CATS - Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies
CATS - Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies
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Reading and Discussion with Lung Ying-Tai: „How the Wild Changed Me — a Philosophical Journey”
Lung Ying-Tai in Conversation with Barbara Mittler and Monika Li (Translator)
Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS)
CATS Auditorium (010.01.05)
Voßstrasse 2
69115 Heidelberg
An unsuccessful writer is sent by her Buddhist master to the foot of Mount Kavulungan in southern Taiwan for two years so that her restless nature can find peace there while observing nature, people and animals. When she meets a mysterious fourteen-year-old girl, she embarks on an adventure to the mysteries of Mount Kavulungan, the namesake mountain of Taiwanese author Lung Ying-tai's most recent book release. In 84 episodes, she tells a ghost story, a crime story, a love story, and more, taking her readers on a philosophical journey that leads into Taiwan's nature, history, traditions, and society. In conversation with Barbara Mittler (CATS) and translator Monika Li, Taiwan's most famous author will discuss her socially critical reflections on zeitgeist, experiences of lifeworlds as well as her own biographical journey and the multiple roles of an author in contemporary Taiwan.
Traditionally, Chinese intellectuals have taken several possible positions, that of serving the country/ruler as a chenshi 臣仕 / guan 官; that of critiquing the ruler directly, from outside the bureaucracy or from inside, as the official censor (who may then be risiking to lose his job, thus being/becoming the “pure official” qingguan 清官) and, thirdly, that of the critic from afar-only seemingly a “silent loner”-who is so abominated by the abuses of power that he is no longer willing to “wag his tail in human dirt,” a metaphor from Zhuangzi, a famous Chinese philosopher who lived around the 4th century BCE. Lung Ying-tai has taken on all three of these positions, and with her latest book-which will be the basis for the conversation and from which we will hear excerpts-moved from enfant terrible to minister to become the “silent loner”: Why?
Переглядів: 245


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《后羿與嫦娥》,此劇為於德國海德堡大學 教的許敏淑老師所指導,將古老的中秋節傳說加以改編,作為戲劇課公演的表演劇目。特別感謝海德堡大學漢學系Frau Mittler教授、漢學系秘書室。 00:00 開場主持 Leonie & Veronica 02:45 演唱【水調歌頭‧明月幾時有】Anastasija Vitalevna 06:12 始幕 Scence 1 后羿與十個太陽 14:17 第二幕Scence 2 嫦娥、玉兔、逢蒙 18:10 第三幕Scence 3 桂樹仙子與不死仙丹 26:50 第四幕Scence 4 尋找桂樹仙子 31:47 終幕Scence 5 嫦娥奔月 34:35 謝幕 36:50 大合唱【明月幾時有】 39:20 Frau Mittler教授致詞 44:22 學生獻花 46:05 幕後花絮 - 音樂來源: 樂夫免版稅音樂 @NoCopyrightMusic-...
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