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Mary Seacole: Angel of the Crimea (4 of 4)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Feisty, fearless and funny, Mary Seacole was such a celebrity in Victorian England that, in July 1857, she drew a paying public of no less than 80,000 people to concerts staged in her honour. The charismatic 'doctress' from Jamaica -- a staunch British patriot and a fiercely proud Creole -- had won the hearts of the nation for her work treating the sick and dying, sometimes under fire, in the Crimean War of 1854-6.
What makes her achievements all the more remarkable is that she had been rejected by the British authorities and Florence Nightingale's recruitment team when she first volunteered her services - because of the colour of her skin. Undaunted, she decided to go it alone.
Though forgotten for much of the Twentieth Century, in 2005, the bicentenary of her birth, Mary Seacole was voted the greatest black Briton in history in a national BBC television poll.
50' Drama-documentary, 2005
Starring Angela Bruce
Written and directed by Sonali Fernando
Переглядів: 18 449


Mary Seacole: Angel of the Crimea (3 of 4)
Переглядів 26 тис.12 років тому
Part 1: Part 2: Part 4: Feisty, fearless and funny, Mary Seacole was such a celebrity in Victorian England that, in July 1857, she drew a paying public of no less than 80,000 people to concerts staged in her honour. The charismatic 'doctress' from Jamaica a staunch British pat...
Mary Seacole: Angel of the Crimea (2 of 4)
Переглядів 29 тис.12 років тому
Part 1: Part 3: Part 4: Feisty, fearless and funny, Mary Seacole was such a celebrity in Victorian England that, in July 1857, she drew a paying public of no less than 80,000 people to concerts staged in her honour. The charismatic 'doctress' from Jamaica a staunch British pat...
Mary Seacole: Angel of the Crimea (1 of 4)
Переглядів 72 тис.12 років тому
Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Feisty, fearless and funny, Mary Seacole was such a celebrity in Victorian England that, in July 1857, she drew a paying public of no less than 80,000 people to concerts staged in her honour. The charismatic 'doctress' from Jamaica a staunch British pat...


  • @t0rschlusspan1k
    @t0rschlusspan1k 2 місяці тому

    Who knows how all the people she cured remembered her...

  • @zapre2284
    @zapre2284 4 місяці тому

    Unfortunately, the reality of Seacole, and the Myth of Seacole are 2 very different things. She was not a nurse, she never claimed to be a nurse, and she was not associated with any hospitals. She was a kind hearted woman who was more of mother figure to the men. She would offer alcohol, food and home remedies to soldiers, for which she was popular with them men. She displayed bravery by comforting wounded men on the battle fieled. ..However, she was not a pioneering. She was recognised in her time for her contribution, and she was not employed by Nightingale, as she had no medical training by her own admission. ...The Seacole Myth begins in the late 1980s as an attempt to push a positive black female role model, by leftists to fit their multicultural utopia, that have been planning all along. Hence what we see now in the UK. Also worth noting is that she was 3/4 white and 1/4 black. Definitely not looking the actress playing her here, as Seacole herself described her skin to be more of a yellow than a brown. Think of the footballer Ross Barkely, who is also 1/4 black and 3/4 white.

  • @johnsymons8246
    @johnsymons8246 Рік тому

    Panama was the route from Europe to Californian gold fields.

  • @clivebaxter6354
    @clivebaxter6354 Рік тому

    She was never a nurse, she opened a pub for officers only

  • @clivebaxter6354
    @clivebaxter6354 Рік тому

    Seacole was never a nurse and went to the Crimea to open a pub for officers, she never applied to go as a nurse.

  • @johno4521
    @johno4521 2 роки тому've certainly doctored history here....

