Wonder Tai Chi-玩樂太極
Wonder Tai Chi-玩樂太極
  • 121
  • 275 794


Переглядів 69121 годину тому
陰陽虛實轉換-用意不用力 Transformation of yin &Yang Driven by YI
Переглядів 1 тис.14 днів тому
陰陽虛實轉換-用意不用力 Transformation of yin &Yang Driven by YI
有前即有後 中定陰陽平衡
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有前即有後 中定陰陽平衡
太極意念延伸至武器 -Taichi apply yi into weapon
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太極拳-手如刀刃意氣操作講解-hands as sharp as blade operated using yi and Qi
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太極拳-手如刀刃意氣操作講解-hands as sharp as blade operated using yi and Qi
太極中定與中脈-教練課程實況-finding center training session
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太極中定與中脈-教練課程實況-finding center training session
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接觸點與意念-contact point and YI
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接觸點與意念-contact point and YI
汪脈太極拳相遇緣起 恩師朱春瑄
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汪脈太極拳相遇緣起 恩師朱春瑄
恩師朱春瑄緣起 玩勁篇(ENG subtitles)
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影片中是我師兄 臉書可搜尋成武學堂
彼此之勁不混合 靜中求動
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彼此之勁不混合 靜中求動
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太極凌空意接 接意接勁
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太極凌空意接 接意接勁
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太極拳 點中找側
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太極拳 點中找側
中定與放鬆 由面變點
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中定與放鬆 由面變點
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Transform Chi to become a Blade (mind can crate reality)
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Transform Chi to become a Blade (mind can crate reality)
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楊氏汪脈朱傳一接點中求 要點 虛實點轉換
Переглядів 2,3 тис.2 роки тому
楊氏汪脈朱傳一接點中求 要點 虛實點轉換
楊氏汪脈朱傳-點勁-實點虛點 point jin
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楊氏汪脈朱傳-點勁-實點虛點 point jin


  • @0206選擇權復仇者
    @0206選擇權復仇者 6 днів тому


  • @zhonggonghao7440
    @zhonggonghao7440 11 днів тому


    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 10 днів тому

      @@zhonggonghao7440 太極拳練習講究慢的原因是建立對自己身體連結的感知,影片呈現都是點到為止,因知道完整勁出來的爆發力非常容易傷到人! 跟我學習的有詠春,鶴拳練家子,超過十年傳統太極推手等等! 主要是因為他們的技術無法有效的在我身上發揮作用。 武術最終目標是止戈的藝術。 在過程中尋找(向外)追求力量速度直到變強,因了解自己的力量而不會輕易的出手,轉而在心境上的修煉與改變,不用武力,採用以柔克剛去達到與對手的平衡! 所以我能打,但我不打。 講個故事有天晚上睡覺夢到與人暴力推手,反射動作打到了自己的枕邊人! 她也時常跟我玩勁,她轉述這次她第一次感受到內勁真發出來的力量有多恐怖。 黃性賢會接廖廣成主要是因為摔角需肢體接觸,黃就佔了優勢。若黃選擇拳擊若不練習動態視訊閃躲練習,是立刻會被擊倒的! 但有了內功核心想學習拳擊就會合併進去囉! 另一個小故事! 台灣我有認識一位好大哥是真拜師的鄭曼青徒孫,他師父干嘯州過去是國安特勤部隊,所以教他的是真正能實戰的內勁! 他跟我說因為開太極拳館,來踢館的很多! 有次把踢館的發放出去跌斷了腿,到現在他自己還在內疚傷了人!

    • @zhonggonghao7440
      @zhonggonghao7440 9 днів тому

      @@ken39874 谢谢李老师这么耐心的回复和讲解,我对您的钦佩又增加了不少。 我想很多年轻人学太极不光是为了健身,而是为了防身。就像大家常说的,最好的防守就是进攻,在歹徒还未伤害到自己之前就要让他受到打击或威慑!您的很多视频都展示了舒缓的点劲发人,他们也没摔倒,我能理解您是不想伤害他们。 其实,一个拳种要想吸纳更多的人学习和传承,不打服来踢馆的是不行的。来踢馆的不是来求教的,他们应该有被踢的准备,拳头就像子弹不长眼,伤筋断骨难免的,大可不必自责,您很难说服一个人,每个人的经历和三观不一样,但,一打就服,打得越狠,服得越真。 中国重拳拳王(也是2025世界拳王)张志磊在出拳测力机上的数据是一拳962磅,而北京1米9的鸽武缘(陈阔)用他练的通背拳测试,不用拳头就用胳膊轮就超过1000磅,仔细看他发力胳膊上的汗毛都是立着的,就是说他练的通背拳能展示出来,是好东西!您也不妨和年轻人去沙滩或草地里试劲并拍成视频,我不觉得你视频里的学生有任何作假,但学生轻轻一碰您,您跳的比学生还远,我就很难理解了。

