T Dubz
T Dubz
  • 91
  • 896 046
Vw t5 How to insulate your camper New Thermo liner from Dodo #camper #vwt5 #dodo #howto #camperlife
Welcome back, another great product from dodo mat UK being installed in the van. The new Thermo liner 15mm.
#vwt5 #diy #howto #vw #dodo #vwbuild #insulation #camper #camperbuild #camperlife
Big thanks to Jon at www.vehicleinsulation.co.uk/ for installing the latest product from dodo. Massive shout out to dodo mat UK for supplying the product it really has made a noticeable difference to the van already.
link to Jon's page/shop
Link to dodo
New Thermo liner
Foil faced tape
Thanks for watching.
Переглядів: 3 099


Trip to travelin-lite #vw #vwt5
Переглядів 2,2 тис.Рік тому
So I finally got up to see Elliot and the team at #travelinlite Its been a long time coming but I finally got there. Was great to finally meet everyone an putting faces to the names. If you haven't been to see them, try to if you can its well worth the trip. The show room is packed with goodies for all types of transporter's and caddy's. The front bumper...The new TL-RS! wow it really is a work...
Vw t5 sound deadening #vwt5 #vwbuild #dodomatuk
Переглядів 1,4 тис.Рік тому
Welcome back to the Build. #diy #vw #vwt5 #vwbuild #sounddeadening #howto #dodo Series 4 gets underway with a installation of the top class Dodo sound deadn form Jon Grigs. Special thanks to dodo for suppling the products used in this video. Make sure you subscribe and show your support. Thanks for watching. Links to everything used in the video. Jon Grigs www.vehicleinsulation.co.uk/ Dodo soun...
vw t5 build #series 4 trailer
Переглядів 1,3 тис.Рік тому
Hey guys and welcome to the channel. Welcome back to all who have subscribed, if you haven't please do so. This is the mini trailer #walkthrough #walkaround of the new build. Really wanted to show you a quick look at the oldie before I start tearing it up and adding/changing bits etc. lots of content due your way with this build. Here is some links to the companies that will be involved along t...
VW T6 power folding mirror upgrade #powerfoldingmirrors #vw #vwt6 #vwtransporter #camper
Переглядів 5 тис.Рік тому
Welcome to the channel, Like, SUBSCRIBE and follow the channel. This video, I'm fitting power folding mirrors to the lovely T6. The Kit can be found here at Travelinlite. travelinlite-transporters.co.uk/products/t6-15-20-electric-power-folding-mirrors-upgrade-kit?_pos=2&_sid=30713b8b3&_ss=r Thanks for watching Tom
VW T6 door cards #retrim #suede #vw #doortrim
Переглядів 6 тис.Рік тому
Hello guys an welcome to a new video. Subscribe if you haven't. In this video I'm suede lining a set of T6 door cards. The non backed suede can be found here at Harrison trim supplies www.harrisonstrimsupplies.co.uk/ The Glue can also be found on there page. The impact adhesive I used can be found here. www.screwfix.com/p/evo-stik-impact-adhesive-off-white-to-amber-250ml/38770 Thanks for watchi...
Flatout Camper Bed vw T6 campervan
Переглядів 7 тис.Рік тому
Hey and welcome back to the channel.. Been a while but hopefully getting back into the swing of things. In this video i'm fitting a bed from Flatout Camper beds which sits perfectly alongside our bespoke kitchen. Thanks for watching and subscribing. Make sure you check out the new store an support the channel with some merch. links... Bespoke Buses www.bespokebuses.co.uk/ Flatout Camper Beds ww...
Building a campervan | pt1 | camper build #ford #timelapse #bespoke
Переглядів 1,6 тис.2 роки тому
Hello to you all, welcome back to the channel. Make sure your subscribed and follow the channel. Click the link and the bell. First of many documented builds coming out of Bespoke Buses HQ. Ford Transit mini bus camper build. This is going to be an epic camper once its finished. The van started its life as a mini bus.. The customers have given their brief and we have set to work to make the dre...
Vw t5 halo roof install | led lights #bespoke #howto #diy
Переглядів 14 тис.3 роки тому
Hey guys and welcome back to the channel. Thanks for subscribing and following the channel. If you haven't then please show your support and subscribe. In this video we are fitting a halo roof with a rear overhead speaker box. The video itself isn't full of detail, as I didn't want to spill all the 'how to's'... All the links are bellow.. Beach Bums Clothing beachbumsclothing.com/ Rusty Lee Bed...
vw t6 build | epic Mtb
Переглядів 1,5 тис.3 роки тому
Welcome to the back to the channel, a different video for you guys… a good friend of mine asked for my help to get his van out there to help it sell…. This is the info below. Any serious people out there get in touch via Instagram or on here. Thanks for watching. tom_tdubz?igshid=1k53m4b1c8g1n This is the ultimate adventure van ready to go almost anywhere. Vw T6 65plate T28 Highli...
vw t5
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vw t5
vw T5
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vw T5
Double swivel base Rustylee diy howtoguide vwt5
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Double swivel base Rustylee diy howtoguide vwt5
Vw T5
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Vw T5
Fitting seat covers vwt5 #frontseats
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Fitting seat covers vwt5 #frontseats
Vamoose Multi Rail #awningrail #t5 #vw
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Vamoose Multi Rail #awningrail #t5 #vw
t5cuppy vwt5 cup holder
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t5cuppy vwt5 cup holder
Vw T5 Rustyleebeds RnR bed Swivel base
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Vw T5 Rustyleebeds RnR bed Swivel base
Mystery box ???? GIVEAWAY
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Mystery box ???? GIVEAWAY
vw t5 fitting a new floor. #Blackbeauty
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vw t5 fitting a new floor. #Blackbeauty
vw t5 #windows #blackbeauty #series3
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vw t5 #windows #blackbeauty #series3
vw t5 #Blackbeauty
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vw t5 #Blackbeauty
vw t5 #BlackBeauty
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vw t5 #BlackBeauty
Vw T5 #BlackBeauty
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Vw T5 #BlackBeauty
Vw T5 #BlackBeauty
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Vw T5 #BlackBeauty
Vw T5 #series2 The End
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Vw T5 #series2 The End
vw t5 #twinrails #series2 #episode12
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vw t5 #twinrails #series2 #episode12
Vw T5 #series2 #episode11#poptopbedboard
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Vw T5 #series2 #episode11#poptopbedboard
vw T5 rear speaker install #series2 #episode10
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vw T5 rear speaker install #series2 #episode10
VW T5 Facelift #pt3 #episode3 #series2
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VW T5 Facelift #pt3 #episode3 #series2


