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Taller "He caigut! Aixeca't, aixeca'm" IndeeLift per ASEM Catalunya
El passat dimecres, 31 de maig, vam organitzar un taller per a associats que portava per títol "He caigut! Aixeca't, aixeca'm", a Barcelona.
L' objectiu del taller era mostrar tècniques efectives per a aixecar-se de forma independent, segura i sense dificultat, tant en diverses situacions com en diferents llocs.
El taller el va impartir l’assessor clínic d’IndeeLift, el Dr. Joan Enric Torra i Bou, infermer i professor de la Universitat de Lleida. Expert reconegut en la seguretat del pacient i en la prevenció i cura de lesions, els seus consells teòrics i pràctics tenien com a objectiu ajudar els socis d'ASEM Catalunya a aplicar-los després en la seva vida quotidiana.
Més informació: | +34 689 258 673
El pasado miércoles 31 de mayo, organizamos el taller para los socios, que llevaba el título "He caído, me levanto, me levantas!, en Barcelona.
El objetivo del taller era mostrar las técnicas efectivas para levantarse de forma independiente, segura y sin dificultad, en diferentes situaciones como en diferentes sitios.
El taller fue impartido por el asesor clínico de IndeeLift, el Dr. Joan Enric Torra i Bou, enfermero y profesor de la Universidad de Lérida. Experto reconocido en seguridad del paciente y en la prevención y cura de lesiones, sus consejos teóricos y prácticos tienen como objetivo ayudar a los socios de ASEM Catalunya a aplicarlos después en su vida cotidiana.
Más información: | +34 689 258 673
On Wednesday, May 31st, we organized a workshop called "I've Fallen! Get Up, Help Me Up" in Barcelona for our associates. The workshop’s objective was to teach effective techniques that enable individuals to get up independently, safely, and with ease in various situations and different locations.
Dr. Joan Enric Torra i Bou, a clinical advisor from IndeeLift, who is both a nurse and a professor at the University of Lleida, conducted the workshop. As a recognized expert in patient safety, injury prevention, and care, his theoretical and practical advice aimed to assist members of ASEM Catalonia in applying these techniques to their everyday lives.
More information: | +34 689 258 673
Переглядів: 222


