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Another Woman only release SOLD OUT same day and they are BEAUTIFUL Jordan 11 Bred Velvet
Another Woman only release SOLD OUT same day and they are BEAUTIFUL Jordan 11 "Bred Velvet"
This womens only release was amazing great detail and almost better than the originals. I cant stop looking at them. They sold out the first day and I see why.
Use my discount code “RJII” for $15 off of your purchase.
I want to give a HUGE thank you to yekick for sponsoring this video.
Be sure to follow me on instagram:
Follow yekick on instagram:
Переглядів: 65


This WOMANS only release sneaker dropped and SOLD OUT! Is stock going up on these?
Переглядів 9614 днів тому
This WOMANS only release sneaker dropped and SOLD OUT! Is stock going up on these? This sneaker which came out in October sold out same day. This pair is straight from sneakers app, looks amazing in person but unfortunately just not my size. W release it was a really nice shoe! Use my discount code “RJII” for $15 off of your purchase. I want to give a HUGE thank you to yekick for ...
This SNEAKER had everyone WAITING outside. INSTANTLY SOLD OUT Air Jordan 14 Retro "Black Toe"
Переглядів 3,1 тис.Місяць тому
This SNEAKER had everyone WAITING outside. INSTANTLY SOLD OUT Air Jordan 14 Retro "Black Toe" This sneaker was sold out fast. Great quality shoe and super limited. If you want reps you can get them in the link down below. Use my discount code “RJII” for $15 off of your purchase. I want to give a HUGE thank you to yekick for sponsoring this video. Be sure to follow me on instagram:...
My recent sneaker pickups
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My recent sneaker pickups
Come to the mall with us "Mall Vlog"
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Come to the mall with us "Mall Vlog"
My favorite Jordan release this year. Space Jam 11 Lows
Переглядів 2,2 тис.6 місяців тому
My favorite Jordan release this year. Space Jam 11 Lows
Was this shoe worth the cop??? Nike Dunk low "Big Money Savings"
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Was this shoe worth the cop??? Nike Dunk low "Big Money Savings"
My first 5k Run went horribly wrong. :(
Переглядів 1507 місяців тому
My first 5k Run went horribly wrong. :(


  • @Og-Greene
    @Og-Greene 7 днів тому

    Love the video

  • @raniyahjohnson3506
    @raniyahjohnson3506 8 днів тому


  • @raniyahjohnson3506
    @raniyahjohnson3506 8 днів тому


  • @LandonCohen-o9f
    @LandonCohen-o9f 16 днів тому

    should i get em

  • @tamekahubbard5095
    @tamekahubbard5095 18 днів тому

    They are pretty

  • @tamekahubbard5095
    @tamekahubbard5095 18 днів тому

    Are these for me?

  • @marlynbrown1625
    @marlynbrown1625 22 дні тому

    Not hot at all 😂

  • @LoredNikon
    @LoredNikon 22 дні тому

    Grats on the Cop bro, I doubled up on these bad boys... im like your boy ive been rocking my Oreo 4's to death for ages its time to let them rest lol. The timing on the shoes was def whack, and they rescheduled the drop like 3 times, hella annoying.

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII 22 дні тому

      Thank you for the feedback I appreciate you & lol them Oreos drive me crazy 😂😂😂

  • @tamekahubbard5095
    @tamekahubbard5095 23 дні тому

    Wait... what the box say? 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @latinwarior123
    @latinwarior123 25 днів тому

    Unemployment behavior

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII 24 дні тому

      thank you for watching

    • @DoomDeity
      @DoomDeity 23 дні тому

      @@LifeofRJII bro camped for a shoe that goes under retail lmao

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII 23 дні тому

      @ never know with the shoe culture

  • @eazyree33
    @eazyree33 25 днів тому

    More of a hoop shoe because of the color way to me. I wouldn’t try to lay these

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII 24 дні тому

      I’m glad I ain’t the only one that didn’t really care for these 😂

  • @kendrickmcpherson1912
    @kendrickmcpherson1912 27 днів тому

    I definitely picked mine up from footlocker and always wanted these in my collection and finally got em 🙌 and they definitely clean, and I'm putting red laces in mine and keep bringing the videos 📹 and many more Blessings 🙌 and Years to come!!

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII 27 днів тому

      Red laces is a great touch!! 🔥🔥🔥 thank you for the support fam 🤍 this month been a really busy month I got so much content on the way!!! 🔥🔥🔥

    • @kendrickmcpherson1912
      @kendrickmcpherson1912 27 днів тому

      @LifeofRJII Amen 🙌!!!!