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 9 днів тому

      @zhonggonghao7440 跟初期學打球一樣!得餵好球讓學生感受記憶打擊感!學生練發勁,我練聽勁,一聽到跳出去是一種透過跳離將對方來力引進落空並離開對手攻擊範圍,保護自己並重整自己攻防意識!

  • @hle7162
    @hle7162 16 днів тому


    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 16 днів тому

      @@hle7162 名字來自我師父說,練拳要當作在玩樂!

  • @MohanRanamagar-b9o
    @MohanRanamagar-b9o 16 днів тому

    Is this really work i want learn taiji grounding and rooting can you make vido on this

  • @StopGuessingWhoIAm
    @StopGuessingWhoIAm 16 днів тому


    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 16 днів тому

      @@StopGuessingWhoIAm 目前沒有,因考量在線平台的效果有限。 感謝您的詢問!

  • @kingofaikido
    @kingofaikido 18 днів тому

    Yes, become one taiji symbol with my partner and then move. Very simple. No force, just feeling. Yin-yang is beautiful. ;)

  • @zhonggonghao7440
    @zhonggonghao7440 18 днів тому


    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 18 днів тому

      @@zhonggonghao7440 我師父不教拳架,原因是拳架是招,你要創幾招都可以,意念跟氣是術(感覺)。 整體或整勁指的是太極的體! 身體架構擺對(中正安舒中定),能量流動會更順暢,擺對加上放鬆的意慢慢能感覺到氣的流動。經過練習有意識的感覺氣成為自然,舉手投足出手都是太極氣勁而非力。

    • @zhonggonghao7440
      @zhonggonghao7440 18 днів тому

      @@ken39874 谢谢李老师的解释。我现在明白了,为什么看不到您打整套太极拳的视频。我感觉您和朱老师学的应该就是传说中的”太极内功“。大陆由于气功这些年一直被打压,大师们都不能公开教授内功(其实就是气功的一种)了。您能出期视频讲讲跟您学多久才能找到”意气相合的感觉“呢?找到感觉后还要练多久就能随心所欲的运用这股”太极气劲“呢?必须得去台湾和您学还是通过网络也能学?还有最主要的费用大概是多少呢?

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 17 днів тому

      @zhonggonghao7440 是的,氣功或太極的精華是在感受內功的狀態,首先感受氣的狀態,意念與氣的狀態,如何用意驅動氣的狀態! 古人傳內功傳的是一種(氣)感覺,沒喝過咖啡如何感受咖啡的味道? 所以最快速的方式是親身來學習感受。 目前我設計的課程是五天時間! 五天會找到中定的狀態感受,理解何為氣感跟太極練習的方向。 費用是三萬六台幣! 可先加微信 weken888 或line連繫細節,有加記得回覆我加入的姓名(line app 比較容易找到人) 要到隨心所欲就得需要時間! 每人資質不同,時間很難說。 上支影片的夫妻從加拿大回台學,他就很快的可以隨心所欲的用! 但至少會知道正確練氣功的方法! 建立對太極跟氣功正確的練習路徑! 上過實體課程,才來考慮網課。否則只看視頻會完全做不到!

  • @morningcowcow2010
    @morningcowcow2010 19 днів тому

    講得師傳。 但可以更加真實D,立體D, 另外從何練起?謝謝

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 18 днів тому

      @@morningcowcow2010 找師父最快!

  • @WeiLinLo-h7b
    @WeiLinLo-h7b 21 день тому


  • @fanliu5534
    @fanliu5534 Місяць тому


    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 Місяць тому

      透過身體接觸感覺是最深刻的! 若我做好中軸,靠近學生,學生可以感受到自己的中軸。 所謂守中用中,以中打中。 做好自己的中,自然與對方合一!

