Copying a bag design is not illegal, but only if the seller is trying to sell it for the original price. The knockoff bag I bought at lvguu was only $189. I am very satisfied
Copying a bag design is not illegal, but only if the seller is trying to sell it for the original price. The knockoff bag I bought at lvguu was only $189. I am very satisfied
Copying a bag design is not illegal, but only if the seller is trying to sell it for the original price. The knockoff bag I bought at lvguu was only $189. I am very satisfied
문신 돼지국밥충이 찾는 그 아이템
중국산 메이드에 본국에서 택갈이?
@@Parkmyongsooi 판매자 입장에선 어떻게 제조하는지 까지는 알수가 없습니다!
공홈에 있는 제품인가요?ㅠㅠ 영상이랑 똑같은거 사고싶어서 찾아봤는데 공홈에는 없어서요😢😢
안녕하세요 수입제품들 보면 공홈에서 사라졌다가 다시 생겼다가 항상 그러더라구요.. ㅠㅠ 공홈에는 있었는데 지금은 없는듯합니다ㅠㅠ
파우더 핑크인가요??
구매 했지롱ㅋ
손잡이 위에 고정하는건 어떻게 여는 방식인가요??? 그냥 빼면 되는건가요??
넵 그냥 빼면됩니다~
Hanni pham brand 💙💙
👉 Promo'SM
데일리 백으로 최고네요 제가 가지고 싶은 스타일
가방 로고 마크 구멍이 막힌게 있고 안막힌게있던데 차이가 궁금해여!
답이 늦어서 죄송합니다 ㅠㅠ 워낙에 라인이 다양해서.. 그에맞는 디자인이라서요.. 거기까지는 알수가없습니다 ㅠㅠ
Copying a bag design is not illegal, but only if the seller is trying to sell it for the original price. The knockoff bag I bought at lvguu was only $189. I am very satisfied
Copying a bag design is not illegal, but only if the seller is trying to sell it for the original price. The knockoff bag I bought at lvguu was only $189. I am very satisfied
Copying a bag design is not illegal, but only if the seller is trying to sell it for the original price. The knockoff bag I bought at lvguu was only $189. I am very satisfied
Le37도 보여주세요
입고되면 올리도록 하겠습니다!
온라인구매 예정이라 미니백 무게감 궁금해요? 몇 그램 정도 일까요
🤪 'PromoSM'