When I have been health from autism disease (from junior high school until vocational high school), I must far from friends away (their act is really naughty to me), because I must be antisocial act. Sincere from Indonesia!
lyrics Aren't you singing a false song? Aren't you buying fake dreams? Aren't you scared of getting hurt? Aren't you fooling yourself to be earnest? Aren't you hate time unnecessarily? Aren't you drifting off to tomorrow without being invited? Aren't you not sweating and spoiling yourself? Aren't you not tamed by the lukewarm room? Aren't you running away, pretending not to see? Aren't you pretending to be understanding and not giving up?
Just found this...I'm late to the party watching the 6 episopdes of Angel Cop in these strange times we live in. This song intrigued me. This woman has a great voice...as good live as on the recording. I just find the cadence of the song a bit odd...and an odd sounding song for the end theme of an Anime...but interesting neverthelesss....thanks for posting!
I think it was put in because it fit whatever view the writers had of Angel herself (that's my personal theory, because Angel doesn't really have much character to begin with), and/or maybe someone really liked the song.
@@peppermillers8361 It would fit with a nationalist message, but I really don't know if the show's nationalism is tongue-in-cheek or not (as well as the placement of communists in the story). The anime rocks either way.
@madProgenitorDeity The communism stuff is due to the original pitch of the show by Sho Aikawa being influenced by communist groups in Japan where a lot of youth ended up joining them. The stuff after is mostly Ichiru Itano just kind of winging it and then putting a conspiracy theory in there because conspiracy theories are cool, and Japan had plenty of those after the bubble burst.
@@peppermillers8361 Thanks, that's interesting. I kind of figured the communists were a sympathetic enemy. But it's interesting the premise that they have for Japan is p. much what's happening now for Ukraine. It was a dump for toxic waste and a source of even more disturbing things after 2014.. and Blackrock is in the process of buying the land for when they're all dead.
@@peppermillers8361 Thanks for those details, I had a feeling that they were not the true antagonists for this show, and episode 6 said as much. It's hard for me to even put this here without it magically disappearing but the scenario described in the show for Japan is exactly what happened to Ukraine, it's been a toxic dumping ground since 2014 due to corrupt local leaders.
makes me think of Kate Bush, to be honest. cool
When I have been health from autism disease (from junior high school until vocational high school), I must far from friends away (their act is really naughty to me), because I must be antisocial act. Sincere from Indonesia!
磐城高校2年生、30年前 窓辺の席 CDウォークマンで聴いてた。昨日のことのようだよ。
This one is special
weird anime but good music
クレヨン社を最近ラジオで知りました。 特にメロディーと声に独自性を感じました。 再評価されてほしいです。
タイトル:いつも心に太陽を 歌手:クレヨン社 作詞:柳沼由紀枝 作曲:柳沼由紀枝 編曲:加藤秀樹 ずっと遠い昔 確かに愛されてた記憶思い出して 生まれたての君を花束のように抱いていたパパがいた 小さな事でいい 楽しかった事をひとつ思い出して 友達の事でも朝日に胸ふるわせた日のことでもいい どんな寂しかった人も忘れないで 命は宇宙の力の 祈りと祝福を受けて生まれてきたということを・・・ 優しくて懐しい泣きたくなるような記憶を抱きしめたら 君はいつの日にも一人きりじゃなかった事に気づくだろう 本当にやりたかった事や好きだったものを口に出してみて 失くしかけていた夢は胸の奥 そっと息づいてる 子供の日に埋めた宝物のような記憶を見つけたなら もっと正直にもっと自分を信じる事できるから あたたかい記憶は赤く君の心にともる勇気になる 哀しみの夜が訪れても足元照らす希望になる 子供の日に埋めた宝物のような記憶を見つけたなら もっと正直にもっと自分を信じる事できるから 思い出して 忘れないで 生きるわけを 思い出して 忘れないで 生きるわけを
タイトル:痛み 歌手:クレヨン社 作詞:柳沼由紀枝 作曲:柳沼由紀枝 編曲:加藤秀樹 赤く暮れる校舎の裏で わかりあえないもどかしさに殴り合い 切れた唇 血の味と痛み ワルぶる事が勇気だと信じてた 込み上げてくる熱い何かを 押さえるすべも知らなかったのは・・・・・・・・ティーンエイジ コンクリートの教室は暗く冷たく感じ 背を向けてたけど 少年を卒業する日 振り向いて見た景色をそっと そっと胸に刻んだ いつか大人の表情に慣れて 瞳の色はこんなにも変わったよ 僕の中で大事なものが さびた線路になろうとする事に気づく 気づく 気づく 誰もの背中くたびれた気配 同じようなコートを着た人の群れ 鳥も飛ばない切りぬかれた空 西陽のビルのため息で枯葉がまう 見かけの自由で飾りたてられ 目に映るのはついに乾き果てた・・・・・・・・都市風景 Ah ・・・・・・人混みでふいに肩を押され 交差点の途中で立ち止まる 渡りきる前に何かやり残してる気がして 僕は僕はたまらなくなる ラッシュのホームで首をすくめて 血の気のない風景に埋もれてないか? あみ棚の上置いていかれた 雑誌みたいな気分にひたりきってないか? いつわりの歌うたってないか? にせものの夢買わされ続けてないか? 傷つく事におびえてないか? ひたむきでいたい自分をだましてないか? いたずらに時を憎んでないか? 招かれるままに明日へ流されてないか? 汗も流さず甘えてないか? なまぬるい部屋飼いならされちゃいないか? 見ないふりして逃げていないか? 物わかりのいいふりをしてあきらめてないか?