    • @fanliu5534
      @fanliu5534 Місяць тому

      @ken39874 感謝老師回覆! 我對太極拳外行又有興趣,超多好奇的,繼續看影片了解,謝謝老師!

  • @juliustorresdiago2465
    @juliustorresdiago2465 Місяць тому

    Podrian decirme de que habla el maestro?

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 Місяць тому

      @@juliustorresdiago2465 El Maestro dijo que en el pasado, se decía que la familia de Tai Chi estilo Yang usaba solo dos dedos para golpear a las personas. Para que la introducción falle, ¡primero debes hacer que el oponente no pueda mantener el equilibrio! I hope you understand my translations

  • @WaiChan-b1j
    @WaiChan-b1j 2 місяці тому


  • @ChangYeepao
    @ChangYeepao 2 місяці тому


    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 2 місяці тому

      @@ChangYeepao沒上台比賽過!也確實你說的很有機會發生,但還是得看鬆的速度與是否讓對方聽到自己在鬆! 這樣說好了! 一位從馬來西亞專程來找我學習,已在當地推手超過十年! 與我試推手卻找不到任何可推的點!

  • @khwuji3934
    @khwuji3934 2 місяці тому


    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 2 місяці тому

      @@khwuji3934 你好:我叫李宥成 目前只有一對個人課程12堂課跟連續五天課程詳聊 有興趣請加 line: regen8899 若有加請留言告知你line的抬頭大名以便搜尋!

  • @kingofaikido
    @kingofaikido 2 місяці тому

    I agree with you. The short bursting type of taichi seems very crude. Maybe, that type is for very close range but it still seems crude to me. I have never formally learned it but can imitate it and from videos of masters online, I realized this has almost no effect.

  • @emersonbatistadasilva877
    @emersonbatistadasilva877 2 місяці тому

    Boa tarde,mestre ! Sou do Brasil e sou inscrito no seu canal adoro seus vídeos tem q vir pro Brasil ensinar 🙏🏽

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 2 місяці тому

      Esperando pelo seu convite

    • @emersonbatistadasilva877
      @emersonbatistadasilva877 2 місяці тому

      @ken39874 mestre gostaria muito de aprender com o senhor assisto todos seus vídeos gostaria de ter essa oportunidade 🙏🏽

  • @游威翔
    @游威翔 2 місяці тому


  • @洪熾賢
    @洪熾賢 3 місяці тому


    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 3 місяці тому

      作用力反作用力是基礎物理,現代手機能轉換頻率至語音,你是否還是用基礎物理去解釋? 科學是重覆測試結果相同! 真假得自己實際經歷測試過後才能主觀認定! 是否科學未接觸研究過可懷疑!不下定論的願意體驗研究證實才是科學精神!

  • @wannevleeger
    @wannevleeger 3 місяці тому

    Hello Ken, my title name is wannevleeger

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 3 місяці тому

      @@wannevleeger i could not find you on my friend list. Please give me your friend adding "ID" for me to add you

    • @wannevleeger
      @wannevleeger 2 місяці тому

      My line ID on the chat app ‘Line’ is wannevleeger. You should be able to add me because I enabled others to add me. If it still doesn’t work, do you have any alternative ways to get in touch?

  • @wannevleeger
    @wannevleeger 3 місяці тому

    Dear Ken, I have sent you a message through ‘Line’.

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 3 місяці тому

      @@wannevleegeryour ID name on the line

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 3 місяці тому

      @@wannevleeger may you give me you ine ID title name?

  • @wannevleeger
    @wannevleeger 3 місяці тому

    Dear Ken, Is your number for whatsapp complete?

  • @wannevleeger
    @wannevleeger 3 місяці тому

    Dear master, I want to learn from you, how can that be arranged?

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 3 місяці тому

      @@wannevleeger You can add my messaging App to discuss if you want to invite me over or come to Taiwan to learn: line ID: regen8899 WeChat ID: weken888 Whats app mobile phone number:0936570605

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 3 місяці тому

      @@wannevleeger I might go to italy in next couple months for personal training. It is still being arranged and I will contact you when it is confirmed. First of all, you have to add me tthrough messaging app

  • @kingofaikido
    @kingofaikido 4 місяці тому

    Thank you for your explanation in English. Is this the same as 'ling-chi'..? Connecting your inside chi with the outside..? I discovered something like this only a couple of weeks ago and I am still exploring the dimensions of this phenomena. It's very interesting, like radar or x-ray. Once I go inside or through their body, the other people seem to follow my will (easily) if we are in physical contact. Very strange but true. If this is correct please say something in response.

