Alliance magazine
Alliance magazine
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Taxation and philanthropy: close relatives or complete strangers?
If philanthropy is seen as a voluntary form of wealth redistribution, what is the logic of part-funding it with public money, which in effect is what tax concessions do?
This kind of either/or approach, which seems to look on philanthropy as partial substitute for taxation seems flawed. If they are both forms of redistribution, does their relationship need to be realigned?
In any case, the evidence that tax incentives do significantly increase philanthropy is mixed at best and, again, if it does, the effects may well aggravate existing inequalities.
Questions include:
- Should countries that operate tax incentives introduce a graduated set of incentives or a cap (a paper by the OECD suggests this as one possibility)?
- Where do foundations fit in?
- Should their tax status be reviewed or should that of existing foundations be allowed to remain as it is, in effect discriminating against newly-established foundations which will have a different tax status?
Moderated by Features Editor Andrew Milner, speakers include:
Marlene Engelhorn
Activist, philanthropist and co-founder of taxmenow
Chenai Mukumba
Executive Director at the Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA)
Gabriela Sandoval
Executive Director at EWDI - Excessive Wealth Disorder Institute
Переглядів: 155


AUJOURD'HUI: Ce que les anglophones doivent savoir sur la philanthropie en Afrique francophone
Переглядів 4721 день тому
Alors que le financement constitue un défi pour de nombreuses organisations, l’Afrique de l’Ouest francophone est confrontée à des obstacles uniques dans l’établissement de réseaux et de partenariats avec des organismes de financement anglophones du Nord. Dans ce webinaire, les panélistes discuteront de l'environnement philanthropique actuel en Afrique de l'Ouest francophone et offriront aux au...
Walking the talk: how to apply the principles of systems change
Переглядів 280Місяць тому
Systems change approaches are popular among funders these days but there is still more talk than action. How can we change that? We invite you to join a conversation focused on putting the principles of systems change into practice. This event is part of the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Systems Shifting Initiative helping funders drive meaningful and enduring change. Questions include: - H...
Philanthropy and the common good
Переглядів 1672 місяці тому
The atomisation of society, an economy based on competition and growing distrust of politics and of institutions in general: these are some of the factors that have led to a diminished commitment to the common good (broadly, anything that benefits and is shared by all members of a given community). Yet, thus broadly understood, pursuit of the common good should be a necessary step in producing ...
Is the philanthropic world ready for new ways of funding?
Переглядів 2673 місяці тому
The #ShiftthePower movement - launched in Johannesburg in 2016 - has changed the course of the conversation about both philanthropy and sustainable development. But in a field that is still evolving, how far is the change in discourse in the philanthropic sector changing realities for the people and communities most affected? This webinar will hear from community philanthropists leading the way...
Aligning investments and grantmaking behind your mission: Can foundations do it?
Переглядів 1573 місяці тому
There are increasing calls for foundations to align their multi-billion dollars of investments in the global capital markets with their mission for public good. Is this a realistic ambition? What are the barriers to achieving it? In this session, we hear from leading investment practitioners who are charting new territory on this critical topic for the health of philanthropy, people and our pla...
How is climate finance reshaping philanthropy?
Переглядів 2204 місяці тому
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTD) at COP28 estimated that $500 billion is needed in developing countries in 2025 under the new finance goal to support climate action. UNCTD estimates this should be scaled up to $1.55 trillion by 2030. In this session, panellists will dive into questions addressing the unique role philanthropy can play alongside civil society and gov...
Audacious Philanthropy: Innovation, Risk, and Partnership in Education
Переглядів 2587 місяців тому
An Alliance event in partnership with International Rescue Committee, Sesame Workshop and the MacArthur Foundation Embracing innovation and partnership-and reshaping how we think about risk-enabled new, unconventional solutions to meet the needs of children and families in nearly impossible contexts. Ahlan Simsim’s funders were careful to ensure that the size and prominence of the grants did no...
Leadership of philanthropy, leadership by philanthropy
Переглядів 3237 місяців тому