  • @KaiConfuzzled
    @KaiConfuzzled 18 днів тому

    Great video. I’d say to anyone doing this job - photograph the lock mechanism first so you know where the rods go, and cover the van when spraying, to prevent overspray getting on / in the van.

  • @nathandavies6014
    @nathandavies6014 20 днів тому

    Defo made me want to get one now lol

  • @SeanKellyFarrell
    @SeanKellyFarrell 21 день тому

    Great help for installing my reversing camera on our T5.1 today!

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 21 день тому

      Thanks for watching, I’m glad it helped 👍🏻

  • @russellnewton6660
    @russellnewton6660 26 днів тому

    I pulled the light switch out just to see the connection when I do the mod, but it came out on its own without the electrics attached. The gummings were still in the dash. Any ideas, would it be ok to pull out with some pliers, what do think ?

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 26 днів тому

      @@russellnewton6660 I’d pop the side panel off and poke the connector through I wouldn’t pull at it just in case….

    • @russellnewton6660
      @russellnewton6660 26 днів тому

      @ cheers Tom 👍

  • @chriscavies
    @chriscavies Місяць тому

    Did you have to remove the seat belt on the double bench seat to fit the cover. I have the Vankraft folding seat bracket also, will these covers be compatible.

  • @marcclivio5476
    @marcclivio5476 Місяць тому

    Hello thank you very much for this video. I have the same T5 and I want put a spoiler. I received it this afternoon. If the weather will be good tomorrow maybe I will try put it. How long for the installation? Sorry I'm French...

