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Brand Character Diamonds: How to Create Them - Ryan Deiss
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"If we don't like the character, if the character does not resonate with us, if we don't identify with the character and the situation that they're in...the story is irrelevant to us." - Ryan Deiss In this video, Ryan Deiss explores the importance of storytelling in creating emotional connections and becoming relatable to your market. The fastest way to do this is done using the concept of a Ch...
Weekly Revenue Meetings | How to Structure Them - Richard Lindner
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"I want to do $3 million in my projections. I know that we're going to hit $2.3 million. I have a $700,000 gap. Look at adding additional traffic. Look at spending additional money, look at getting additional affiliates. Look at optimizing your sales funnels. Look at getting more webinar registrants. What's working really well is the place to start closing the gap versus what's not." - Richard ...
The Most Effective Way to Elevate Customer Experience
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"We bought a mattress from Lisa and it was supposed to come within a certain period of time because my wife had some guests coming and she needed a new bed for them... And they said, 'Yeah, we can get it there on time'. It didn't come on time. She called support and they said, 'Oh hang on a minute. We've reviewed the tape recordings of the conversations that you had before. And we did not promi...
The Psychology Behind Colors in Your Branding
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"If you look at all news stations, every single one, they're blue with a little bit of red and a little bit of yellow. All of them. Every single news channel, they all have the same basic makeup because blue is trust. That's the reason there are so many brands that have blue." - Perry Belcher In this video, Perry Belcher explains the importance of choosing the right colors and typography in you...
How to Make a Great Tagline With Perry Belcher
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"Right now my whole mission is trying to defeat a $130 million competitor." - Perry Belcher In this video, Perry Belcher explains the importance of memorable taglines when it comes to branding and how they help you stay ahead. He also gives entrepreneurs tools and advice to help them define their own great tagline. To learn more about the War Room Mastermind 👉 bit.ly/warroommastermindyt Subscri...
Product Iteration: Why You Should Never Stop
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"I know there's somebody right now that's trying to, that's plotting to steal my business and so I need to keep iterating in order to stay ahead." - Roland Frasier. In this video, Roland Frasier explains why you should never stop product iteration. Roland gives valuable advice on how to expand and sustain product development in order to stay ahead of the competition. To learn more about the War...
Traffic Sources That You're Overlooking - Perry Belcher
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"Traffic source is probably one of the quickest, easiest ways to get impact. You should have atleast one winning offer, and I assume most of you have at least one winning offer." - Perry Belcher In this video, Perry Belcher explains the importance of traffic sources, of diversifying those traffic channels and he shares relevant strategies that can give you an unfair advantage over everyone else...
Why the Growth Idea Score Card is Essential to Your Company's Success
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"What is your confidence that you can achieve this idea? If it requires a thousand Pygmies and $1 billion, it's probably going to be a low confidence level unless you happen to have traffic and Pygmies." - Roland Frasier. In this video, Roland Frasier explains the power of using the Growth Idea Score Card and he provides viewers with insightful tips and practical examples of how to use it to le...
Bolt-On-Businesses & Why You Should Leverage Them
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"The things that you've got that you're already good at. Taking that to other people who already have all your customers as a partner is a fantastic thing to do." - Roland Frasier. In this video, Roland Frasier explains what Bolt-On-Businesses are, how he has them used in the past and provides practical advice and tools that you can apply and use in your own company. To learn more about the War...
How to Plan Quarterly Strategic Meetings and Define WIGs
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"Just so you guys know, all of your team members assume that you make and keep way more money than you actually do. And you're just being greedy and not giving it to them because you're all evil people. Right?" - Richard Lindner In this video, Richard Lindner discusses how he goes about planning quarterly annual meetings and emphasizes the importance of WIGs (Wildly Important Goals) and how the...
Convince People To Recommend Your Brand
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"Disney, which is known as the happiest place on earth, is generally thought to have one of the best customer experiences around. That came about as a result of the Disney quality service compass that Walt Disney designed long, long ago. It had on the North star was guestology, which he called the needs emotions, wants, and perceptions that they were creating." - Roland Frasier. In this video, ...
How To Know If Your Business Is Worth Keeping
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"If you can sell it, then at least you get something for it as opposed to killing it. But don't be afraid to kill it because if you can't sell it then it's wasting your time." - Roland Frasier. In this video, Roland Frasier discusses whether or not a business is worth keeping and how to create a viable exit strategy. To learn more about the War Room Mastermind 👉 bit.ly/warroommastermindyt Subsc...
Increasing Company Valuation by Re-positioning Your Industry
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OKRs - What Are They & How They Can Be Used to Achieve Business Goals
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OKRs - What Are They & How They Can Be Used to Achieve Business Goals
Company Shares Explained: How Bezos Controls Amazon With 12% Shares
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Company Shares Explained: How Bezos Controls Amazon With 12% Shares
Micro Moments According to Google: Why Should You Use Them?
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Micro Moments According to Google: Why Should You Use Them?
How to Differentiate Your Brand Value With Perry Belcher
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How to Differentiate Your Brand Value With Perry Belcher
How to Expand Your Product Line? Use This TOOL!
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How to Expand Your Product Line? Use This TOOL!
How to Differentiate Your Business With Roland Frasier
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How to Differentiate Your Business With Roland Frasier
Connect With Your Prospect. Gain, Logic, Fear.
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Connect With Your Prospect. Gain, Logic, Fear.
How to Use First Principles Thinking for Business
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How to Use First Principles Thinking for Business
Building a Subscription Based Business Model? Innovate Pricing Models
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Building a Subscription Based Business Model? Innovate Pricing Models
How To Lead Effective Team Meetings With Richard Lindner
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How To Lead Effective Team Meetings With Richard Lindner
How Do You Create A Brand Story? - Ryan Deiss
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How Do You Create A Brand Story? - Ryan Deiss
Why Buying And Selling Businesses Makes Insane Profit - Roland Frasier
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Why Buying And Selling Businesses Makes Insane Profit - Roland Frasier
Competitive Business Advantage With Roland Frasier
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Competitive Business Advantage With Roland Frasier
Branding Really Does Matter with Perry Belcher
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Branding Really Does Matter with Perry Belcher


