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Приєднався 13 кві 2017
History, gaming and whatever I feel like.
"Are those friendlies?"
Random encounter in ARMA 3 antistasi.
If you want to join we have a 24/7 antistasi server and also host operations every Saturday: discord.gg/9hzB7kd8
If you want to join we have a 24/7 antistasi server and also host operations every Saturday: discord.gg/9hzB7kd8
Переглядів: 127
Never in my 1705.5 hours of TF2 have I seen this happen until now
Переглядів 69Рік тому
We lost btw :(
Military edits be like:
Переглядів 435Рік тому
"I saw a video with gae flag today oh how western civilisation has fallen"
A Reminder - WW2 edit
Переглядів 311Рік тому
After 2 years I am back The military edits community would be much better if they didn't act as if Germany lost gloriously or made some heroic stand. Inspired by (Don't harass or anything as I said in the video the edit's quite good even if the thumbnail kinda suggests...): ua-cam.com/video/mCp-E90Q1dM/v-deo.html Song used is: ROMANE - GHOST ua-cam.com/video/fDJuTcbNOR4/v-deo.html I used a line...
Переглядів 43 тис.3 роки тому
The zone has a life of its own... Literally none of this was made by me, I just thought this song was cool and wanted to share it cause I couldn't find it on UA-cam. I basically just took an image from google images that I thought fit with the song and layered it over. Song source: www.moddb.com/mods/stalker-anomaly/addons/s-t-a-l-k-e-r-ogse-main-menu-music
"Conditional independence" - Chechnya 1994-2009
Переглядів 1,9 тис.3 роки тому
Title is from this article: www.rferl.org/a/1076423.html "By the estimates of Yeltsin's human rights adviser Sergei Kovalev, about 27,000 civilians died in the first five weeks of fighting. Russian historian and general Dmitri Volkogonov said the Russian military's bombardment of Grozny killed around 35,000 civilians, including 5,000 children, and that the vast majority of those killed were eth...
He was a good stalker but you were the only survivor
Переглядів 131 тис.3 роки тому
"He was a good stalker" cover provided by the immensely talented Campfire stalker, go check him out! ua-cam.com/channels/b_DABGPU3C9Xr5yi2_Dcww.html Loner Wojak provided by u/Antiquity_C on reddit Little shorter than the previous edit but here is the other really famous S.T.A.L.K.E.R. song that isn't Cheeki breeki. I saw there were already a few ambient versions of this song so I decided to put...
Dirge for the Planet but you're surrounded by Monolith
Переглядів 258 тис.3 роки тому
Inspired by similar edits. The picture is a still from this video: ua-cam.com/video/TGjdFRbvqQU/v-deo.html with some minor edits. I love Stalker and just wanted a cool project to work on.
0:49 monolit oof
:49 monolit
Its a special kind of pain, watching your buddy who you came into the zone with turn into a zombie right before your eyes, you think for a second, that surely he will remember you. But you know the way he raised that gun it'd be the two of you if you hadn't shot first.
It was a good life. Remember me, fellow stalkers.
Stalker 2 is awesome. Can't wait for anomaly mod version one day..
The Zone gives, and The Zone takes
The 2005 version should be playing here.
I still remember him, Alex Spy, my loner brother from another mother. Accompanied me from the rookie village all the way to Pryprat. He could've made it back too, if not for the Monolith. They attacked us on our way to the Laundromat, a fucking patrol took out my best friend. The guy that saved me from a fucking bloodsucker. All because I didn't spot a group of brainwashed idiots with exosuits.
Благодарим Тебя за то, что раскрыл слугам Твоим козни врагов наших. Озари сиянием Твоим души тех, кто отдал жизнь во исполнение воли Твоей. В бой, защитники Монолита! В бой! Отомстим за павших братьев наших, да будет благословенно вечное их единение с Монолитом. Смерть.... Лютая смерть тем, кто отвергает Его священную силу...
In a recent GAMMA playthrough, I had finally allied with Freedom after days of bending over backwards trying to join. I eventually did, and it was great. I had friends, community, and new allies I had never had before. I was happy. I had gotten a quest from Skinflint to deliver a package to him that a courier stashed in the Truck Cemeteries. Easy peasy, no problem. As I walked over to the graveyard of discarded machines, I got a ping. Monolith troops at the barrier. I quickly turned around, and eagerly ran over to Lukash to volunteer for the task. In a few minutes, I was with a large squad of Freedom fighters. I was ecstatic, I could finally prove myself among my brothers and sisters at Freedom. As we approached the barrier however, I began to note the scorch marks and debris on the ground. I had realized, I was stepping into a battlefield. No matter, I have my brothers with me! This should be simple! I was so wrong. As I approached the barrier and got my NVGs on, I saw them. I noted the first few lights coming through the darkness. 1... 2... 4..., but they kept coming. There were probably about 20 of them altogether in the end. I had cozied up inside a small building with my Saiga-12, using AP Slugs to pick off the weaker ones that tried to get by. Until eventually the ammo got less effective. I was dumping magazines into endless hordes of exoskeletons and heavy armor. The worse part is that the lower path was slowly fading, and a few kept sneaking from behind. I had essentially become a machine gunner position, endlessly flinging out shell after shell against the endless horde. After the first wave we got a few seconds of silence, until multiple rocket launchers came through, eating through our numbers. As I hit the ground I heard rockets and machine gun fire accompanied by the screams of my comrades. As my friends and family cried and wept, the mindless forces of the horde chanted praises and worships towards their twisted idol. I had enraged the zone, and she had sent her best children to stop me. Finally after hours of firefight, the final headlamp in the dark went out. And as I went to go check on the few survivors left... I heard crows. I heard wind. I heard a distinct *beep* from my PDA. An emission had come. We had killed her youngest, and she reacted with rage. As I ran towards a small shack at the top of the hill, I looked towards the two survivors near the bottom of the hill, exposed. I hid inside the shack until the roaring winds above me died out. And when I exited, I saw my brothers, limping away from the barrier, mumbling incoherently. I held my breath as I fired. This was the best death I could give them. After all of that, I walked through the warzone. Monolith and Freedom corpse lay sloppily thrown around, the barrier glistened red as the sun rose. It felt horrible. I looted the corpses, making sure to take various patches and keepsakes to preserve their memory. I was the only survivor. I trudged through the bodies back to the Warehouses, informing Lukash that the job was done. I spent the rest of the night returning various items and cleaning the rifles of the fallen, before storing them safely with Skinflint. We are no Stalkers, we are simply tourists of the zones power.