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 4 місяці тому

      @@kingofaikido I think Tai Chi Energy Connection has similar healing properties to Reiki. It’s just that in the past, Tai Chi energy was used in martial arts. It can hurt people, but it can also heal or relax the body! After years of practice and research, I have discovered the fact that everyone’s body has the same nature. You and I are not separate but one! When the frequency of two people is adjusted to the same frequency, they can control each other's body through their own thoughts (we are one). Through practice, there is no need for physical contact. In Tai Chi, we call it empty force. I experienced empty force when I first came to Beijing to practice with my master. But 90% of people don't believe it, so this type of video is not uploaded. ua-cam.com/users/shorts-RCkZ01oOXE?si=OAYYLqPCAm5ZmVAq

    • @kingofaikido
      @kingofaikido 4 місяці тому

      @@ken39874 Thank you for responding. Yes, I agree. I have been practicing aikido since a child, many decades and taichi also many decades now. I saw your master's video many years ago and wanted to meet him. I am very sorry to hear he passed away. But yes, people are one...this is my realization too. It makes my movements smooth on contact with others...but I will try to see if I can do 'no contact' as well. I already knew how to do one way of 'no contact' but it was not the same 'empty force' you talk about but, now, it seems I understand the same thing. It seems like a great responsibility but I think I am ready for this. It makes me feel very secure (like meditation) and a different, higher dimension of martial art. I also understand what you say about violence. I am a Buddhist and so I have always aimed for a different goal from my colleagues. I also think you are right about 90% of people don't believe it. Even my father, who first taught me, was critical. Sadly, he passed away last year but, at the same time, I now feel free to pursue my own ideas. I am also developing a theory of martial arts as originally nonviolent, and use examples from evolution. I think 'evolutionary theory', at the moment, is a misinterpretation of nature. Nature is only very rarely violent but, we humans, are unique because we can empathize with all animals, all of nature, and can have compassion for all living things. It is nice to see that you are closely (and quickly) approaching your master's skill..!! ;)

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 4 місяці тому

      @@kingofaikido My master often said that Tai Chi is a highly concentration of mind, just like meditation Entering a place where there are people and no one. In the end, I think Tai Chi or Aikido are the same, they just have different methods of manipulating energy. We often talk about the mind, body and spirits . When the body is relaxed, the mind will also be relaxed. When the body and mind are relaxed enough, the perception will become stronger. My experience is that through physical contact, you can sense the other person's mental state, whether he is worried or stressed or even uncomfortable in his body. All can vibrate at the same frequency. When you understand that Qi is an energy frequency, people can switch from the material world to the energy world. It become possible to remove negative energy or heal emotions, like Buddha and Jesus had the ability to heal diseases and cast out demons. The founder of Aikido also saw the light of different colors of energy emitting in the world after a certain practice, and then created Aikido (You and I are one). These masters left behind their experiences, and we just experience the world they perceived through practice

    • @bussnake1
      @bussnake1 4 місяці тому

      @@ken39874 Could you describe the feeling when you experienced empty force? I know it's hard to express these in words, and asking this is kind of pointless without the experience, but I can't help being curious :) I experienced soft touch, and similar things you demonstrate in this video, but I never experienced no-touch with the same power.

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 4 місяці тому

      I can try to describe the empty force I experienced. In the beginning, of course, the energy was transferred through physical contact. Even though it was through contact, my brain was just busy interpreting why I was being controlled! After physical contact, the goal is to first be on the same frequency as the other person. When the frequency matches, if the operator wants me to go down, I have to kneel down. My description of the feeling is as if you are in the dark and an object suddenly appears in front of me. I instinctively jump back because I want to protect myself. Before I came into contact with Master, I already felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff trying to keep my balance and not fall off the cliff. There was an attraction like a black hole that sucked me in. In order to maintain my balance, Master's hand was the only point I could hold onto to keep my balance. Through this point, I can only keep myself from being sucked in and push myself back to the edge of the cliff. 