  • @johno4521
    @johno4521 2 роки тому

    You are perpetuating this myth which has grown up around Mary Seacole. She was never a nurse, nor had any training as such. She was an entrepreneur who ran restaurants and stores. She left a trail of failed business ventures benind her, including a gold mine she owned with her half-brother in Panama, this being the reason she came to Britain initially, to try and get the gold mine floated on the UK stock exchange. She did not open a hospital in the Crimea, but an Officers' Club/restaurant for officers only where she sold luxury goods such as champagne to those who could pay for it. She would travel out to where the action was, but to sell refreshments to spectators, occasionally offering some comfort to the wounded. She only ever did this three times. Not much there to create a legend from. The only times she set foot in hospitals was to offer luxuries and magazines to patients. The Crimean war was already half way over when she arrived in late 1855 therefore missing most of the battles. It is frankly ridiculous to compare Seacole with Florence Nightingale but in recent times left-wing historians have decided that she was too middle-class and white, and maybe too much associated with the British Empire, therefore have succeeded in supplanting her by shoe-horning Seacole into the history books as a more suitable i.e. multi-cultural heroine. I find it worrying that this version is taught in the school curriculum; children's books depict Seacole in a nurse's uniform, tending to patients in a hospital which is something she never did. This really is fake history

  • @johno4521
    @johno4521 2 роки тому

    Has anyone read her book; 90% of this is made up...history doctor alright..

  • @lewis1544
    @lewis1544 2 роки тому

    She wasn't a nurse. She didn't set foot in a hospital in the Crimea. She had a posh restaurant for officers. She sold her self made medicines (lead medicine and mercury ointment?). Read for yourself: The Project Gutenberg eBook of Wonderful Adventures of Mrs. Seacole in Many Lands, by Mary Seacole.

  • @annoyingbstard9407
    @annoyingbstard9407 2 роки тому

    Angel…in the sense the treatments she forced on people invariably hastened them meeting the angels fairly soon.

  • @apathyintheuk265
    @apathyintheuk265 2 роки тому

    Mary Seacole was not a nurse. She tried to pass herself off as one to the authorities (and failed) in order to gain free passage to the Crimea where she opened up an exclusive hotel and restaurant for the officer class. She was an enterprising business woman not a selfless servant to the sick, injured and dying. The bullshit and absurd myth surrounding this woman are an absolute embarrassment.

  • @angr3819
    @angr3819 2 роки тому

    I have only read a good synopsis of Mary's autobiography, and can say that a lot of what is now being told of as her history is untrue at worst or twisted truth at best. Mary never claimed to be a Nurse or 'Doctoress" nor that her mother was, as is the recent narrative. In fact Physicians were invariably male, as women were thought too incompetent and weak to do such a job. Women as Nurses was also not a thing, for the same reasons. Florence Nightingale was the first recognised Nurse in the world. Women were thought too stupid and weak (or 'delicate'). Florence was much maligned for her capabilities in her own time especially for her insistence on cleanliness as Physicians, such they were, took great pride in old dirty blood being on their coats. People believed it a testimony that they were experienced. Not only the quacks of the time believed that but people in general did. Mary wasn't untruthful and apparently never claimed to be a Nurse or Doctress. Nor that her mother was. She also wrote that she opened and ran an hotel and restaurant, not for the ill and injured. It was her business venture and she only sometimes visited patients in the local hospital. She did supply her brews to people and later realised that her concoctions must have killed a lot of them, which she deeply regretted. However, that was the nature of herbal medicines and it still is to some extent. There are countless herbal and spice 'cures' on the Web but if you search the recommended plant and write 'dangers' after the word in the search bar it is frightening how many times a thing can have an even worse effect than the illness and even sometimes be deadly. Also, she used mercury and lead. That said, she wasn't the only one. It seems it was usual for the time. Such things did cure what they were treating and the bit later ill effects would appear to be unrelated. Laudnum was also heavily used and freely sold, and a lot of people became addicted and died from that too. It isn't possible to compare medical practice of even the time of Florence and Mary with later practice. It would be incorrect to describe any of them as Nurses. In fact, a lot of people who were patients of or worked with Florence seemed to find some justified faults with her, including that she was cold and aloof toward patients. Maybe a snob. Mary seems to have been more warm and personable. However, bigging them up helped with the efforts of the emancipation of women which whilst it was much needed, the plan wasn't really to help women at all but to have women vote and undermine men, to take mens jobs for much lower pay which would in due course cause mens pay to be far less, to 'encourage' mums of even babies to go out to work and therefore not be a constant figure and stable influence on the children and in the home, and the end goal to break up the family and turn the genders against each other. Why would those long powerful families do that? Because the family is the backbone of any society. Break down families and the women and children are more easily targeted, as men are less inclined to protect them after being disregarded by the women. Then society can be reshaped. Children get their ideas and characters from being brainwashed in schools, by TV and any other means available instead of parents and other elders in their families. The changes to society planned and being carried out are not good and healthy for us. The best way to find the truth of anything about the twisted histories we are now told is to try and buy the earliest edition books possible, particularly autobiographies (which also may be biased). Lies about history are almost always to divide and conquer. To make the group no longer favourable to those in control look bad. Years ago it was more popular to disparage Jews, and Blacks, Asians, whoever. Really it never matters too much which group, as long as the general populace can be signalled "Don't look here at us and what we are doing to you. Look at them there and what they did". There is always an agenda and it is never really for the long term betterment of the masses, even if it appears to be at first. E.G. When Blair became PM in 1997 (without my vote. I did not vote for any of them) most people were amazed at how quickly it appeared he improved the NHS. After all, it had clearly been falling apart for years. What few people knew was that it was at the expense of mental health services and other less obvious disciplines. Also only those at or near the top including within the NHS knew the 'improvements' were to make it attractive to buyers. It was sold lock, stock and barrel to (William's?) SERCO on the open stock market in 1998. Now, it's various component authorities are listed on Dun & Bradstreet. The USA branch, not the branch in England. So it appears to have been broken up and sold on piecemeal. There so much more I write as examples but too much for here. What is made to look good for us is in reality very much to the detriment of ourselves, our children and theirs ad infinitum. Lesson to be learned; never trust the official or popular narrative whether it is about history, science, politics or anything. Always research for yourselves as far as you can. Even then you may not find the whole truth.