Philanthropy is grappling with the role it must play in responding to what is being called the polycrisis - climate and environmental crises, entrenched economic inequalities, and social injustices. The material role that philanthropy can play - the provision of resources, the creation legislation, etc - is obviously limited but does it have a leadership role to play? There are broadly three as...
Philanthropy and politics
Переглядів 27210 місяців тому
There is a long-running debate about the relationship between philanthropy and politics. Traditional received wisdom is that philanthropists should steer of politics, but there is a growing view that the two are inseparable and that philanthropy both can and should take a political position. Some do more than take a political position, funding political parties, too. This happens at both ends o...
Community philanthropy: Re-imagining the sector
Переглядів 19611 місяців тому
Against the tide of changing funding flows, and increasingly restrictive operating environments for civil society across the world, community philanthropy organisations are centring local agency, relationships and trust. Traditional tools used by funders, often developed outside of communities, can contribute to existing inequities. But pathways between the traditional development system and co...
The ecosystem - and why we can’t do without it
Переглядів 23011 місяців тому
Social Impact Infrastructure Organisations (SIIOs) which comprise the philanthropic sector, are as necessary to its existence as our own ecosystem is to our survival as human beings. In spite of this and of the signal contribution it makes to philanthropy the world over, its value is seldom appreciated and it remains under-funded and under-resourced generally. Yet, if funders were to invest in ...
Localising the SDGs
Переглядів 161Рік тому
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the international community's flagship for social, economic and environmental welfare over the next several years. If they are to mean anything and if the world is to come anywhere near achieving them, they must be translated into solid benefits for communities in all countries. As all sectors are involved in this, the result is a complex process of ...
The future of global philanthropy
Переглядів 491Рік тому
The future of global philanthropy
The next decade of systems change philanthropy
Переглядів 443Рік тому
The next decade of systems change philanthropy
Launch of the Philanthropy Transformation Initiative
Переглядів 126Рік тому
Launch of the Philanthropy Transformation Initiative
New giving vehicles and tools
Переглядів 228Рік тому
New giving vehicles and tools
Who's telling the climate story? And who's funding it?
Переглядів 237Рік тому
Who's telling the climate story? And who's funding it?
Philanthropy and AI
Переглядів 707Рік тому
Philanthropy and AI
Philanthropy and the arts: time for a reset?
Переглядів 215Рік тому
Philanthropy and the arts: time for a reset?
Asia in 2050: What role will philanthropy play?
Переглядів 368Рік тому
Asia in 2050: What role will philanthropy play?
Transforming Philanthropy
Переглядів 252Рік тому
Transforming Philanthropy
How banks and wealth managers can support the transition to an impact economy
Переглядів 149Рік тому
How banks and wealth managers can support the transition to an impact economy
Alliance interviews Lars Tveen and Per Egebæk Have, ProjectZero
Переглядів 25Рік тому
Alliance interviews Lars Tveen and Per Egebæk Have, ProjectZero
Alliance interviews Marika Hedin, CEO Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
Переглядів 287Рік тому
Alliance interviews Marika Hedin, CEO Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
Alliance interviews Henrik Lehmann Andersen, CEO of Nordea fonden
Переглядів 44Рік тому
Alliance interviews Henrik Lehmann Andersen, CEO of Nordea fonden
Alliance interviews Brian Valbjørn Sørensen, CEO of the KR Foundation
Переглядів 55Рік тому
Alliance interviews Brian Valbjørn Sørensen, CEO of the KR Foundation
Alliance interviews Birgitta Forsström, CEO of Brita Maria Rennlunds minne
Переглядів 56Рік тому
Alliance interviews Birgitta Forsström, CEO of Brita Maria Rennlunds minne
Crisis, reaction and resilience
Переглядів 120Рік тому
Crisis, reaction and resilience
Who's in power? A global conversation exploring leadership in philanthropy
Переглядів 238Рік тому
Who's in power? A global conversation exploring leadership in philanthropy


  • @AntonioCalvaoCalvao
    @AntonioCalvaoCalvao 16 днів тому

    Necessitamos de uma Filantropia genuína e que não Beneficie somente as Elites académicas e Científicas ; as pesquisas Científicas básicas , ou as mentes mais Brilhantes do Mundo . Necessitamos de uma Filantropia resultante de uma reflexão séria , realista e cuidadosa ! Uma Filantropia com Sensibilidade Social e a Força de um Imperativo Ético/Moral ! Necessitamos de Filantropos que não sejam apenas milionários gananciosos e sovinas . É que apesar de terem dinheiro em abundância , para gastar , neste Mundo e no outro , a maioria deles não abre mão da sua Fortuna para financiar Causas Sociais . As tentativas para sensibilizar este tipo de gente têm-se revelado um fracasso ...