  • @timeintheuk
    @timeintheuk Місяць тому

    Please not over Ur seat

    • @timeintheuk
      @timeintheuk Місяць тому

      Does it whistle at 65mph ?

  • @timkelly9596
    @timkelly9596 Місяць тому

    Just fitted these. Your video and the kit were perfect. Look great. Cheers!

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz Місяць тому

      @@timkelly9596 thanks for watching, glad it helped 👍🏻👍🏻

  • @Silverado_UK
    @Silverado_UK 2 місяці тому

    I have 61 plate, need to put fog lights inside my plastic covers as well as drl’s like the splitter

  • @meatologist
    @meatologist 2 місяці тому

    Hey man. Am going to attempt this install tomorrow. Suppose it feels like an absolute age since you did this 😂 Thanks for posting these videos. They’re really very helpful 👍🏼🤘🏻

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 2 місяці тому

      @@meatologist long time ago 😂 hope the vid helped get yours on 👍🏻👍🏻

  • @garykennedy4856
    @garykennedy4856 2 місяці тому

    Wouldn’t it be better to have before and after photos at the end to give a fuller picture of difference?

  • @Shaunlinley2
    @Shaunlinley2 2 місяці тому

    Good video mate cheers

  • @fredblogs
    @fredblogs 2 місяці тому

    Use a Mike next time.

  • @richard-x6s
    @richard-x6s 2 місяці тому

    Great video thanks for showing a lot of the connections and what’s involved in the installation process

  • @andyk7714
    @andyk7714 3 місяці тому

    Did you do the additional wiring

  • @casttrice
    @casttrice 3 місяці тому

    Does the hub mod work on other vw models?I’ve got a scirocco and was thinking of trying this?

  • @matsissons8924
    @matsissons8924 3 місяці тому

    Mole grips on drop links (adjustable ones from stance £50 ) they worth doing while your at it 👍🏽

  • @arkeye01
    @arkeye01 3 місяці тому

    Where did u get the phone holder from?

  • @joshmaxlen679
    @joshmaxlen679 3 місяці тому

    Where do I get a kitchen unit like that for the same place exactly what I’m looking for Cheers

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 3 місяці тому

      This unit was built bespoke by us.. I don’t think there is anything available anywhere like this…

    • @joshmaxlen679
      @joshmaxlen679 3 місяці тому

      @@tomtdubzok thanks

  • @mananddog.outdoors
    @mananddog.outdoors 4 місяці тому

    Got my spoiler on order, due to arrive this week. Great helpful video.

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 4 місяці тому

      @@mananddog.outdoors thanks for watching 👍🏻

  • @oliverfairy6873
    @oliverfairy6873 5 місяців тому

    Best you can do with stance plus coilovers, but they arent heigh adjustable coilovers. They’re marketed as such but all youre doing with it is changing spring preload

  • @davidmarrison-y9j
    @davidmarrison-y9j 5 місяців тому

    Hi do you know if you can just fit the mirrors and have them fold up and down with the two wire you said about when you lock and unlock as im not bothers about electric moving glass or the bigger switch in the door thanks

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 5 місяців тому

      Not 100 sure but I guess it would be possible try someone in the auto electrics world, it’s got to be able to work 👍🏻

    @CHUNKSTV 5 місяців тому

    What's the name to the screw connector that goes into the back of the block connector?

  • @anders8843
    @anders8843 5 місяців тому

    Dont ever ever do it like this guy. Always wear a respirator gloves and longsleeve . Dichloromethane is no joke.

  • @deanelliottphotography4329
    @deanelliottphotography4329 6 місяців тому

    Hey, I was wondering about the drilling of the 3 end holes? How come you don’t use the self tappers as with the others?

  • @forgottenknowledge8917
    @forgottenknowledge8917 6 місяців тому

    I want to do window deletes and add blanks. Lol

  • @michaelboocock3250
    @michaelboocock3250 6 місяців тому

    How much would that style furniture set up cost?

