深水埗崇真堂長沙灣分堂 CSWTsungTsinChurch
深水埗崇真堂長沙灣分堂 CSWTsungTsinChurch
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Let's sing praises - 這是天父世界。君尊僕人。安靜
Переглядів 3714 годин тому
這是天父世界 曲:Franklin L. Sheppard 粵詞:西伯 版權屬共享詩歌所有 君尊僕人 曲:Graham Kendrick 譯詞: 甄燕鳴 版權屬Music 2000 安靜 曲:Reuben Morgan HillsongWorship 中譯詞:約書亞樂團
Let's sing praises - 稱頌主慈愛。依然愛我。當樂意事奉主
Переглядів 2516 годин тому
稱頌主慈愛 曲/詞: 張俊軒 依然愛我 曲/詞:盛曉玫 Copyright© 泥土音樂 Clay Music 當樂意事奉主 詩集: 頌主新歌478 版權屬浸信會出版社(國際)有限公司所有
Let's sing praises - 愛,我願意。先求祢的國。十字架/十架為我榮耀
Переглядів 6219 годин тому
愛,我願意 曲/詞:洪啟元 版權屬讚美之泉音樂事工所有 先求祢的國 曲、詞:霍志鵬 Copyright©️2020 One Circle Limited 十字架/十架為我榮耀 曲:游智婷 詞:鄭懋柔 版權屬讚美之泉音樂事工所有
Let's sing praises - 奇妙策士 全能的神。陪我走過春夏秋冬。同路人
Переглядів 113День тому
奇妙策士 全能的神 詞曲:姚光漢 生命河傳播處版權所有 陪我走過春夏秋冬 曲:林婉容 詞:曲麗華、林婉容 小羊詩歌版權所有 同路人 曲:曾路得 詞:翁慧韻 曲詞版權屬香港基督徒音樂事工協會所有,獲准使用
Переглядів 21День тому
講員:何永恆牧師 講題:教會中的榜樣:信、望、愛 經文:帖撒羅尼迦前書1章1-10節
Переглядів 2514 днів тому
講員:陳智江傳道 講題:你會怎會選擇? 經文:約書亞記24章14-28節
Let's sing praises - 主我高舉祢的名。擁戴耶穌。耶穌,超乎萬名之名。我的燈需要油
Переглядів 8121 день тому
主我高舉祢的名 作曲: Rick Founds 譯詞:劉燕玲 版權屬迎欣出版社所有 擁戴耶穌 詩集: 恩頌聖歌,118 版權屬福音證主協會所有 耶穌,超乎萬名之名 詞/曲:曾祥怡 版權屬讚美之泉音樂事工所有 我的燈需要油 曲:A. Sevison 詩集:恩頌聖歌,308 版權屬福音證主協會所有,蒙允准使用
2024崇拜講道|吳兆基長老|我怎能不愛惜呢?|約拿書1章1-3節, 3章1-4節, 3章10節-4章4節, 4章9-11節|
Переглядів 4321 день тому
講員:吳兆基長老 講題:我怎能不愛惜呢? 經文:約拿書1章1-3節, 3章1-4節, 3章10節-4章4節, 4章9-11節 回應詩 撒種者的愛 曲、詞 : 馬啟邦 Copyright ©️ 2024 One Circle Limited
Let's sing praises - 我要全心讚美。叫我抬起頭的神。耶穌我感謝祢
Переглядів 90Місяць тому
我要全心讚美 詞,曲: 曾祥怡 © 2011 Stream of Praise Music / BMI. CCLI # 5727122 讚美之泉版權所有 叫我抬起頭的神 詞/曲:余盈盈 © 2011 Stream of Praise Music / BMI. CCLI # 5985452 讚美之泉版權所有 耶穌我感謝祢 曲/詞:方文聰 Worship Nations Limited 版權所有授權使用
Переглядів 38Місяць тому
講員:潘俊廷先生 講題:成長中的教會 經文:以弗所書4章11-16節
Let's sing praises - 在主前靜默。祢的愛。我對祢的愛永不變
Переглядів 58Місяць тому
在主前靜默 作曲:David Evans 中譯:恩頌聖歌 版權屬福音證主協會所有 祢的愛 曲/詞:金培達 版權屬影音使團有限公司所有 我對祢的愛永不變 詞:萬美蘭 Marlene Wan 曲:游智婷 Sandy Yu 版權屬讚美之泉音樂事工所有
Let's sing praises - 頌讚全能上帝。有福的確據。藉我賜恩福