  • @peacefulruler1
    @peacefulruler1 5 днів тому

    He said “get through it [the maze.]” Going around it is not going through it.

  • @HistoryTeacherish
    @HistoryTeacherish Місяць тому

    "Follow with your eye and see if you can get THROUGH it...." He didn't say AROUND it which raises the question - is language reliable? Is first principles thinking all about changing the meaning of words? Thank you for explaining modernity to us.

  • @patriciaragland1286
    @patriciaragland1286 3 місяці тому

    Enjoyed this video. Thanks for sharing 👍.

  • @kentaur.1555
    @kentaur.1555 5 місяців тому

    Nicolai Tesla and Richard Fenmen😂😂😂

  • @Victorbarbu22
    @Victorbarbu22 6 місяців тому

    10 sec trough the maze

  • @mishayarmolich3283
    @mishayarmolich3283 8 місяців тому

    Great content. More examples like this please

  • @FamilyFromTheFuture
    @FamilyFromTheFuture 9 місяців тому

    ဣြဿ 1:22 ဉ္ဈး လ္လာြ 1:42

  • @akshayrajiyer
    @akshayrajiyer 9 місяців тому

    All the points are valid. But Elon Musk and Tesla is often a very bad example of illustrating the point. Tesla cut corners in their manufacturing process to end up with more defects per car than other major car makers. Not to mention all the delays they had for years.

  • @scottmochinski5447
    @scottmochinski5447 10 місяців тому

    Someone's math is a little wonky. One 15.3-ft car per hour x 12-inches per foot = 183.6-inche car per hour. 183.6-inches/hour divided by 60-minutes per hour = 3.06-inches/minute. 3.06-inches/minute divided by 60 seconds per minute = 0.051-inches/second.

  • @agussetionoasli
    @agussetionoasli 10 місяців тому

    Our leaders today have such out-of-the-box thinking that they use govt money to fund themselves to top company positions.

  • @bouchechhamdi816
    @bouchechhamdi816 11 місяців тому

    assuming that the company is actually worth 25 and not only 10.