Pov Russian soldier fighting against Monolith, Duty, Freedom and Looners
The ending for Call of Pripyat will always be the craziest last stand,
Combat Song 1 Clear Sky but you're Strelok fighting the Monolith
When I lost my legs on my last excursion into the zone, they tried making me a handler, someone who gives the jobs to other stalkers. I was so disgusted by this. Sending others out so they could end up like me or my friends who was also lost to the zone. Fuck that. I now tend the bar at the safe barrier, if they aren’t going to help my fel- them, I will. Whether by simply giving them nourishment or listening to them. You’d be surprised how much listening helps a stalker who feels particularly wounded by the zone.
İts just fucking perfect perfect
Right! It gives me chills, the screams of pain and agony, along with the gun fire.
Ive been alone in the wastes for sometime but come across some people every so often but I never did like the company.
Кто нибудь слушает это в 2024?
No one is truly alone for we are all in the Zone.
And this is why i have always 3 guns on me 1 AR 1 scoped weapon and a deagle My last brain scorcher fight with the boys was so hard(we modified the settings) that we were fighting for an entire stalker day and we forget about the blowout at the night To make it short xe made it into the facility with only pistols ammo and 1 nade left
0:07 It doesn't matter if you are playing vanilla or a game modded to oblivion. Those voice lines will ALWAYS make any man feel the deepest of fears.
Same. Because you know that Monolith members dont go alone they walk as full squads and you know every one of them is armed to the teeth.
Any battle with the monolith scares me. Even with numerical advantage. I've lost an entire platoon to Monolith in Anomaly warfare.
And you have a chance that one of them will insta-zap you from one side of Pripyat to the other.
Not really, i see that white and green uniform and think “oooOOoo, i can finally dump my 15 grenades on something. Those have been weighing me down”
Spent like 3 hours getting to the brain scorcer today
Thanks for the PTSD flashbacks
За монолит братья
Лучшая игра
Rest easy stalker.
За Монолит!!
Україна зараз:
Cheeki Breeki
A reminder that they lost 😂
Yurka Absolute, was with me all the way from rookie to veteran; he was my best friend, a loner with a leather coat and a bolt action .20 gauge. Yurka was with me through it all, bandits in garbage, not a problem, mercs in army warhouses, easy days. Feeling like he had done good work and worried for his safety as I ventured into Red Forest, I sent him back home to the rookie village. I dont know what happened, I should have been with him like he was for me. I found his body just west of the depot in garbage. I'll never fogrive myself for not being there when he needed me.
never ask other stalkers what are they going to do when they get out of the zone
По монолиту
yes, very sad. anyway... _slams f9 button_
Отличная работа со звуком! Почему так мало просмотров?
This edit was created for a certain mod called OGSE and OGSR Old good stalker evolution/revolution.
Это лучшая музыка для ушей
Petro is still out there and he is still alive I just know it for a fact.
Such is life in the Zone.
Alhusksya Bulldog, Gordan Bolt, Yura Boa, and Roman Domain. The Random Stalkers that were my friends when they ambushed the Dark Valley base. I only saw Alhusksya Bulldog come back to me, telling that the mission was successful, but the Loner died in his sleep, from the pain and wounds he suffered. Thise four were the best Rookies in Cordon...
Ти будеш ликвидирован
The sounds of AKMs are music to Monolith. The Zone will take you out, even if it means nuclear annihilation in this world. Doomsday is close.
Perfect song choice, captures the pointlessness and sadness of the bloodshed
They were good stalkers
If you want to join we have a 24/7 antistasi server and also host operations every Saturday: discord.gg/9hzB7kd8
The og song of the cartel war is una mañana linda de josé josé
based as fuck
Must merely find the way home..
calmest day in Rio De Janeiro (78 people were shot dead)
Rest easy Mitya and Semyon
I was playing GAMMA warfare as Merc and after like 40 hours of pointless struggle it was finally time for the inevitable Monolith snowball. So I made a final stand in Dead City rooftop with my brothers, and it went down exactly like this. My people were dying left and right but I made at least 70-80 Monolith kills that day but they kept coming in from Yantar and the Warehouse directions. I briefly consider running toward the other Yantar gate and live to fight another day with a few of my boys, but the sky lights up, the crows start to caw as if signaling the Valkyries, and the siren goes off. I checked my PDA again and basically all settlements have been swallowed by the Monolith. So I load another magazine and keep on sniping from the rooftop as the sky starts to shake, and the air crackles... And the game crashes. I considered reloading and try that last stand again to see if I can beat back the Monolith. But that ending was too perfect, so I deleted the save. Lost to the Zone.