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  • @pierrehanell
    @pierrehanell 5 місяців тому

    Why do you take down and try to stop people from listening to what they want? Why do you use sensorchip in a free society? It is obvious that you are not a company that allows people to speak their truth.

  • @pierrehanell
    @pierrehanell 5 місяців тому

    Why did you change this Video with a new video? This is not the Dr, Peter MCall that I was looking for and this is not what the picture

  • @brendantamblyn6547
    @brendantamblyn6547 5 місяців тому

    Here is a question how many deaths as a direct result of transfusions be i whole blood plasma etc is acceptable to you in this case are the needs of the many more important than the nerds of the few for those who criticise bloodless medicine please show us how You value humanity how many deaths are acceptable to YOU lets say per 1000 and then go to the relevant Australian govt websites and see for yourself how many patients die sa a diret result of transfusions it is standard procedure that when serious complications arise it must be reported to the relevant authority but first tell us your opinion

  • @loribach534
    @loribach534 6 місяців тому

    With Pluto in Aquarius over the next 20 years we will witness the birth and death of technological advancements. Synthetic blood is a huge possibility!

  • @somianasef
    @somianasef Рік тому

    What was the first step " to set into upper quadrant" ? What is this exactly, what button did he press?

  • @georgebrown8312
    @georgebrown8312 Рік тому

    Of course, there are risks in blood transfusions, just like most other medical procedures, but if managed wisely, blood transfusions can save many lives. For example, the complications that can result from mismatched blood types, or potential blood-borne pathogens, such as Hepatitis B, HIV/AIDS, or even Hepatitis C are very serious and potentially deadly. There are some cases where blood transfusions have been needlessly administered, and thus, doctors need to be more judicious in their use of blood transfusions. I myself would not want a blood transfusion unless I really need one, particularly if I lost a lot of blood, as in a bad car accident or some other cause. Thank you for this eye-opening video.

  • @lawrenceravimartin9033
    @lawrenceravimartin9033 Рік тому

    Should Christian accept therapies incorporating blood fractions? The Bible does not give specific details. So each one must make his own conscientioous decision before god. some would refuse all fraction. Reasoning that god's law to Israel required that blood removed from a creature be (poured) out upon the ground. Deuteronomy 12:22-24. Others, while refusing transfusion of whole blood or it's major components, might accept treatments involving a fraction. They may reason that at some point fraction that have been extracted from blood crease to represent the life of creature from which the blood was taken.

  • @vijayarya2688
    @vijayarya2688 Рік тому

    Thank u all very much

  • @colsmith7257
    @colsmith7257 Рік тому

    You can certainly see the damage done by the choirus of Murdochs frogs. You can't argue with STUPID. Gustavo Le Bon said a lot over a hundred years ago in his book the crowd. The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. Pontius Pilate said "what is truth". What ever those with power want it to be for the whingers and stingers we have to share the place with. A quite from fish and chip bitch from Ipswich, credit escape from Toy

  • @LynnCooks
    @LynnCooks 2 роки тому

    I am on blood thinners due to a dvt (which cleared in less than 30 days) -- however, in that time my menstruation was so heavy I had lost half my blood in 5 days. I received a blood transfusion a month ago & am just now finding out about long term risks, increase risk of blood cancers, how blood transfusions wreck your immune system...anyone know if this is true????

    • @terahbonks8471
      @terahbonks8471 2 роки тому

      Hey Housewife. Sorry to hear about this. Do you still have this question or have you been answered?

    • @vandalayindustries8036
      @vandalayindustries8036 2 роки тому

      This is very unlikely. I'm assuming packed red cells were what you received. Your body has a natural process called autophagy, which "recycles" out old cells as your body is constantly making new ones. Those transfused cells should be long gone, and the risk of something at this stage is infinitesimally small. What was the risk when you granted the transfusion? Probably considerably higher.

    • @colsmith7257
      @colsmith7257 Рік тому

      ​@@vandalayindustries8036 are you sure. Or did you read it in a text book . Corpuscles can be in you until you die, that's what I heard from pundits.

  • @dcmarvelcomicfans9458
    @dcmarvelcomicfans9458 3 роки тому

    I understand jw not accepting White blood but they accept albumin. keep in mind this isn't about science. The rejection of blood is linked to the same command as fornication and idolatry. For reference, the injection towards fornication is not because of STDs. It's a moral standard so to illustrate: If a person who wanted to obey that command was put in a position where the only way to avoid being put to death was to submit to a sexual act that comes under fornication, they would have to choose to break the command or risk death. However, if they we're only required to do something Marginal, such as say take off their clothes, that would become a conscious issue. Taking off once close is not fornication. Oral sex is. Likewise, albumin is not blood. White "blood" cells are. The question is only, how close is a person willing to get to what is forbidden to save their life. And that is a conscious issue for them.

    • @vandalayindustries8036
      @vandalayindustries8036 2 роки тому

      My friend this is a terrible take. One treatment of Albumin is collected from the donated blood of no less than 50 people. Albumin makes up 2-3% of blood volume, while WBCs make up 1%. So how is it that you have decided that Albumin (completely derived from human blood), is "not blood", but WBCs (also completely derived from human blood), are "blood". Is it the word blood in the name? What if we called it "blood Albumin". Would that make it sound worse? Your religion has taken an ancient dietary restriction (that wasn't even enforced in the OT), and made it mean something it was never intended. Blood is not the think that is holy in the Bible. Life is. To elevate the symbol of life, above life itself, seems absurd. Particularly when the prohibition of not eating a dead animals blood that you killed for literally NOTHING like an alive, willing, human, donor, giving you some packed red cells that your body will recycle out of your help you out of a temporary jam. Add to that the hypocrisy that JWs can take this product made from the blood of 50 humans, but are forbidden from donating their own to help others. Your analogy because of this hypocrisy is more analogous to a person running a sex trafficking ring for other people, but since they are not "committing fornication"'s all good.

