Stories From The Mansion
Stories From The Mansion
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Haunted Mansion Holiday 2024 CHANGES
Переглядів 7824 місяці тому
Haunted Mansion Holiday 2024 CHANGES
The Top 5 Haunted Mansion Items from Lowe's Halloween 2024
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The Lowe's Items have premiered a couple of weeks ago and I wanted to make my own ranking of the props I think are Mansionworthy. In case you did not know, Lowe's released some Lifesize animated props from characters of the Haunted Mansion and some decor items that seem like they've been taken from the classic attraction. If you wish to purchase any item from the Haunted Mansion collection, fol...
Three Important Changes Rumored to Come to The Haunted Mansion
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Rumor has it that three important scenes will change when the regular Haunted Mansion reopens on 2025. Though we might get a glimpse of some of this changes during Haunted Mansion Holiday, we won't be able to know for sure until regular Haunted Mansion reopens on early 2025, with the inclusion of a new animatronic bride, a new attic window with projections, the removal of the hangman and the su...
Carpetbaggers Chapter III: Defenestration
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In this chapter, learn the gruesome actions of the Beauregard brothers against former Haunted Mansion owners, and find out what was the only object that survived the Gracey Manor's fire.
Carpetbaggers: A Haunted Mansion Story: Part II
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Carpetbaggers: A Haunted Mansion Story: Part II
My Pitch For The Haunted Mansion
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How would my story for the Haunted Mansion commence? Who would the owners be? How would New England Haunted Mansion connect to New Orleans Haunted Mansion?
The Evolution of The Haunted Mansion's Family Plot
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A brief overview of the changes made to the family plot from 1970 to 2024.
The Haunted Mansion Holiday Gingerbread Houses
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Want to remember and see all of the Gingerbread houses from 2001 to 2023? Gather round, relax and reflect, feel free to take pause, while we tale you a tale, about dear Sandy Claws.
How Bad is The Hatbox Ghost Addition to the Magic Kingdom Haunted Mansion?
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The Hatbox Ghost is being added to Magic Kingdom's Haunted Mansion...but he's not being placed in the attic, but next to the endless hallway, disrupting the "no visible ghosts before Leota" rule. How bad could this be? Let's discuss it today in this video here in STORIES FROM THE MANSION!
The Haunted Mansion's New 2024 Queue Expansion
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The grounds in the Haunted Mansion are expanding... What will they bring with them? and more importantly, where will it be built?
The Haunted Mansion (2023) movie review by a fan
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The Haunted Mansion (2023) movie review by a fan
Haunted Mansion Trailer Breakdown 3
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Haunted Mansion Trailer Breakdown 3
More Haunted Mansion Movie Trailer Breakdowns
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More Haunted Mansion Movie Trailer Breakdowns
The Unmade 1990's Haunted Mansion Movie
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The Unmade 1990's Haunted Mansion Movie
The New Haunted Mansion Merch for Halloween 2023!
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The New Haunted Mansion Merch for Halloween 2023!
More Haunted Mansion Movie Easter Eggs and News!
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More Haunted Mansion Movie Easter Eggs and News!
The Haunted Mansion Movie News
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The Haunted Mansion Movie News
Should the hangman be "cut loose" from the Haunted Mansion?
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Should the hangman be "cut loose" from the Haunted Mansion?
Zeke Holloway - Caretaker of the Haunted Mansion
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Zeke Holloway - Caretaker of the Haunted Mansion
Little Leota: the Ghostess of the Haunted Mansion
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Little Leota: the Ghostess of the Haunted Mansion
Tokyo Disneyland Haunted Mansion Mystery - Disney Story Beyond /// ホーンテッドマンション ディズニー・ストーリー・ビヨンド
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Tokyo Disneyland Haunted Mansion Mystery - Disney Story Beyond /// ホーンテッドマンション ディズニー・ストーリー・ビヨンド
The Haunted Mansion (2023) Teaser/Trailer Easter Eggs
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The Haunted Mansion (2023) Teaser/Trailer Easter Eggs
Who is The Ghost Host?
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Who is The Ghost Host?
Disneyland Haunted Mansion Holiday vs. Tokyo Disneyland Haunted Mansion Holiday
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Disneyland Haunted Mansion Holiday vs. Tokyo Disneyland Haunted Mansion Holiday
The Haunted Mansion Birthday Girl
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The Haunted Mansion Birthday Girl
Main differences between Disneyland's Haunted Mansion vs. Walt Disney World's Haunted Mansion
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Main differences between Disneyland's Haunted Mansion vs. Walt Disney World's Haunted Mansion
The Opening day of The Haunted Mansion
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The Opening day of The Haunted Mansion
The Books and Stories that Inspired Disney's Haunted Mansion
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The Books and Stories that Inspired Disney's Haunted Mansion
Movies that inspired the Haunted Mansion
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Movies that inspired the Haunted Mansion


    @NAVEMAN3 18 днів тому

    I loved the movie, and I think the reason why people didn't like it was because it was released around the same time as Barbie and Mr. Bomber(sorry, I can't spell his name well), and also it was released during the summer and not on October or November. They screwed themselves over. At least on TV, they put it on the right month.