    • @clivebaxter6354
      @clivebaxter6354 Рік тому

      she ran a pub for officers, never a nurse and looked down on blacks

    • @johnsymons8246
      @johnsymons8246 Рік тому

      Got the book in front of me chapter 1 my mother kept a boardinghouse in Kingston,and was, like very many of the creole women, an admirable doctress But otherwise 👍

  • @angr3819
    @angr3819 2 роки тому

    I have only read a good synopsis of Mary's autobiography, and can say that a lot of what is now being told of as her history is untrue at worst or twisted truth at best. Mary never claimed to be a Nurse or 'Doctoress" nor that her mother was, as is the recent narrative. In fact Physicians were invariably male, as women were thought too incompetent and weak to do such a job. Women as Nurses was also not a thing, for the same reasons. Florence Nightingale was the first recognised Nurse in the world. Women were thought too stupid and weak (or 'delicate'). Florence was much maligned for her capabilities in her own time especially for her insistence on cleanliness as Physicians, such they were, took great pride in old dirty blood being on their coats. People believed it a testimony that they were experienced. Not only the quacks of the time believed that but people in general did. Mary wasn't untruthful and apparently never claimed to be a Nurse or Doctress. Nor that her mother was. She also wrote that she opened and ran an hotel and restaurant, not for the ill and injured. It was her business venture and she only sometimes visited patients in the local hospital. She did supply her brews to people and later realised that her concoctions must have killed a lot of them, which she deeply regretted. However, that was the nature of herbal medicines and it still is to some extent. There are countless herbal and spice 'cures' on the Web but if you search the recommended plant and write 'dangers' after the word in the search bar it is frightening how many times a thing can have an even worse effect than the illness and even sometimes be deadly. Also, she used mercury and lead. That said, she wasn't the only one. It seems it was usual for the time. Such things did cure what they were treating and the bit later ill effects would appear to be unrelated. Laudnum was also heavily used and freely sold, and a lot of people became addicted and died from that too. It isn't possible to compare medical practice of even the time of Florence and Mary with later practice. It would be incorrect to describe any of them as Nurses. In fact, a lot of people who were patients of or worked with Florence seemed to find some justified faults with her, including that she was cold and aloof toward patients. Maybe a snob. Mary seems to have been more warm and personable. However, bigging them up helped with the efforts of the emancipation of women which whilst it was much needed, the plan wasn't really to help women at all but to have women vote and undermine men, to take mens jobs for much lower pay which would in due course cause mens pay to be far less, to 'encourage' mums of even babies to go out to work and therefore not be a constant figure and stable influence on the children and in the home, and the end goal to break up the family and turn the genders against each other. Why would those long powerful families do that? Because the family is the backbone of any society. Break down families and the women and children are more easily targeted, as men are less inclined to protect them after being disregarded by the women. Then society can be reshaped. Children get their ideas and characters from being brainwashed in schools, by TV and any other means available instead of parents and other elders in their families. The changes to society planned and being carried out are not good and healthy for us. The best way to find the truth of anything about the twisted histories we are now told is to try and buy the earliest edition books possible, particularly autobiographies (which also may be biased). Lies about history are almost always to divide and conquer. To make the group no longer favourable to those in control look bad. Years ago it was more popular to disparage Jews, and Blacks, Asians, whoever. Really it never matters too much which group, as long as