  • @Justice4ALL.120
    @Justice4ALL.120 3 роки тому

    I have been reading about blood transfusions and all the diseases that a person can potentially catch from them ( which totally boggles my mind since donated blood is supposed to be tested.) I just found out (by reviewing my medical records) that I had blood transfusions some years ago while in an ICU on a ventilator because I had hospital-acquired double pneumonia and hospital-acquired septic shock and was not expected to survive. My life has been destroyed as I am now permanently disabled and suffer daily. (My underlying condition was a UTI and a kidney stone that I passed on my own.) My question is: How safe is medicine in general? It doesn't seem very safe to me, given all the unknowns (everything I read goes like this, 'the tests are not 100 percent accurate', 'we do not know a lot about what causes it', 'the treatments are experimental', 'there are no treatments'; 'try ibuprofen', etc, etc, etc, ad nauseum.) Then there are all the diseases one can potentially acquire while hospitalized (e.g., MRSA, C-diff, sepsis, pneumonia, etc., etc., etc., ad nauseum.) Personally, unless I am bleeding out, I will never again allow myself to be admitted to a hospital. The procedure performed almost killed me; however, I had never before been sick or hospitalized and I (stupidly) blindly trusted the urologist who said he 'needed to look around inside my kidney.' (I never saw him again after I went septic; he abandoned me.) So, given my personal experiences and all that is happening in the world right now, I really want to know what good medicine and big pharma do (unless, of course, you have money and influence and are, therefore, the recipient of only the very best medical care that money CAN buy.) NOTE: IF NOT FOR NURSES (who, in my experience, are the real heroes and lifesavers), many would die. I am certain I would have. It was the nurses and one ICU physician (with God's guiding hand) who saved my life. After I was able to be taken off the ventilator, I was transferred to the critical care respiratory unit. During my additional 12 days there, it was the nurses who managed my care (a hospitalist dr would pop in every few days for a minute or two.) When I was released I went to a urologist 60 miles from where I reside; he discovered a mass in my kidney which he successfully removed. (The 1st dr and hospital released me knowing there was a mass in my kidney; they just never bothered to tell me. Maybe they underestimated my intelligence. Or maybe they just did not give a damn, since single, older females (I was 55 at the time), in general, get worse quality health care. Watch John Oliver's segment titled, 'Bias in Medicine' on YT (when I saw this, it explained a lot about the way I was/am treated by least that's how it is where I live in NYS.)

  • @dalidali2757
    @dalidali2757 3 роки тому

    Evict Doctors from the universe

  • @shorty92395
    @shorty92395 4 роки тому

    And people say jehovas witnesses let their kids die becuase they refuse transfusions they do it becuase for some reason the bible says not to do it becuase is not good for us. Acts 15:29

    • @Dude-gx2ul
      @Dude-gx2ul 4 роки тому

      not the place to preach... chill out

    • @Tasorius
      @Tasorius 2 роки тому

      Jehovah's Witnesses do not care whether it's actually harmful or not, though. They are doing it because of something they read in the Bible.

    • @vandalayindustries8036
      @vandalayindustries8036 2 роки тому

      Wrong. The Bible never says that. It's a dietary restriction. Bleeding out due to trauma and superstitious teachings is what is dangerous for you.

    • @marksoya712
      @marksoya712 Рік тому

      @@vandalayindustries8036 Once again you are incorrect and making assumptions. Studies are increasingly showing that those of the JW faith AND the thousands of others who choose not to have a blood transfusion for whatever personal reason, experience lower risk and better outcomes than those who have a blood transfusion WHEN correct non blood management is provided. There are many thousands in the medical profession who are on record as saying they would never accept a blood transfusion because 1. They are aware of the many alternatives 2. They fully understand both the short- and long-term risks associated with blood transfusions. My experience in the field is that the majority of those who I've met who take a fervent "blood saves lives" stance despite being shown evidence to the contrary, do so more out of religious prejudice and intolerance than any altruistic motive.

    • @colsmith7257
      @colsmith7257 Рік тому

      You can't argue with stupid

  • @janiejuarez1912
    @janiejuarez1912 4 роки тому

    I had a blood transfusion. And ever since I have been or felt the same spiritually and physically

  • @ratihningrum969
    @ratihningrum969 4 роки тому

    Jehovah's Witnesses are the one ALWAYS take the advice in Acts 15:29 to STAY AWAY from Blood! So us as human keep being healthy! We NEVER want to receive any blood transfusions, yet the media falsely given cruel lies and slander us if we kill our children by not giving blood transfussion. Ha! Now who is laughing??!?! Blood transfussion is the worst, it doesn't save human's life, its destroy it! I am a midwife and health medical staff, I've seen it with my own eyes how it makes my patients/clients suffer more after receiving blood transfussion. Now you people, think more about this and DO NOT blame the Jehovah's Witnesses for always obey what The Creator has said. After all He as a Creator KNOWS the best for humankind!