  • @AntonioCalvaoCalvao
    @AntonioCalvaoCalvao 16 днів тому

    Pergunto-me se estas iniciativas incluem algum Projecto Criativo , Inovador e Independente , munido da eventual logística apropriada para concretizar os objectivos a que se propõe , enquadrado num tipo de Filantropia efectiva , independente de protocolos , e que seja uma Alternativa à Filantropia Convencional , limitada ao livre-arbítrio de intermediários e , na maioria dos casos , necessitando de angariar prestígio através dos "Holofotes" mediáticos , do agitar de bandeiras e do "Lançamento de Fogos de Artifício" , camuflando sempre os seus reais interesses e objectivos ... Creio mesmo que este tipo de gente está desprovida de acções que façam realmente a Diferença . Qualquer pessoa que peça um Donativo , explícita ou implicitamente , deveria ser , pelo menos , escrutinada e , após efectuadas as devidas diligências , posteriormente seleccionada , ou não , como a contemplada de uma eventual acção de Doação ( mesmo sob o mais rigoroso sigilo e anonimato ) , por parte dessas pessoas com poder , influência e recursos financeiros , e que demonstram vontade de se tornarem Empreendedores Sociais ( com a intenção de intervir e transformar a realidade em que estão inseridas , sem o Clássico e Básico objectivo do Lucro , ou de Ganhos Financeiros , tendo , como fim , Causas Sociais realistas ; auxiliar pessoas , uma Comunidade ; uma Classe Social desfavorecida , e , com essa acção conseguir alcançar transformações efectivas e positivas , proporcionando assim uma melhor qualidade de vida a certas pessoas específicas dentro de uma determinada Comunidade - idosos fragilizados ; deficientes , ou pessoas com determinado grau de incapacidade ) ! Mas este tipo de gente , pelo que me apercebo , opta por refugiar-se num silêncio sepulcral , em vez de se envolver directamente em situações concretas ; consistentes , não prestando um mínimo de atenção a propostas de Filantropia Directa e Actuante , e que lida com pessoas reais e casos reais ! Muitas destas pessoas preferem deixar que as suas Fortunas sejam Administradas por Advogados , Consultores Financeiros , Administradores Bancários , e por representantes de Fundações Privadas , que prometem , como Intermediários , aplicar as Fortunas doadas "Em coisas muito boas e que não são para enriquecer" ; Boas Causas Sociais e para auxílio aos mais necessitados ... E , como exemplo disso , temos o caso de uma Instituição da Igreja Católica , o Opus Dei , que tem Herdado fortunas colossais ... Mas , afinal , na prática , não têm empregue esses Fundos , conforme o previamente acordado entre as partes ! Têm aproveitado para , isso sim , restaurar o seu Património , Financiar interesses e Ideologias Políticas ( Muitas das pessoas associadas a Organizações do Espectro Político de Extrema-Direita integram Redes Religiosas e assumem Papéis-Chave em Organizações Religiosas . Em algumas das Fundações Privadas , o Fundador é membro do Opus Dei , ou faz parte de um Partido Político ) e a sua sede em Nova Iorque ! E essas pessoas preferem continuar a acreditar cegamente em quem lhes Administra as Fortunas , mesmo continuando a ser enganados , legando-as a "Lobos com capa de Cordeiros" , em vez de deixarem parte delas ( mesmo sob o mais rigoroso anonimato ) a alguém que conheçam e que saibam que passa dificuldades reais ( e que até pode ser o seu vizinho ) . Afinal qual é o Impacto real deste suposto Investimento Social privado ?

  • @kayangapeter
    @kayangapeter 3 місяці тому

    good to hear from you

  • @anacarolina380
    @anacarolina380 10 місяців тому

    Hello from Portugal

  • @parfaittoledeadanmenoukon7819
    @parfaittoledeadanmenoukon7819 2 роки тому

    This is an amazing event. I like to be playing it. Thanks a lot to all the organizers

  • @andrewe3095
    @andrewe3095 2 роки тому

    【p】【r】【o】【m】【o】【s】【m】 🙋