the general populace can be signalled "Don't look here at us and what we are doing to you. Look at them there and what they did". There is always an agenda and it is never really for the long term betterment of the masses, even if it appears to be at first. E.G. When Blair became PM in 1997 (without my vote. I did not vote for any of them) most people were amazed at how quickly it appeared he improved the NHS. After all, it had clearly been falling apart for years. What few people knew was that it was at the expense of mental health services and other less obvious disciplines. Also only those at or near the top including within the NHS knew the 'improvements' were to make it attractive to buyers. It was sold lock, stock and barrel to (William's?) SERCO on the open stock market in 1998. Now, it's various component authorities are listed on Dun & Bradstreet. The USA branch, not the branch in England. So it appears to have been broken up and sold on piecemeal. There so much more I write as examples but too much for here. What is made to look good for us is in reality very much to the detriment of ourselves, our children and theirs ad infinitum. Lesson to be learned; never trust the official or popular narrative whether it is about history, science, politics or anything. Always research for yourselves as far as you can. Even then you may not find the whole truth.

    • @angr3819
      @angr3819 2 роки тому

      Btw, about time you replaced the thumbnail of a nurse who is white? Lol.

  • @angr3819
    @angr3819 2 роки тому

    I had hardly heard of her before. I just read a bit more. She was born in Jamaica in 1805 and didn't come to England until 1821, when she was age 16. There were no state schools until 1870 and even then not in Jamaica, and schooling wasn't compulsory until 1880 and even then only until age 10. By the end of th era Victorian era the leaving age was raised to 13. There weren't even private schools in Jamaica then. Certainly not state paid schools either. So it is clearly a Big Fat Lie that she was picked on at school for being the only black. Also, parents didn't pay for girls to go to school when she was a child. If they were from wealthy enough families they had home tutors but many fully adult women during the Victorian era were illiterate or almost so, regardless of class, as it was considered a waste of money to pay for daughters to go to school when they were "only going to marry and stay at home with children". That attitude was anywhere in the world. In addition she unwittingly poisoned patients with Mercury and lead treatments. Obviously she wasn't the only one doing that. Both mercury and lead did 'cure' certain things and unfortunately the link wasn't made to any ensuing illnesses and deaths with such poisons. Even Wikipedia is less untruthful, and that's saying something. The lies of history for political purposes.

  • @angr3819
    @angr3819 2 роки тому

    I had hardly heard of her before. I just read a bit more. She was born in Jamaica in 1805 and didn't come to England until 1821, when she was age 16. There were no state schools until 1870 and even then not in Jamaica, and schooling wasn't compulsory until 1880 and even then only until age 10. By the end of th era Victorian era the leaving age was raised to 13. There weren't even private schools in Jamaica then. Certainly not state paid schools either. So it is clearly a Big Fat Lie that she was picked on at school for being the only black. Also, parents didn't pay for girls to go to school when she was a child. If they were from wealthy enough families they had home tutors but many fully adult women during the Victorian era were illiterate or almost so, regardless of class, as it was considered a waste of money to pay for daughters to go to school when they were "only going to marry and stay at home with children". That attitude was anywhere in the world. In addition she unwittingly poisoned patients with Mercury and lead treatments. Obviously she wasn't the only one doing that. Both mercury and lead did 'cure' certain things and unfortunately the link wasn't made to any ensuing illnesses and deaths with such poisons. Even Wikipedia is less untruthful, and that's saying something. The lies of history for political purposes.