    • @vandalayindustries8036
      @vandalayindustries8036 4 роки тому

      You are absolutely wrong. In the US alone, 4.9 Million blood products are used every year. Using them when needed does not make you "unhealthy". If you happen to need a blood are already having a pretty bad day. JWs hyocriticaly accept certain parts of blood their leaders allow them to, from the same donor pools as the ones they are forbidden from taking under threat of communal shunning. Of course this is all moot. The Bible never forbids anything but the eating of blood. Using it for it's intended purpose in the body is perfectly reasonable, especially considering that when someone DID eat blood in the Hebrew scriptures, the punishment was either very mild or non-existent. JWs have elevated a biblical symbol of life, above life itself. And then they latch onto anything that rightfully shows the risks in medical intervention, feeling this somehow vindicates the thousands (including children), that have, and continue to loose their lives.

    • @ratihningrum969
      @ratihningrum969 4 роки тому

      @@vandalayindustries8036 you definetely live in 1945. Its 2020 now. Well if you think that way why dont you try to get blood transfussion and look and see what happen in your body. I am a midwife nurse in hospital and I witness with my own eyes how that stupid blood transfussion ruin my patients' life, bring MORE disease and DEATH. Go a head try it. Dont you lie to yourself saying by not eating it but put barrels of blood into your body. You're the hypocrite one! Lol

    • @ratihningrum969
      @ratihningrum969 4 роки тому

      @@vandalayindustries8036 and no body talked about how blood transfussion take sooo many people's life too, even worse, HAD TO SUFFER FOR LONG TIME first then Dead. Is that you called medication????? Educate yourself enroll to be a medical student and watch it for yourself, you Mr./Mrs.Know It All. Thanks to Jehovah's Witnesses because of the persistent of our faith, the medical well known professional doctors in THE WORLD find the better way to lessen lost of blood and way way way more better to keep it clean, steril without side effect! Before you comment you better educate your brain first.

    • @vandalayindustries8036
      @vandalayindustries8036 4 роки тому

      @@ratihningrum969 you are wrong again. Once again.....4.9M blood products a year. Most of which, JWs will accept if broken down enough (hypocriticaly). Perhaps you can explain to me why WBCs are forbidden under threat of communal shunning, while Albumin is allowed? I don't know what back woods hospital you claim to work for, but there are certain situations in which nothing but some good ole packed red cells will do. Others, salvage and other blood products might suffice. Out of those 4.9M blood products just in the US do you know how many people die a year? It's not a secret. It is a federal requirement to report these deaths to the blood service. It's an average of 50. And those are almost always due to human error ie: not the actual blood. ALL medical interventions have risks. 3,000 people die a year from taking Aspirin in some way. Does this make Aspirin (a minor medical intervention) inherently dangerous? No. It is only dangerous if the situation dictates it. Pretending your religious superstition around blood is somehow justified because modern medicine is coming up with ways to conserve the resource and look for better outcomes in some methods, is not only ridiculous, but it disrespects the memory of the thousands who have died just following instructions from old dudes in NY with zero knowledge, and it disrespects the hard working men and women that get PTSD whenever they see the "no blood" sign over a hospital bed. Your doctrine is wrong medically, biblically, logically, and morally. I can prove it on every front. You can start with the WBC/Albumin question if you like.

  • @gleisielaraujo7413
    @gleisielaraujo7413 4 роки тому

    The STUDIES, by TOP EXPERTS IN THE FIELD are showing that it's better not to transfuse, most of the times, that there are risks involved other than viruses in donated blood. They're not saying blood transfusions should be abandoned. But Jehovah's Witnesses have always sought the best medical care even if that's not what they have in mind when they don't take blood transfusions. This video clearly supports that conclusion.

    • @vandalayindustries8036
      @vandalayindustries8036 4 роки тому

      This video explains risk. All medical intervention has risks. When able to properly plan out long term care for even a complicated procedure, many times we have the luxury of using alternatives and/or management. However, this is absolutely case by case, and even "no blood" hospitals have quick access to packed red cells because things can and do go wrong. The JW prohibition on blood is tantamount to superstition. Acknowledgement of risk when Millions of products are used every year, is not vindication of a doctrine that has claimed the lived of men women and children over the decades. People should be able to make these decisions with their doctors, without the interference of church leaders, or with the threat of communal shunning from all loved ones if they do not refuse to fall in line......even when life is on the line.

  • @ekundayowt
    @ekundayowt 4 роки тому

    HB 2.8 g/dl . would you transfuse or not. I live in a country in Africa where the number 1 cause of maternal death is hemorrhage so I find the above video offensive to the unfortunate people and their families

  • @aaronfranklin6863
    @aaronfranklin6863 4 роки тому

    even before i knew anything about blood transfusions it felt so wrong thanx for confirmation

  • @torite3073
    @torite3073 5 років тому

    The elders I know haven't answered my question. On it says 15% of all nursing human mothers have whole blood mixed in with their mother's milk that their babies drink! This is a natural and normal occurrence! It does not hurt the baby. Human babies drink some blood every day the world over. Since Jehovah God designed mothers & babies & milk & blood, is interpreting the scriptures that we should not take blood make sense? Can someone explain it to me please?

    • @bilbot8195
      @bilbot8195 5 років тому

      God also allowed humans to eat meat (Noah). And we know that even if the animal is bled, there obviously are traces of blood in the meat God allowed them to eat. So how did that go along with the command from God to Noah not to eat blood?