  • @tracywilliams7929
    @tracywilliams7929 Рік тому

    The thing is following directions. I heard him say find your way THROUGH the maze rather than solve this problem or get from point A to point B, etc. When I saw his solution I went back to replay it and heard as I remembered the word THROUGH. Try ignoring instructions and see how far you get in your career at Harvard or anywhere else. Its not like Star Fleet Academy where someone is going to give you a commendation for original thinking about the Kobayashi Maru Dilemma. Nay, they'll just flunk you unceremoniously and that will be that.

    • @RolandFrasierEPIC
      @RolandFrasierEPIC Рік тому

      Haha. I think you’re right about that Tracy. Even the Kobayashi Maru Dilemma incident created turmoil in Starfleet when Kirk reprogrammed the scenario to allow a win. I LOVE this as the analogy to the scenario we are often given when building wealth (or most anything else where the odds are stacked against us). I have learned after years of exercises like the one I gave you with the Maze, initially being frustrated, but then finally realizing that you need to be very liberal in your interpretations of the instructions because often those giving the instructions use language based on their own limited understanding of the possible solutions or are constrained by their limiting beliefs. Ultimately, with respect to the maze, you can interpret the word “through” several ways. Definitions of “through” include “continuing in time toward completion of (a process or period)” or “continuing or valid to the final destination” but even so, if we are looking for creative solutions, it helps us to think about the ultimate objective we want to reach and then think about all the possibilities that can get us from where we are now to where we want to go to and then explore them all to see what works best. Hope that helps. Despite lots of frustration that I have experienced and continue to experience in exercises like this, it really does help me to learn to more creatively explore possibilities which in the end gets me where I want to go faster. :)

  • @Grundle-buddy
    @Grundle-buddy Рік тому

    😕. 👍.

  • @motiv8d111
    @motiv8d111 Рік тому

    Thank you for justifying that using PowerPoint to teach First Principles Thinking IS NOT using First Principles Thinking.

  • @uscg5581
    @uscg5581 Рік тому

    "1 inch per second" does not equal a 15.3 foot car per hour. Its more like .051 inches per second. Better to say that it is about 3 inches per minute.

  • @OrenLikes
    @OrenLikes Рік тому

    Edison was ahead of his time for thinking outside the box about how to rip-off others and claim their success as his own + destroying competition.

    • @RolandFrasierEPIC
      @RolandFrasierEPIC Рік тому

      Yeah, he definitely had his challenges as a good human or good business person.

  • @OrenLikes
    @OrenLikes Рік тому

    6 seconds for the maze (besides the zero seconds of going around, and the "Jeep" way: go through...)

  • @Akagami753
    @Akagami753 Рік тому

    That's really nice, thank you. (Video has 103k views and 103 comments)

  • @uptown7930
    @uptown7930 Рік тому

    It is too good to be true

    • @RolandFrasierEPIC
      @RolandFrasierEPIC Рік тому

      Not really. The easy part is the acquisition. Then you have to operate the business or find someone to operate it. It’s work, but the results can be pretty outstanding. This is something that people have been doing for centuries and there are lots and lots of proven success stories. So, another way to look at it might be. “Hey, this sounds too good to be true, but what if it is!” Then you are open to it, you can try it out for yourself while remaining cautiously optimistic or even slightly skeptical and then see for yourself how it works for you. Is it not better to be open and try than to be closed off from the possibility?

    • @lucasasselmeier7825
      @lucasasselmeier7825 2 місяці тому

      Poor mindset friend. It takes work but so does literally every route to success. Stop looking for easy and start looking for how

  • @gargleblasta
    @gargleblasta Рік тому

    He asked whether you can get THROUGH it ....

  • @raginald7mars408
    @raginald7mars408 Рік тому

    the fastest way to get MONEYY$$$$ is to steal it the longest way to KEEP it is to Earn it and keep it safely --- as even honest innocent persons go to prison you may consider other options In prison You spend no money And keep what you have…

  • @GangBizTv
    @GangBizTv Рік тому

    Why would he sell his share so cheap, finance you to buy his actual share with 20% down then exit. He’d be robbing himself so keeping his own share rather than going through such a lengthy process with a stranger to exit don’t make sense

    • @RolandFrasierEPIC
      @RolandFrasierEPIC Рік тому

      I get it. Just as in real estate, in business there are motivated sellers. These are people who are getting divorced, want to change careers, no longer want to be an entrepreneur, get burnt out, have shiny object syndrome, have partner challenges, health challenge, die, etc. and those motivated sellers have no choice but to be flexible in terms of sale. They NEED to sell so seller financing, earn outs and other creative strategies are helpful to them. This is especially true when you consider people who tried to sell at market through a business broker and did not succeed (that’s about 80%+ of would-be sellers).

