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World Sepsis Day på Nya Karolinska 15 september 2023
Den 15 september 2023 anordnade Sepsisfonden och Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset ett World Sepsis Day event i Sune Bergströms Aula på Nya Karolinska i Solna. Detta är en sammanfattande film från denna eftermiddag, som ägnades åt att belysa ämnet sepsis ur olika synvinklar:
Vad är sepsis? Hur går det med vårdförloppet och vad händer inom forskningen kring sepsis? Och hur är det att överleva sepsis, Shahrzad Kiavash vet, och berättade sin gripande historia om hur hon gick från döende till att bli nummer sju i Paralympics i triathlon i Rio 2016.
Lär dig mer om sepsis på Passa på att skänka en slant till forskningen, under Donera på vår hemsida kan du ge ditt bidrag.
Arrangörer: Sepsisfondens Insamlingsstiftelse och Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset. Huvudsponsor: Baxter
Переглядів: 327


Livet efter sepsis - Lizelotte Gustavssons historia
Переглядів 1,1 тис.2 роки тому
Lizelotte Gustavsson var inbokad för en rutinmässig gynekologisk operation. I samband med operationen bad hon att även få en spiral insatt. På grund av svåra magsmärtor fick hon ligga kvar över natten istället för att åka hem som brukligt är efter en sådan här operation, men redan dagen efter bedömde man att hon kunde åka hem. Några dagar senare ligger hon på IVA, hon har drabbats av septisk ch...
Mikä sepsis on? (Finnish)
Переглядів 8382 роки тому
Sepsis on henkeä-uhkaava tila, joka kehittyy kun elimistön puolustusmekanismit reagoivat epätarkoituksenmukaisesti infektioon elimistössä alkaen vaurioittaa elimistön omia kudoksia. Opi ymmärtämään mikä sepsis on. Siitä voi olla elintärkeää hyötyä itsellesi tai jollekin toiselle. Tämä video kuvaa, mitä elimistössäsi tapahtuu, jos sinulla on sepsis ja mitkä oireet ovat hälyttäviä. Visit our webs...
Hva er sepsis? (Norwegian)
Переглядів 1,6 тис.2 роки тому
Sepsis er en livstruende tilstand som oppstår når immunforsvaret reagerer feil på en infeksjon i kroppen og begynner å skade kroppens egne organer. Lær å forstå hva sepsis er. Det kan redde ditt eller andres liv. Denne filmen beskriver hva som skjer i kroppen når du lider av sepsis og hvilke symptomer du bør være oppmerksom på. Visit our website: Connect and follow us for upda...
Hvað er sýklasótt? (Icelandic)
Переглядів 4062 роки тому
Sýklasótt er lífshættulegt ástand sem verður til þegar ónæmiskerfið bregst rangt við sýkingu og veldur líffærasemdum. Lærðu að skilja hvað sýklasótt er, það getur bjargað lífi þínu eða einhvers annars. Þessi mynd lýsir því hvað gerist í líkamanum þegar þú færð sýklasótt og hvaða einkennum þú ættir að vera á verði fyrir. Visit our website: Connect and follow us for updates at: ...
Hvad er sepsis? (Danish)
Переглядів 1,3 тис.2 роки тому
Sepsis er en livstruende tilstand, der opstår, når immunsystemet reagerer voldsomt på en infektion i kroppen og begynder at skade kroppens egne organer. Lær at forstå, hvad sepsis er. Det kan redde dit eller andres liv. Denne film beskriver, hvad der sker i kroppen når du lider af sepsis og hvilke symptomer du skal være opmærksom på. Visit our website: Connect and follow us fo...
What is sepsis? (English)
Переглядів 1,6 тис.2 роки тому
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that occurs when the immune system reacts incorrectly to an infection in the body and begins to damage the body's own organs. Learn to understand what sepsis is. It can save your or someone else's life. This film describes what happens in the body when you suffer from sepsis and what symptoms you should be alert to. Visit our website: Con...
Vad är sepsis? (svensk)
Переглядів 2,7 тис.2 роки тому
Sepsis är ett livshotande tillstånd som uppstår när immunförsvaret reagerar fel på en infektion i kroppen och börjar skada kroppens egna organ. Lär dig förstå vad sepsis är. Det kan rädda ditt eller någon annan människas liv. I denna film beskrivs vad som händer i kroppen när du drabbas av sepsis och vilka symptom du ska vara vaksam på. Besök vår hemsida: Följ oss och få uppdat...
Sepsis in elderly people
Переглядів 7 тис.2 роки тому
