Dr. Richard G. Howe
Dr. Richard G. Howe
  • 46
  • 68 876


The gods of contemporary theology Dr Richard G Howe
Переглядів 714 години тому
The gods of contemporary theology Dr Richard G Howe
How Philosophy Helps Theology & Apologetics with @DrRichardGHowe
Переглядів 3419 годин тому
Dr. Frank Turek of Cross Examined in conversation with Dr. Richard G. Howe of Southern Evangelical Seminary on how philosophy helps theology and apologetics.
That is just true for you, not for me Postmodernism Dr Richard G Howe
Переглядів 3619 годин тому
A conversation between Ryno Femor (Apologetics South Africa Bible College) and Dr. Richard G. Howe (Southern Evangelical Seminary, Rock Hill, South Carolina, USA) on the relativism of Postmodernism.
The Existence of God: Ben Watkins & Ben Bavar vs. Travis Campbell & RichardG. Howe
Переглядів 1683 місяці тому
This debate focused on the case for the God of Classical Theism as found in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas.
Richard G Howe South African Theological Seminary Divine Simplicity
Переглядів 1314 місяці тому
Dr. Richard G. Howe is interviewed on the subject of Thomas Aquinas's doctrine of Divine Simplicity by Rudolph Boshoff at South African Theological Seminary, Sandton, South Africa.
What Does It Mean to Say the Bible Inerrant DEBATE Richard G Howe vs Mike Licona 2019
Переглядів 3486 місяців тому
A debate/dialog I had with Mike Licona on the meaning of the doctrine of biblical inerrancy.
The Big Episode About Prayer And Talking About Your Faith in ANY Situation, with Rebekah Howe
Переглядів 14611 місяців тому
How God can use suffering to advance His Kingdom
Jesus Just Left Chicago
Переглядів 16211 місяців тому
A response to recent attacks on the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy's "Chicago Statement"
How Theology Needs Philosophy with Dr Richard Howe
Переглядів 289Рік тому
Interview with Dr. Howe on the "Think for Christ" podcast with Dr. Anthony Alberino.
Why Philosophy Matters w Richard G Howe
Переглядів 2232 роки тому
My interview on the podcast of Braden Morrow.
Inerrancy, Philosophy, and Apologetics A Dialog on Apologetic Method
Переглядів 2553 роки тому
A panel discussion of Presuppositionalism Apologetics vs. Classical Apologetics in general and their relationship particularly to inerrancy.
Shaped By Suffering Ehlers Danlos Syndrome-Rebekah Howe
Переглядів 2974 роки тому
An interview with my wife, Rebekah, on suffering and Christian ministry
A Sound Refutation of Presuppositionalism with Dr Richard Howe
Переглядів 3124 роки тому
An interview on Presuppositionalism with Cameron Bertuzzi of Capturing Christianity
Dan Barker vs. Richard G. Howe Debate - Is There A God Who Speaks
Переглядів 4 тис.5 років тому
Debate between Dan Barker and Richard G. Howe, Ph.D. at the 2017 National Conference on Christian Apologetics.
EPS Panel on Divine Simplicity Howe, Davis, Craig, and Huffling November 2018
Переглядів 4735 років тому
EPS Panel on Divine Simplicity Howe, Davis, Craig, and Huffling November 2018
Richard G. Howe and Michael Ruse "Can There Be Good Without God?"
Переглядів 6106 років тому
Richard G. Howe and Michael Ruse "Can There Be Good Without God?"
God: Human Invention or Not?
Переглядів 5378 років тому
God: Human Invention or Not?
Dr Richard G Howe Why Is There Evil
Переглядів 7019 років тому
Dr Richard G Howe Why Is There Evil
One Minute Apologist What Do Muslims Believe with Richard G Howe
Переглядів 5659 років тому
One Minute Apologist What Do Muslims Believe with Richard G Howe
One Minute Apologist What Do Buddhists Believe with Richard G Howe
Переглядів 6449 років тому
One Minute Apologist What Do Buddhists Believe with Richard G Howe
One Minute Apologist What Is a Cult with Richard G Howe
Переглядів 6419 років тому
One Minute Apologist What Is a Cult with Richard G Howe
Debate How Is a Sinner Justified Before God Richard G Howe vs Bill Rutland
Переглядів 1 тис.9 років тому
Debate How Is a Sinner Justified Before God Richard G Howe vs Bill Rutland
One Minute Apologist World Religion or a Cult with Richard G Howe
Переглядів 54010 років тому
One Minute Apologist World Religion or a Cult with Richard G Howe
Love Your God With All Your Mind Richard Howe, PhD
Переглядів 47710 років тому
Love Your God With All Your Mind Richard Howe, PhD
Seeing Is Believing
Переглядів 3,2 тис.10 років тому
Seeing Is Believing
How Theology Needs Philosophy SALT Conference Montgomery, AL 2014
Переглядів 84410 років тому
How Theology Needs Philosophy SALT Conference Montgomery, AL 2014
Christian Exploration of Mormonism 04c
Переглядів 12510 років тому
Christian Exploration of Mormonism 04c
Christian Exploration of Mormonism 04b
Переглядів 7710 років тому
Christian Exploration of Mormonism 04b
Christian Exploration of Mormonism 04a
Переглядів 9110 років тому
Christian Exploration of Mormonism 04a