  • @hunterknobelcatholicknight3006
    @hunterknobelcatholicknight3006 Місяць тому

    5:43 much better ending than refurbishing

  • @larry1350
    @larry1350 Місяць тому

    The duelist on the left with the goatee definitely looks like Mephistopheles.

  • @fanofblueshockey107
    @fanofblueshockey107 Місяць тому

    Removing the hanging man would be the same as claiming that sensitivity never existed so honestly they should keep them up there

  • @tfhunt
    @tfhunt Місяць тому

    I’ve long been a fan of both Phantom Manor and the haunted mansion and believe me the question of she came to be involved with the Ravenswoods rattled my brain for some time. Looking back I believe my personal theory is that at one point on his journey with those that would be the founders of Thunder Mesa it was Madame Leota who met Henry for the first time and told him of Thunder Mountain, there would be where he would find the gold to build his estate and the towns foundations. She would warn him years later of how Melanie sought out her suitors in the hopes of escaping from her father, and later following the earthquake for which she’d been killed~she used her power that allowed her to maintain her spirit to transform Henry into the Phantom, allowing him to live among the undead and torture Melanie for betraying his wishes for the rest of her days

  • @GarrisonValentinelli
    @GarrisonValentinelli 2 місяці тому

    I am sorry for the wdw hitchhiking ghosts effect. But I will make the wdw hitchhiking ghosts to my mansion, but they will look like the animatronic figures from before.

  • @GarrisonValentinelli
    @GarrisonValentinelli 2 місяці тому

    For my version of the ride, the grand hall is not celebrating a birthday party but 55 years of happy haunting. The 13 candles on the cake pays tribute to 1313 Disneyland Drive.

  • @siancokeley7840
    @siancokeley7840 2 місяці тому

    Can't think why his tenants keep walking out😅

  • @bowler185
    @bowler185 2 місяці тому

    I remember a telescope on the 2nd floor. It was facing Tom Sawyer island

  • @bigbadjohn-wt7wz
    @bigbadjohn-wt7wz 3 місяці тому

    Constance, you have killer instincts!

  • @bigbadjohn-wt7wz
    @bigbadjohn-wt7wz 3 місяці тому

    Madame Leota, you're crystal clear!

  • @nataliapanfichi9933
    @nataliapanfichi9933 3 місяці тому

    i liked the 2002 movie, it was funny. ramsey the butler is so evil i dont get why people trusted him

  • @elijahbegay7608
    @elijahbegay7608 3 місяці тому

    Should a part 2

  • @joezilla0250
    @joezilla0250 3 місяці тому

    She deserved better…😔

  • @semigothpixarqueen1600
    @semigothpixarqueen1600 3 місяці тому

    10:16 Awwwww! Hit me right in the nostalgia lobe! I wish I can still find this!

  • @rmack3720
    @rmack3720 3 місяці тому

    Toontown was replaced with Storybook Circus and a portion of new Fantasyland

  • @diamondruby7257
    @diamondruby7257 3 місяці тому

    Just for clarification, there is the "following bust" in Phantom manor, it's just closer to the boarding area, and not in the hallway, but the HM hallway is still cooler because it has windows, I'll give it that

  • @cameronmccoy425
    @cameronmccoy425 3 місяці тому

    Did you also know? In the 2003 film, "The Haunted Mansion", the changing portraits are historical paintings. They include are as follows: 1. Portrait of Madame Récamier by François Gérard, as the Werecat Lady (I saw that on a video you uploaded). 2. Napoleon Crossing the Alps (a.k.a. Napoleon Bonaparte at the Great St. Bernard Pass) by Jacques-Louis David. This is the painting that is backwards, facing the right direction instead of left, as Jim Evers (Eddie Murphy) passes by that painting, and Napoleon and a rearing horse become skeletons. In reality, as Napoleon Crossing the Alps was facing the left direction, I managed to turn the skeleton knight to the left, anyhow. 3. A Roman Lady (La Nanna) by Sir Frederic Leighton, as Medusa. This is the painting becoming one with the actual "Medusa" head, made by Caravaggio. 4. View of Brest Harbor by Jean-François Hue. This is the painting that turns into C.S.S. Manassas pushing the Fire Barge into the U.S.S. Hartford. 5. Carnival Scene (a.k.a. The Minuet), by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo. This is the gigantic painting behind the clock passageway in the Gracey Manor foyer that turns into the inferno.

