Dharma Heart Zen Recordings
Dharma Heart Zen Recordings
  • 336
  • 4 965


December 12, 2024, Debi Papazian, Zen Forms, Bowing
Переглядів 1614 годин тому
December 12, 2024, Debi Papazian, Zen Forms, Bowing
December 12, 2024, Erika Wild, Zen forms, Kinhin
Переглядів 3614 годин тому
December 12, 2024, Erika Wild, Zen forms, Kinhin
December 10, 2024, Zen forms, Zazen, Zen meditation
Переглядів 816 годин тому
December 10, 2024, Zen forms, Zazen, Zen meditation
December 8, 2024, Buddha's Enlightenment Retreat, day two
Переглядів 1621 годину тому
December 8, 2024, Buddha's Enlightenment Retreat, day two
December 7, 2024, Buddha's Awakening Retreat
Переглядів 15День тому
December 7, 2024, Buddha's Awakening Retreat
December 5, 2024, Lojong Concluded
Переглядів 8День тому
December 5, 2024, Lojong Concluded
December 3, 2024, Lojong Continued
Переглядів 414 днів тому
December 3, 2024, Lojong Continued
November 26, 2004, Lojong Continued
Переглядів 521 день тому
November 26, 2004, Lojong Continued
November 21, 2024, Lojong continued
Переглядів 1221 день тому
November 21, 2024, Lojong continued
November 19, 2024, Lojong Continued
Переглядів 1028 днів тому
November 19, 2024, Lojong Continued
Chris Fortin, 11 3 24, election retreat dharma talk
Переглядів 7Місяць тому
Chris Fortin, 11 3 24, election retreat dharma talk
November 15, 2024, Lojong continued
Переглядів 15Місяць тому
November 15, 2024, Lojong continued
November 12, 2024, Lojong continued
Переглядів 9Місяць тому
November 12, 2024, Lojong continued
November 10, 2024, All Day Sitting
Переглядів 25Місяць тому
November 10, 2024, All Day Sitting
November 7, 2024, Lojong continued, Chris and Gretchen
Переглядів 20Місяць тому
November 7, 2024, Lojong continued, Chris and Gretchen
November 5, 2024
Переглядів 10Місяць тому
November 5, 2024
October 29, 2024, Lojong continued
Переглядів 14Місяць тому
October 29, 2024, Lojong continued
October 24, 2024, Lojong Point 3, Slogan 12, Chris and Gretchen
Переглядів 24Місяць тому
October 24, 2024, Lojong Point 3, Slogan 12, Chris and Gretchen
October 22, 2024, Lojong Continued
Переглядів 12Місяць тому
October 22, 2024, Lojong Continued
October 17, 2024. Lojong introduction
Переглядів 92 місяці тому
October 17, 2024. Lojong introduction
October 13, 2024, All Day Sitting, view from the back of the zendo
Переглядів 92 місяці тому
October 13, 2024, All Day Sitting, view from the back of the zendo
October 10, 2024, Conclusion Zen Practice and Climate Change
Переглядів 132 місяці тому
October 10, 2024, Conclusion Zen Practice and Climate Change
October 8, 2024, Council of All Beings
Переглядів 172 місяці тому
October 8, 2024, Council of All Beings
October 3, 2024, Erika Wild, Zen Practice and Climate Change
Переглядів 312 місяці тому
October 3, 2024, Erika Wild, Zen Practice and Climate Change
October 1, 2024, Chelsea True, Zen Practice and Climate Change, continued
Переглядів 112 місяці тому
October 1, 2024, Chelsea True, Zen Practice and Climate Change, continued
September 26, 2024, Mary Ann Sacksteder, zen practice and climate change continued
Переглядів 162 місяці тому
September 26, 2024, Mary Ann Sacksteder, zen practice and climate change continued
September 19, 2024, Zen Practice and Climate Change
Переглядів 132 місяці тому
September 19, 2024, Zen Practice and Climate Change
September 17, 2024, Zen Practice and Climate Change, Continued
Переглядів 213 місяці тому
September 17, 2024, Zen Practice and Climate Change, Continued
September 12, 2004, Zen Practice and Climate Change continued
Переглядів 473 місяці тому
September 12, 2004, Zen Practice and Climate Change continued


  • @melissaknight-fine
    @melissaknight-fine 2 дні тому

    Thank you for this talk. I am grateful to be able to watch from here. Melissa

  • @melissaknight-fine
    @melissaknight-fine 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for this beautiful sharing.

  • @Novacasa88
    @Novacasa88 3 місяці тому

    Thank you for posting this! Do you know of the video of his lecture where he recites this poem? I can't seem to find it anymore. It was the most impactful video for my young adult life and helped me to climb out of my darkest moments. I'd so love to find it again for the impact it has in my memory.

    • @dharmaheartzenrecordings4658
      @dharmaheartzenrecordings4658 3 місяці тому

      I will forward your question to Chris.

    • @dharmaheartzenrecordings4658
      @dharmaheartzenrecordings4658 3 місяці тому

      Thay's Poetry / Songs / “The Story of a River” Plum Village plumvillage.org › articles › a-story-of-a-river-mu... Aug 23, 2020 - The Story of a River by Thich Nhat Hanh. Born on the top of a mountain, the little spring dances her way down. The stream of water sings as she ...