    • @nukasnook1561
      @nukasnook1561 4 роки тому

      Yes it's about treating Blood with respect, when it's used in conjunction with how it was created to function then there is no disrespect. Using the example of bleeding animals, as long as the animals blood has been poured out onto the earth - the proper degree of respect has been shown. The minute amount of blood that is in mother's milk in some cases is not considered the 'lifeblood' and is part of the natural process.

    • @nukasnook1561
      @nukasnook1561 4 роки тому

      Just want to add too please ... The Elders aren't an authority on our spirituality - that is our own responsibiity before Jehovah - we should do our own research not lump it on those dear Brothers who are working on their own spirituality, balancing the spiritual, physical, emotional needs of their families and shepherding the congregation. What is more valuable? Costume Jewellery or the gems we dig up ourselves?

    • @vandalayindustries8036
      @vandalayindustries8036 4 роки тому

      @@nukasnook1561 I think you might be missing the point. Blood is not intrinsically sacred. What it represents (life), is. The reality is that the WT bans the acceptance of certain fractions of blood and allows others. For seemingly arbitrary reasons. White blood cells are forbidden. But mother's milk and colostrum is absolutely silly with them. It's a unique and interesting thing that occurs, as it's the only way we know of that blood cells pass to and from the circulatory system with eating them being the conduit. In short, the bibles prohibition on eating the blood of an animal you killed for food, has no correlation to an alive, willing, human donor, giving you some packed red cells that get used in the circulatory system (where blood belongs), to help you out of a temporary jam. You have elevated the symbol of life, above life itself.

    • @americangirlx4
      @americangirlx4 4 роки тому

      Ingesting a minuscule amount of blood that is digested by powerful acids and enzymes, is not comparable to introducing a large amount of totally foreign (mixing DNA)product directly into the lifeforce (unique vibrational structure), of our circulatory system. I'm a victim, was lied to and covered up the first time by "doctors"? Felt wrong next day, now anemic!? Why? Just had mega transfusion, now nauseous, dizzy, tired, weak, confused, anxious, achy, mood off, I felt so damn different inside, a total personality change from positive, happy, funloving, optimistic, patient, superwoman to a stranger to myself and my family. Strange baffling, incongruent changes, (doctors know, but talk and no practice), so told I had developed an autoimmune disorder (fibromyalgia the new made up catch all). Went from being robust and healthy to being told (it just happens, or genetic, maybe the pregnancy). It was 3rd baby, but first transfusion, 2 units, had hemorrhaged post delivery, believed there was no alternative..perfectly safe...NOT! Then was delivered the "near fatal" transfusion, decades later, and suffered toxic hemolytic reaction, (compatible blood type, not error) severe liver damage, and exponential increase in symptoms and new, unrelated and worsening chronic pain, and degeneration of entire musculoskeletal system plus a myriad of other ill effects. So, I sought out less known or popular sources for older, forgotten or repressed knowledge, hidden, buried or falsely discredited studies, facts and research on the most valuable and mysterious commodity. Blood has hundreds of variables beyond A, AB, B or O (rh+ or rh-), not to mention the viruses, bacterial infections, conditions and diseases that are not detected or removed yet covered up by corrupt profiteering money laundering organizations (like the Red Cross) perpetrated on the expendable public. Simplifying typing to only Blood type or rh factor is an egregious lie and manipulation perpetrated not only on the public, but the dumbed down medical students who are fed falsehoods and lies from the Big Pharma Rockefeller funded indoctrination centers posing as medical schools. Modern Western doctors are unqualified hacks programmed to prescribe as many overpriced toxins, and useless (or painful and harmful) expensive treatments, therapies, chemos, surgeries, implants, transplants, replacements, transfusions etc. ensuring the maximum profit for the millionaire shareholders in all these barbaric products and procedures that prolong your life just long enough for you to work yourself to an early grave as a wage slave, and die within a few years of benefit collection eligibility. But they have now raised retirement age because they stole the SS coffers, and have to cover it up, so most current employees will die while still working and will never see a dime of the thousands they continue to have withdrawn from meager wages after income tax theft. "It's a great big club, and you ain't in it," as quoted by the brilliant George Carlin. And now "Cough-id" 18, they are laughing while the masses sleep. Sweet Dreams!

  • @simonpatcharin
    @simonpatcharin 5 років тому

    Shame that people have been made to believe when they give blood, they are always saving lives, but no! They are part of the higher death rate coursed by their stored blood. Just think, the Red Cross have known this for years & they still make hundreds of millions of profit from death, shame on them. No different than tobacco tycoons.👎

    • @kurtvillarosa2037
      @kurtvillarosa2037 5 років тому

      Correlation isnt causation my friend. Blood transfusions ARE saving lives. The risks that are associated with blood transfusions are lower than ever and the procedures taken to ensure that blood is donated safely are now more improved than ever. Take off your tinfoil hat

    • @simonpatcharin
      @simonpatcharin 5 років тому

      @@kurtvillarosa2037 they have improved with their screening, but as the world leading blood specialists have proven with clear scientific evidence that you don't need a blood transfusion to save a life, they agree the best transfusion given, 'is the that's not given'. As proven if it was to be presented to the administration to be inspected as a safe viable medical treatment, it would not pass. Blood trans course more damage later to the patient. Even evidence is showing crossing a male to female DNA via trans is changing the gender of the patient & even passing on to the off spring. Hay, with the evidence available beyond this short video, go ahead have a trans, we all have the free gift of free will, no ones can stop you.☠

    • @kurtvillarosa2037
      @kurtvillarosa2037 5 років тому

      @@simonpatcharin Can you show me a source that says that blood trans changes gender? As far as I know it only poses a risk for men to receive blood donors from pregnant women since they produce antibodies in their blood that can trigger reactions to the recipients body, which is why pregnant women arent allowed to donate blood.