Переглядів 134Місяць тому
頌讚全能上帝 曲/詞: 馮鑑邦、高思敏 版權:SingforGod薪火敬拜使團 有福的確據 曲:Phoebe Palmer Knapp 譯詞:修自《頌主新歌》 詩集:《世紀頌讚》321 版權屬浸信會出版社(國際)有限公司所有 藉我賜恩福 曲:George S. Schuler 修自頌主新歌477 版權屬浸信會出版社(國際)有限公司所有
Переглядів 30Місяць тому
講員:周振邦牧師 講題:再思安息日之爭 經文:路加福音6章1-11節
Let's sing praises - 君王就在這裏。君王就在這裏。祢的話
Переглядів 120Місяць тому
君王就在這裏 詞,曲: 曾祥怡 Grace Tseng © 2017 Stream of Praise Music / BMI. CCLI: 7125334 讚美之泉版權所有 君王就在這裏 詞,曲: 曾祥怡 Grace Tseng © 2017 Stream of Praise Music / BMI. CCLI: 7125334 讚美之泉版權所有 祢的話 曲:祁少麟 詞:葉薇心 詩歌版權天韻詩歌專輯「風和愛」
Let's sing praises - 憂傷痛悔的靈。親眼看見祢。請差遣我
Переглядів 94Місяць тому
Let's sing praises - 憂傷痛悔的靈。親眼看見祢。請差遣我
Let's sing praises - 耶和華以勒。不要憂慮。親眼看見祢
Переглядів 81Місяць тому
Let's sing praises - 耶和華以勒。不要憂慮。親眼看見祢
Переглядів 33Місяць тому
Let's sing praises - 榮耀神羔羊。紫色的袍
Переглядів 52Місяць тому
Let's sing praises - 榮耀神羔羊。紫色的袍
Let's sing praises - 逾越。我向祢禱告。如飛的一生
Переглядів 262Місяць тому
Let's sing praises - 逾越。我向祢禱告。如飛的一生
Let's sing praises - 哀歌。呼喊。耶和華尼西
Переглядів 111Місяць тому
Let's sing praises - 哀歌。呼喊。耶和華尼西
Let's sing praises - 這是天父世界。安靜。寶貝
Переглядів 123Місяць тому
Let's sing praises - 這是天父世界。安靜。寶貝
Let's sing praises - 主上主被尊崇。耶穌為愛受難。主活著
Переглядів 58Місяць тому
Let's sing praises - 主上主被尊崇。耶穌為愛受難。主活著
Let's sing praises - 至高尊貴的祢。以愛還愛。得著自由
Переглядів 90Місяць тому
Let's sing praises - 至高尊貴的祢。以愛還愛。得著自由
Let's sing praises - 主啊 我們敬畏祢。逆。轉
Переглядів 84Місяць тому
Let's sing praises - 主啊 我們敬畏祢。逆。轉
Let's sing praises - 來慶賀。陶造我生命。奇妙雙手
Переглядів 33Місяць тому
Let's sing praises - 來慶賀。陶造我生命。奇妙雙手
Let's sing praises - 我們歡迎君王降臨。我要順服 。永約的神
Переглядів 69Місяць тому
Let's sing praises - 我們歡迎君王降臨。我要順服 。永約的神
2024崇拜講道|潘俊廷先生|教會,使命必達 |馬太福音28章16-20節|
Переглядів 88Місяць тому
2024崇拜講道|潘俊廷先生|教會,使命必達 |馬太福音28章16-20節|
Let's sing praises - 一千次頌讚。萬王之王。走出曠野
Переглядів 525Місяць тому
Let's sing praises - 一千次頌讚。萬王之王。走出曠野
Let's sing praises - 永恆的主。如此認識我。不是倚靠勢力
Переглядів 66Місяць тому
Let's sing praises - 永恆的主。如此認識我。不是倚靠勢力


