: Azulejo and Space'
Permanent Exhibitions #3 ’Tools and Handwork’/ Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum
Переглядів 6 тис.2 роки тому
Permanent Exhibitions #3 ’Tools and Handwork’/ Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum
Permanent Exhibitions #2 ’Learning from a Master Carpenter’/ Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum
Переглядів 2,7 тис.2 роки тому
Permanent Exhibitions #2 ’Learning from a Master Carpenter’/ Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum
竹中大工道具館「石井春さんにきく アズレージョがつなぐ建築とアートの関係/The Azulejos Connecting Art in Architecture with Ishii Haru」
Переглядів 2,5 тис.2 роки тому
竹中大工道具館「石井春さんにきく アズレージョがつなぐ建築とアートの関係/The Azulejos Connecting Art in Architecture with Ishii Haru」
道具の手入れ『天然砥石-京都 日照山の合砥』/竹中大工道具館ビデオライブラリー(Japanese version only)
Переглядів 33 тис.2 роки тому
道具の手入れ『天然砥石-京都 日照山の合砥』/竹中大工道具館ビデオライブラリー(Japanese version only)
諸職の技『木馬(きんま)-山の木材運搬』/竹中大工道具館ビデオライブラリー(Japanese version only)
Переглядів 21 тис.2 роки тому
諸職の技『木馬(きんま)-山の木材運搬』/竹中大工道具館ビデオライブラリー(Japanese version only)
諸職の技『京都 北山杉を育てる』/竹中大工道具館ビデオライブラリー(Japanese version)
Переглядів 27 тис.2 роки тому
諸職の技『京都 北山杉を育てる』/竹中大工道具館ビデオライブラリー(Japanese version)
竹中大工道具館企画展「切出小刀-大工道具鍛冶が込めた想い」会場映像/Venue video of the Kiridashi-Kogatana Exhibition
Переглядів 5 тис.2 роки тому
竹中大工道具館企画展「切出小刀-大工道具鍛冶が込めた想い」会場映像/Venue video of the Kiridashi-Kogatana Exhibition
Переглядів 10 тис.2 роки тому
Переглядів 2,8 тис.2 роки тому
Переглядів 3,4 тис.2 роки тому
Переглядів 3,7 тис.2 роки тому
Переглядів 4,4 тис.2 роки тому
American builders can really learn from this man. He is an amazing builder/architect/ therapist. I want him to build me a home.
Having taken drafting in high school, I just DIE every time they show him at his drafting table working. Can't wait to build my own and get back into it. 😍
내가 대학때 유튜브가 있었다면 이거 배우러 일본유학 갔을것같다. 그땐 미술대학에서도 이런게 있다는걸 가르치질 않았었어... 너무 아쉽다. 배우고싶은데...
What a precious masterpiece of art!!! This is what true art is, so precious and invaluable: Art imitating life imitating art. Infinite interpretation by the observer!! I am privileged to witness this documentary!!! 💙💙✨✨
Any idea what was the budget for this house?
I love your videos. Please have several languages to reach out to more followers 😅😅😅😅
Absolutely lovely! Thank you very much for this movie and this beautiful house.
Wow it's incredible how much info was packed into a 1 hr video. No mumbling, no organizing just straight to it and they didn't even have to learn English. It's crazy how they work so much and don't even have big muscles, all that mass must be too much on the body. I'm still curious why Chinese/Asians usually don't have a lot of muscle mass, I'm sure some of them want to body build.
Wow! I would love to have an english translation of Mr. Abo's book.
I had the chance to discover this lovely documentary in Paris presented by the director. It was a pure pleasure to see the interest here in France for the japanese woodworking culture. Thank you for sharing.
Спасибо за красивый дом, интерьер, контент. У Мастера умиротворяющее спокойствие, передающееся через экран.
Superb craftmanship and a beautiful work ethic. Very impressive.
My dream before I make my exit from this earth is to visit Japan to learn first hand from a master craftsman
「トータルすると誤差が」 と言うのは、量産品を作る現代でも同じですねぇ。 設計計算書に各部品各素子の誤差を記載して計算して行く。最悪(最高、最低)が積み重なったとしても、狙いの誤差内に収まった設計であるかのエビデンスとする。 でもそれで終わりでは無くて、何十、何百と試作して全数計測して、バラツキの統計を取る。 そのバラツキの中心が設計の中心値とズレていないか。 ズレていたら勿論の事、その原因を探求する。 生真面目な仕事が、日本人の特徴です。d(^^)
beautiful in every way.
I think i had the beginnings of a mid-live crisis watching this. I wonder how mad my wife and kids would be if i moved to japan to learn traditional carpentry? 😂
I see no insulation. Is there any?
動画に映っていないです。 最新の家は断熱は完璧です。
@@ツカモト I would like to see it. Insulation is extremely important part of a construction of the houses so its important to see how you do it.