    • @simonpatcharin
      @simonpatcharin 5 років тому

      @@kurtvillarosa2037 No I don't have it, it's been talked about amongst in the field, remember in this short video, the facts show clearly that 1. 59.3% of transfusions not beneficial at all. 2. 28.8% was uncertain of any benefit, 3. ONLY! ONLY! 11.8% deemed to be helpful. Would you jump of a cliff with only 11.8% chance of surviving, & if you do survive you will have health problems for the rest of your life which will most likely shorten it, or walk down the steps with complete confidence you will have heaps better outcome with little or no side effects? That's how clear cut it is. But we understand that it is hard to teach an old tradie newer, proven, faster & safer ways to get the job done, I'm even guilty of that, so I hope you look further into it, you'll be glad you did.

    • @kurtvillarosa2037
      @kurtvillarosa2037 5 років тому

      @@simonpatcharin That still doesnt prove how it changes gender.

  • @ming4182
    @ming4182 5 років тому

    So what's the alternative treatment instead of transfusion? How do you correct severe anemia without transfusion? Can you talk about that so we have an idea that transfusion is not the only way to go?

  • @marvinhedgecock8833
    @marvinhedgecock8833 5 років тому

    There is a greater risk with blood transfusion, since stored blood does not have oxgen in red cells. John Hopkins University has a complete bloodless surgery. Blood transfusion are a thing of the past! Marvin From Utah

    • @masm3608
      @masm3608 Рік тому

      Interesting .

    • @vandalayindustries8036
      @vandalayindustries8036 Рік тому

      @@masm3608 it isn't though. That simply isn't accurate. Stored blood funnels into the circulatory system and is capable of transporting oxygen when it is still viable. Unused blood is discarded. It gets more complicated than that. but this statement is not accurate.

  • @henryudueni4909
    @henryudueni4909 5 років тому

    I need blood transfusion because I have sickle cell they replenish my sickle blood cells

    • @divinefeminine4206
      @divinefeminine4206 5 років тому

      please search natural ways to replenish your blood cells because my mother is going through very similar situation and they only way Is to heal our organs that are in charge of our red blood production via iron and minerals the body is lacking due to a westernized diet

  • @jasonalcayde6637
    @jasonalcayde6637 5 років тому

    God mention in Acts chapter 15 verse 29 . he knows what is good for us.

    • @sars5891
      @sars5891 5 років тому

      Life is good for us.

    • @vandalayindustries8036
      @vandalayindustries8036 4 роки тому

      The Bible forbids the eating of blood. Not transfusion. There have been and continue to be circumstances where only blood will do. JWs even accept hyocriticaly blood products from the same donor pools as the products they refuse. Talk about missing the point of those scriptures, and elevating the symbol of life above life itself.

    • @arreyes4658
      @arreyes4658 4 роки тому

      Vandalay Industries Acts 15:29 “that ye abstain from things sacrificed to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication; from which if ye keep yourselves, it shall be well with you. Fare ye well”

    • @Tasorius
      @Tasorius Рік тому

      And he drowned almost all life in the world once.

  • @rebirth1629
    @rebirth1629 5 років тому

    This video is not to discredit the importance of blood transfussion that it saves lives during emergency. It discredit the unnecessary practice of transfussing blood when it can be avoided using patient blood management. As summarised at the end, its about preparation( ie: giving txa),minimising blood loss (ie:surgical trchnique and other haemostats) and preventing anemia.

    • @rebirth1629
      @rebirth1629 5 років тому

      On a major trauma case where a patient has significant suddent loss of blood, a blood transfussion is necessary. This video really applies to most elective surgeries where thr patient can be properly assesed, prepared, blood loss to be anticipated and managed.

    • @nukasnook1561
      @nukasnook1561 5 років тому

      @@rebirth1629 at 5:31 it shows where even in severe blood loss non blood expanders can keep the veins open until the heart makes more blood which it can within minutes.

    • @mahimamahi8772
      @mahimamahi8772 4 роки тому

      It's a life saver for humans in emergency....don't confuse people with negative descriptions....I am scared bcoz today only I had my first transfusion... 2 remaining getting ready for hysterectomy.....

    • @vandalayindustries8036
      @vandalayindustries8036 4 роки тому

      @@nukasnook1561 the heart does not make blood. You have absolutely no clue what you are talking about. Stop spreading misinformation thinking it props us religious superstition.

    • @damianreed1990
      @damianreed1990 2 роки тому

      @@vandalayindustries8036 correct that the heart does not make blood. What I don't understand is the connection to religious superstition.

  • @migi7244
    @migi7244 6 років тому

    OKAY! but what's gonna happen on pregnant women (by 100% they usually requires blood transfusion), just let them die?

    • @mrMndBs123
      @mrMndBs123 5 років тому

      Migi even with a blood transfusion, mixing blood even if it’s clean is scientifically proven to be risky because mixing blood cells causes complications. That’s why HIV can develop, just by blood to different blood. There’s different forms of saving someone’s own blood if they’re loosing so much of it to clean it and put it back in their body. Doctors just use blood transfusions because it’s easier

    • @nukasnook1561
      @nukasnook1561 5 років тому

      There are alternatives, the reliance on blood is part of a mind set that is changing due to faster healing and the option to use alternatives in the vast majority of cases.