This is a short film about sepsis and how this life-threatening condition can occur in older people. We hope that this film will help healthcare professionals in geriatric care to gain an increased understanding and knowledge about sepsis and how to act if you suspect that an elderly person shows symptoms of sepsis. More information is available at Visit our website: seps...
Sepsis hos äldre - fördjupningsfilm
Переглядів 6 тис.2 роки тому
Äldre har ökad risk att drabbas av sepsis, och med anledning av detta har vi i Sepsisfonden dragit i gång ett utbildningsprojekt riktat mot landets äldrevård, med mål att öka kunskapen om sepsis bland personal inom hemtjänst, hemsjukvård och på särskilda boenden. Denna film riktar sig i första hand till sjuksköterskor inom hemsjukvård och på särskilda boenden. Läs mer på
Sepsis hos äldre personer
Переглядів 2,1 тис.2 роки тому
Detta är en kort film om sepsis och hur detta livshotande sjukdomstillstånd kan uppträda hos äldre personer. Vi hoppas att denna film ska hjälpa vårdpersonal inom svensk äldrevård att få en ökad kunskap och förståelse för sepsis och vad man ska tänka på i vården av äldre som drabbats av sepsis.
Ett stöd till forskningen kring sepsis är ett stöd för livet
Переглядів 2142 роки тому
Just nu har du chansen att göra verklig skillnad. 2022 satsar Sepsisfonden 250 000 kronor på svensk sepsisforskning. Hjälp oss att dubbla det!! Med ditt bidrag kan vi nå en halv miljon! Alla pengar i denna insamling går oavkortat till årets forskningsbidrag:
A new path to better treatment of sepsis
Переглядів 5162 роки тому
Some inspiration from Sepsisfonden and Sweden, on the topic of sepsis and patient safety. In this film we give you an insight to how we in Sweden has worked with national sepsis healthcare plans for sepsis in emergency hospitals, awareness around sepsis in the publics and different projects to increase knowledge around sepsis in different segments with in the healthcare system. This is a film w...
Sepsisfonden startar Axel Lyons minnesstipendium
Переглядів 1,4 тис.3 роки тому
Den 30 november 2019 avled Axel Lyon endast 17 år gammal efter att ha drabbats av meningokock sepsis. Axels familj valde att be de som ville visa sin omtanke i samband med Axels bortgång och begravning att sätta in ett bidrag till Sepsisfonden. Nu startar Sepsisfonden i samarbete med Axels familj ett stipendium till minne av Axel. Se filmen om Axel och läs mer om Axel Lyons minnesstipendium på ...
Sepsis och COVID-19 - vad kan vi lära oss av sambandet?
Переглядів 1,6 тис.3 роки тому
Sepsis och COVID-19 - vad kan vi lära oss av sambandet?
Häng med på Sepsismarschen 2020
Переглядів 2284 роки тому
Häng med på Sepsismarschen 2020
Sepsisfonden - för att kunskap räddar liv
Переглядів 1,1 тис.4 роки тому
Sepsisfonden - för att kunskap räddar liv
Understanding sepsis - a film about sepsis for young people
Переглядів 31 тис.4 роки тому
Understanding sepsis - a film about sepsis for young people
Lär dig förstå sepsis - en film för ungdomar om sepsis
Переглядів 7 тис.4 роки тому
Lär dig förstå sepsis - en film för ungdomar om sepsis
Sök snabbt för sepsis
Переглядів 1,1 млн4 роки тому
Sök snabbt för sepsis
Vad är sepsis?
Переглядів 12 тис.4 роки тому
Vad är sepsis?
Elin drabbades av sepsis 2018 - hör hennes berättelse
Переглядів 6 тис.4 роки тому
Elin drabbades av sepsis 2018 - hör hennes berättelse
World Sepsis Day 13 sep 2019 på Skånes Universitetssjukhus i Lund
Переглядів 1,1 тис.4 роки тому
World Sepsis Day 13 sep 2019 på Skånes Universitetssjukhus i Lund
Sepsisfonden och BD i Almedalen
Переглядів 2055 років тому
Sepsisfonden och BD i Almedalen
Shahrzad Kiavash story on when she got sepsis
Переглядів 4385 років тому
Shahrzad Kiavash story on when she got sepsis
Liza Lindhamns story on when she got sepsis
Переглядів 1435 років тому
Liza Lindhamns story on when she got sepsis
Lär dig känna igen symptom på sepsis - alla kan drabbas
Переглядів 51 тис.5 років тому
Lär dig känna igen symptom på sepsis - alla kan drabbas
Lär dig känna igen symptom på sepsis - alla kan drabbas.
Переглядів 168 тис.5 років тому
Lär dig känna igen symptom på sepsis - alla kan drabbas.
Sepsisstafetten 2018
Переглядів 7155 років тому
Sepsisstafetten 2018
Från fullt frisk till livshotande sjuk på bara några timmar - hör Shahrzad Kiavash gripande historia
Переглядів 2,7 тис.6 років тому
Från fullt frisk till livshotande sjuk på bara några timmar - hör Shahrzad Kiavash gripande historia


