Darren Kilfara
Darren Kilfara
  • 25
  • 132 995
Outlander 407 - deleted scenes
Outlander Season 4, Episode 7 ("Down the Rabbit Hole") - deleted scenes from the DVD extras.
Переглядів: 72 176


BBC Reporting Scotland, 2020-05-26 - Dunbar
Переглядів 1714 роки тому
Feature on Reporting Scotland about polling re: the leadership of Nicola Sturgeon and Boris Johnson during the COVID-19 pandemic - with Dunbar as the principle backdrop.
BBC Reporting Scotland, 2020-05-26 - Leuchie House
Переглядів 3004 роки тому
Feature on Leuchie House in North Berwick, 26 May
2019 CHL SF 2nd leg - Salzburg vs. Munich (key action)
Переглядів 425 років тому
Extended highlights of the key moments from the Red Bull derby: FIRST PERIOD (final seven minutes) 0:00 - Salzburg goal (1-0) 5:15 - Munich goal (1-1) 9:51 - Munich goal (2-1) THIRD PERIOD 11:55 - Munich goal (3-1) 13:41 - End of game Commentary by Darren Kilfara.
2018-19 CHL Game Day 5 - Red Bull Munich vs. Malmö Redhawks (ending)
Переглядів 2956 років тому
The bizarre and dramatic finish to the Munich-Malmö game, with Jakob Mayenschein's winner being allowed to stand for a 3-2 Red Bull victory.
Baseball and Softball demo reel - Darren Kilfara
Переглядів 2976 років тому
Baseball and softball commentary by Darren Kilfara at the 2018 Asian Games - running order is as follows: GREAT DEFENSE 0:05 - Softball: Yuka Ichiguchi (Second Base, Japan) 0:52 - Baseball: Park Byung Ho (First Base, Korea) 1:20 - Baseball: Lu Zhen Hong (Left Field, China) 2:01 - Baseball: Sho Aoyagi (Shortstop, Japan) INTERLUDE 2:22 - Softball: The crowd can’t catch… HOME RUN CALLS - Baseball:...
Baseball demo reel - Asian Games gold medal match
Переглядів 12 тис.6 років тому
Korea vs. Japan in the Asian Games baseball final - commentary by Darren Kilfara, with analysis by Hong Kong manager (and former Montreal Expos commentator) Tom Valcke. Scenes include: 0:05 - Extended chat between Darren and Tom about the KBO home run race leads to a single by Kim Ha Seong to load the bases. 2:27 - Park Byung Ho pops out with the bases loaded and nobody out. 2:50 - An Chi Hong'...
Asian Games 2018 baseball - Park Byung Ho's 4 HRs
Переглядів 3,3 тис.6 років тому
Park Byung Ho ends his Asian Games campaign with four home runs in four consecutive games against Hong Kong, Japan, China and Japan (again).
2018 Asian Games baseball - Korea vs. Chinese Taipei (highlights)
Переглядів 18 тис.6 років тому
All the runs and some of the late-game tension from arguably the best game at the 2018 Asian Games baseball event.
Asian Games 2018 softball - Harada's catch for Japan
Переглядів 4716 років тому
Nodoka Harada's unbelievable catch against Chinese Taipei in the gold medal game. (Originally attributed to Saki Yamazaki because when Eri Yamada was pulled from the Japanese lineup moments before game time, we hadn't realized Yamazaki moved to CF and Harada was in LF.)
Asian Games 2018 softball - 8th inning drama, CHN vs TPE
Переглядів 1,4 тис.6 років тому
Chinese Taipei's run to take the lead in the top of the 8th inning of the Preliminary Final, and then the end of China's hopes in the bottom of the eighth.
Asian Games 2018 baseball - Park Byung Ho's defense
Переглядів 2656 років тому
Park hit 4 HRs for Korea in the Asian Games but also made several outstanding defensive plays - this probably the best of them.
Asian Games 2018 softball - foul ball catch
Переглядів 3036 років тому
To my knowledge, only one foul ball was caught by anyone in the crowd at the 2018 Asian Games softball tournament...and it was caught by yours truly. :)
Asian Games 2018 baseball - HKG v THA (highlights)
Переглядів 6 тис.6 років тому
Hong Kong defeats Thailand 5-4 in the consolation round of the Asian Games baseball event.
Asian Games 2018 baseball - Holliday homer, HKG v KOR
Переглядів 6 тис.6 років тому
Matthew Holliday goes deep against Korea's Im Chank Yu to bring Hong Kong back within three runs in the 4th inning of their Group B game at the GBK Baseball Field in Jakarta.
2018 Asian Games - basketball halftime show (from Chinese Taipei vs. Syria)
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2018 Asian Games - basketball halftime show (from Chinese Taipei vs. Syria)
Indonesian badminton - 2018 Asian Games
Переглядів 5686 років тому
Indonesian badminton - 2018 Asian Games
2018 Asian Games softball - JPN v CHN, Ichiguchi diving stop
Переглядів 1,1 тис.6 років тому
2018 Asian Games softball - JPN v CHN, Ichiguchi diving stop
Asian Games 2018 softball - JPN vs. CHN, crowd non-catch
Переглядів 4196 років тому
Asian Games 2018 softball - JPN vs. CHN, crowd non-catch
Foul ball catch - 2018 Asian Games softball (INA v PHI)
Переглядів 9956 років тому
Foul ball catch - 2018 Asian Games softball (INA v PHI)
Russian anthem before CSKA Moscow vs. Jokerit, Game 2 (2018 Gagarin Cup Playoffs)
Переглядів 7 тис.6 років тому
Russian anthem before CSKA Moscow vs. Jokerit, Game 2 (2018 Gagarin Cup Playoffs)
Marist Academic Team, 1989-90 (High-Q, Texaco)
Переглядів 5897 років тому
Marist Academic Team, 1989-90 (High-Q, Texaco)
2016-17 CHL Highlights (extended goal and save calls)
Переглядів 1467 років тому
2016-17 CHL Highlights (extended goal and save calls)
Rinerhorn (near Davos, Switzerland) - cable car
Переглядів 1888 років тому
Rinerhorn (near Davos, Switzerland) - cable car
Rinerhorn (near Davos, Switzerland) - toboggan run
Переглядів 4768 років тому
Rinerhorn (near Davos, Switzerland) - toboggan run