  • @Billybo-22
    @Billybo-22 2 дні тому

    At 1:08.13 there is a glitch...right when the Good Doctor says "Well, my elevator speech would be......" The video goes blank. Geez I missed the punch line! I think I know what he was going to say because he had just said it. Thanks so much for posting this conversation. I love listening to the Good Doctor!

  • @GulfsideMinistries
    @GulfsideMinistries 8 днів тому

    Pre-liking and will watch in full later! Good to see you post, Dr. Howe. (This is Chris Morrison, btw.) I hope and pray all is well with you.

  • @donaldsanchez7099
    @donaldsanchez7099 8 днів тому

    Ryno is a much better looking host compared to a Simon Brace. 😂

  • @lineinthesandchurch
    @lineinthesandchurch Місяць тому

    I miss your teachings Dr. Howe. Not able to afford seminary and continue my classes; however, UA-cam is Free, lol. Wish you would post more. 😢 I hope your doing well.

  • @Tom-j4v7f
    @Tom-j4v7f 2 місяці тому

    In 2nd Timothy 2:14 Paul explicitly prohibited the exact type of word-wrangling that characterized the vast majority of this debate.

  • @nemonihil2952
    @nemonihil2952 2 місяці тому

    I hope they understand what they are talking about. I have no clue 😁

  • @trubludave1657
    @trubludave1657 3 місяці тому

    This Howe guy is an absolute joke and embarrassment to human kind!!!

  • @RealAtheology
    @RealAtheology 3 місяці тому

    Appreciated the opportunity to engage with you and Dr. Campbell. Look forward to more engagement in the future!

  • @j.t.bridges4012
    @j.t.bridges4012 4 місяці тому

    Great summary of the doctrine!

  • @bobcondoulis4171
    @bobcondoulis4171 5 місяців тому

    Minute 45, is this why Israelis think they have a right to just kill and kill?

  • @dylan3456
    @dylan3456 6 місяців тому

    This attachment to the correspondence theory is bizarre. You hang everything on that because, I imagine, you think it just makes plain ol' common sense to you. The Bible is written for all people to see the Truth, Jesus Christ -- not just for the correspondence theorists to nod and affirm that, yes, hmm that seems to accord with its referent hmm yes indeed. What an utterly useless exercise. Why do you think we have Scriptures? Just to know what happened at such and such a time and place? Do you really think that's how God uses Scripture to make us Christians?

  • @Theos_thinker
    @Theos_thinker 6 місяців тому

    Great debate! I found it to be very fascinating and informative.

  • @WillaMetts84
    @WillaMetts84 6 місяців тому

    God kills a baby ... Howe: oh that is bad for the baby but good for God ? SMHO

  • @TheProdigalMeowMeowMeowReturns
    @TheProdigalMeowMeowMeowReturns 6 місяців тому


  • @SaltyPalamite
    @SaltyPalamite 6 місяців тому

    Hi Richard. Great job. Jim C. from Marquette.

  • @imnotbilly8480
    @imnotbilly8480 7 місяців тому

    These debates between atheists and believers are getting kind of crazy. We shouldn't even be entertaining their beliefs.As atheists let alone discussing all these little minute details that they go into. The very fact that they believe with all their heart in a book that teaches magic witchcraft. Talking animals spells dragon's ghost Demons And such. If they were saying this about a harry potter book or lord of the rings we wouldn't even entertain them in the least bit and we would probably put them in mental institutions.

  • @imnotbilly8480
    @imnotbilly8480 7 місяців тому

    And in that 1 little sentence he said, he nailed it "If there is a God, why are we having this debate? Why are we not discussing the proofs?"

  • @petedambski3792
    @petedambski3792 7 місяців тому

    listen how Richard twists words like a viper.

  • @guitarislife01
    @guitarislife01 7 місяців тому

    Be sure to stretch before listening to this debate. You'll need it Dr. Howe's mental gymnastics

    • @WillaMetts84
      @WillaMetts84 6 місяців тому

      Or be a good contortionist !