    • @caripage9327
      @caripage9327 5 років тому

      What the heck are you talking about? Most pregnant women never need a transfusion. That only occurs when a complication arises. I've had six kids and had a transfusion once, because I hemorrhaged, but it really wasn't necessary. I worked as a doula for years and never saw someone need blood, either.

    • @sars5891
      @sars5891 5 років тому

      @@nukasnook1561 bullshit

    • @nukasnook1561
      @nukasnook1561 4 роки тому

      @@sars5891 My Father had a triple heart bypass without blood and this was in the 80's. He got better quicker than everyone else who had the same op the same day. He was also the only one who didn't Hallucinate. I'm speaking from a basis of research and experiences ... YOU are worth the best medical care available to you ... ask for it if you ever need it.

  • @sapphireblue222
    @sapphireblue222 6 років тому

    So then the main concern/problem is with blood that is stored prior to transfusion. Would a direct transfusion be the solution?

  • @eli_jc_thompson9848
    @eli_jc_thompson9848 6 років тому

    Thanks for the help!

  • @tiawalker2316
    @tiawalker2316 6 років тому

    I had 4 blood transfusions which were needed because I only had 4 pints of blood in me.

    • @divinefeminine4206
      @divinefeminine4206 5 років тому

      You are very STRONG my mother had 2 because of her severe anemia but. now we are looking into holistic healing and eating more nutrient snd minerals to restore her hemoglobin and white blood cells iron and magnesium levels

    • @simonpatcharin
      @simonpatcharin 5 років тому

      You was alive with 4, so why add donor blood, as the evidence show, you most likely would have been better with expanderas. Some are saying cross DND could be possible. Their are many other side affects that science have proved from donor blood, this video is the tip of the "ice burg". Science is now hoping we as patients, (not Doctor) can make a more informative choice of what goes into our own bodies. All the best DTlove

    • @vandalayindustries8036
      @vandalayindustries8036 4 роки тому

      @@simonpatcharin you have not "crossed DNA". The blood this person received, is not even in their body anymore. Cells recycle themselves in a constant cycle. Autophagy has long since cleared out those cells and their body made new ones. This video is about overuse or unneeded transfusion. There are simply situations in which nothing else will do. I have no idea why JWs feel the need to comment on something they know so little about. It's the Dunning-Kruger effect in real life.

    • @simonpatcharin
      @simonpatcharin 4 роки тому

      @@vandalayindustries8036 Facts are as you know, a individuals blood is a liquid organ, is it not? and stays a individuals organ like transplanting a liver, logically the donor's liquid organ would be still their in circulation just like the donor's liver stays the donor's liver. As far as I know, the organization behind Jehovah's Witnesses are the ones who has helped from beginning to establish the best & safest now known forms of blood Conservation strategies know to man, they know more then what you have possibly been lead to believe. And I believe that has never taken even 1 cent for all 1000ks of hours of their time pouring into the medical industry to help others live long and happier. Kind regard.

    • @vandalayindustries8036
      @vandalayindustries8036 4 роки тому

      @@simonpatcharin with respect, you are wrong on almost every front. First while blood can be called a liquid organ, it does NOT stay in you indefinitely. In fact, your blood recycles itself every couple of months. Your marrow is constantly making new blood, and autophagy is the process by which your body gets rid of the older cells. You could absolutely not be more wrong I'm afraid. Before the next point, it's of note that your religion allows organ transplants. If blood is just a liquid organ, should it not also be allowed? Your logic doesn't track my friend. On the next front, the only thing JWs have done in regards to this issue, is create a need. They have absolutely not developed one single solitary procedure. If they have, I would ask you for some sort of evidence for that claim. I'm pretty certain if it was true, not only would I know about it having worked with the HLC, but they would be crowing about it. The HLC has arranged for a steady stream of JW guinea pigs to have experimental procedures tested.

  • @karldelacey1121
    @karldelacey1121 6 років тому

    Science is amazing and non-blood treatment is proved here to be superior compared with dangerous fake blood treatment

  • @dmitriy-k732
    @dmitriy-k732 7 років тому

    "Blood transfusion is associated with increased mortality and morbidity necessitating reevaluation of our current transfusion practices. A well laid out preoperative plan, integrating various techniques of blood conservation during the perioperative period will help in reducing and altogether eliminating the need for allogenic blood transfusion, which may contribute to improved overall outcome of the surgical patients." Liyakhath Ali,Jagadish M. B, Siddhram Jamgond. “Blood Conservation Techniques in Surgical Patients: A Review Article”. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; Vol. 3, Issue 61, November 13; Page: 13588-13601, DOI: 10.14260/jemds/2014/3813

  • @sean4229
    @sean4229 7 років тому

    Need to educated what is blood transfusion is all about.

  • @fahadali3205
    @fahadali3205 7 років тому


  • @tungs1065
    @tungs1065 8 років тому

    Most of the comments seem rather simplistic. Whole blood is never given to a patient. What they are talking about here is packed, citrated red blood cell (RBC) fraction. Blood also consists of platelets, white blood cells and plasma fractions all of which are used for various kinds of transfusion therapies. RBC fraction is typically used to treat anemia. However, it is very, very hard to actually die from anemia. A much better treatment for anemia is epoetin hormone. I think that RBC negatively impacts the immune system which can be very problematic for a patient that is dealing with an acute infection. This is actually a very common situation in intensive care units (ICU's). Typical ICU mortality rates are about 25% and some studies suggest that perhaps 25% of these involve this kind of scenario. That amounts to thousands of patients every year.