  • @upsetuloss
    @upsetuloss Місяць тому

    You live in Florida is the only reason you haven't seen anyone wear Jordan 9s, especially the Olive 9 with jeans. Olive 9s are tough with jeans, brown, camo and black pants, easy dope fit💯

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII 27 днів тому

      Tag me on IG fam lemme see how you rocking them gimme some pointers family 🔥

    • @upsetuloss
      @upsetuloss 26 днів тому

      @@LifeofRJII I'm not even going to bullshit, I cop my J's and don't wear them until the next yr or longer. I can't walk around with all the hypebeast looking like me lol, I just wait a while and they get more attention later 😌

  • @chebarthompson4030
    @chebarthompson4030 Місяць тому

    9s was my favorite at one point

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII 27 днів тому

      They don’t feel heavy to ya fam? 💪😂 I know you strong 😂

  • @Justkickz24
    @Justkickz24 Місяць тому

    Ima get them. The resell not bad.

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII Місяць тому

      @@Justkickz24 they not bad bro I’ll definitely have them in rotation they hitting the pavement for sure

    • @Justkickz24
      @Justkickz24 Місяць тому

      @ aw yeah. 1 of my fave 9’s, behind the cool grey

  • @InThotsWeTrust
    @InThotsWeTrust Місяць тому

    Wats that rylo song

  • @Trappingkicks
    @Trappingkicks Місяць тому


  • @JohnWick-no8oz
    @JohnWick-no8oz Місяць тому

    Thank god I won the raffle for mine 🔥💯

  • @SuperLamarioBrother
    @SuperLamarioBrother Місяць тому

    Bruh them shits sold out in less than a minute…. Seriously, it wasn’t even 10:01 yet.. them have to be bots making those purchases, that many humans cant check out that fuckin fast bruh, I swear 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII Місяць тому

      😂😂😂 gotta be quicker than that brother lol it be hard afff

  • @Ki55yface
    @Ki55yface Місяць тому

    True to size?

  • @Flykicks77
    @Flykicks77 Місяць тому

    Beware SNIPES canceling orders

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII Місяць тому

      Never shopped at snipes for shoes lol they got a bad reputation where I’m from lol

  • @54biggie
    @54biggie Місяць тому

    Reps.....😂😂oh no, wish you the best of luck in the future bruh!!

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII Місяць тому

      @@54biggie these are not reps lol these the real deal!!! I’m just looking out for the people that are shopping on a budget. Trust me if I’m showing off reps I tell my people they reps

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII Місяць тому

      lol on the video I said I got them from JD sports fam lol

  • @zacharycrawfski2276
    @zacharycrawfski2276 Місяць тому

    Travis Scotts a turd 💩 why such a hard worker like Jordan let such a scumbag with terrible music piggyback off and profit from his hard work

  • @BatMobile23
    @BatMobile23 Місяць тому

    Ankle socks only with these shoesrespectfully

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII Місяць тому

      You might be right!!!

  • @Ronny-Swanton
    @Ronny-Swanton Місяць тому

    Great video until he started supporting reps

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII Місяць тому

      Thank you be sure to subscribe and join the family

    • @Ronny-Swanton
      @Ronny-Swanton Місяць тому

      @ fuck that

  • @treronsinclair1495
    @treronsinclair1495 Місяць тому

    Only thing is the toe box grab em sold em still not disappointment

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII Місяць тому

      @@treronsinclair1495 I’m sponsored by a company that sells reps. But these are 100% authentic g. Everybody don’t like reps but that’s just me looking out for the people that can’t afford the real thing. Everybody ain’t able family don’t knock me for covering all avenues lol

    @SEE_MORE_BUCKS Місяць тому

    Love that Big X it's a new classic 😂

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII Місяць тому

      @@SEE_MORE_BUCKS yea bro he ripped that 🔥🔥🔥

      @SEE_MORE_BUCKS Місяць тому

      @LifeofRJII he went on that whole tape

      @SEE_MORE_BUCKS Місяць тому

      But can't wait to get my pair in hand i hit on finish line ​@LifeofRJII

  • @rjc9192
    @rjc9192 Місяць тому

    Niggas be feanin for no reason, he said he woke up at 7:25 for some jays, meanwhile I woke up at 12 pm, headed to my local footlocker, asked for my size and copped 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @darneashaquarterman4853
    @darneashaquarterman4853 Місяць тому

    i’m tryna get like u brudda🔥

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII Місяць тому

      lol just a real slow grind and a lot of hours on the clock!!! 😂 thank you for tuning in 🤍