  • @ChrisCorkPhotography
    @ChrisCorkPhotography 6 місяців тому

    Recently had these fitted, so you ever notice that the shock is off centre to the spring at the front? Wondering if mine have been seated correctly by the garage

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 6 місяців тому

      They do sit centred when you jac up spring becomes loose and can move off centre… that’s if your running then low…

  • @MarkGaudie
    @MarkGaudie 6 місяців тому

    Lovely job sir! Bet the customers are super thrilled with how cool it now looks. 👍👍

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 6 місяців тому

      Thanks for watching and yes they were, didn’t last long went to a pop top 👌🏻

  • @LizzyFerretOfficial
    @LizzyFerretOfficial 6 місяців тому

    Well this is chuffing awesome and will be making its way to my van asaaaaaaap! Thanks for this! 👌🏽

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 6 місяців тому

      Great bit of kit! The guys at t5 cuppy have done an awesome job on this 👍🏻👍🏻

  • @adamhenkel1379
    @adamhenkel1379 7 місяців тому

    Thanks for what you do I appreciate your videos. Keep up the good work. Hello, from flori'm doing. Modifications on a 2018 Jeep Compass well. Complete got. And rebuild with a second stereo wheel for PlayStation.And I need passenger seat to lay down flat and turn around to t v's

  • @davidhowells9956
    @davidhowells9956 7 місяців тому

    Hi mate, just fitting my splitter was just wondering is your van lowered and what size wheels are on it? Cheers.

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 6 місяців тому

      Vans lowered on stance plus coilovers, little bit of adjustment left, 19” alloys at the time of the video 👍🏻

  • @kenulmark45
    @kenulmark45 7 місяців тому

    i wish they had it in stock ...

  • @AlexS-mf2kc
    @AlexS-mf2kc 7 місяців тому


    • @johnstoddard9352
      @johnstoddard9352 6 місяців тому

      Can you explain? I bought these but haven't fitted.

    • @AlexS-mf2kc
      @AlexS-mf2kc 6 місяців тому

      I mean they MUST fold along the vertical axis normally not upwards...

  • @kevinwright3141
    @kevinwright3141 7 місяців тому

    Invaluable video for me, as had a wiring fault in the registration lights and needed to take the exterior handle off - Thanks so much for the efforts in putting this for all to see - Nice Van also - better than mine (if you still have it??) ! :)

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 7 місяців тому

      Thanks for watching, glad you found the video helpful, sadly I don’t have the van but it’s still going strong 💪🏼 👌🏻

  • @MR.SKANDAL0121
    @MR.SKANDAL0121 7 місяців тому

    Random question but is this the same T Dubz who used to make instrumentals back in the day lol?

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 7 місяців тому

      😂 yeah, been a bit busy.. new job, finding it hard to fit in time to put videos together… il be back 👌🏻

  • @emmanuelibitoye2010
    @emmanuelibitoye2010 7 місяців тому

    Are you by any chance in Ireland? Can you do this for my car? I am interested...I have a VW Passat, will it work?

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 7 місяців тому

      Sorry I’m not, try a mechanic near you, you will just need to check the airbag looms…

  • @RichardTowler-p2f
    @RichardTowler-p2f 7 місяців тому

    Are there any errors on the dash if you don’t have a front fog light and do this upgrade ?

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 7 місяців тому

      Good question, there shouldn’t be any as the loom for the fog isn’t there…

    • @RichardTowler-p2f
      @RichardTowler-p2f 7 місяців тому

      @@tomtdubz that makes perfect sense! thanks!

  • @financialprospects3058
    @financialprospects3058 7 місяців тому

    Great upgrade for my T6 and thanks VM for the video, I would have been completely lost as Travelin Lite provided zero instructions! The only thing I would say, the 2 wires (Black & Red and Red & White) to the doors were just about enough length. The passenger side was extremely tight and I wasn't sure it was actually going to reach but it did with about 25mm to spare. Just need to locate the box under the dash and thats me done. Cheers

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 7 місяців тому

      Not a problem thanks for watching, glad it helped. Tucked up under the dash somewhere safely secured… a lot of the travelin lite stuff now has a qr code… thanks again 👌🏻

  • @danielwoolcock7267
    @danielwoolcock7267 8 місяців тому

    Hi, great video and thanks. Do you still recommend these for the money or would you advise another brand for comfort. Thanks.