  • @NoopyP
    @NoopyP 3 місяці тому

    Madame Leota's "Serpents and spiders..." speech is my favorite, I listen to it a lot every Halloween haha and Phantom Manor has always been my favorite ride at Disneyland (however kinda sad they made some changes I didn't like in the past couple years)

  • @philmetzger2315
    @philmetzger2315 3 місяці тому

    999 percent in agreement, and the magic kingdom location of haunted mansion is superior. As said in other comments on other videos it is insulting when Disney removed splash mountain from the Disney park. Disney corporation as a whole doesn’t understand what there job is anymore, but if the job is to give us Disney visitors the finger they are doing very well at the job, and decisions like this will be permanently detrimental, damaging. It’s time for people to push back harder than ever, splash mountain was only the beginning. When you remove rivers Disney will seek to remove liberty square, the rest of Frontierland, and they will seek to change Main Street USA to Mickey Ave. It’s the path that Disney going down now an extremely dangerous path, yet no one cares at Disney California. Tokyo Disney is only one not owned by the Disney corporation, and they’re able to push back against Iger Disney California Inc’s agendas, as the only reason why a splash mountain is still there. I don’t know if that would be possible in Florida, but nothing is impossible. Great things can happen when fight hard enough we’ve just haven’t tried hard enough. I don’t know how but a hostile takeover of Igers Disney is the only solution. In the meantime there’s a petition to save Rivers of America

  • @leslietonn3181
    @leslietonn3181 3 місяці тому

    I'm asking this as a legitimate question. "What would Walt Disney think?"?

    • @storiesfromthemansion4387
      @storiesfromthemansion4387 3 місяці тому

      I think he would stress the "blessing of space" idea and oppose the Rivers change.

  • @burneyboys02
    @burneyboys02 3 місяці тому

    It feels like a double-ended sword in a sense. I'm definitely excited for an East Coast Cars Land cause I've been waiting ever since the DCA version. But at the same time, the Rivers of America and Tom Sawyer Island is at risk. I've ridden the Riverboat once or twice probably before the pandemic took place, although the many times I've been to Magic Kingdom I've never set foot on the Island once. I've been trying numerous times to do it but other things got in the way. Hopefully I'll go there for an upcoming trip next year. Yeah it's gonna suck that two iconic pieces of Magic Kingdom history will erased from existence to make way for something new, but I have feeling that maybe Disney could reconsider on its placement based on what we're saying about it already. Yes, I know Disney can decide whether or not they'll listen fan outcry when it comes to revamps but you never know cause this land will be in park with the next couple years and remember: people have agendas and agendas could change. If they do then I really hope they could place it behind Big Thunder, at least if that was plan after the Coco was moved to California and they're still concerned about space behind Magic Kingdom. But in the meantime, better ride the river and explore the island while you still can.

  • @epic-say502
    @epic-say502 3 місяці тому

    Tiana's bayou has been a fail. Retheming was a loss of immersion and fun ... You have to make them understand guys ( i am from Europe ). You say many good things. Dont let them ruin your parks. It's not because you Can do, that you have to ... That's a sad Walt Disney studios visitor who tell you about that. We Lost tram tour, RNRC, motor action and others. For absolutely nothing And the Park now has no sens. And during this time, this waste of money and idea ... Our Disneyland is dying from starvation. I dont know what the companie is doing, bu that's uneffective ... Please dont let them do.

  • @NosferaMT
    @NosferaMT 3 місяці тому

    it's not just about sweet memories: like you said the body of water kind of isolated the haunted mansion from the rest of the park, even from the sounds, giving the silent, ominous atmosphere the attraction needs. For the rest, the river should offer some respite from the sun during summer, some fresh air and most importantly would aid the trees and plants around. With 'cars'? It will be a literal dusty desert, that path will become hot as hell and there will be dirt clouds flying *everywhere*

  • @NosferaMT
    @NosferaMT 3 місяці тому

    let us hope they won't do something *this* stupid

  • @stephanmead2662
    @stephanmead2662 3 місяці тому

    Odd that the river which represents nature which Disney himself loved is being drained. Out with the old in with the new. Soon the park ought to be called IP land, since everything that made it Walts is slowly slipping away. The worst part is these so called imagineers have the odasity to act like their ideas are better than Walts and his superb artists. I like improvements I hate replacements. I think each park should represent the politics of their respective states, let California be lead by pseudo apologies for the past while simultaneously tearing down rides that made the park great in the first place and replacing them with bland IP. Then let florida preserve the past unashamed retaining rides like splash mountain and tower of terror with no apologies. Then see which one does better. That is what I want, that is what I would do and my point would be proven, that Walt is timeless, and disney is shameless.