IndeeLift - The People Picker Upper
Переглядів 3,4 тис.Рік тому
The unique solution for quick, safe fall recovery and day-to-day patient handling. With IndeeLift, we transform a frightening and stressful fall into a non-event, allowing everyone to return to their daily activities immediately. Get up in minutes. Save your caregivers back! Useful as a mobility aid to enable transfers to adaptive exercise equipment, couches, commodes, chairs, exercise mats and...
IndeeLift Solución para caídas y asistencia transferencias
Переглядів 408Рік тому
In the video we see the daily life of Pep who leaves us this comment: "I use it every day, since I found a technique with which I can move the Indeelift by myself. It can help you get out of bed, that you can use it in the toilet, etc.The Indeelift has brought about a great improvement in my day-to-day life and I thank you very much for that." En el video vemos el día a día de Pep que nos deja ...
IndeeLift FTS 600
Переглядів 4 тис.3 роки тому
Designed for acute, post-acute and long-term care facilities, the Indeelift FTS-600 (Floor-To-Stand) virtually eliminates manual patient lifting in most care situations and environments. Please visit us at: or call toll free: (844) 700-5438 for more information
IndeeLift FTS 400 "The People Picker Upper" (International)
Переглядів 2 тис.3 роки тому
The IndeeLift FTS (Floor-To-Stand) "The People Picker Upper" can be self-operated or operated with the assistance of a helper, safely lifting a person up to 30” from the floor to achieve a full standing position. Please call us at 1 (844) 700-5438 for more information or Visit us at:
IndeeLift FTS 400 "The People Picker Upper" (USA)
Переглядів 2 тис.3 роки тому
The IndeeLift FTS (Floor-To-Stand) "The People Picker Upper" can be self-operated or operated with the assistance of a helper, safely lifting a person up to 30” from the floor to achieve a full standing position. Please call us at 1 (844) 700-5438 for more information or Visit us at:
IndeeLift Trade Show Video
Переглядів 2423 роки тому
Please Note: This Video has no sound. If you have ever visited IndeeLift at an EMS demo or trade show, chances are you have seen this video! Please call us at 1 (844) 700-5438 for inquiries.
IndeeLift EMS Trade Show Video
Переглядів 6023 роки тому
Hi. If you have ever visited IndeeLift at an EMS demo or trade show, chances are you have seen this video. Please call us at 1 (844) 700-5438 for inquiries.
IndeeLift HFL - Animation introduction!
Переглядів 2,2 тис.4 роки тому
This animation provides a visual introduction to the IndeeLift Human Floor Lift for users from across the planet!
IndeeLift a casa: tan simple que fins i tot un nen pot ajudar a un adult a aixecar-se del terra!
Переглядів 5264 роки тому
Els seients elevadors IndeeLift : desprès d'una caiguda, una persona es pot aixecar del terra de manera digna, fàcil i segura. Tan simple que fins i tot un nen pot ajudar a un adult a aixecar-se del terra! Funciona de manera autònoma o assistida i permet preservar la nostra intimitat, dignitat i independència així com la dels nostres éssers estimats.
IndeeLift en casa: tan simple que incluso un niño puede ayudar a un adulto a levantarse del suelo!
Переглядів 6924 роки тому
Los asientos elevadores IndeeLift : tras una caída, una persona se puede levantar del suelo de manera fácil y segura. Tan simple que hasta un niño puede ayudar a un adulto a levantarse del suelo! Funciona de manera autónoma o asistida y permite preservar nuestra intimidad, dignidad e independencia así como la de nuestros seres queridos.
IndeeLift à la maison: si simple qu'un enfant peut aider un adulte à se relever du sol!
Переглядів 8224 роки тому
Les sièges lève-personnes IndeeLift : après une chute, une personne peut facilement se relever du sol sans risque de blessure pour elle-même ou son aide. Conçu pour une utilisation autonome ou assistée tout en préservant leur intimité, dignité et indépendance!
IndeeLift HFL consumer model. So easy, even a child can help!
Переглядів 3,1 тис.4 роки тому
IndeeLift Human Floor Lifts for the Home: After a fall, a person can be easily raised from the floor without the risk of injury to themselves or a helper. Designed for assisted operation or self-operation. Maintains privacy, dignity and independence !
IndeeLift para casa
Переглядів 7324 роки тому
IndeeLift para casa
IndeeLift à la maison
Переглядів 2534 роки тому
IndeeLift à la maison
IndeeLift HFL 300/400 Operating Procedures
Переглядів 4,3 тис.4 роки тому
IndeeLift HFL 300/400 Operating Procedures
IndeeLift HFL 300/400 Preparing the HFL for Use
Переглядів 2,2 тис.4 роки тому
IndeeLift HFL 300/400 Preparing the HFL for Use
IndeeLift HFL-300/400 Functional Overview
Переглядів 20 тис.4 роки тому
IndeeLift HFL-300/400 Functional Overview
IndeeLift HFL 300/400 Training Video
Переглядів 7 тис.5 років тому
IndeeLift HFL 300/400 Training Video
IndeeLift for Professional Healthcare
Переглядів 4495 років тому
IndeeLift for Professional Healthcare
IndeeLift Product Lines
Переглядів 8 тис.5 років тому
IndeeLift Product Lines
IndeeLift HFL-500-E for EMS Training Video
Переглядів 5 тис.6 років тому
IndeeLift HFL-500-E for EMS Training Video
New IndeeLift Stair Tread System for EMS!
Переглядів 1,9 тис.7 років тому
New IndeeLift Stair Tread System for EMS!
IndeeLift for Emergency Medical Services
Переглядів 3,9 тис.7 років тому
IndeeLift for Emergency Medical Services
IndeeLift User Testimonials
Переглядів 1,1 тис.7 років тому
IndeeLift User Testimonials
IndeeLift for the Home
Переглядів 30 тис.8 років тому
IndeeLift for the Home
IndeeLift HFL for EMS Heavy Patient Demonstration
Переглядів 23 тис.8 років тому
IndeeLift HFL for EMS Heavy Patient Demonstration
IndeeLift HFL for EMS Training
Переглядів 1,6 тис.8 років тому
IndeeLift HFL for EMS Training


  • @KeynesGeoffrey
    @KeynesGeoffrey 4 місяці тому

    87857 Maurine Prairie

  • @arnavgupta3333
    @arnavgupta3333 6 місяців тому

    Can it lift up to 27 inches above ?

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 2 місяці тому

      Hello, our PPU-S lifts up to 30 inches. Please check it out at

  • @h.m.3-L
    @h.m.3-L 6 місяців тому

    ❤this does appear to be a miracle product! It would give me peace of mind living alone.

  • @sahiljindal7274
    @sahiljindal7274 7 місяців тому

    Max height of human lift?

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 2 місяці тому

      We have multiple lifts. The PPU-S lifts up to 30 inches from the floor.

  • @isavillarreal9474
    @isavillarreal9474 Рік тому


  • @isavillarreal9474
    @isavillarreal9474 Рік тому


  • @carolelethrud2859
    @carolelethrud2859 Рік тому

    How much does it cost?