  • @Youdontknowyetbutuwill
    @Youdontknowyetbutuwill 2 місяці тому

    The books are better for Brianna. She gets to meet all the family at lallybroch and she dresses like a man and gets away with it because she is so tall and strong like Jamie

  • @skyfuzzball8312
    @skyfuzzball8312 3 місяці тому

    From TE4 brought me here

  • @skyfuzzball8312
    @skyfuzzball8312 3 місяці тому

    If Tennis Elbow 4 commenter commentary for a Hockey game.

  • @jurassicparkboom2426
    @jurassicparkboom2426 Рік тому

    8:30 😂

  • @Blueraptor06
    @Blueraptor06 Рік тому

    Slava rossya Slava Putin

  • @SnEin
    @SnEin 2 роки тому

    I'm actually glad this scene was deleted mainly because Brianna was never unprepared when she time traveled back in the 18th century to find her parents. She even wore man's clothes to protect herself, bought herself a horse to use for the journey and so forth. (Sorry, your daughter was cut from this episode. I wish they cast her in other episodes?)

  • @florvega547
    @florvega547 2 роки тому

    Una gran escena, lastima que no se incluyó

  • @frankgarrett3647
    @frankgarrett3647 2 роки тому

    Very different but it is nice.

  • @ubielydejesusramirez2874
    @ubielydejesusramirez2874 2 роки тому

    Brianna es el fruto del amor de estos dos,seres que amamos tanto,y ella se la jugó toda por ir a salvarlos que linda,no vaciló me encanta la canción que canta con Rogger Clementina se les escucha divino🙋‍♀️👏👏👏🇦🇲👍🏼

  • @MissMarinaCapri
    @MissMarinaCapri 2 роки тому

    I do not remember this scene being deleted. What gives?