  • @Thushagp
    @Thushagp 8 років тому

    This is a disgrace to blood donors and this vedio is disfiguring the facts about blood transfusions.

    • @marksoya712
      @marksoya712 Рік тому

      Blood donors whilst well meaning, are also deceived by the propaganda that blood saves lives. People who still chant this mantra do so because that's what they're indoctrinated to believe. They hold this mistaken belief so dear that they simply refuse to accept the medical facts as outlined in this video and hundreds of other similar studies by experts in the medical profession. The reality, like it or not, is that it is rare for a blood transfusion to save a live where alternative options would equally save a life with better outcomes and lower associated risks. Procedures and critical care performed on those for either religious or other personal reasons has proven this time and time again over many decades.

    • @colsmith7257
      @colsmith7257 Рік тому

      The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will. Gustave Le Bon, سيكولوجية الجماهير Like Likes: 139

  • @ninjafruitchilled
    @ninjafruitchilled 8 років тому

    Is this a legit government body? Because if so, they need to fire whoever was in charge of making this video. Regardless of whether the content is correct, the overall style, with cheesy dramatic music and concerned narrator and micro-snippets from experts, just make the whole thing come across as complete bullshit. This is what I expect from a cable-tv documentary on alien abductions, not a serious video on public health issues.

    • @bullsnutsoz
      @bullsnutsoz 8 років тому

      Our Father in Heaven told us in his bible; accept no other human blood or products. Reckon we should follow his laws.

    • @voyagersquaremuzika
      @voyagersquaremuzika 7 років тому

      That's not true. Father in Heaven forbids old Jews to eat blood and not to use blood for a transfusion that still saves lifes!Some Christians have understood this nonsense in the Bible wrongly and now erroneously preach to people and thus endanger lives and even kill their Christian brothers

    • @richardjames3446
      @richardjames3446 7 років тому

      Acts chapter 15. It seems the bible is right on this.

    • @zinhlenorah9867
      @zinhlenorah9867 5 років тому

      What is the difference between eating blood and injecting it, to me thats the something

    • @colsmith7257
      @colsmith7257 Рік тому

      The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will. Gustave Le Bon, سيكولوجية الجماهير Like Likes: 139 Put that in your pipe and smoke it, it's not rocket science, you can't argue with STUPID 😜.

  • @VinhLai
    @VinhLai 8 років тому

    What is CYTOSCAN? I googled it and no where can I find the explanation. Can anyone explain to me?

    • @ThanySin
      @ThanySin 8 років тому

      +Vinh Lai Try searching Cytogenetics. I think Cytoscan is a scan of that.

  • @bradleykjduck96
    @bradleykjduck96 9 років тому

    I don't think people understood the video from some of the comments here listed. The video highlighted and I quote: "transfusion volume 46 Nov 2006" advised - Red Blood Cell transfusions are now considered harmful in SOME clinical situations! The question is how much is some and how harmful? the video went on to advise the risk of red blood cell transfusion outweighed the benefit! again one has to ask by how much? 59.3 percent of transfusions were NOT beneficial at ALL! In 29 percent of cases it was "uncertain" wether these transfusions were beneficial! It was only 11.8 percent that transfusions were deemed to be as they have termed it "HELPFUL" only!!! - to attribute the term life saving was left out. Its great this information is out there presented by Professors and Doctors who study this precious tissue known as blood, as it helps people of all backgrounds religious or non-religious to make an informed choice on this issue. Well Done....

    • @colsmith7257
      @colsmith7257 Рік тому

      The masses have never thirsted after truth. They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will. Gustave Le Bon, سيكولوجية الجماهير Every thing is politics Bradley, you can't argue with stupid, . Pontius Pilate said what is truth to Jesus. Nothing much has changed, well we have the Murdochs to sacrifice our children instead Molech

  • @Pallarenda21
    @Pallarenda21 9 років тому

    Great work Mike. Well done for looking after blood services in North Queensland.

  • @catchifyoucan232
    @catchifyoucan232 9 років тому

    There is no causation shown here, just correlation. They have not shown that the transfusions themselves are what cause increased morbidity and mortality. If you think about it, the correlation makes sense. People who are in need of a blood transfusions are in major danger of dying and have a lot going wrong with them in the first place.

  • @01Mary02
    @01Mary02 10 років тому

    While it would be great not to have to worry about blood transfusions, the fact of the matter is, that they are still needed and save thousands of lives every year.

    • @jodievt
      @jodievt 10 років тому

      There are many blood alternatives out there - it's just that the knowledge isn't readily given to the patient. Such as epo, saline, vit K, blood circulating machine and a few more others. Not only that but think, the minute blood is removed from the host, it starts to die. Sadly, in Australia, bloodless surgery isn't promoted and yet it's readily available in other western countries. What we have is a lack of training for doctors who are comfortable with what they know. The reason blood is used so much is the lack of education in the medical community and patient awareness. But as you can see in the vid, it's no longer accepted as a safe way to save a person's life. Often blood transfusions were given to alleviate the DOCTORS discomfort rather than assist the patient. There are plenty of information out there and you'll find there is so much out there advocating for bloodless transfusion and the links to post-op deaths due to blood transfusion. Hope this helps clear some things up for you Mary. :) Just another personal point, I don't like the idea of having someones blood in me. Generally if you get a blood transfusion, it's not one person but several, anywhere from 20-100. I had to have an op recently and said I didn't want a blood transfusion and they gave me all these other options. I found out later, that they actually had a blood salvager machine. What that machine does, is take your blood from you, clean it and pump it straight back in. It wasn't talked about and I certainly didn't know about it until someone who I knew was in the hospital liaison comity mentioned it to me.