  • @catherinesalomon6342
    @catherinesalomon6342 День тому

    Walker Kenneth Brown John Martinez Amy

  • @dylangerald2280
    @dylangerald2280 2 дні тому

    Lee Michael Martinez Carol Lopez Brian

  • @GracieEgbert
    @GracieEgbert 4 дні тому

    Young Edward Martinez Scott Taylor Helen

  • @JulieR73
    @JulieR73 16 днів тому

    I was in the hospital starting June 7th with sepsis and was in ICU for 3 days and then the step down unit 4 more days. I now have Post Sepsis Syndrome. It’s horrible.

  • @sueknight9195
    @sueknight9195 17 днів тому

    I two had sepsis in 2018 kept telling nurses and doctors felt like i was dying and nothing was done , i ended up in itu luckly still here to tellthe tale .

  • @marcusreilly1011
    @marcusreilly1011 19 днів тому

    My baby had this at 2 days old and he survived .

  • @hreyes1706
    @hreyes1706 Місяць тому

    I was diagnosed with that along with strep throat, heart failure and 2 types of pneumonia 😭 still in recovery

  • @dogculturereveiw
    @dogculturereveiw Місяць тому

    What about dog Saliva

  • @dogculturereveiw
    @dogculturereveiw Місяць тому

  • @anisawarsame2669
    @anisawarsame2669 Місяць тому

    😭😭Så hemskt att amputera ben Eller armar

  • @lindaguida4074
    @lindaguida4074 Місяць тому

    My Dad had it, Died !

    @LTDANMAN44 Місяць тому


  • @pargolesmaili986
    @pargolesmaili986 2 місяці тому

    I had this horrible backache 2 months ago and I thought it's just a simple backache! I remember after 1 day I couldn't walk because of it and suddenly I started to vomit and my breath was rapid. I had this low blood pressure as well. I was rushed to the hospital by my parents and the worst part of it? They thought I had a panic attack! With no blood test they just prescribed some anxiety tabs! I had to visit different hospitals and after 1 week of pure pain and fear I was diagnosed with a severe UTI which led to sepsis. Although I was not hospitalized I had to take antibiotics for 2 weeks. Although after 2 months I'm fine I still follow my checkups. My ESR levels are still high and I'm trying my best. Wish me luck

  • @user-lc7cn4rp5e
    @user-lc7cn4rp5e 2 місяці тому

    😢 that is so sad 😞 omg i can’t believe that !! Lord God please 🙏🏼 Bless all who has that 😢 or anything of the kind . Amen 🙏🏼 🙏🏼😔💙🦋

  • @_Breakdown
    @_Breakdown 4 місяці тому

    0:21 - - begin w/a local infection (pneumonia, UTI, wound infection) 1:02 - - pts can deteriorate rapidly, w/in hours 1:13 - - Symptoms: *CONFUSION + SLURRED SPEECH,* severe breathlessness, severe pain, *fast heart rate, skin mottled or discolored,* low blood pressure, *low urine production* 2:01 - - *CONFUSION or AFFECTED CONSCIOUSNESS* 2:16 - - rapid treatment increases the chances of recovery

  • @leopersson1530
    @leopersson1530 4 місяці тому

    Stackars henne ❤

  • @shericontrary2535
    @shericontrary2535 4 місяці тому

    Can colloidal silver be used to fight it?