  • @joycechan4928
    @joycechan4928 2 місяці тому


  • @JayRunsForJesus
    @JayRunsForJesus 4 місяці тому


  • @sanlee8015
    @sanlee8015 8 місяців тому


  • @user-ge3yj2ju1v
    @user-ge3yj2ju1v Рік тому

    06:40 16:20

  • @tommyyeung7155
    @tommyyeung7155 2 роки тому


  • @AbaloneKid
    @AbaloneKid 2 роки тому

    THE ANGELS GIVE GLORY TO GOD IN HEAVEN! HERE WE HEAR AND SEE EARTH "ANGELS" DOING IT TOO! RIGHT HERE! JUST LIKE YOU! 願上帝豐盛的祝福臨到所有愛主耶穌基督並事奉祂榮耀的人。 To Know Jesus Christ! That is our greatest blessing in life. John 3:16-17. Thank you, beloved. We are blessed by your faithful and loving praise ministry. Subscribed. WE LOVE YOU, LORD! YOU GAVE ALL FOR US. YOUR SUFFERING WAS IMMENSE! WE GIVE YOU ALL THE GLORY! YOU ARE OUR LIFE SAVIOR. YOU KEEP YOUR WORD IN THE BIBLE. GOD'S BLESSINGS TO ALL NATIONS AND PEOPLES Gospel! The good news about Jesus Christ and salvation from judgment on our sins. Jesus dined with His disciples; Mark 14:22-25, the night before He went to the cross. Jesus and His disciples were eating a Passover meal together at the Last Supper. After partaking of bread and wine (His body and His blood) , the Bible mentions the hymn Jesus sang with His disciples. “And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives” Mark 14:26. What were they singing on such an occasion? PRAISE! Psalms 113-118. THE GOOD NEWS "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.."John 14.6 Blood coming from his body, NAKED, hanging on that cross like Roman torture weapon! What a Lord God and Savior! He had to. HE is God the Son. Only His sinless blood could pay our sins price.1 John 2:1-2. The Savior was born to die for our sins so we could live through Him. He lives to make intercession for us by His blood in Heaven! See also 1 John 1:5-10 & Romans 5:8 below. >>> God knew your ministry before the world was made! Ephesians 1:1-14. Prayer goes out for you and those here. A CROWN in Heaven awaits all who share the Gospel of Jesus Christ that saves a soul. ( see"JESUS SAVES") 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20; Philippians 4:1. The Apostle Paul said in Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek". This praise resounds throughout the earth: "Jesus Christ is Lord and God. Only He saves". He testified: ''I and my Father are One" John 10:30 2 Samuel chapter 22:verse 50 "Therefore I will praise you, O Lord, out of the countries, and I will praise your name." JESUS SAVES God the Son (Jesus Christ) has given us the gospel to share with the world. Mark 16:15: "And He said unto them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." How can we hear it? Scripture tells us. Romans 10:17 "Then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (We receive the "word" in many ways. The "Word" is Jesus Christ!); John 1:1-5. God the Holy Spirit teaches through the Word of God in the Bible. The Birth of Jesus Christ Isaiah 7: 14: "Therefore the LORD shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and call His name Immanuel." Hebrew: עִמָּנוּאֵל, "God with us" in human flesh but without sin. The Savior of the world was born to die for our sins! He did so 33 years later. His terrible ordeal; body mutilated; blood poured out, finally died (John 19:30; Luke 23:46 ) and was placed in a tomb and rose from the dead the 3rd day ! "HE IS RISEN" Matthew 28: 6. Isaiah 53:" 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." - IT IS FOUNDED UPON GOD'S LOVE FOR MAN AND WOMAN HE CREATED John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3: 23 " For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23 "1 Corinthians 15: 3 "For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:" THE PAYMENT BY HIS BLOOD FOR ALL SINS EVER! Romans 5:8 " But God demonstrates his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, now justified by his blood, we will be saved from wrath through him." “For he (God) hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21. " In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;." Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 1:18-19. Matthew 26: 28 "For this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." (the life is in the blood. He had to pay with His life) "And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." Hebrews 9:22 BY GOD'S GRACE ALONE THROUGH FAITH ALONE IN JESUS CHRIST ARE WE SAVED Ephesians 2:8 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 not of works, lest any man should boast." Jesus died and paid the penalty for our sins to rescue us from eternal death. He died on our behalf. We believe in Him, trusting His death and shedding His blood as payment for ALL our sins and His burial and resurrection from the dead the third day! John 20:24-31; 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4 above. WHOSOEVER BELIEVES SHALL TESTIFY TO THE TRUTH Romans 10: 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. TO DIE IS TO REJECT SALVATION IN JESUS CHRIST AND BE SEPARATE FROM GOD FOREVERMORE Salvation and forgiveness of sins is the blessing of anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We receive the baptism of God the Holy Spirit immediately which seals us in Christ and that is permanent! Ephesians 1:13-14. Those who reject the free gift of salvation, see John 3:16 above, "perish", which means their sins are judged by God the Son and they suffer eternal separation from God and the family of God forever called the "second death". Revelation 21:8. "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5: 1