  • @rebekah1362
    @rebekah1362 3 роки тому

    So much for "saint" Florence Nightingale. She didn't want a brown-skinned nurse but resented Mary for having the gumption to go where she wouldn't, resented her for the accolades given her and was spiteful enough to lie against her. Just another product of her generation: bigoted, envious and petty. Well, Mary got the last laugh!

  • @Jabber-ig3iw
    @Jabber-ig3iw 3 роки тому

    Wow more seacole bullshit. She ran a hotel, and handed out champagne to spectators of the battles. She was Creole, not black, a businesswoman who saw an opportunity to make money from a war. She got there after most of the main battles, conditions had already started to improve. Read her autobiography if you want the truth rather than the bullshit.

    • @BlackStar-uh5xv
      @BlackStar-uh5xv 3 роки тому

      I thought creole did mean black, if she half jamaican then she half black right

    • @johnsymons8246
      @johnsymons8246 Рік тому

      Read it good book.

    • @zapre2284
      @zapre2284 4 місяці тому

      @@BlackStar-uh5xv She was 3/4 white and 1/4 basically, like the footballer Ross Bark;ey

  • @sssmevy3459
    @sssmevy3459 4 роки тому

    I watched this for my school work

  • @riggityraff
    @riggityraff 4 роки тому

    I almost died when at their wedding she kissed him on the forehead 😂

  • @JM-bb8xi
    @JM-bb8xi 4 роки тому

    Any woman who cares for her nation's soldiers as her sons is a mother to her nation. Mother Seacole was a mother to Great Britain, a hero in her own right, a pioneer in kindness towards humanity.

  • @greatblue6648
    @greatblue6648 5 років тому

    Fabulous! Inspirational!

  • @greatblue6648
    @greatblue6648 5 років тому

    shes amazing

  • @crystalqueen5619
    @crystalqueen5619 5 років тому

    I learned this in the army museum

  • @blackangel4949
    @blackangel4949 5 років тому

    she had that Jamaican spirit, nothing can match or touch .

  • @katiekinnon8953
    @katiekinnon8953 5 років тому

    Brave indeed

  • @katiekinnon8953
    @katiekinnon8953 5 років тому


  • @geographicoddity9444
    @geographicoddity9444 5 років тому

    A tad bit haute, much?

  • @webwolf404
    @webwolf404 6 років тому

    Why has no one commented about Mary's dance spinning leeks and tossing eggs??? Epic.

  • @salehashaque3331
    @salehashaque3331 6 років тому


  • @lawgame6581
    @lawgame6581 7 років тому

    mary seacole with a night nurse she spoke from what she saw .. today mary seacole houses are all over uk. I wish marus passion was still around but I'm reality staff working with patients with MENTAL HEALTH issuses are suffering in silence. .. Read up about it and you will under stand

  • @kwacou4279
    @kwacou4279 7 років тому

    Jamaica, a nation of leaders & Revolutionaries : Nanny, Cudjoe, Boukman, Sam Sharpe, Paul Bogle ,Dexter Gordon, Garvey, Marley, Bolt, & Mary Seacole.

  • @nikhilshetty9774
    @nikhilshetty9774 7 років тому

    mary is cool she helped 700 solula

  • @anarchyandempires5452
    @anarchyandempires5452 8 років тому

    capitalism Don good.

  • @parisrivers7707
    @parisrivers7707 8 років тому

    I'm down with the swirl and her marrying a white man.... But a man from ESSEX?!?! That is totally unacceptable!!!

  • @iknowmewhoareyou2615
    @iknowmewhoareyou2615 8 років тому

    Florence nightingale is a bitch, how can this bitch give a slanderous job reference if she never worked for her?

