Unfortunately she was born very early for ice skating; if she was 15 years old nowadays; she could win 3 olympics gold, and all the world titles sure! And for that time period; I believe she could have change his coach for better artistic results, presentation and coreography. I believe if she ever could have just a bit more artistic impression; still she could win much more gold too even for that time period( For example Katarina Witt’s artistic ability was way much impressive than her technical abilities)
15? 15! I'm just starting to watch Midoris programs. I am just about speechless. Every other skater seems sluggish and looks like their jumps are 'forced' , Midori seems preprogrammed to jump effortlessly, perfectly and with no limitations.
What really sets apart Midori’s jumps visually is not only the height of her jumps but the dynamic visual effect created by her high cross leg mid air. Most skaters are taught to be tight in the air as possible, but being in a tight position like that, like Mao Asada, for example, does not create much movement or texture for the viewer. However with Midori’s high cross leg position, you get that exciting movement midair not to mention the “visual satisfaction” that the jump is landed on one foot cleanly (it’s sometimes hard to see if the skater 2-footed the landing with tight legged positions).
Not to mention how high you have to jump to keep your free leg higher when it crosses the landing leg. Skaters are taught to keep their legs tight on triples because it's a necessity to complete the rotation. Not for Midori. Ito delays and slows down her rotation speed because she jumps so high, skates so fast, and covers so much ice while she is in the air. She was unique. Only Boitano had that kind of hang time in the air.
Her jumps were SUPER sensational, of course, but I am amazed by how exceptionally deep, strong, agile and steady her edges were. Most “jumping fleas” tend to have a fluffier quality to their skating, which may signal weaker basic skating skills, but that definitely wasn’t the case with Midori. It is a pity compulsory figures held her back during her best years.
she really was full of crap, not all of the jumps were jammed in the corners and what a stupid comment. a jump well executed is a jump well executed no matter where it is landed.
This program is stunning, so musical. Figure skating hasn't seen anything like this yet as Scott Hamilton predicted at the end of her 1991 LP. The woman commentator makes me laugh when she goes into jealous buzzkill mode at the end and complains about the jumps being in the corners 😂 The other commentators completely ignore her 🤣
It is the ONLY authentic jump in figure skating what Midori Ito does! Even now in 2018 I can't still watch anything more delightful at all than she performed EVER.
Not a good commentator. To quote a far better commentator, Toller Cranston the 1976 Olympic bronze medalist, about Midori's skating "there is simply no one like her", "she is beyond 6.0", "no one is in this league". enough said.
伊藤選手が、リクエストに答えて無伴奏の中、3Aをやった時のジャンプの際の氷上の鋭く力強い音! 彼女の技の凄みを感じました。貴重な映像ですね。
Very high quality of jumps, speed and rotation!! 👍👍
I love this, because it was before she discovered she had elbows. She just gained so much ice so quickly always fascinating me.
当時のスケート靴がおでかけ用の靴で走り込んだりジャンプするような作りだったから そりゃこれだけ飛んだら足が変形するよね
2度目のアンコールでも33! その後、3Aにスピン付きという大サービス。当時の練習環境などを思うと本当に凄いです。天才としか言いようがないです。
ジャンプに入る前に身構えることなくナチュラルに素晴らしく大胆なジャンプをする 伊藤みどりさんは天才スケーターですね❤🎉
天才ジャンパー❤ ありがとうございます😭
Wow, it will be good if she is in current era. The jumps were super.
最後のストレートラインステップはオリンピックでも解説者に絶賛されてましたね。 この黄色の衣装も素敵です。
Unfortunately she was born very early for ice skating; if she was 15 years old nowadays; she could win 3 olympics gold, and all the world titles sure! And for that time period; I believe she could have change his coach for better artistic results, presentation and coreography. I believe if she ever could have just a bit more artistic impression; still she could win much more gold too even for that time period( For example Katarina Witt’s artistic ability was way much impressive than her technical abilities)
Crazy 😱About 30 years have passed since this video.... Times are finally catching up with Midori !!!
She probably could have done quads had they been a thing then
15? 15! I'm just starting to watch Midoris programs. I am just about speechless. Every other skater seems sluggish and looks like their jumps are 'forced' , Midori seems preprogrammed to jump effortlessly, perfectly and with no limitations.
She spins SO fast. Even her triple toe looks insane!!!
That was awesome!
まさかまさかこの演技を見られるとは感激です。テレビで放送された時しか見てなかったこの素晴らしい演技を! このOPではカタリナ・ビットを上回り一位だったんですよね。2Lo+3Loはカルガリーのそれより美しいです。
可愛い…本当に可愛い スケートも 小柄だけど ダイナミックであり 感動しました。
0:26 1回目のジャンプ高っ!
