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- 104 942
Ali Hashim Didi
Приєднався 21 лип 2007
Mee Khaleel aa Zabeehee Ujaalaa Handhaan - Abdulla Hassan
މީ ޚަލީލާއި ޛަބީޙީ އުޖާލާ ހަނދާން
ވީމި އާބާދު މައްކާގެ އަބަދީ ނިޝާން
އެންމެ ފުރަތަމަ އެއީތޯއެ ހަރުހިލަތަކެއް
ފެންނަ ބިމެކޭ ވަށާ ވީއެ ފަރުބަދަތަކެއް
ވަޒަނަކަށް ހިއްޕެވީ މީއެ މަތިވެރި ހަނދާން
އައިކަމުން މާތް ވަޙީޚާއްޞަވެވިގެން ނިދާ
ދަރިކަލުން ހާޖަރާ ދޫކުރައްވާ އެތާ
އަމުރުފުޅަކަށް މުޤައްދަޞް ނުކުންނެވި ހަނދާން
ބާއްޖަވެރިކަން ދެމައިކަނބަލުންނަށް ޢާންމުވާ
ޚާއްޞަ ކަންތައް ލެއްވުމަށް ނަޞްލުގައި
އެދިވަޑައިގެން ދުޢާފުޅުކުރެއްވެވި ހަނދާން
ދަރިކަލުންނާ މެދަށް ފިކުރުފުޅު ބޮޑުވުމުން
ދުވެވަޑައިގެންނެވީ ހާޖަރޭ ބިރުފުޅުން
ދެމެދު މަރްވާ ޞަފާއާއި ހިންގެވި ހަނދާން
އިވުނު އަޑުފުޅު ހިނދުން ދެން ވަޑައިގެންނެވީ
ފެން އަރާތީ ބިމުން ދެކެވަޑައިގެންނެވީ
ލިބިވަޑައިގެންވި ޒަމްޒަމްގެ ރޯއްޖާ ހަނދާން
ރޯދި ބަރަކާތް އިތުރު ބިންމަތީ ވާން ފެށީ
ކޯދުލާ ނިޢުމަތުގެ އަސަރު ގެންނަން ފެށީ
ޙަރަމުގައި އޭގެ އަހުލުންގެ ނުފިލާ ހަނދާން
ވީމި އާބާދު މައްކާގެ އަބަދީ ނިޝާން
އެންމެ ފުރަތަމަ އެއީތޯއެ ހަރުހިލަތަކެއް
ފެންނަ ބިމެކޭ ވަށާ ވީއެ ފަރުބަދަތަކެއް
ވަޒަނަކަށް ހިއްޕެވީ މީއެ މަތިވެރި ހަނދާން
އައިކަމުން މާތް ވަޙީޚާއްޞަވެވިގެން ނިދާ
ދަރިކަލުން ހާޖަރާ ދޫކުރައްވާ އެތާ
އަމުރުފުޅަކަށް މުޤައްދަޞް ނުކުންނެވި ހަނދާން
ބާއްޖަވެރިކަން ދެމައިކަނބަލުންނަށް ޢާންމުވާ
ޚާއްޞަ ކަންތައް ލެއްވުމަށް ނަޞްލުގައި
އެދިވަޑައިގެން ދުޢާފުޅުކުރެއްވެވި ހަނދާން
ދަރިކަލުންނާ މެދަށް ފިކުރުފުޅު ބޮޑުވުމުން
ދުވެވަޑައިގެންނެވީ ހާޖަރޭ ބިރުފުޅުން
ދެމެދު މަރްވާ ޞަފާއާއި ހިންގެވި ހަނދާން
އިވުނު އަޑުފުޅު ހިނދުން ދެން ވަޑައިގެންނެވީ
ފެން އަރާތީ ބިމުން ދެކެވަޑައިގެންނެވީ
ލިބިވަޑައިގެންވި ޒަމްޒަމްގެ ރޯއްޖާ ހަނދާން
ރޯދި ބަރަކާތް އިތުރު ބިންމަތީ ވާން ފެށީ
ކޯދުލާ ނިޢުމަތުގެ އަސަރު ގެންނަން ފެށީ
ޙަރަމުގައި އޭގެ އަހުލުންގެ ނުފިލާ ހަނދާން
Переглядів: 99 511
Dhidhdhoo Videos - 1 (World's Most High-Security Card Game Match Ever)
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March 2, 2018 - This handful of protesters were the 'unlucky ones' trapped during an MDP protest in the island of Dhidhdhoo defying a nation-wide ban on all opposition activities following the unrest after President Yameen's refusal to implement the Supreme Court ruling of February 1, 2018. The unprecedented ruling acquitted all the Maldivian opposition leaders (mostly MDP leadership) in prison...
Speech at Jazeera Raees Campaign Launching in HA Dhidhdhoo
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May 12, 2018 - President of HA Dhidhdhoo Council and Secretary General of MDP HA Dhidhdhoo, Ali Hashim speaks at the "Jazeera Raees" Campaign Launching Event in HA Dhidhdhoo. "Jazeera Raees" (meaning, the Island President) is the campaign slogan of President Mohamed Nasheed's for MDP's presidential ticket. The MDP's Primary is scheduled to be held on May 30, 2018. While his primary campaign kic...
HA Dhidhdhoo Housing Units (VTV's Thafseel Programme)
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July 20, 2019 Former President of HA Dhidhdhoo Council Ali Hashim appears on this episode of VTV's "Thafseel" Programme and speaks about Dhidhdhoo housing units and how the Council has been working to provide them to the most eligible of the applicants after former government awarded them in a "corrupted, unfair and biased" process.