    • @GangBizTv
      @GangBizTv Рік тому

      @@RolandFrasierEPIC I’m currently In the process of negotiating an equity deal for a company that was hit heavy during covid.

    • @warroom9086
      @warroom9086 Рік тому

      That’s great @GangBizTv, they should be motivated and if they are looking to get out of the business, they should be a good candidate for creative financing, including seller financing and earnout.

    • @GangBizTv
      @GangBizTv Рік тому

      @@warroom9086 they don’t won’t to leave the business they want to save the business. I’ll be increasing their profits and redirecting current outgoings into areas which are needed for growth and development and implementing new systems. I’ve got an agreement based if I hit target and set a commission on all sales during the development process.

    • @mysticabhay
      @mysticabhay 7 місяців тому


  • @AaronBee91
    @AaronBee91 Рік тому

    What I don’t understand is in the example of turning the publishing company into a software company you gave the example of providing a training course via a platform rather than a video… both of those are effectively the same thing?

  • @CasinaCookouts
    @CasinaCookouts Рік тому

    I like making windstorms thats what i call them

  • @CasinaCookouts
    @CasinaCookouts Рік тому

    Lets gamble if we are rich were not going to be come poor because of probably?

  • @CasinaCookouts
    @CasinaCookouts Рік тому

    Why buy it why not let one really rich person ever week give 5 people and opportunity to percurue a company and play algorithm and see what happen then take the risk

  • @CasinaCookouts
    @CasinaCookouts Рік тому

    Are the customers important to you if you are buy and selling a business?

  • @mariadsa703
    @mariadsa703 Рік тому

    I love ur idea

  • @fightlifeuk
    @fightlifeuk Рік тому

    What a blag 😂😂😂😂

  • @selocan469
    @selocan469 Рік тому

    1 k to 1 m. Just wondering why he is not multi-billionare by now. Math is clear, "1 k to 1 m" in lets say 5 years and "1 m to 1 b" another 5 and finally "1 b to 1 t" for another 5. Tadaaa, in 15 years, you are a trillion guy. It is not necessarily have to be a lie when he said "1 k to 1 m", since it is possible that some of your initiative can yield that given that you have good execution. But claiming that I teach you how to make this the more likely scenario, this was always the wild selling point of how to become rich and successful seminars and classes. Let's accept that, there is no easy trick to this which you can learn in 10 hour or whatever hour education.

    • @RolandFrasierEPIC
      @RolandFrasierEPIC Рік тому

      Much easier to go from $1k to $1M than 1M to 1B and so on.

    • @AB-fq4mr
      @AB-fq4mr Рік тому

      Problem is, when people say they "make" such and such, that's just their sales. Once they take the costs out, very few businesses are rarely left with 20% margins. His $1,000 to $1m is more like $1,000 to $100,000. And let's not forget that the $1,000 he paid is just the money he put up front, he still has $99,999 in debt, so bottom line, he broke even after year 1 and that's it.

  • @MichaelMacaque
    @MichaelMacaque Рік тому

    so good

  • @jordanhenshaw
    @jordanhenshaw Рік тому

    "See if you can get THROUGH it in 20 seconds or fewer." So we were supposed to not follow instructions. Got it.

    • @RolandFrasierEPIC
      @RolandFrasierEPIC Рік тому

      Jordan, the point is not to feel bad about it or about the exercise. Life does not give you instructions or frequently gives the wrong instructions or less than ideal. So the point is to understand that many of our biggest breakthroughs come from not following instructions, or looking at them differently, or interpreting them differently, or even just becoming aware that there are different ways to accomplish something than the most accepted way. That’s where innovation comes from. Drawing a line over three dimensional lower walls still goes through the maze. Going around the outside takes us on the shortest path between the entry and exit.

    • @jordanhenshaw
      @jordanhenshaw Рік тому

      @@RolandFrasierEPIC “through” and “around”/“over” are mutually exclusive. The point of a maze is not to get to the other side, it is to exercise the mind. The message is received intact, but there are probably other exercises that do the same thing, but much better.

