High Risk Coin Pusher
High Risk Coin Pusher
  • 13
  • 152 044
(GONE WRONG) Nearly Hit NEW “World Record” Pot O Silver Coin Pusher Jackpot But THIS HAPPENED! 🤬
In today’s episode we spent $150 in quarters trying to knock over this huge tower of quarters but we ended up losing big time playing the pot o silver coin pusher arcade game machine!
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#coinpusher #coinpusherjackpot #highlimitcoinpusher
Переглядів: 12 478


1 IN A MILLION TRICK SHOT… Playing The High Risk Quarter Coin Pusher Arcade Game Machine! (MUST SEE)
Переглядів 8 тис.3 місяці тому
In today’s episode we paid $1,000 for 500 quarters then we hit a 1 in a million trick shot and won over $10,000 playing the high limit quarter coin pusher arcade game machine! Subscribe to my channel and turn on push bell notifications that way you’ll get notifications when I post brand new videos! #coinpusher #coinpusherjackpot #casino
WE MADE A HUGE MISTAKE… Playing The High Limit Coin Pusher $10,000.00 BUY IN! Can We Profit!?
Переглядів 4,8 тис.4 місяці тому
In todays video we paid $10,000 for 200 quarters then we attempt to win it all but sadly we made a huge mistake playing the high limit quarter coin pusher machine! Subscribe to my channel and turn on push bell notifications that way you’ll get notifications when I post brand new videos! #coinpusher #coinpusherjackpot #casino
Putting 1,000 Quarters Into a Pot O Silver Coin Pusher Machine! 🤬OWNER WAS MAD We Won Over $20,000!
Переглядів 6 тис.4 місяці тому
In today’s video we put 1,000 quarters into the pot o silver coin pusher machine and we ended up winning over $20,000 playing the high limit quarter coin pusher arcade game machine! Subscribe to my channel and turn on push bell notifications that way you’ll get notifications when I upload brand new videos! #coinpusher #coinpusherjackpot #casino
SO MUCH CASH STUCK ON THE EDGE… Playing The High Limit Coin Pusher || Can We Profit!?
Переглядів 3,1 тис.4 місяці тому
In today’s episode we paid $500 for 500 quarters then we attempt to win all this cash but unfortunately it all got stuck on the edge playing the high limit quarter coin pusher arcade game machine! Subscribe to my channel and turn on push bell notifications that way you’ll get notifications when I post brand new videos! #coinpusher #coinpusherjackpot #casino
We Put $30 In Quarters Into a Pot O Silver Quarter Coin Pusher Machine! Can We Profit!?
Переглядів 4,9 тис.4 місяці тому
In today’s video we put $30 in quarters into a pot of silver quarter coin pusher arcade game machine trying to win the jackpot, unfortunately we lost it all eventually! Subscribe to my channel and turn on push bell notifications that way you’ll get notifications when I post brand new videos! #coinpusher #coinpusherjackpot #casino
We Nearly Won The “$20K JACKPOT” Then THIS HAPPENED! High Limit Coin Pusher BIG LOSS! (MUST SEE)
Переглядів 7 тис.6 місяців тому
In today’s episode we paid $5,000 for 500 quarters then we attempt to win the $20k jackpot but then something happens playing the high limit quarter coin pusher machine! Subscribe to my channel and enable post bell notifications that way you’ll never miss a brand new video! #coinpusher #coinpusherjackpot #casino #highriskcoinpusher
Переглядів 18 тис.6 місяців тому
In today’s video we paid $500 for unlimited quarters, they gave us a 15 minute time limit to win as much as we possibly could yet we lost big money playing the high limit quarter coin pusher machine! Subscribe and turn on post bell notifications! #coinpusher #coinpusherjackpot #casino #highlimitcoinpusher
(MUST SEE) High Limit Coin Pusher LOADED WITH CASH! Can We Profit!? $1,500 Buy In!
Переглядів 7 тис.6 місяців тому
In today’s video we paid $1,500 for 300 quarters then we attempt to win all the cash from the coin pusher! Subscribe and turn on post bell notifications! #coinpusher #coinpusherjackpot #casino #highlimitcoinpusher
$20 BILLS “GOT STUCK” ON THE EDGE! Can We Profit!? Quarter Coin Pusher Machine! (MUST WATCH)
Переглядів 9 тис.6 місяців тому
In today’s video we spent $50 trying to make a profit playing the quarter coin pusher machine! Subscribe and turn on post bell notifications that way you’ll never miss a brand new episode! SUBSCRIBE TO A&V Coin Pusher #casino #coinpusher #highlimitcoinpusher
So Much CASH on the Edge! We Won a $100 BILL! Coin Pusher JACKPOT! ( MUST WATCH )
Переглядів 14 тис.6 місяців тому
In today’s episode we play the new machines and make a huge profit at the coin pusher machine! Subscribe and turn on push bell notifications! #coinpusher #coinpusherjackpot #casino #highlimitcoinpusher


  • @lynnappleby903
    @lynnappleby903 День тому

    Like this game too keep up making great video's. 😊😊

  • @SharonPing-y3g
    @SharonPing-y3g 9 днів тому

    I did not like that game at all as a matter of fact it made me see sick rocking back and forth

  • @deborahcounter1439
    @deborahcounter1439 12 днів тому

    Put your phone on do not disturb so they can't bump your recording.... I would when I did my lives... it helps 😊

  • @kbramlett6877
    @kbramlett6877 Місяць тому

    I would call the screws on the playfield, 'barricades.'

  • @to4642
    @to4642 Місяць тому

    Im not sure who was saying its a good machine.....i would not spend too much time on it now and in the future.