  • @PaulTempesta-id8wr
    @PaulTempesta-id8wr 8 місяців тому

    Richard reminds me of Jordan Peterson. Takes 100000 words to answer anything

  • @PaulTempesta-id8wr
    @PaulTempesta-id8wr 8 місяців тому

    Dan is the man!!!

    • @charismauniversity9626
      @charismauniversity9626 7 місяців тому

      I have my suspicions but you sir, have the closest answer to what the truth is.

  • @lineinthesandchurch
    @lineinthesandchurch 9 місяців тому

    It was a little disappointing to hear Dr. Howe’s position on doctrines of grace and Calvinism. I have been of a similar mind of Dr. Leighton Flowers for as long as I could remember; And, finally Leighton took the stage. Dr. Howe you should have told the “Tag Brothers” that the reason you disagree with their method of apologetics is because God decreed you to😂 (West Minister confession says that God brings all things to pass-so it would be accurate to make such a statement.) Please Dr. Howe engage with Dr. Timothy Stratton and Dr. Flowers! Love you sir.

  • @pattipowell8750
    @pattipowell8750 11 місяців тому

    I just watched this episode on TV. Sadly I admit my prayer time has been minimal. This year I am studying the Bible thru Bible recap. It is a good tool. Also I have noticed my prayer time is increasing and feels more intimate. Now I want to find my elephants. Thank you ladies for your insights.

  • @kaitlynkerr7949
    @kaitlynkerr7949 11 місяців тому

    Just pre ordered The Deconstruction of Christianity on Audible😍

  • @markfletcher7569
    @markfletcher7569 11 місяців тому

    It is sad to see intelligent people like Howe believing in supernatural bullshit. His god is an evil fantasy.

  • @grateful3300
    @grateful3300 11 місяців тому

    Why is this video 2 hours long? It takes 2 seconds to say “no”. Unless they were waiting around for god to speak (spoiler: it doesn’t happen).

  • @Mrz-sb1hw
    @Mrz-sb1hw 11 місяців тому

    But the only one is to judge anyone is God.

    • @petedambski3792
      @petedambski3792 7 місяців тому

      Yes we will judge liars because god said he is within us.

  • @Mrz-sb1hw
    @Mrz-sb1hw 11 місяців тому

    Most Christians are not nice people. Athiest are more nicer. But some Christians are good. Mixed bag but mostly not nice. Ironic isn't it they say they love their enemies but their actions dictate other wise. Most times. If you are a Christian do you love your enemies. Do you regard other people as being human and do good things to them highly unlikely.

  • @Mrz-sb1hw
    @Mrz-sb1hw 11 місяців тому

    All religions have the truth and none of them can show me water turning into wine. Burden of proof Christians is on you. If you say something exists show me the evidence.

    • @eatfrenchtoast
      @eatfrenchtoast 9 місяців тому

      The jug has two containers. One for water one for wine. Don't let the audience see you switch them.

  • @nicksapp6543
    @nicksapp6543 Рік тому

    Substantial crap

  • @ApologeticsandEvidence
    @ApologeticsandEvidence Рік тому

    Dr. Howe is the man! One of my favorite professors in my time at SES.

  • @Jamie-Russell-CME
    @Jamie-Russell-CME Рік тому


  • @vuven8930
    @vuven8930 Рік тому

    Fantastic to see Dr. Howe speaking on this topic! UA-cam needs this.

  • @Joe-pu3qi
    @Joe-pu3qi Рік тому

    God DOES speak but try passing a psych Personality inventory evaluative test answering that way.

  • @zacharyparker3759
    @zacharyparker3759 Рік тому

    Question: Is r4pe good? Answer: Well, define good.... Question: you can't tell me right now if r4pe is good? Answer: no, because idk what good means to you... This is the level of discussion this debate got during the back end

  • @MrMuse777
    @MrMuse777 Рік тому

    Dan got classically educated 😊

  • @m.o.t.7518
    @m.o.t.7518 Рік тому

    "He snuggles his conclusion into his question". I noticed that too was surprised because he's a philosophy professor

  • @hebrewenglishbibleread9941

    32:53 Exactly. Having to debate it's/his/her existence speaks volumes. No 21st century dogma can pass the Elijah: if this god is really there make all these cows go BOOOMMM!! At my command: 3 . . . . . 2 . . . . 1. . . . . .

  • @fndrr42
    @fndrr42 Рік тому

    This is great

  • @jimbarry-fp6gp
    @jimbarry-fp6gp Рік тому

    Imagine being stuck in a car with this guy!!