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 2 місяці тому

      It depends on the lift you need. Please see our website for more information at

  • @johnzeis9546
    @johnzeis9546 Рік тому

    What is it cost

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 2 місяці тому

      It depends on the lift you need. Please see our website for more information at

  • @indeelift7495
    @indeelift7495 Рік тому

    This video is for the original PPU that raises the user to 21 inches. The PPU-S, is a Floor-to-Stand lift that raises the torso to 30 inches which allows the user to be lifted to standing.

  • @dadof4va
    @dadof4va Рік тому

    Current brochure on the site says the PPU-S lifts to 30 inches, standing height, but this says 21 inch, which is correct?

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 2 місяці тому

      We have two units. One, the PPU, lifts up to 21 inches. The other, The PPU-S, lifts up to 30 inches

  • @lufknuht5960
    @lufknuht5960 Рік тому

    Poor demo. I want to see the guy having taken a fall & hurting, on the floor, not able to move himself. Then get a hoist under him without hurting him

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 Рік тому

      Fire departments all over the country lift folks like this every day with our EMS human floor lifts. BTW, tilting any size person on to the seat/platform is a very simple and successful strategy!

  • @Андрей-ь1к8ъ
    @Андрей-ь1к8ъ Рік тому

    Где такое можно купить?

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 Рік тому

      Вы можете связаться с этой электронной почтой

  • @francescpascual2568
    @francescpascual2568 Рік тому

    Les provat amb el meu espòs, ha pogut aixecar-se dret i per transferir també amb va bé, amb faltaria un ajuda amb platafor😅

    • @francescpascual2568
      @francescpascual2568 Рік тому

      Plataforma amb rodes que es pugui posar i treure aniria perfecte ❤

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 Рік тому

      El nostre dispositiu millora la vida de les persones amb mobilitat reduïda i les persones que els cuiden. Ens alegrem que li hagi agradat. Prenem nota de la seva surgència 🙂

  • @francescpascual2568
    @francescpascual2568 Рік тому

    Minteresaria saber el que val

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 Рік тому

      Bon dia Sr Francesc, els socis del Asem Catalunya tenen un preu especial. Pot contactar amb nosaltres al telèfon 689 258 673 o em facilita el seu contacte i el truquem. Gràcies.

  • @banalasrinivasnaidu4043
    @banalasrinivasnaidu4043 Рік тому

    Is the mechanism available in the market

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 Рік тому

      Yes, it's! Please contact us at

  • @seanmeehan4867
    @seanmeehan4867 Рік тому

    What is the max weight that it can lift?

  • @x00p3
    @x00p3 Рік тому

    0:33 Heisenberg demonstrates on how to use it.

  • @watcharapornbunprasert7215


  • @auroralancry1615
    @auroralancry1615 Рік тому


  • @auroralancry1615
    @auroralancry1615 Рік тому

    Ideal !fantástico! Espero que tenga un precio razonable Espero tambien, que lo envien montado. Espero que no llegue en una caja de carton, en piezas, para que lo montemos nosotros.

  • @auroralancry1615
    @auroralancry1615 Рік тому


  • @cloyjoseph8707
    @cloyjoseph8707 Рік тому

    Is financing available? Need it but can't afford the couple thousand price. 😥

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 Рік тому

      Please contact us to

  • @rvbzero7
    @rvbzero7 Рік тому

    Now try to lift his CASKET

  • @EntityJewelry
    @EntityJewelry 2 роки тому

    Instead of sitting, can a person stands on the platform to give some height for reaching items at high level?

  • @JJ_atan
    @JJ_atan 2 роки тому

    I really need to lose weight man

  • @AbiliTV
    @AbiliTV 2 роки тому

    The next designs need to have a means to allow it to roll to you. Using something you wear and or a phone app or voice command have it so if I fall in the living room, and this is in the bedroom it can locate me.

  • @ujassadh7640
    @ujassadh7640 2 роки тому

    ऐसी ऊपर नीचे करने वाली व्हीलचेयर होनी चाहिए

  • @behuman3801
    @behuman3801 2 роки тому

    What if the thing is not in that room Should it come to you by your calling it

  • @sirsqwanch3270
    @sirsqwanch3270 2 роки тому

    That big man is so beautiful! I need me a hubby like him!

    • @The-Assassin-From-Hell
      @The-Assassin-From-Hell Рік тому

      Ikr ...he's a big sexy man, i need to meet him in person so I can rub that ball belly!

  • @odahouthoofd9529
    @odahouthoofd9529 2 роки тому

    Very expansive in Belgium.

  • @ravikiranlakkaraju
    @ravikiranlakkaraju 2 роки тому

    Is this a new version of Indeelift ? What's the main difference between FTS 400 and HFL-400 ? I am really interested in getting one of this.