  • @Эмиль-э5т
    @Эмиль-э5т 2 роки тому

    ЦСКА вперёд

  • @toddflood2331
    @toddflood2331 2 роки тому

    I agree that scene shouldn't of been taken out but in the episode the focus was Breanna's journey to get to her families home in 1766 and finally meet her Aunt Jenny and uncle and Breanna's cousin's still in Scotland plus Breanna needed to heal and meet the one woman who tried to get her mother killed and so on

  • @aryeahuyhuyhuy1153
    @aryeahuyhuyhuy1153 3 роки тому

    Where is shohei ohtani?

  • @collingarlanger2436
    @collingarlanger2436 3 роки тому

    They could have like made another sense with the family just more obvious to the viewers of the robbery, great concept tho

  • @maunhell
    @maunhell 3 роки тому

    Any way to see full match?

  • @lindatimmons3675
    @lindatimmons3675 3 роки тому

    Why do they delete these important scenes and what the hell was she looking for

    • @eva-uw9de
      @eva-uw9de 2 роки тому

      For me Brianna seemed to be very unprepared for the time journey she had planned. This scene would have explaned it somehow.

  • @ahavens2463
    @ahavens2463 3 роки тому

    They could have had Brianna say something out loud like, "Damn I can't believe it...they took my....." Or something like that. But he's right. I would've never known what had really happened. I'd have assumed it was an accident.

  • @nomadicolours
    @nomadicolours 3 роки тому

    This scene explains that she DID NOT walk all the way from the stones. I thought it odd she had no help.

  • @Historian212
    @Historian212 4 роки тому

    Yeah, but it makes little sense. For one thing, Brianna wasn't some sheltered kid; she was a big city girl, raised in Boston. She would have known to guard her stuff from pickpockets and the like. Also, as a History major who was interested in the era, she would have been aware that traveling alone in that time period was unsafe, especially for a woman. In fact, her insistence on not involving Rodger made no sense to me. What did she think was going to happen to her, roaming the countryside on her own in the 18th century? Brianna certainly would have read some of the classic novels of the 19th century as she grew up, so would have been aware of these things -- since, even in the early and mid-19th century, women didn't travel alone, lest they be considered prostitutes. If this is how Gabaldon wrote it, she totally failed in how she constructed this section of the story. Completely implausible (I mean, given the idea that time travel is possible, etc.). A novel needs a logical consistency in the world it constructs, and Brianna, while headstrong and independent, is not supposed to be a fool.

    • @maryellencook9528
      @maryellencook9528 4 роки тому

      Yes, what you say is all true. Please don't forget that as a Fraser, Brianna is as independent as a hog on ice. (Whatever THAT means. My Daddy always referenced me with that phrase.)

    • @sherryallen6213
      @sherryallen6213 3 роки тому

      DG didn't include this in her book. The books are carefully researched and Bree did not walk nor did she twist her ankle. She actually bought a horse named Brutus and rode him to Lallybroch while posed as a man in man's clothes to hide the fact that she was a woman alone in the Highlands.

    • @giuliapicchiotti
      @giuliapicchiotti 3 роки тому

      ​@@sherryallen6213 OMG, that would have been so cool to see, I HATE THAT THEY CHANGED SO MANY THINGS !!! ; ugh !!!!

    • @sherryallen6213
      @sherryallen6213 3 роки тому

      @@giuliapicchiotti We know that they couldn't have everything in the show that was in the books... They would need 30 plus episodes for each season (which would be awesome, but unaffordable!). I just look at the books and the show as two wonderful looks into the lives of the characters who were created by Diana Gabaldon. If I appreciate each for what it is and can be, then I enjoy both so much more!!

    • @giuliapicchiotti
      @giuliapicchiotti 3 роки тому

      @@sherryallen6213 Yeah, i get that they could not translate everything from the book to the screen, but gosh, at least they could have made the scene similar to the book since, the fact that her character goes to the past, is sooooo important !!!!