  • @AbaloneKid
    @AbaloneKid 2 роки тому

    THE ANGELS GIVE GLORY TO GOD IN HEAVEN! HERE WE HEAR AND SEE EARTH "ANGELS" DOING IT TOO! RIGHT HERE! JUST LIKE YOU! 願上帝豐盛的祝福臨到所有愛主耶穌基督並事奉祂榮耀的人。 To Know Jesus Christ! That is our greatest blessing in life. John 3:16-17. Thank you, beloved. We are blessed by your faithful and loving praise ministry. Subscribed. WE LOVE YOU, LORD! YOU GAVE ALL FOR US. YOUR SUFFERING WAS IMMENSE! WE GIVE YOU ALL THE GLORY! YOU ARE OUR LIFE SAVIOR. YOU KEEP YOUR WORD IN THE BIBLE. GOD'S BLESSINGS TO ALL NATIONS AND PEOPLES Gospel! The good news about Jesus Christ and salvation from judgment on our sins. Jesus dined with His disciples; Mark 14:22-25, the night before He went to the cross. Jesus and His disciples were eating a Passover meal together at the Last Supper. After partaking of bread and wine (His body and His blood) , the Bible mentions the hymn Jesus sang with His disciples. “And when they had sung a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives” Mark 14:26. What were they singing on such an occasion? PRAISE! Psalms 113-118. THE GOOD NEWS "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.."John 14.6 Blood coming from his body, NAKED, hanging on that cross like Roman torture weapon! What a Lord God and Savior! He had to. HE is God the Son. Only His sinless blood could pay our sins price.1 John 2:1-2. The Savior was born to die for our sins so we could live through Him. He lives to make intercession for us by His blood in Heaven! See also 1 John 1:5-10 & Romans 5:8 below. >>> God knew your ministry before the world was made! Ephesians 1:1-14. Prayer goes out for you and those here. A CROWN in Heaven awaits all who share the Gospel of Jesus Christ that saves a soul. ( see"JESUS SAVES") 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20; Philippians 4:1. The Apostle Paul said in Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believes; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek". This praise resounds throughout the earth: "Jesus Christ is Lord and God. Only He saves". He testified: ''I and my Father are One" John 10:30 2 Samuel chapter 22:verse 50 "Therefore I will praise you, O Lord, out of the countries, and I will praise your name." JESUS SAVES God the Son (Jesus Christ) has given us the gospel to share with the world. Mark 16:15: "And He said unto them, Go into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature." How can we hear it? Scripture tells us. Romans 10:17 "Then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." (We receive the "word" in many ways. The "Word" is Jesus Christ!); John 1:1-5. God the Holy Spirit teaches through the Word of God in the Bible. The Birth of Jesus Christ Isaiah 7: 14: "Therefore the LORD shall give you a sign; behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and call His name Immanuel." Hebrew: עִמָּנוּאֵל, "God with us" in human flesh but without sin. The Savior of the world was born to die for our sins! He did so 33 years later. His terrible ordeal; body mutilated; blood poured out, finally died (John 19:30; Luke 23:46 ) and was placed in a tomb and rose from the dead the 3rd day ! "HE IS RISEN" Matthew 28: 6. Isaiah 53:" 5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. 6 All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all." - IT IS FOUNDED UPON GOD'S LOVE FOR MAN AND WOMAN HE CREATED John 3:16 "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." Romans 3: 23 " For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23 "1 Corinthians 15: 3 "For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; 4 And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:" THE PAYMENT BY HIS BLOOD FOR ALL SINS EVER! Romans 5:8 " But God demonstrates his love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 9 Much more then, now justified by his blood, we will be saved from wrath through him." “For he (God) hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.” 2 Corinthians 5:21. " In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace;." Ephesians 1:7; 1 Peter 1:18-19. Matthew 26: 28 "For this is my blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins." (the life is in the blood. He had to pay with His life) "And according to the Law, one may almost say, all things are cleansed with blood, and without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness." Hebrews 9:22 BY GOD'S GRACE ALONE THROUGH FAITH ALONE IN JESUS CHRIST ARE WE SAVED Ephesians 2:8 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 not of works, lest any man should boast." Jesus died and paid the penalty for our sins to rescue us from eternal death. He died on our behalf. We believe in Him, trusting His death and shedding His blood as payment for ALL our sins and His burial and resurrection from the dead the third day! John 20:24-31; 1 Corinthians 15: 3-4 above. WHOSOEVER BELIEVES SHALL TESTIFY TO THE TRUTH Romans 10: 9 that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.13 For “whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. TO DIE IS TO REJECT SALVATION IN JESUS CHRIST AND BE SEPARATE FROM GOD FOREVERMORE Salvation and forgiveness of sins is the blessing of anyone who believes in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. We receive the baptism of God the Holy Spirit immediately which seals us in Christ and that is permanent! Ephesians 1:13-14. Those who reject the free gift of salvation, see John 3:16 above, "perish", which means their sins are judged by God the Son and they suffer eternal separation from God and the family of God forever called the "second death". Revelation 21:8. "Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." Romans 5: 1

  • @frankyliu21
    @frankyliu21 2 роки тому

    感動的敬拜。。。沒有事能阻隔…… amen. 謝

  • @laiyingleung8724
    @laiyingleung8724 2 роки тому