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 2 роки тому

      Hi Ravi, Thank you for your question. Both the FTS-400 and the HFL-400 can lift up to 400 pounds. The difference is the FTS (Floor To Stand) can raise a person from the floor up to standing height whereas the HFL raises a person to a seated height. In addition, the FTS-400 can be stood on to use as a tool to reach high places or to more easily get on off a high bed. Please give us a call with any questions: 1-844-700-5438

    • @johnnemoede
      @johnnemoede 2 роки тому

      Price for the unit that

  • @jessechesne4557
    @jessechesne4557 2 роки тому

    Can a paraplegic transfer from one

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 2 роки тому

      Hi Jesse, It would depend on the upper extremity strength and mobility level, the user may still require some assist. We know of several paraplegics who use it for their exercise routine, e.g. to enable them to get on/off a low recumbent bike, raise them up to a pull up bar, transfer on/off certain exercise equipment. One comment from a paraplegic user is that it was the very first time he was able to get up off the floor by himself. Please give us a call with any questions: 1-844-700-5438

  • @HistoryandHeadlines
    @HistoryandHeadlines 2 роки тому

    Watching video per suggestion in a comment on one of my videos.

  • @laurieannerodriguez5946
    @laurieannerodriguez5946 3 роки тому

    Very interesting how much, I weigh 330lbs.

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 2 роки тому

      Hi Laurie Anne, We are so pleased that you are interested in the IndeeLift. It is truly a gamechanger for so many people. Please go to our website to see the pricing list for the different units. You can also contact our Customer Service at 1-844-700-5438 and they will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Kind regards, Kim Martin IndeeLift Inc.

  • @laurieannerodriguez5946
    @laurieannerodriguez5946 3 роки тому

    How much is this? I love this!

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 2 роки тому

      Hi Laurie - The HFL-300 and HFL-400 are identical except for rated capacity. The HFL-300 lifts a person weighing up to 300 pounds, (136kg). The HFL400 lifts a person weighing up to 400 pounds, (181kg). They are also available as Disability units, (HFL300-D and HFL-400-D), which are identical to the HFL-300/HFL-400 with the inclusion of waist and chest safety belt assemblies for additional safety when lifting individuals with significant mobility challenges. Please visit our website for pricing! Thank you for your inquiry! IndeeLift Inc.

  • @mazlaneo1384
    @mazlaneo1384 3 роки тому

    How to get this?Iam from Malaysia

  • @lestersteve-o7943
    @lestersteve-o7943 3 роки тому

    what to do if you're home alone and fall in another room?

  • @sugarfree4073
    @sugarfree4073 3 роки тому

    Where can I get a fat man like that? I wish I was his size

  • @KaliopeW
    @KaliopeW 3 роки тому

    Mucho más útil de lo que aparece en el vídeo, muy recomendable tenerlo en casa.

  • @singvijaya
    @singvijaya 3 роки тому

    I would prefer it to be made available in India. Any possibilities?

  • @truthhurts5158
    @truthhurts5158 3 роки тому

    Its to expensive most old people can t afford it.

    • @indeelift7495
      @indeelift7495 2 місяці тому

      We are happy to announce that we have cut our costs to bring the prices down. Please check it out at

  • @jackonell8729
    @jackonell8729 3 роки тому

    Huh.. I thought thats what firefighters were for🤣🤣

    • @stevepowell9267
      @stevepowell9267 3 роки тому

      We love our Firefighters!!! We want them and the patients to be safe!!! This tool is made for the First Responders and those under their care!

  • @carolinebou1
    @carolinebou1 3 роки тому

    Tellement génial!!

  • @suvarnaj8820
    @suvarnaj8820 4 роки тому

    Addrss plz

  • @munagala6599
    @munagala6599 4 роки тому

    Address and cost please

  • @munagala6599
    @munagala6599 4 роки тому

    Address please

  • @munagala6599
    @munagala6599 4 роки тому

    Address please

  • @Schlick
    @Schlick 5 років тому

    If that device can bring Heisenberg back from the grave, then I want one ! Great product !

    • @hopenoneya8161
      @hopenoneya8161 3 роки тому

      Dude you win the interwebs for all of 2021 and 22. That was F'n awesome. Long live Heisenberg, I'm 8 times into binge watching B.B.

    • @Schlick
      @Schlick 3 роки тому

      @@hopenoneya8161 I actually know this "Heisenberg"....he's actually a rock guitar player out here in California. (I'm behind the drum kit)

  • @leongleong1627
    @leongleong1627 5 років тому

    I wish to buy this item from Singapore. How do I go about it ?

  • @hasyour7257
    @hasyour7257 6 років тому

    God damn we Americans are fat.