  • @thearbiter3351
    @thearbiter3351 4 роки тому

    This is not usa we need a choir for the russian anthem

  • @1990Thunderbolt
    @1990Thunderbolt 4 роки тому

    South Korea's Baseball Team: 5 Gold Medals in the Asian Games!

  • @stevian1091
    @stevian1091 4 роки тому


  • @finchrest
    @finchrest 4 роки тому

    Oh how neat! Sorry she was deleted - but it is awesome seeing this. She's a cutie btw. : - )

  • @名無し-m1r
    @名無し-m1r 4 роки тому


  • @hellscream46
    @hellscream46 4 роки тому

    I'm glad it was deleted. It looked staged the way she suddenly fell forward like that and no one else did.

    • @emmaebaldwin
      @emmaebaldwin 3 роки тому

      If I’m not mistaken, then it looks like the girl up front pushed Brianna with her bottom... as a distraction to grab her stuff.

  • @juliecolbert3452
    @juliecolbert3452 4 роки тому

    Better than another rape scene...

  • @nebulousJames12345
    @nebulousJames12345 4 роки тому

    Any scene cut with bree is a win in my book

    • @robroy8207
      @robroy8207 4 роки тому

      She can’t even limp with any accuracy. Sweet person but terrible actress.

    • @sherryallen6213
      @sherryallen6213 3 роки тому

      I LOVE Sophie!! She is so perfect for the role.

    • @nami141
      @nami141 3 роки тому

      @@sherryallen6213 It unfortunately just became popular to dislike her, she can't do anything right according to some.

    • @sherryallen6213
      @sherryallen6213 3 роки тому

      @@nami141 It is very sad, isn't it? She is a lovely person and a very talented actor!!

    • @AhsokaTanoTheWhite
      @AhsokaTanoTheWhite 3 роки тому

      @@sherryallen6213 agreed, she can't even breathe without people saying she's terrible at it.

  • @ceciliaximena9878
    @ceciliaximena9878 4 роки тому

    I love that beauty!!

    • @samike3020
      @samike3020 4 роки тому

      Thanks for your comments send me dm on Google Hangouts sam766936@gmail.com

  • @alianemp6580
    @alianemp6580 4 роки тому

    Eu achava que no encontro deles tinha que ter mais emoção Ne

  • @tonymolino7337
    @tonymolino7337 4 роки тому

    Man, I lost 40,000 yen on this game

  • @AmyLSchulte
    @AmyLSchulte 4 роки тому

    Understood it perfectly.

  • @FLCraftyGirl
    @FLCraftyGirl 4 роки тому

    So what was it that they stole? 😳

    • @sewforlife5728
      @sewforlife5728 3 роки тому

      They took her compass or it fell out but i knew straight away what she lost. I dont know why they thought we wouldnt know.

    • @lindatimmons3675
      @lindatimmons3675 3 роки тому

      @@sewforlife5728 .... i had no idea what she was looking for. And how or when exactly did they steal it

    • @sewforlife5728
      @sewforlife5728 3 роки тому

      @@lindatimmons3675 they told her which way to go but she's from the 1960s she don't know how to tell what is north south east or west. She looks out and around like where do I go, so she reaches in her bag to get the compass and it's not there. When they tell her how to go she didn't understand, u could see it in her face so she just plays along. A compass in those days was like having gps to us..lol

  • @darrenkilfara5737
    @darrenkilfara5737 4 роки тому

    By the by, if anyone is wondering why I posted this video, it's because my daughter is the girl in the family on the wagon. (We were gutted when these scenes were cut from the episode in question, but it was great to finally track down the DVD and see her here!)

    • @AmyLSchulte
      @AmyLSchulte 4 роки тому

      Aww. That’s too bad. It should have been left in.

    • @calum66
      @calum66 4 роки тому

      @@AmyLSchulte Me too - it makes more sense of her making some progress on her journey with a bad foot and also it really helps to build the atmosphere of the times .

    • @TzFzRiot
      @TzFzRiot 3 роки тому

      Thank you so much for uploading this! I was the son in this scene! I remember the two days filming very well, your daughter was very sweet and professional beyond her years. A good wee singer as well!