  • @marianadamiani8722
    @marianadamiani8722 4 місяці тому

    Beautiful teachings, thanks for sharing. My teacher just lend me the book and aI am absolutely loving it

  • @dave-on-keys
    @dave-on-keys 7 місяців тому

    so glad to be a part of the ever-growing community listening to this wisdom, and trying our best to find a good way forward! thank you for your good work

  • @KC1217
    @KC1217 8 місяців тому

    I’m enjoying this, but the incessant noise of people hooping and hollering in the background is extremely distracting. Where was this filmed? Couldn’t someone go outside the room and tell the people who are making noise to please stop?! I was really enjoying what you said but that was difficult to get past.

    • @dharmaheartzenrecordings4658
      @dharmaheartzenrecordings4658 8 місяців тому

      This reply is from Gretchen, tech person... we record where we meet in Sebastopol. We had no idea that the basketball game, across the courtyard, could be heard so clearly on the recording... hardly hear it in person. Will try to improve sound quality in future. Thanks for letting us know.

  • @okaytoletgo
    @okaytoletgo 9 місяців тому

    Hello from St. Johnsbury VT. Nice to touch in. The thumbs up counter isn't counting. At least not for me right now.

  • @dave-on-keys
    @dave-on-keys 9 місяців тому

    I am so grateful for your help, thank you. May we find the balance to help the world, without turning away or ignoring others' suffering

  • @dave-on-keys
    @dave-on-keys 9 місяців тому

    Since I was especially blessed to see this on George Harrison's birthday, you brought a hearty affirming laugh with "I am you and you are me". My hope is that we all do light work and reduce one another's heavy burdens, as you have done for me today!

  • @dave-on-keys
    @dave-on-keys 9 місяців тому

    thank you so much for your teaching and interpretation, this video came into my life at just the right time... but there would be no wrong time :)

  • @timrivera4340
    @timrivera4340 Рік тому

    'Promo sm'

  • @davidmaciewski3462
    @davidmaciewski3462 Рік тому

    Thank you for your teaching.

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 2 роки тому

    So many fires........and wow, propane explosions......everything changes.....will do my best to stay in the present.....and thank you for being in my present.......

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 2 роки тому

    Oh, listening to your description of Tassajara in past times full of deer and bears and bird life and so much more....the native peoples and all the more recent settlers.......oh, my.....

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 2 роки тому

    Oh, my what an adventure you had at Tassajara.......and I'm sorry to hear they're having such hard times at that beautiful place.....I do hope and trust Tassajara will find its way forward.......

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 2 роки тому

    And Yes, we must all work together and care for one another and our world......

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 2 роки тому

    Oh, thank You for sharing this wisdom, Dear. Many Blessings to You and our Sangha.

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 2 роки тому

    Oh, I am accepting my life just as I am.......NOW.

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 2 роки тому

    Yes, we are so lucky for these teachings.....I'm so grateful to you, dear Chris....thank you for sharing deep peace with us.

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 2 роки тому

    Oh, Yes, so much Gratitute.....bless you dear.

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 2 роки тому

    Awww, I am Earth and tree and hummingbird.......wish I could still do somersualts....

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 2 роки тому

    Oh yes.........boundlessness and embodiment.........inclusiveness and aloneness.................so much to think about........thank you for sharing this wisdom......

  • @suebonner1297
    @suebonner1297 2 роки тому

    thank you

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 2 роки тому

    Yes, Susan-once this Covid thing is lifted "body to body" will be so wonderful to return to......I hope to come to Friends' House and be with you in body again.....I look back with such pleasure to the fe times I spent with you doing art together.......It's all continuous practice......Love You!!

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 2 роки тому

    Oh, thank you for sharing your wisdom dear sisters.......Blessings.....

  • @debraharrow3733
    @debraharrow3733 2 роки тому

    Maryanne and Susan-what a full and lovely discourse you have presented- an illuminating reflection on the triple treasure, and the illustration of how one takes one’s practice off the cushion. So complete! 🙏🏼

  • @aaronoliver9075
    @aaronoliver9075 2 роки тому

    Beautiful story! Thank you :)))

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 3 роки тому

    Together with you here......thank You dear......

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 3 роки тому

    You get a gold star, too dear Chris!!!! Mahalo and Happy New Year!

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 3 роки тому

    Awww, I just want to go out nd hear the birds sing and the frogs croak!!

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 3 роки тому

    Yes, let's have a ten day/night ceremony/feast/fun!!!

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 3 роки тому

    oh I missed our shanga sitting tonight--so glad I found this....thank you for sharing this wisdom.....time for stories.....

  • @suebonner1297
    @suebonner1297 3 роки тому

    absolutely beautiful dharma talk

  • @lindadavis8173
    @lindadavis8173 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much for your wonderful dharma talk. I will carry the koan of how do you walk straight through while on a crooked path. lovely!

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 3 роки тому

    Peace, Ease, and Love....to me, you and to all beings.....

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 3 роки тому

    Hi Chris....wasn't able to join you at meditation today--it kept thinking I was leading the Zoom meetign...so glad I found this deep talk. Thank you. And yes, "human beings are CRAZY"...Oh, Yes, thank you for leading me into peace and healing in this Jewish New Year.

  • @lilithrogers5204
    @lilithrogers5204 3 роки тому

    OH, thank you for sharing this wisdom, Chris. It helps me wake up to the Buddha I am--and all of us--are already. Simple but meaningful and deep...

  • @lindadavis8173
    @lindadavis8173 3 роки тому

    I am so thrilled that you are recording dharma talks! It is a balm to my spirit to hear your words! 🙏