  • @kingofaikido
    @kingofaikido 4 місяці тому

    如果您能啟動 youtube 上的語言翻譯功能,我將不勝感激,這樣像我這樣的英語使用者也能從對話中受益。我對靈氣很有興趣。

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 3 місяці тому

      I added english subtitile ,enjoy

  • @洪熾賢
    @洪熾賢 4 місяці тому

    這種是無意義的,要知道現在博擊用衝撞,直拳對敵以力快速打擊,太極若無法反應,接到對方快速打來的勁,施以柔貼不主動的 再借力反擊否則只是太極丟ㄧ邊,出手王八拳而已!

  • @君基
    @君基 5 місяців тому


  • @winghosamLeung-ff3bu
    @winghosamLeung-ff3bu 5 місяців тому

    如果對方也是高手. 他也很松不露反應. 怎办?

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 5 місяців тому

      @@winghosamLeung-ff3bu 鬆是相對的! 若對方比我鬆,已經表示對方實力比自己強囉! 若實力差不多(如比賽) 就看如何引出對方的意 比賽最後比的是心裡素質的概念囉 所以最後還是回到了誰比較靜(冷靜)

  • @hsiencchang
    @hsiencchang 5 місяців тому

    很棒的內容!希望能再聽這位先生的心得! (請問這位先生是...?)

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 5 місяців тому

      @@hsiencchang 這位是我師兄成哥! 是台灣第一批接觸汪脈朱傳太極拳的先驅! 有機會在邀請他或拍攝一些他所認識的內勁! 台北有興趣可搜尋臉書(成武學堂),想學也可臉書私訊他!

  • @roundpointtaiji
    @roundpointtaiji 5 місяців тому

    相遇緣起 > I met Master Zhu and his family in 2000 through an introduction from his niece. His niece and her family lived in the U.S. where we met them just prior to moving to Beijing. As a child she had lived in this same Beijing apartment and watched her grandfather teach Taiji privately. All she knew he was that he was famous and that her uncle practiced too. After learning from Master Zhu, I eventually introduced others to him, including Howard Wang whose father, Wang Chieh, I had learned from in Taiwan in the late 80's.

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 5 місяців тому

      @@roundpointtaiji 感謝師兄的分享

  • @游威翔
    @游威翔 5 місяців тому


  • @jasonchua1162
    @jasonchua1162 5 місяців тому

    Firstly, thank you 🙏. And I hope you guys will share more of your experiences with Master Chu. Through UA-cam I have watched quite some videos of master Chu... Love his teachings and his perceptions of life.

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 5 місяців тому

      @@jasonchua1162 Master Zhu truly lived a joyful life through Tai Chi. The ultimate goal of learning Tai Chi or Tao can be seen in Master Zhu. Thank you for liking master Zhu’s teaching

  • @user-36893
    @user-36893 5 місяців тому


    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 5 місяців тому

      哈哈哈很難控制耶,若感受到很大的壓力時很難不釋放聲音出來! 感謝您的提點,盡量改進囉!

    • @EricQ-k5g
      @EricQ-k5g 5 місяців тому

      想要用力抵抗~一定會發出聲音的 你用力不出聲音你才出戲~會內傷的

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 5 місяців тому

      @@EricQ-k5g 感謝您的補充! 確實不出聲氣悶住會內傷

  • @jasonchua1162
    @jasonchua1162 5 місяців тому

    Thank you 🙏 For sharing...

  • @洪熾賢
    @洪熾賢 5 місяців тому


    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 5 місяців тому

      @@洪熾賢 沒人強迫你看! 愛看又愛酸! 搞不懂你這種人啥心態! 厲害你拿槍去打阿! 不然傳上傳你多會打的視頻來讓人酸阿!

  • @洪熾賢
    @洪熾賢 5 місяців тому


  • @user-36893
    @user-36893 5 місяців тому


    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 5 місяців тому

      @@user-36893 有開一對一教練課程! 請加line詳聊 ID:regen8898 加後請留言您的line名稱

  • @wannevleeger
    @wannevleeger 6 місяців тому

    Dear master, do you have pupils in Europe (or do you intend to come to Europe)?

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 6 місяців тому

      @@wannevleeger haha, I don't have students in Europe. I do like to come to teach in Europe)

  • @wannevleeger
    @wannevleeger 6 місяців тому

    Is there no translation of the second part of the video?