  • @SharonPing-y3g
    @SharonPing-y3g Місяць тому

    I wouldn't want to play it anymore it seems very frustrating

  • @dennishamilton772
    @dennishamilton772 Місяць тому


  • @christophermiller1394
    @christophermiller1394 Місяць тому

    Why not take the 10K and buy back in?

  • @brianlearch6347
    @brianlearch6347 Місяць тому

    I hate this side of your 2 channels

  • @Rev.nighthawk..pjred1984
    @Rev.nighthawk..pjred1984 2 місяці тому

    Hey is this the machine the employee broke if so look at that white piece on the pusher it's intact on this show hope you the best

  • @Rev.nighthawk..pjred1984
    @Rev.nighthawk..pjred1984 2 місяці тому

    That machine is still broke the white piece is a pusher not suppose to let the change slide under there it's technically a rigged machine or broken I would not play if they don't fix it

  • @Arkaynemexican
    @Arkaynemexican 2 місяці тому

    I came here from AV coin pusher. Keep it pushin' brother.

  • @timothywescom8391
    @timothywescom8391 2 місяці тому

    awesome show ty for sharing the other machines

  • @christolcopeland
    @christolcopeland 2 місяці тому

    Good luck hope you win it Al keep up the great job on your channels 👍🏼😮😊

  • @citizenplane5840
    @citizenplane5840 2 місяці тому

    Bro sounds like napolean dynamites brother

  • @citizenplane5840
    @citizenplane5840 2 місяці тому

    The6 fold the dollars like that so the6 wont fall

  • @allenbarker3003
    @allenbarker3003 2 місяці тому

    Lol just stagger the quarters, as best as you can, big Daddy. Good luck.

  • @allenbarker3003
    @allenbarker3003 2 місяці тому

    This game sucks

  • @TracyFeetham
    @TracyFeetham 2 місяці тому

    The bars missing under the pusher ,that's why the coins are like that

  • @darrellscott-w2t
    @darrellscott-w2t 2 місяці тому

    I think that person is right

  • @darrellscott-w2t
    @darrellscott-w2t 2 місяці тому

    You should be able to play the game you want to

  • @robertfox1276
    @robertfox1276 2 місяці тому

    They need to fix their machines.

  • @littlemissyjo8550
    @littlemissyjo8550 2 місяці тому

  • @yvonnecoggin1573
    @yvonnecoggin1573 2 місяці тому

    This machine is boring!

  • @calvinmcfadden9836
    @calvinmcfadden9836 2 місяці тому

    dont like

  • @Ghosts-of-York
    @Ghosts-of-York 2 місяці тому

    You sound like that other dude 🤔

  • @stevemills3397
    @stevemills3397 3 місяці тому


  • @tamastoth4777
    @tamastoth4777 3 місяці тому

    There is absolutely no way that money is going to fit in that small loot chute

  • @lindafangmeier5258
    @lindafangmeier5258 3 місяці тому

    I wouldn't play this machine it's broken.

  • @lindafangmeier5258
    @lindafangmeier5258 3 місяці тому

    Noticed the pusher pushing sideways right side.

  • @shortlittleonegarcia3974
    @shortlittleonegarcia3974 3 місяці тому

    I like the lower paying vids as well as the big buy ins

  • @kathischoonover5436
    @kathischoonover5436 3 місяці тому


  • @TrevorKruse1616
    @TrevorKruse1616 3 місяці тому

    Dude, I love your videos. Your videos are such amazing.

  • @dayvwoodruff-higgins6238
    @dayvwoodruff-higgins6238 3 місяці тому

    It’s like this machine is got it against you . . .

  • @darrellscott-w2t
    @darrellscott-w2t 3 місяці тому

    What ever you want to do

  • @ronaldtreichler2289
    @ronaldtreichler2289 3 місяці тому

    This one seems like "it aint about the money, but for the love of the game. " Great video !!

  • @dfeathermcgaw5306
    @dfeathermcgaw5306 3 місяці тому

    Using too many quarters for little action on our viewing side & these machines always seem to have functioning issues. IMO - not worth the effort. What ever happened to the promise of them bringing in a claw machine?!? I watch your videos to be entertained during my work day. But these games are just boring. So, I'll go back to the other posts & find one with much more movement !! Good Luck with there broken & rigged games.

  • @AcheronKeres
    @AcheronKeres 3 місяці тому

    That broken pusher makes them a lot of money. They laugh at your frustration!

  • @AcheronKeres
    @AcheronKeres 3 місяці тому

    This is a more realistic video!

  • @CarolynAlexander-w5s
    @CarolynAlexander-w5s 3 місяці тому

    Can you put quarters on the back glass piled up to get the stuff on the red shelves...have you ever tried it?

  • @darrellscott-w2t
    @darrellscott-w2t 3 місяці тому

    You might be spending much but I still like it

  • @darrellscott-w2t
    @darrellscott-w2t 3 місяці тому


  • @melindarobertson9317
    @melindarobertson9317 3 місяці тому

    Where are you from? I can’t place your accent.

  • @karenhogan9824
    @karenhogan9824 3 місяці тому

    This really sucks there taking your qaucters

  • @RogerPuckett-b5y
    @RogerPuckett-b5y 3 місяці тому

    plexiglass broke

  • @davidtrowbridge7668
    @davidtrowbridge7668 3 місяці тому

    That pusher is completely broke. I personally wouldn't put in another quarter

  • @jimmyhiner2280
    @jimmyhiner2280 3 місяці тому

    There is a peace broke you can see it on the left side

  • @bertwilliams7838
    @bertwilliams7838 3 місяці тому

    Boring! I’m out.

  • @melodybradley7402
    @melodybradley7402 3 місяці тому

    They need to shut this down and really fix it 👎 🤨

  • @jamesbaxter1667
    @jamesbaxter1667 3 місяці тому

    Id call it a sweeper