  • @CosmoPhiloPharmaco
    @CosmoPhiloPharmaco 2 роки тому

    I wonder whether there is any paper, article or talk by Dr. Howe discussing the topic of truth (or epistemic) relativism. I enjoyed reading his analysis of presuppositional apologetics, so I presume his analysis of relativism would be equally interesting.

  • @fndrr42
    @fndrr42 2 роки тому

    Dan was out classed. It’s telling that Athiests always feel entitled to completely ignore the proofs laid out by the other side. No acknowledgment of efficient or final causality even though he invokes it in his very being there.

    • @johnpaulyates1655
      @johnpaulyates1655 Рік тому

      I'm so sorry. And what "proofs" were actually laid out? Do tell.

  • @donaldsanchez7099
    @donaldsanchez7099 2 роки тому

    Such an important topic for the 21st century church, and no better Thomistic authority than Dr. Richard Howe to share his thoughts on this important issue with academic excellence and easy to understand illustrations of philosophical categories.

  • @fndrr42
    @fndrr42 2 роки тому

    Excellent - Howe is brilliant.

  • @paulvonblerk9365
    @paulvonblerk9365 2 роки тому

    Dr Howe is an expert in creating word salads of no value. Plus his need to praise himself shows a pathetic man bent on imagined self worth. I found it awful and pitiful that he had to bring his wife into it. That is cringe worthy.

    • @m.o.t.7518
      @m.o.t.7518 Рік тому

      Yes definitely word salad. I found his questioning exasperating. I don't understand why he needed to add the platonian and aristotelian labels to the concepts in order to debate the concepts. Then instead of explain the merits of his position, he keeps telling him to read Aristotle🙄

    • @masterjose8483
      @masterjose8483 Рік тому

      Your funny 🤣

  • @kevkawmkevpaub6189
    @kevkawmkevpaub6189 2 роки тому

    People are dying in millions for covid-19 and your God still play hide and seek. Give me a break.

    • @fndrr42
      @fndrr42 2 роки тому

      Didn’t listen to the debate did you? 🤣 dumbass

    • @Dr.AutismGod
      @Dr.AutismGod 2 роки тому

      God will save all those who believe in his son upon their judgement.

  • @jnjf3
    @jnjf3 3 роки тому

    Thank you so much for sharing! I was diagnosed with hEDS 5 yrs ago. I have boy/girl twins and they have it too. We all suffer differently. There are no 2 hEDS patients quite alike. Many of us suffer but becsuse we "look normal" so no one understands. My spine is what's most affected...almost 60 degree levoscoliosis with spondylolisthesis. I'll need surgery soon because this week I went to take a step and my left leg gave out from under me. I am having difficulty finding good doctors. I would appreciate any referrals you may have. God bless you!

  • @gavinmcewen5896
    @gavinmcewen5896 3 роки тому

    What a lot of weasel worded waffle and smoke generation on behalf of the theist in order to avoid giving straight answers or actually debating anything. To be fair though, it was a very good strategy given his position.

    • @fndrr42
      @fndrr42 2 роки тому

      Well compared to the guy debating theism not aware of the classical proof of theism I guess he did just fine. But the atheist have feelings I guess, we just know stuff cause I’m nice and stuff……great argument, let’s get mad at people who believe in something we can’t even define but decide it’s the cause of everything I don’t like. Smells like pompous bullshit to me.

  • @basilrex4105
    @basilrex4105 4 роки тому

    Only a sober scholar like Howe can expose the bankrupt ideas of the pretensions Dan Barker

    • @johnpaulyates1655
      @johnpaulyates1655 Рік тому

      It's absolutely absurd to think that a person, such as Dr. Howe, actually believes that the world was created in 6 literal days; that we are the literal descendants of two people named Adam and Eve; that there was a world wide flood that wiped out everyone except 8 people in a boat or that the Tower of Babel story actually explains why people speak different languages. The sheer stupidity runs deep here. People will believe what they WANT to believe as opposed to what is.

    • @zacharyparker3759
      @zacharyparker3759 Рік тому

      What debate did u watch?

    • @caesarvolz6945
      @caesarvolz6945 10 місяців тому

      Then he should try to do it sometime.

    • @eatfrenchtoast
      @eatfrenchtoast 9 місяців тому

      You misspelled scammer

    • @Magic7Dragon
      @Magic7Dragon 5 місяців тому


  • @jaycamp7283
    @jaycamp7283 4 роки тому

    Very encouraging. My mom has Ehlers-Danlos, and is currently "in the middle of it" with treatments and rehab. It has been an extremely painful process for her and the rest of my family. Praise God that we as believers have a greater hope to look forward to!