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 8 місяців тому

      I’d recommend these all day long for the money, there not solows or b14’s but there also not 1000+ great bit of kit for 300 ish 👍🏻

    • @danielwoolcock7267
      @danielwoolcock7267 8 місяців тому

      @@tomtdubz awesome. I'm looking online and there's different names. Stance street, stance proline, stance etc etc. Which ones do you recommend bud. Thx

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 8 місяців тому

      @@danielwoolcock7267 personally I’d go for the street kit.. new top mounts and drop links. The proline gives you more adjustment on the rear and can go a little lower.. depends what your plans are…

    • @danielwoolcock7267
      @danielwoolcock7267 8 місяців тому

      @@tomtdubz not worried too much about going really low, it's more of a close the gap down type fix. I'll go for the street kit then. Nice one 👍🏻

  • @leonjazmine3399
    @leonjazmine3399 8 місяців тому

    Did you have to put the code back in thd radio taking off the negative on the battery

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 8 місяців тому

      Oddly no.. it’s usually when the radio is removed for a period of time..

  • @reddave8628
    @reddave8628 8 місяців тому

    Never seen anyone cut the lower bump stop off before only ever seen the top tube cut down. Did it make any difference doing it this way around ?

  • @danielchurch1208
    @danielchurch1208 8 місяців тому

    Do u have a link for the part ?

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 8 місяців тому

      Think it’s in the video description….

  • @marksmith8663
    @marksmith8663 8 місяців тому

    Looks like access a bit more tricky for rear coil adjustment . Do you need to remove the inner wheel arch ?

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 8 місяців тому

      No need to remove the inner arch, to adjust them it is a lot more difficult than the front, it’s doable but to do a good job I’d suggest taking the adjuster out to set and putting back in.. 👌🏻👌🏻

    • @marksmith8663
      @marksmith8663 8 місяців тому

      @@tomtdubz think I better take it to a garage . Pay them to adjust it on a ramp . Ive just put 18” wheels the last owner put 20” on look live but rides horrible . It sits to low on the 18”. Wheels looks like space savers compared to the 20”

  • @Carltransporter
    @Carltransporter 8 місяців тому

    Hi Tom. Great video mate. I have had the stance + for 4 years now and they do the job. Towing a wobble box now so 80kg tow bar weight is making the rear so bouncy. I am no low low at around 65mm drop and still use the adjusters. Is there two types of rear Gaz, short or non short or will the short work because the adjusters are still in place. Regards Carl.

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 8 місяців тому

      Hey fella, definitely worth jumping on the gaz website, they do a variety of rear dampers great upgrade for the stance kit 👌🏻👌🏻

  • @ChiepShaguerre
    @ChiepShaguerre 8 місяців тому

    Whats the Strap holder mount called, the one that holds the strap / belt while the bed flush to the wall? Whats the correct name/term? Thanks.

  • @SeanE1978
    @SeanE1978 9 місяців тому

    Great video ruined by that light, drove my eyes nuts 🥴

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 9 місяців тому

      I’ve invested in a better one 🫣👌🏻👌🏻

  • @jamesread2210
    @jamesread2210 9 місяців тому

    How's she driving now, I was thinking about getting the same kit?

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 9 місяців тому

      I’m told by the new owner that it’s still running lovely on the coils, it’s not as low but still going strong, great kit. If your after a set send me a message on instagram I can get some sorted for you. @tom_tdubz

  • @dmshofikulbd
    @dmshofikulbd 9 місяців тому

    Fire content brother 🔥

  • @reddave8628
    @reddave8628 10 місяців тому

    Did you get any problems with the rear banging after taking the the adjusters right out. Love the videos 😎👍

    • @tomtdubz
      @tomtdubz 10 місяців тому

      Thanks for watching, I didn’t… I went straight to the gaz short shocks. Some people have mentioned banging.. that’s probably down to weight in the rear you can get adjuster deletes. Solid bit of rubber that helps locate the spring too.. 👍🏻