ジャンプ8回、6分間に及ぶ演技の直後に 3Aのリクエストか 鬼のようなエキシビジョンだな こんなの現代のスケーターですら断るぞ なんて人だ伊藤みどり
8:20 リクエスト3Aの解説もなくBGMもない 「ジャッ」 となる踏み切り音が美しいです。
ホントに フランスめ〜
What really sets apart Midori’s jumps visually is not only the height of her jumps but the dynamic visual effect created by her high cross leg mid air. Most skaters are taught to be tight in the air as possible, but being in a tight position like that, like Mao Asada, for example, does not create much movement or texture for the viewer. However with Midori’s high cross leg position, you get that exciting movement midair not to mention the “visual satisfaction” that the jump is landed on one foot cleanly (it’s sometimes hard to see if the skater 2-footed the landing with tight legged positions).
Not to mention how high you have to jump to keep your free leg higher when it crosses the landing leg. Skaters are taught to keep their legs tight on triples because it's a necessity to complete the rotation. Not for Midori. Ito delays and slows down her rotation speed because she jumps so high, skates so fast, and covers so much ice while she is in the air. She was unique. Only Boitano had that kind of hang time in the air.
@@jondavwal13 which is why I dont understand why the rules penalize high cross leg positions.
wow!!! 😱❤️💚💙
これテレビで見てました 母に 今にこの子は世界一になるよ と言ったら その通りになりました
技術&芸術的に伊藤みどり降す事を不可能と見たアメリカは精神的に伊藤みどりを翻弄させて危うくさせようと試みたって説が有るぐらい。 第二次世界大戦、いわゆる大東亜戦争で日本と死力を尽くして戦ったアメリカだからこそ日本人に対して畏怖の念を抱いて居る深層心理的な面は有り得るかと思うね。 例えばさ、スピードスケートの世界でアメリカ人もそうだけれども世界最高レベルのオランダ人って日本人に比べたら身長差が物凄いんだわ。(とにかくデカイ!)パワーもトルクも絶対的に違う筈なのに身長差30センチ以上有るぐらいの小ちゃな東洋の小人に負けるって事がどんだけ彼等が日本人に対しての畏怖だよね。 伊藤みどりさんは僅か身長145センチ。 なのに氷上に現れた姿は物凄くバランスの取れたスタイルの良いアスリートにしか全く見えない。彼女こそ日本のフィギュアスケートの正にラスボス。30年前からそれは伝説として語り継がれて居る。
クリスティヤマグチがオリンピック直前までトリプルアクセル跳ぶ跳ぶ詐欺で伊藤みどりにプレッシャーかけてましたよね。 明らかに跳べるレベルに仕上がってないのに、オリンピックには入れたいとか言ったりして。 ヤマグチは大学で心理学を学んでいたから、何か色々心理戦を仕掛けていたと思います。
体調のピークを早くに持って来すぎたのが災いしてたってのが事実でしょうね。 オリンピック期間の最初から現地入りして、その頃の練習は絶好調と関係者も言っていましたから。そこから段々下降していき、OPあたりは心と身体の歯車が狂ってしまい、フリーは開き直って気力で滑って何とか3A成功に結びつけた、というところでしょう。
she's so good she utlizes every square inch of that ice floor
この衣装は1991〜1992シーズンのもの 紀平梨花選手が試合でこのコンボを成功させたのが2017〜2018シーズン 実に26年間成功者が現れなかったジャンプ
最後、雪雪崩の様にファンがドドドって来るのが、、、。 いま、こんなにはつらつとしたスケーティングする子っていないんじゃ?
Baller. Still after all these years. Baller
Absolutely she is legend
Her jumps were SUPER sensational, of course, but I am amazed by how exceptionally deep, strong, agile and steady her edges were. Most “jumping fleas” tend to have a fluffier quality to their skating, which may signal weaker basic skating skills, but that definitely wasn’t the case with Midori. It is a pity compulsory figures held her back during her best years.
It is 2019, but there is only one lady who can do this combination, but it is still not Midori Ito level.
Hey, she is amazing👀🌼❤️🌅⛩☀️🕊😍😍😍👍👍👍👏👏👏
ショートヘアのみどりちゃん可愛いなぁ♪ 小っちゃいから小学生みたい♡
Amazing. The female commentator at the end focusing on the jumping passes being jammed into the corners can take a hike.
she really was full of crap, not all of the jumps were jammed in the corners and what a stupid comment. a jump well executed is a jump well executed no matter where it is landed.
これ30年前ですよ 唖然です❗
How is this height of jump real? Amazing!
ホントだ。あんなにフワッとしててよく軸がブレないですね。 みどりさんは、ジャンプのあの幅と高さとスピードでもブレない軸が大きなポイントかもしれませんね。
This program is stunning, so musical. Figure skating hasn't seen anything like this yet as Scott Hamilton predicted at the end of her 1991 LP. The woman commentator makes me laugh when she goes into jealous buzzkill mode at the end and complains about the jumps being in the corners 😂 The other commentators completely ignore her 🤣
It is the ONLY authentic jump in figure skating what Midori Ito does! Even now in 2018 I can't still watch anything more delightful at all than she performed EVER.
Not a good commentator. To quote a far better commentator, Toller Cranston the 1976 Olympic bronze medalist, about Midori's skating "there is simply no one like her", "she is beyond 6.0", "no one is in this league". enough said.
역시 점프의 여제... 아사다몽키는 재기좀^^
니키미나즈 인성수준