    • @01Mary02
      @01Mary02 10 років тому

      ***** Um, I'm basing it on facts and statistics Jamie. Blood transfusion save far more lives what it "creates serious problems for." In the USA alone, blood transfusions save over 4.5 million lives. I don't have the statistics for how many people die FROM taking blood transfusions, but I'm sure I can find it if you're interested. Then we can compare the two.

    • @01Mary02
      @01Mary02 10 років тому

      Jodie V There's no doubt that alternatives can be used which is great. Unfortunately, there are many times when nothing other than blood will help.

    • @01Mary02
      @01Mary02 10 років тому

      ***** Here's a link on the subject:

    • @01Mary02
      @01Mary02 9 років тому

      ***** Sorry, I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. Can you clarify a bit?

  • @chevy-is-a-good-boy
    @chevy-is-a-good-boy 10 років тому

    I've always felt that blood transfusions were a crude and archaic method of treatment, why is the truth always suppressed? The sooner the medical community at large wakes up to this, the better it will be for all of us.

    • @dieviertewache6089
      @dieviertewache6089 7 років тому

      L.A. November 2019 Because the blood transfusion industry make much money with this product. It isn't save your live..., it destroys your healthy. They present it as your would it save lives. The truth is that it costs many people there lives or healthy trough many risks and complications ‼️

  • @KeithSpearpoint
    @KeithSpearpoint 10 років тому

    Very informative.

  • @larrymcnicol6866
    @larrymcnicol6866 10 років тому

    To all my friends and colleagues at work. I will be leaving soon. I promise! Larry.

  • @robsonyamorris
    @robsonyamorris 10 років тому

    This needs to be aired on main stream free TV here in Australia as we all need to be informed of this danger.

    • @marksoya712
      @marksoya712 6 років тому

      Sadly not likely to happen whilst the Red Cross in this country takes donated blood and on sells it to the medical industry for millions of $$$ annually. It’s not about saving lives, it’s about making money. So much research has now been done internationally into the outcomes of non blood management that the superiority of bloodless surgery is undeniable.

    • @vandalayindustries8036
      @vandalayindustries8036 2 роки тому

      @@marksoya712 what absolute rubbish. The Red Cross is a non profit. One that does amazing work that dwarfs most faith based initiatives. Blood collection, storage, and delivery is a complicated, high touch thing my friend. Bloodless medicine has it's place, and when it is possible and appropriate it absolutely is preferred. But that is NOT in every scenario. In fact, it is in a minority of them. Sometimes, nothing but some packed red cells will help you out of a jam. JWs know this, which is why they now allow in just this century, multiple blood products to be taken by their membership, while still bizarrely saying others cannot be.

    • @marksoya8347
      @marksoya8347 2 роки тому

      @@vandalayindustries8036 May I suggest you recheck your facts. The Red Cross DOES sell blood to hospitals. It maintains it’s non profit status as these funds are reinvested into the organisations actives including the processing of blood for transfusion, relief works and of course the huge costs of the day to day running of the organisation including staff wages etc. In fact, each bag of blood clearly states that it has been made available at cost. Blood is not free to the patient. The cost is reimbursed direct to the hospital by the Australian Government. As regards Jehovah’s Witnesses, once again you are incorrect. Their faith is based on the Bible edict to abstain from blood as in a whole blood product which includes platelets, plasma and other whole blood components. The organisation does not dictate what their members can and cannot have when it comes to blood fractions, it is left up to the conscience of each individual Witness. Many complete and sign an Advanced Health Directive (an official government legal document) stating which treatments or medications incorporating minor blood components they personally will or will not accept. You can verify this for yourself by researching the Red Cross Australia web site or the Jehovah’s Witness JW.ORG web site. Thanks to the pioneering efforts of the medical profession on Jehovah’s Witness patients in regard to bloodless surgery techniques, major health benefits have flown on to the wider community. The “Blood Saves Lives” mantra is little more than a marketing slogan. Contrary to popular belief, studies have shown that as a population demographic, those of the Jehovah’s Witness faith do not have a higher rate of death as a result of refusing a blood transfusion when competent non blood management is provided. In fact, and somewhat ironically, Jehovah’s Witness patients who have bloodless surgery often recover more quickly and have less short and long term side effects than those receiving the same operation with the use of a blood transfusion. These facts are readily verifiable by taking time to actually do a little research rather than making emotive statements based on hearsay.

  • @yvettebunch9827
    @yvettebunch9827 10 років тому

    Excellent! Agree with we "neet to get back to the fundementals!"

  • @JohnRicketts_Prov1822
    @JohnRicketts_Prov1822 10 років тому

    I first saw the pre/post-transfusion clip of the GI hemorrhage within this video four years ago. It is powerful visual evidence and I am glad to see it in the public domain. The Australian Govt is endorsing sound evidence based medicine. Will others follow?

  • @nathanielusoro4132
    @nathanielusoro4132 10 років тому

    A compelling and prophetic video featuring perhaps the most knowledgeable authorities in the world on the subject of patient blood management. Thanks for this brilliant piece. The Bloodless Revolution is on!