  • @peacefuldaizy5717
    @peacefuldaizy5717 4 місяці тому

    I had sepsis that was caught pretty early. I had ignored a UTI. All of a sudden I was extremely confused and had trouble breathing. Thankfully my daughter was home and called 911. I didn't care if I lived or died at that point. I was too exhausted to care.

  • @user-hj6bb7qm9r
    @user-hj6bb7qm9r 4 місяці тому

    Interesting facts.

  • @mrblackblack2802
    @mrblackblack2802 8 місяців тому

    oh my god my pee burns GO AWAY GERMS

  • @mrblackblack2802
    @mrblackblack2802 8 місяців тому

    germs stop making my pee burn GERMS GET OUT

  • @mrblackblack2802
    @mrblackblack2802 8 місяців тому

    does paint thinner burn it

  • @trudygaldeen3432
    @trudygaldeen3432 8 місяців тому

    Sepsis is the proper way to say it. It drives me nuts when people pronounce is septic. Septic is what your toilet empties in to. If people would say it right I wouldn’t have to correct you

  • @Dragonchild444-jo9jm
    @Dragonchild444-jo9jm 8 місяців тому

    What about through tooth decay, can get sepsis?

    • @sepsisfonden
      @sepsisfonden 8 місяців тому

      If the decay has led to infection, then yes. Any infection really can lead to sepsis, if it goes untreated.

  • @halewich
    @halewich 8 місяців тому

    I felt crappy and went to the emergency room. They did blood work and told me i had sepsis. They gave me some IV antibiotics and I felt better. They sent me home on Cipro and I went back to work the next day. No big deal if they diagnose it early and give you the right meds.

  • @sunilnale
    @sunilnale 8 місяців тому

    My Grandmother died 2 days ago on 25 DECEMBER.😥 She had a really small wound on her leg and she get infected from There. We tried so hard , done surgery, spend so much money to save her but after trying for a month, we lost her. I am watching to this video to find Reasons why it happend,but she will be with me FOREVER...❤

  • @hannugrasten8772
    @hannugrasten8772 8 місяців тому

    Minulla oli sepsis ja sokki

  • @tuanz8009
    @tuanz8009 9 місяців тому

    My grandmother is dying because of sepsis. As i man I can’t cry out loud but to appear strong.

  • @supertrouper1824
    @supertrouper1824 9 місяців тому

    Glad att allt är bra med dig ❤

  • @irisharris9042
    @irisharris9042 9 місяців тому

    The hospital did not listen

  • @Joanna-ed3gw
    @Joanna-ed3gw 10 місяців тому

    Actually my lovely grandma has it right now.. I hope that there are any little chances that she will be fine again.. She doesn't deserve it. Spend a loooot of time with your family members or people who you love because, you won't even know when the bad time will come to them.. I'm wishing all of you and your families a lot of health and love. God bless you❤️

  • @accountnumber7902
    @accountnumber7902 11 місяців тому

    just got out of hospital from this crap. what the fuck. i was injecting drugs, and suddenly i was dying out of breath. what the fack man!

  • @mariakaller3269
    @mariakaller3269 11 місяців тому

    Mycket bra information i filmen

  • @ismotjahan6583
    @ismotjahan6583 11 місяців тому

    Thanks a lot

  • @apersonwhowritescomments
    @apersonwhowritescomments 11 місяців тому

    R.I.P. E DUBBLE ❤

  • @ithacacomments4811
    @ithacacomments4811 11 місяців тому

    My mother died of sepsis in 2023. She was a resident of a nursing home. The staff failed to investigate her complaints of UTI in a timely manner.

  • @Helena_from_Sweden
    @Helena_from_Sweden 11 місяців тому

    Hej. Jag blev väldigt tagen av din berättelse. Så ledsen att höra att du (och familjen) blivit så drabbad/e. Allt gott! Helena 🌸

  • @dragonwithagirltattoo598
    @dragonwithagirltattoo598 Рік тому

    My dad died after getting sepsis while in the hospital after falling while going to the bathroom. His doctors were incompetent. And very uncaring. I wish this on nobody.

    • @felicitydeikos5250
      @felicitydeikos5250 5 місяців тому

      My hospital gave me radiation poisoning from too much xrays CT scans. So I know how you feel. Most doctors nurses, radiologists are uncaring.