    • @RolandFrasierEPIC
      @RolandFrasierEPIC Рік тому

      @@jordanhenshaw Thank you, I will look into that. Appreciate your feedback.

  • @gnshr6969
    @gnshr6969 Рік тому

    make this the first principle, then every thing will sort out. Purpose of life is to live and make sure of its existence.

  • @veramann
    @veramann Рік тому

    It sounds too good to be true.

    • @RolandFrasierEPIC
      @RolandFrasierEPIC Рік тому

      It costs nothing to try it Roy. So why not give it a try. If you don’t you will never know, so give it a go!

    • @veramann
      @veramann Рік тому

      @@RolandFrasierEPIC I saw your ad on UA-cam. My next question is, is it possible to borrow money from a bank to buy a small Amazon FBA business? Let's assume it's for a buyer who has average credit and limited resources such as a saving, credit, or asset.

    • @RolandFrasierEPIC
      @RolandFrasierEPIC Рік тому

      @@veramannpossible yes and probably the most likely option would be via an SBA loan bank. This is for people in the US. There are also many other strategies that would allow you to do this without a bank or personal credit, including seller financing, ear outs and friends and family investors

    • @veramann
      @veramann Рік тому

      @@RolandFrasierEPIC That makes sense. I'm going to download your podcast and buy your audiobook from Audible because I need to learn about it and the concept of "other people money."

    • @RolandFrasierEPIC
      @RolandFrasierEPIC Рік тому

      @@veramann Sounds great!

  • @fransislaird3429
    @fransislaird3429 Рік тому


  • @deathrowinmate28
    @deathrowinmate28 Рік тому

    The instruction was how to get THROUGH the maze. Then he shows us how to go around it.

  • @soberssarker7985
    @soberssarker7985 2 роки тому

    Not using bats lose the niche market and also will have a branding problem.

  • @CrazyRocks29
    @CrazyRocks29 2 роки тому

    Can't actually believe this ended with 'get rid of the bat' That is the heart and soul being removed right there

    • @RolandFrasierEPIC
      @RolandFrasierEPIC 2 роки тому

      Paul, that was one of the potential options from using 1st principles reason, and you’re right, even when the thought exercise achieves a desirable financial result, the branding result, or heart and soul result might cause you to choose differently. :)

  • @beatricespedalieri516
    @beatricespedalieri516 2 роки тому

    He kept my money. It’s been a year.

  • @beatricespedalieri516
    @beatricespedalieri516 2 роки тому

    My comment is being erased. Be careful people he keeps the money and does not send anything.

  • @ER-sv1np
    @ER-sv1np 2 роки тому

    ใช้ร่วมกับ top-down สัจธรรม จับคู่ อยาก ได้การมองเห็น อะไรให้การมองเห็น ก็เอาสิ่งนั้นมาใช้

  • @RakeshSingh-zo3zw
    @RakeshSingh-zo3zw 2 роки тому

    That's the only path one could have take to solve the maze!!

  • @RakeshSingh-zo3zw
    @RakeshSingh-zo3zw 2 роки тому

    Legends knows that's the only path !!

  • @mipcstv
    @mipcstv 2 роки тому

    Elon musk works for the CIA.

  • @AnnaMishel
    @AnnaMishel 2 роки тому

    Oh . . Please

  • @MrFear121
    @MrFear121 2 роки тому

    How can you sell the company 4 times?!??

    • @joswaevious4941
      @joswaevious4941 2 роки тому

      You don’t, you go to a different company right after, rinse and repeat type of thing

    • @joswaevious4941
      @joswaevious4941 2 роки тому

      Sell a company after 4 years of growth

  • @FlexinIV
    @FlexinIV 2 роки тому

    Wtf was he saying?

  • @beatricespedalieri516
    @beatricespedalieri516 2 роки тому

    I have not received my charts , it’s been 3 months.

  • @goldengriffon
    @goldengriffon 2 роки тому

    "What if we lied to the customer about the product?" Lol. First principles is a great exercise, but ending the video on such a story shoots the presentation in the foot.

  • @kiranmarimuthu9688
    @kiranmarimuthu9688 2 роки тому

    First principle thinking is awesome ❤❤❤