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Stardust Channel - Aflevering 4 - Julija Simas
Aflevering 4
Julija Simas
Astrologe, C*I*A Cosmic Intelligence Agency Founder and Agent
We welcome Julija Simas all the way from Australia. Julija Simas is the founder, motivator, designer and instigator of the C*I*A Cosmic Intelligence Agency. Since 2005, she has worked as a consultant, mentor, teacher and presenter and manages the C*I*A website and the C*I*Academy program. Specializing in the Venus Star and Cycle, eclipse cycles and Astro*carto*graphy.
The idea behind this new initiative by Jeanette Groenendaal is to enhance the online visibility of experienced, professional and exceptionally talented astrologers. Passionate astrologers who have often had a lively practice for decades and work with people every day and/or conduct in-depth research through astrology in relation to psychology, science, history, psychology, constellations, aura reading, naturopathy, hypnosis, mathematics, history or other combinations in their practice.
These videos give you a glimpse behind the scenes, but above all the motivation and voice of the person behind the astrologer to make future encounters more accessible.
We hope to inspire the viewer to work with expert (recognized) astrologers, but also to provide more insight into the different types of astrology and astrologers you may consult.
Переглядів: 38


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Stardust Channel - Aflevering 1 - Jeanette Groenendaal
Переглядів 733 місяці тому
Introductie Stardust Channel en eigen Astrologie praktijk. Astrologe, kunstenaar en onafhankelijke filmmaakster. Sinds 1982 studeer ik astrologie er groeide een steeds diepere interesse in de technieken, rituelen en geschiedenis van astrologie en alles wat daarmee verbonden blijkt te zijn. Ik volgde verschillende opleidingen in Frankrijk, India, New York en Amsterdam. Mij...