  • @batlacampagne
    @batlacampagne 6 місяців тому

    Le Chi ! Encore une force difficile à expliquer ! Et d'ailleurs qui s en occupe à par les grand maîtres les maîtres et assistants et les élèves.

  • @Finnman1223
    @Finnman1223 6 місяців тому


  • @chansam2675
    @chansam2675 7 місяців тому

    用7倍慢鏡看笫七分鐘是自我往后凌空跳, 哈哈

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 7 місяців тому

      你可以找學生付費學習然後拍視頻請他當免費臨演陪你跳啊! 視頻施做在許多不同人身上都呈現類似的效果。 你真能確定是配合? 不懂操作法則可以找老師教你阿!

  • @chansam2675
    @chansam2675 8 місяців тому

    手或拳跟著師傅走, 最大可能是暗示(意)手或拳不要與師父身體分離. 假若師傅能用內功去吸著對方, 可能性極之極微。無論乜氏太極, 沒有人依王宗岳太極論去練內功, 看得懂太極論廖若晨星!!!

  • @KelGhu
    @KelGhu 9 місяців тому

    Please, turn on subtitles! This is a treasure! By the way, do you know who first came up with the process Hua, Na, Fa?

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 9 місяців тому

      Hau ,Na, Fa These are the wisdom conclusions obtained by ancient people after research. It is not necessary to know who was the first to propose this concept, but this concept has been passed down

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 9 місяців тому

      Since you left a message saying that you have a certain level of kung fu. I lost interest in telling you more or translating. If kung fu can be transmitted through language, the existence of the master will have no meaning I would translate when ever I feel I want to do Thanks for your watching and willing to leraning from videos

    • @KelGhu
      @KelGhu 9 місяців тому

      @@ken39874 All right. I'm a student of the art like anyone. But thank you nonetheless

    • @KelGhu
      @KelGhu 9 місяців тому

      @@ken39874 In the classics, I see: Zhan, Nian Lian, Sui. I also see Fu, Gai, Dui, Tun, in the four secret words of Wu Yuxiang. But I cannot find the origin of Ting, Hua, Na, Fa. It seems it is something from Yang style, because I don't hear Chen masters talk about this. Thanks for your reply

  • @楊孟祿
    @楊孟祿 9 місяців тому


  • @taiwanstand
    @taiwanstand 10 місяців тому


    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 10 місяців тому

      你表演或找人配合演一下啊! 講誰都會講! 我一堆視頻能找那麼多願意配合我演出的人,你能嗎? 發個視頻來看看啊!

  • @KelGhu
    @KelGhu 10 місяців тому


  • @rachelng421
    @rachelng421 10 місяців тому

    Do you have upcoming events ?

  • @KelGhu
    @KelGhu 10 місяців тому

    Please, please, please, enable subtitles and translation options for all your videos! We want to understand what you say! This knowledge is a treasure!

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 10 місяців тому

      I will add from new video to old video. Will add on this one soon However!yi and mind energy still need body to feel like drinking coffee you need tasted to know the flavor

    • @KelGhu
      @KelGhu 10 місяців тому

      @@ken39874 I have a good level already. I just need to hear more from masters. Anyway, thank you very much for you do

  • @KelGhu
    @KelGhu 10 місяців тому

    You should enable subtitles and translations in all your videos. It would help a lot of us. This is stuff we really want to understand.

    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 10 місяців тому

      I will try to add english subtitles on video. This video has added english subtitles UA-cam now are not able to direct convert chinese voice into english subtitles

    • @KelGhu
      @KelGhu 10 місяців тому

      ​@@ken39874Translation works! Thanks!

    • @KelGhu
      @KelGhu 10 місяців тому

      ​@@ken39874It works! Both the subtitles and translations work. I hope you will be able to change all the other videos too. Thank you so much! I hope I will be able to come visit you someday! What you know is a treasure

  • @checkmategaming9188
    @checkmategaming9188 10 місяців тому


    • @ken39874
      @ken39874 10 місяців тому

      只要比對方更放鬆,他相對都是僵硬的! 起不了的作用的狀態只有沒有危機意識的狀態! 例如沒出過家門被車撞過的狗,遇到車不知道要躲(如三歲小孩跑到街上遇到車不知道車會撞死人) 再例如有人打你一拳,你擋還是不擋! 擋就可借力! 不擋就挨打! 不給力就引出其危機意識! 情境太多,無法一一說明清楚!