  • @chuckyoneill9029
    @chuckyoneill9029 Рік тому

    My 83 yr old mother passed from sepsis, Surgeon thought she was having heart attack and she went into surgery and never made it ,they should have checked.

  • @Jay-qz4wb
    @Jay-qz4wb Рік тому

    I went septic due to mastitis. I didn’t understand the severity of my situation until I looked up these videos. I realize how lucky I am to be alive..

  • @junescully2925
    @junescully2925 Рік тому

    I had sepsis in June it was awful my left kidney was so swollen with infection the pain and shivering was so awful would not and hope I do not get it again hospital was marvellous and I was one of the lucky ones after having many intravenous antibiotics after many days went home thank god

  • @alizamanawan831
    @alizamanawan831 Рік тому

    I lost my dad due to sepsis last Friday, that's why I'm researching about sepsis and ARDS(acute respiratory distress syndrome)

  • @Oreajazz24
    @Oreajazz24 Рік тому

    So what are the treatments for sepsis?

  • @hammadhaider
    @hammadhaider Рік тому

    Fuck sepsis

    • @kaotic_egg
      @kaotic_egg Рік тому

      Yes I almost died

    • @hammadhaider
      @hammadhaider Рік тому

      @@kaotic_egg it killed my best friend. Only 38 years old.

  • @BerryKind
    @BerryKind Рік тому

    Hello everyone! I am recovering from sepsis and I am now out the hospital. Pain & infection is gone but I cannot help feeling so emotional everyday. I was so terrified when i found out i had sepsis and i actually thought about never going home again, and what my mom and boyfriend would feel if i were no longer here... 😢 I feel so thankful and happy I am still here.. i could never take it for granted. I am so emotional about it all still, and I'm home now but I am still recovering. I thank God I am still here and that my white blood count went down to normal levels. Thanking God for helping me heal and sparing me... giving me another chance. Please if any of you looked this video up because you have an infection... please go see the ER immediately!!! I waited way too long & i made the mistake of going to an urgent care facility instead of the hospital.... They gave me a prescription for Bactrim but wouldn't lance it.. later on, i found out from multiple hospital doctors that they SHOULD HAVE lanced it then and there, and the antibiotics won't work until the abcess is drained!! I had symptoms of sepsis already while i was there, but they didn't pick up on it. They just thought i was dehydrated... even though they did diagnose cellulitis and an infected abcess. The urgent care NP told me if my abcess didn't drain on its own in 3 days to come back, and they would cut it open... well, nope, 3 days went by, and i went to the hospital instead... and im glad i did because i had sepsis!!!! 😮😢 If urgent care would have lanced it 3 days later like they planned, they would have sent me home while i had sepsis, and I'd have died !!!! Please dont go to an urgent care for an infection!! If it's painful and swollen for more than 2 days... go to the hospital!! It's better to be safe than sorry, and i definitely learned my lesson. Every doctor in the hospital from the ER to the surgical floor expressed immense dislike of the urgent care facilities. 😢 i waited too long & it could have cost me my life... i am so thankful i am still here and so thankful for the ER doctor who cut and drained it and all the nurses who gave me my IV antibiotics & fluids.... i pray all of you who land on this video find health and care 🙏🏼 ❤️

  • @BerryKind
    @BerryKind Рік тому

    Sepsis survivor and i am so thankful to be here still.

  • @caitlinwright7431
    @caitlinwright7431 Рік тому

    My dad is in hospital with sepsis at the moment. Thank you for this video.

    • @chikilin4831
      @chikilin4831 Рік тому

      How is your dad

    • @Narwhal12
      @Narwhal12 10 місяців тому

      I hope he made it out alright, sorry you and your dad had to go through that

  • @Yo-yo-dt5ze
    @Yo-yo-dt5ze Рік тому

    I had sepsis a few months ago and didn’t know my family couldn’t figure out why I was hallucinating and talking about I felt like I was gonna die i literally walked to the er because I was having little urine out put ( uti )and they diagnosed sepsis had I not went in to be seen I would be dead til this day iam a sepsis survivor

  • @rosaserrano1994
    @rosaserrano1994 Рік тому

    My dad just passed away from Sepsis 🥺 He was diagnosed with pneumonia acouple days before 😣

  • @Livie.editzz
    @Livie.editzz Рік тому

    bestie is this right?