HA Dhidhdhoo Housing Units (Aslu Tin Tin Live - Interview 4 of 4)
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June 18, 2019 - HA Dhidhdhoo Councillor Ali Hashim speaks with Aslu Tin Tin Live (most watched vlogger in Dhidhdhoo) about the Anti-Corruption Commission's investigation of the interim list of the recipients of the 110 housing units constructed in Dhidhdhoo on June 18, 2019. Councillor Ali Hashim explains about the investigation and how the Council is cooperating and responding in it. This the ...
HA Dhidhdhoo Housing Units (Aslu Tin Tin Live - Interview 3 of 4)
Переглядів 625 років тому
June 9, 2019 - HA Dhidhdhoo Councillor Ali Hashim speaks with Aslu Tin Tin Live (most watched vlogger in Dhidhdhoo) after the Council announced the interim list of the recipients of 110 housing units constructed in Dhidhdhoo on June 9, 2019. This the 3rd interview in the series of 4 interviews with Aslu Tin Tin Live on the subject.
HA Dhidhdhoo Housing Units (Aslu Tin Tin Live - Interview 2 of 4)
Переглядів 1135 років тому
May 26, 2019 - HA Dhidhdhoo Councillor Ali Hashim speaks with Aslu Tin Tin Live (most watched vlogger in Dhidhdhoo) about commencing the door-to-door visit to the houses of the applicants for the housing units constructed in Dhidhdhoo on May 26, 2019. Councillor Ali Hashim explains how the Council would select the eligible applicants to award the remaining 110 housing units in the island. This ...
HA Dhidhdhoo Housing Units (Aslu Tin Tin Live - Interview 1 of 4)
Переглядів 1575 років тому
May 8, 2019 - HA Dhidhdhoo Councillor Ali Hashim speaks with Aslu Tin Tin Live (most watched vlogger in Dhidhdhoo) regarding the 110 vacant housing units in Dhidhdhoo, after the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development approved, on May 7, 2019, the Council's request to provide them to the applicants of the first round. This the 1st interview in the series of 4 interviews with Aslu Tin Tin Live...
LGA ge Thahugeeg gai Dhidhdhoo Council ge Raees Ali Hashim Dhevvi Interview (30 September 2017)
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The President of HA Dhidhdhoo Council Ali Hashim gives this interview on 30 September 2017 to the Local Government Authority's (LGA) 4-member Legal Team currently in Dhidhdhoo to investigate the Housing Ministry's allegations that Dhidhdhoo Council and its President Ali Hashim has undermined the Ministry by protesting the announcement it made revealing the eligible applicants for the housing un...
Dhidhdhoo Council's Public Address on HA Dhidhdhoo Housing Units (2 of 2 )
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September 18, 2017 The President of HA Dhidhdhoo Council Ali Hashim along with HA Dhidhdhoo Councillors and the Atoll Councillor for HA Dhidhdhoo Constituency appear in this public address just a few hours after the Minister of Housing and Infrastructure alleged, in a press conference earlier on the same day, that the Council was not cooperating with the ministry in the awarding process of the ...
Housing Minister's Press Conference Regarding Housing Units (18 September 2017)
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Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Dr. Mohamed Muizzu gives this press conference on 18 September 2017 in which he was grilled with fierce questions from journalists. He also falsely accused HA Dhidhdhoo Councils of non-cooperation to the government and not working in the best interest of the people. He constantly failed to state how the applicants were selected for awarding the housing uni...
HA Dhidhdhoo Housing Units (RaajjeTV's Fala Surukhee Programme)
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September 16, 2017 President of HA Dhidhdhoo Council Ali Hashim and the Mayor of Male City Council Shifa Mohamed discuss and expose the corruption of Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure in selecting applicants eligible for the housing units constructed in HA Dhidhdhoo and Male City on Raajje TV's Fala Surukhee Programme on 16 September 2017.
Dhidhdhoo Council's Public Address on HA Dhidhdhoo Housing Units (1 of 2 )
Переглядів 1357 років тому
September 14, 2017 - The President of HA Dhidhdhoo Council Ali Hashim addresses the public immediately after the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure announced the interim list of the recipients of the 140 housing units constructed in Dhidhdhoo. He highlights many discrepancies and contradictions in the list and raised concerns about the ministry's awarding process alleging it as "corrupt, un...
Eid Hingaalun 2015 (HA Dhidhdhoo)
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Traditional Eid Street Procession in HA Dhidhdhoo organised by Dhidhdhoo Teenage Boys Sports Club and Real-T Sports Club on Eid al-Adha (24 September 2015).
MDP Rally for Asward and Calling to Protect Journalists (23 Feb 2013)
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MDP Protest on 23 Feb 2013 condemning the brutal attack on Raajje TV journalist Ibrahim Waheed (Asward) on early hours of 23 Feb 2013. At the time of this rally and video, he is in critical condition in a Sri Lankan Hospital. We all pray for a speedy recovery for him and condemn this heinous crime. We call the Maldives coup government and Coup Boss Mohamed Waheed Hassan Manik to step down and r...
MDP Jumble Sale Ge Music Part (1 of 5)
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MDP Jumble Sale Ge Music Part (1 of 5)
MDP Insaafuge Dhathuru (15 June 2012) at Chaandhanee Maidhaan (9.30 pm)
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MDP Insaafuge Dhathuru (15 June 2012) at Chaandhanee Maidhaan (9.30 pm)
Itthihad ge (Carbon) Neutral & Bagaavai Foruvaa Muzahara (17/2/2012)
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Itthihad ge (Carbon) Neutral & Bagaavai Foruvaa Muzahara (17/2/2012)