  • @iknowmewhoareyou2615
    @iknowmewhoareyou2615 8 років тому

    Florence Nightingale is a bitch!

  • @iknowmewhoareyou2615
    @iknowmewhoareyou2615 8 років тому

    I feel like me and mary seacole have the same mentality: it only takes a night's rest before I made up my mind to go to Crimea. We can't help it, we both born and bred in Jamaica.

  • @blackberryphone1
    @blackberryphone1 8 років тому

    Honour to whom honour is due. Thank you for your inspiring life.

  • @curiousabida298
    @curiousabida298 8 років тому

    Mrs.Mary Seacole, Iadmire you soo much! you inspired me ! you should get a noble prize!

  • @curiousabida298
    @curiousabida298 8 років тому

    she was very brave!

  • @philly1076
    @philly1076 8 років тому

    florence nightengale, horrible person.

  • @rolybaby
    @rolybaby 9 років тому

    Marriage of convenience allot of people don't want the truth, Angela Bruce is a great actress underrated unfortunately typical of many Africans and many West Indians and Europeans. Talk about prejudice in the African, West Indian and East Indian i.e. Indians from India bleach their skin for high society also Persian woman bleach. Naomi Campbell dates white men exclusively, the only reason why you see and hear the term mixed race is because it sounds better than Half cast, Octoroon applied to define the ancestry of people of mixed-race, generally of African and European ancestry. Many mixed people believe they are better, so a mixed person who has a child with a Caucasian is either 1/3 or 1/8, yet they will look down on their parents good grief.

  • @hhorsley6264
    @hhorsley6264 9 років тому

    If Queen Victoria had sent for Mary when Prince Albert was dying I'll bet he might have survived and then she really would have been remembered

  • @jacobbotting2410
    @jacobbotting2410 9 років тому

    The imagery is real

  • @terryharrison8669
    @terryharrison8669 9 років тому

    Lovely, lovely woman. ' let us blow a kiss to Seacole , and shake a fist at Nightingale'

    • @johno4521
      @johno4521 2 роки тому

      I take it you're being sarcastic....

  • @Renee-Heal-The-Eagle
    @Renee-Heal-The-Eagle 9 років тому

    omg...8:00 marriage of convenience...that's not the impression I got. Women can be such haters LOL

  • @johnerskine4553
    @johnerskine4553 9 років тому

    British soldiers adored her.

  • @lymarie1974
    @lymarie1974 9 років тому

    so she was an herbal doctor, how wonderful. never heard of her until today. a nightingale doc brought me here.

    • @clivebaxter6354
      @clivebaxter6354 Рік тому

      some of her concoctions included lead and mercury

    • @lymarie1974
      @lymarie1974 Рік тому

      @@clivebaxter6354 yes this is very true. A small amount of nightshade can help but too much of anything can harm.

    • @johnsymons8246
      @johnsymons8246 Рік тому

      In her book she refers to her mother as a doctress and no it doesn't just mean female doctor. She comes across as a very kind lady.

  • @sugba2sugbo
    @sugba2sugbo 10 років тому

    this is so amazing that moment when she smiled while relaxing with a tea speaks so many volumes as human, as a nurse, as woman as a counterpart of florence

  • @michaelthorn3496
    @michaelthorn3496 10 років тому

    Doctor? More like a witch doctor, she held no qualifications and her practice included herbals and comforting soldiers so not a doctor!

    • @AngelicStormz
      @AngelicStormz 9 років тому

      Yes, so maybe according to religious scholars she was a gifted herbal doctor. Yet, Ebola holds a unique need that qualified degrees can't cure.

    • @lio123mombach
      @lio123mombach 8 років тому

      +Angelic Stormz you need knowledge, experience and passion to be a good doctor. a degree does not heal people, it is just a piece of paper.

    • @Rensune
      @Rensune 8 років тому

      Apparently you're not familiar with 1800s medicine....

    • @andrewzhu1651
      @andrewzhu1651 8 років тому

      I bet your iq is as high as room temperature

    • @biaedwards4025
      @biaedwards4025 6 років тому

      Better than a piece of paper ...she was a healer.