lyrics Aren't you singing a false song? Aren't you buying fake dreams? Aren't you scared of getting hurt? Aren't you fooling yourself to be earnest? Aren't you hate time unnecessarily? Aren't you drifting off to tomorrow without being invited? Aren't you not sweating and spoiling yourself? Aren't you not tamed by the lukewarm room? Aren't you running away, pretending not to see? Aren't you pretending to be understanding and not giving up?
伊集院のラジオで知りました。30年以上前になります。 CDぜんぶかったよ。いまもだいすきだよ。
Angel Cop, such a great anime.
Angel cop
この歌声に 十代の頃 支えられた もしかしたら 大きく非行に走らなかったのは くれよん社のおかげかもしれない 色褪せない歌声に涙しました
高校生の時 自分の心を投影するような くれよん社の楽曲に心奪われました
こんなライブ映像観られるなんて。 クレヨン社さん大好きなんで、感動です。ありがとうございます
Just found this...I'm late to the party watching the 6 episopdes of Angel Cop in these strange times we live in. This song intrigued me. This woman has a great voice...as good live as on the recording. I just find the cadence of the song a bit odd...and an odd sounding song for the end theme of an Anime...but interesting neverthelesss....thanks for posting!
I think it was put in because it fit whatever view the writers had of Angel herself (that's my personal theory, because Angel doesn't really have much character to begin with), and/or maybe someone really liked the song.
@@peppermillers8361 It would fit with a nationalist message, but I really don't know if the show's nationalism is tongue-in-cheek or not (as well as the placement of communists in the story). The anime rocks either way.
@madProgenitorDeity The communism stuff is due to the original pitch of the show by Sho Aikawa being influenced by communist groups in Japan where a lot of youth ended up joining them. The stuff after is mostly Ichiru Itano just kind of winging it and then putting a conspiracy theory in there because conspiracy theories are cool, and Japan had plenty of those after the bubble burst.
@@peppermillers8361 Thanks, that's interesting. I kind of figured the communists were a sympathetic enemy. But it's interesting the premise that they have for Japan is p. much what's happening now for Ukraine. It was a dump for toxic waste and a source of even more disturbing things after 2014.. and Blackrock is in the process of buying the land for when they're all dead.
@@peppermillers8361 Thanks for those details, I had a feeling that they were not the true antagonists for this show, and episode 6 said as much. It's hard for me to even put this here without it magically disappearing but the scenario described in the show for Japan is exactly what happened to Ukraine, it's been a toxic dumping ground since 2014 due to corrupt local leaders.
I love this song 💙🙏💙
演奏者と女性ボーカルのコンビってたぶん最初がピチカートで最後は初音ミクなんだと思う。今のところ。 アニソンで言えばアンセブとかモザイクとかfunta がその中に入るけど、たぶんクレヨン社もこの歴史のどこかに入るのかな。
The song from my childhood and it's still pure class all these years later
しっかしこの純粋さ、まっすぐさは何なんだろう クレヨン社ならではですね 今聴いても昔聴きまくっていた頃のようにグサグサっと胸に来る そんな僕でもいろいろと内面も変わってしまったのでしょう 瞳の色もどんなに変わってしまったことでしょう でもまた活動再開してほしいな
浪人~大学時代よく聴いていました 1990年代後半頃渋谷辺りにて活動を復活したころからライブに通い続けて、もう大ファンでいました 「少年の時間」は代表曲の一つなのになぜかあまり歌ってくれなかったのですが、あるライブで「ひっさぴさに歌います!」と宣言してやってくれてもう大感激だったのを覚えています その感動を彷彿とさせるなあ 当時は遊佐未森さんやザバダックのファン友がたくさんいましたが、その中にクレヨン社ファンもけっこう居たな
1987年頃の曲って何んですかね😅 小学生の頃聴いていた曲が見つかりません💦 詳しい方教えてください🙏
この歌好きです。失恋して、この曲聞きながらよく泣いてました。 カラオケで歌いたいなぁ
I wanna marry her.
I love this song so much every since Angel cop. Good stuff when its sung live. <3
青春時代によく聴いた曲。 アップ主の方、ありがとうございました。 いや、涙が出て堪んねー(笑) 音楽ってやっぱ素晴らしいな!
whats her name?
Crayon-sha, unless you mean her real name.
@@peppermillers8361 ya rl name
@@HacksignKT Yaginuma Yukie (柳沼由紀枝)
@@wiredlos9841 ty
愛してるよ先生 のテーマ曲!