  • @AaronClements-zg5pv
    @AaronClements-zg5pv 3 місяці тому


  • @philmetzger2315
    @philmetzger2315 4 місяці тому

    There’s better ways to achieve this without paving over rivers of America. The river there represents the Hudson River the lore and spooky nature of the mansion on the outskirts of the colonial village “that the locals tell strange tells about the mansion” in my opinion will ruined. Along with the two themed lands along the rivers of America. There’s maybe 15 acres of space in behind fantasyland and the mansion attraction ride building. On a unrelated note and just for jokes, it would be nice if there was a steep discount on the mansion near me, it’s got its own private cemetery 😅

  • @TheHalloweenSpirit
    @TheHalloweenSpirit 4 місяці тому

    So excited for Villains Land!

  • @santajackfan101
    @santajackfan101 4 місяці тому

    2007 is my absolute favorite

  • @willlyon7129
    @willlyon7129 4 місяці тому

    This really makes me irritated that Disney is going to soft on the Haunted Mansion.

  • @willlyon7129
    @willlyon7129 4 місяці тому

    I’m writing a fanfic anthology about April/December’s story in the style of Dorian Gray.

  • @cameroniacobucci
    @cameroniacobucci 4 місяці тому

    Still waiting on the hitchhiking ghosts.

  • @katybethgrayson256
    @katybethgrayson256 4 місяці тому

    The story I’m writing takes inspiration from this, but does things a bit differently. In my story, a young girl (inspired by Melanie) is kept locked away in the attic by her cruel and controlling uncle (inspired by Henry) until the day she turns nineteen and is expected to marry a local clergyman. She begins to fall for him but hates the idea of being forced into marriage She’s also being haunted by the ghosts of her parents, as well as a mysterious “phantom* who she also falls in love with. I won’t spoil the ending but just know it’s going to be dramatic and lots of twists and turns

  • @robphillips1797
    @robphillips1797 4 місяці тому

    The hanging ghost host needs to stay! The Hitchhiking Ghosts should stay the way they are! I'd prefer the original "corpse" looking bride return. But as long as she doesn't talk, I'll be happy. Great video!!!!

  • @kaleigh8162
    @kaleigh8162 4 місяці тому


  • @kaleigh8162
    @kaleigh8162 4 місяці тому


  • @kaleigh8162
    @kaleigh8162 4 місяці тому


  • @kaleigh8162
    @kaleigh8162 4 місяці тому


  • @kaleigh8162
    @kaleigh8162 4 місяці тому


  • @andreapatane4204
    @andreapatane4204 4 місяці тому

    The Hatbox Ghost is one of my favorite characters from The Haunted Mansion along with Constance Hatchaway and Sally Slater, of course. 😱

  • @midnight_rain33
    @midnight_rain33 4 місяці тому

    i wont lie the gingerbread is actually really cool. feels like just yesterday the von ginger gingerbread was revealed and had everyone confused lol. on another note, may be controversial but im kinda glad constance will stay. i've always enjoyed her character.

  • @cafeAmericano
    @cafeAmericano 4 місяці тому

    I despise Haunted Mansion holiday. It doesn't matter what changes they bring to it. It's tacky. It's like a Hot Topic vomited all over a perfectly synthesized attraction. I'm so glad they haven't contaminated Phantom Manor with that ugly overlay

    • @storiesfromthemansion4387
      @storiesfromthemansion4387 4 місяці тому

      I wish the same as all: HMH from November to January, having the regular Haunted Mansion for Halloween, since HMH does feel more like Christmas.

    • @DISstockmagic
      @DISstockmagic 4 місяці тому

      As a first time visitor to Disneyland after only going to WDW since 2008, I absolutely loved Haunted Mansion Holiday. It's a shame you can only ride it once per day with the virtual queue. But I can see how it might get old

  • @nicksolis555
    @nicksolis555 4 місяці тому

    I saw a monkey bride in the attic scene, as well the monkey bride and groom dancing at the ballroom

  • @lejacob4061
    @lejacob4061 4 місяці тому

    1:52 Did you know that there was also a bat in a cage in the corridor too?

    • @damianhbk1
      @damianhbk1 4 місяці тому

      It's a dedication to Marc Davis. The Tag reads "To: Grandpa Marc" 🦇

    • @omcgh
      @omcgh 4 місяці тому

      @@damianhbk1 I couldn't catch it because he sped up the video, but I'll look for it on the regular pov video!