  • @Dread2104881
    @Dread2104881 Місяць тому

    I like that you kept it real about the environment 😂😂 I had the only size 9 in line , Dude behind me wanted a size 9 to it was the only size nine in the store😂 I felt the same way too I got my size 9 and I was out of there too

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII Місяць тому

      Bro I swear I never walked out of a building faster 😂 I didn’t want to be there when dude found out he wasn’t going to get his shoe 🤣

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII Місяць тому

      Congrats on getting your pair tho fam!!! 👍🔥

    • @DietWoke23
      @DietWoke23 Місяць тому

      Got mine off finish line couldn’t hit Hibbett in store hopefully bc3 will be smooth too

  • @tamekahubbard5095
    @tamekahubbard5095 Місяць тому

    Tell them to send ya momma some. I don't mind wearing Reps at all 🤣❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @kylemckyle6464
    @kylemckyle6464 Місяць тому

    These look off, suppose to have ice bottoms. Yours almost looks pink.

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII Місяць тому

      lol. well go tell jdsports and nike because these came from snkrs app chief.

  • @-ImpulseMedia-
    @-ImpulseMedia- Місяць тому

    keep it up bossman

  • @8Blaze5
    @8Blaze5 Місяць тому

    🔥how long did shipping take ?

    • @yekickru6656
      @yekickru6656 Місяць тому

      about 12 days,friend

    • @yekickru6656
      @yekickru6656 Місяць тому

      about 5 days ro ship out,12 days to arrive

  • @Og-Greene
    @Og-Greene Місяць тому

    Video was amazing bro

  • @Itsmethebri
    @Itsmethebri Місяць тому

    Boyyyyy we don’t care bout the parchment paper 😂😂😂😂

  • @Itsmethebri
    @Itsmethebri Місяць тому

    Omggg I’m hollering, how did you find the “boondocks” clip 😂😂😂😂

  • @Itsmethebri
    @Itsmethebri Місяць тому

    Lmaoo boy if you don’t.. 😂😂😂😂

  • @hermespereira5649
    @hermespereira5649 2 місяці тому

    I have the J4 Military Blue in size 10.5, do you recommend that I buy the J4 AMM in the same men's size?

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII 2 місяці тому

      @@hermespereira5649 yes they run the same size so if you fit the military 4s run it back in the same size 10.5

  • @movieman5914
    @movieman5914 2 місяці тому

    Amazing review 🔥

  • @bren70403
    @bren70403 2 місяці тому

    The quality on these are amazing and was worth the $250 for retail + shipping

  • @drayiam2323
    @drayiam2323 2 місяці тому

    Black Laces go crazy 👍🏾

  • @jayflow7022
    @jayflow7022 2 місяці тому

    Just subscribed bro nice video im so happy I have my pair I took over 10 Ls in raffles 😞😂 so resell on goat it was paid $580 got the pink laces to rock for my birthday in 2 weeks then I’ll be rocking them with the black lace idk if its me but they look kinda funny with white laces

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII 2 місяці тому

      @@jayflow7022 happy birthday fam!!!! Thank you for the subbbb welcome to the family!!!!! 🤍

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII 2 місяці тому

      @@jayflow7022 I wanna see how you rock em bro tag me on ig when you throw them on man!!!

  • @vic4uf
    @vic4uf 2 місяці тому

    People found money to buy On Clouds, New Balance and Saucony but let these sit. I hope this continues in 2025. Make buying Jordan collabs easy.

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII 2 місяці тому

      Hey now that I couldnt possibly agree with any more!!! I love the way the shoe game is right now. The only actual hard shoes to buy right now are Travis Scotts! lol. Keep it this way I'm not mad at all!!!

  • @chaos3939
    @chaos3939 2 місяці тому

    Good review. Congrats on your first A Ma Maniere Air Jordan collab sneaker. Enjoy.

  • @raniyahjohnson3506
    @raniyahjohnson3506 2 місяці тому


  • @tamekahubbard5095
    @tamekahubbard5095 2 місяці тому

    Ummmm I need please ❤❤❤❤ Love you too

  • @tamekahubbard5095
    @tamekahubbard5095 2 місяці тому


  • @tamekahubbard5095
    @tamekahubbard5095 2 місяці тому

    Nice show

  • @kendrickmcpherson1912
    @kendrickmcpherson1912 2 місяці тому

    11s my favorite too but like 12s to and definitely happy to have these in my collection and they did sellout

    • @LifeofRJII
      @LifeofRJII 2 місяці тому

      @@kendrickmcpherson1912 they sold out it actually shocked me. lol i seen them sitting the first day and then out of nowhere they were gone lol