@@pangrac1 ua-cam.com/video/Htz_vqvtrYQ/v-deo.htmlsi=uVcdK73_pymzhudQ
@@pangrac1 ua-cam.com/video/QsQzYNB_cwM/v-deo.htmlsi=Y9oxojyRwHHiA3HJ
@@pangrac1 ua-cam.com/video/sZuSEtBWylM/v-deo.htmlsi=M-LrLdnptJjsp6LK
the women's smile at 1:26:40 say's it all
Just purchased my first Japanese forged chisels for a modeling project. I admire the skills and applaud your continuing to practice and teach them. They've lasted for this long for a reason. Thank you for sharing this and inspiring us!
Thanks ,for this video .😊
Thank you very much for the wonderful film, the impressive interior views of the houses and for the eye-opening insights into the carpenter's work. My heartfelt respect for his attitude and his work! And by the way: nice to hear a little of Brahms on the piano at 3:50... 😊
My dream is to live in one of these houses in Japan someday.
Wonderful build. A work of art. NC USA 🇺🇸
That entire monologue from 1:16-1:20.30 is astounding!!!
Awesome skills and respect for the natural material to create a living space of functionality and character, based on traditional values that go back centuries, sadly,highlight the shoddy impermanent house fabrication construction methods, of our 21st Century civilisation.
Amazing work
That was a really nice video...
Thank you for such a beautiful film!
Anyone knows what kind of pencils do they use?
@@vaitranquilloarmadillo9774 Japanese pencils’s body is skinnier than American pencils. But pencil lead has Variety of thickness from 3mm to 1.8 mm. Artist use thicker one for drawing, Architect use thinner one to be precise line. Keep it sharp like a needle. When I was grate school sharpened 5 pencils and placed in pencil box with eraser, scales , folding knife everyday. Folding knife are for to sharpen them cause sometimes it went round at school . Cause Japanese one letters has many strokes. Nowadays we have a little sharper fitting into pencil box. No more hassle to use knife.
Used to Japanese house are like this, but 1965, Sekisui, Misawa Home maker which is manufactured house company grew up . As cost performance they use vinyl cloth for the wall, aluminum frames and doors, eliminate wood, sand, soil materials to use. All house materials are simply made from plastic and aluminum without insulation and modern heating systems. Then what happened ? Lots of condensation bring the black mold inside cause windows, doors, shutters are made from Aluminum which has high ratio of conductivity. Looks are a pretty western style home and quickly build and government supported to loan for to chose manufacturing house. Periodically traditional home builder , carpenters are gone especially in the big city. We lost the skill and resources which are natural be able to breathe adoptable to the climate. Just air tight home with mold. 1990’s I introduced insulation and double pain windows with 2x4 system but most of the people didn’t have a knowledge about insulation, even carpenters. I am glad Abo’s house and his team, appreciate the wooden structure.
I am very interested in Mr. Abo's monologue towards the end of the video and his conclusion that carpenters should not design. I wonder what kind of education he has went through. Did he study architecture as well as carpentry? Because it seems like he is doing the exact opposite of his statement. In the beginning he is designing the house as well as doing the carpentry.
I work in California in the millwork industry, and we’ve built the Apple, Google, and Facebook headquarters interiors. We use some of the highest technology machines available. The craftsmanship, joinery, and spiritual depth that Abo-san exemplifies is of much higher quality. I only wish there were such possibilites here. Thank you for allowing us to see this content!
The problem with our industry (at least here in America) is that it frequently places quantity above quality. That's not to say you can't make something beautiful with a time constraint, as I'm sure we both have. But we have to be willing to sacrifice dollars for sense sometimes when excellence is demanded. Cheers from Chesbrough Cabinetry. Just a small time guy in Texas trying to cut beatififul dovetails
I have no idea what the cost of this house is but I would happily trade my three-times-as- large mass produced home for this one. You can literally hear the quality of the build when Master San speaks in the completed home.
Thank you Abo-san for making this superb documentary. You are truly a Master at your craft.
An inspiring ninety minutes. A beautiful depiction of supreme craftsmanship.
リスペクト 信頼だ 誠実さ。
I love the way that hand tools are valued much more than machines which is not usually the case for many UK cabinet making and joinery companies.
Splendid 🌻💗
Das Haus ist wunderschön geworden. Danke für das exzellente Video. Ich habe eine Frage. Entwirft der Architekt auch die Holzverbindungen oder ist das auch die Aufgabe des Zimmermanns, die passende Verbindung zu wählen?
@@MeisterCooke danke für die Antwort
Jetzt habe ich es verstanden :-) ich hatte Schwierigkeiten das Wort Kigumi zu übersetzen.
I already watched the short version of "Kigumi House" a hundred times. I really share the philosophy of building and architecture of Akinori Abo. Anyway I just want to say thank you and I really hope that someone will publish the books of him some day in english. (or german)
Thank you. This is such a soothing yet life affirming film.
Buen trabajo maestro 👍👍👍
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