    • @darrenkilfara5737
      @darrenkilfara5737 3 роки тому

      @@TzFzRiot Aww, that's very kind of you to say. :) I'm happy you were able to see this (and perhaps add it to your own demo reel) as well - we bought the Season 4 DVD just hoping that this scene might have shown up on it, and thankfully it had! It was certainly a memorable couple of days for both of us as well...I hope everything is going OK with you.

    • @nami141
      @nami141 3 роки тому

      @@darrenkilfara5737 Thank you for sharing. I really like this scene.

  • @elizabethflowe8260
    @elizabethflowe8260 4 роки тому

    I could tell just from the way that the man said we're going that way that something was amiss with this bunch.

  • @Anula.....81
    @Anula.....81 4 роки тому

    Another cool cutscene that has been deleted. They recorded nice shots and cut out in the series, it's a pity .....

  • @MrsRanchoFiesta
    @MrsRanchoFiesta 4 роки тому

    Once again the Irish bad guys? Good delete

    • @Redsince66
      @Redsince66 4 роки тому

      ranchofiesta true, when you hear an Irish accent, Southern or Northern, you know the character(s) will be unsavory. The Quarter Master, Bonnet, Horrocks and the Gypsy leader. I still think that it is a wonderful series but I wonder what Diana dislikes about the Irish. And a bit ironic that a blow-in from Monaghan, Ireland is playing the lead character, glad Diana was not involved in the casting or we might not have had the brilliant Caitriona Balfe playing Clair.

  • @ericrambo8623
    @ericrambo8623 4 роки тому

    Should sing the National Anthem Of The Soviet Union as a nod to the Central Red Army Hockey Team.

  • @ahem7553
    @ahem7553 5 років тому

    Thanks for the highlights, what a game

  • @Kanapin_Chingiz
    @Kanapin_Chingiz 5 років тому

    да ну как то попсово

  • @HKPBA
    @HKPBA 6 років тому

    The Swing has stayed the same since he was 12...

  • @advantelis
    @advantelis 6 років тому

    Hi Darren, Im yodi. And i was part of Baseball organizing committee in Asian games. I just want to ask for your permission to download the baseball highlights from your channel, and use it for my video. I want to make a documentation about the baseball that i can share to all of the baseball committees. Hope you don't mind, Cheers.

    • @darrenkilfara5737
      @darrenkilfara5737 6 років тому

      Yodi - I don't think I'm the right person to properly ask for permission, but as far as I'm concerned, feel free to go ahead. (Note that I'm going to be preparing another video this week that shows a more extensive set of baseball highlights from the Asian Games, so you might want to wait until I'm done with that and have uploaded it here.) :)

    • @darrenkilfara5737
      @darrenkilfara5737 6 років тому

      See ua-cam.com/video/XfqaxLC74DA/v-deo.html for a video showing the key moments of the final between Korea and Japan.

  • @haihuachen2627
    @haihuachen2627 6 років тому

    the guy who hit a 2-run home-run in the first inning works for the bank.

    • @Ungmin
      @Ungmin 5 років тому

      Who cares 你找死啊

    • @paul-mp3rj
      @paul-mp3rj 5 років тому

      職業輸業餘就是事實 不然想怎樣?你又能怎樣 ?我們care好嗎

    • @timothychoi8257
      @timothychoi8257 4 роки тому

      sorry guys.

    • @iaotot4337
      @iaotot4337 3 роки тому

      @@Ungmin Hey gays

    • @weibruce5771
      @weibruce5771 2 роки тому

      @@Ungmin si ba ru ma 哈哈哈哈哈

  • @haihuachen2627
    @haihuachen2627 6 років тому

    first pitch: fastball, second pitch: fastball , third pitch, still fastball. but the batter has adjusted timing ( 2-run home-run )...

  • @龍-i3e
    @龍-i3e 6 років тому

    ขอบคุณ ทีมเบสบอลไทยทุกคนครับ พวกคุณพยายามได้ดีที่สุดเเล้ว

  • @YoshiLike
    @YoshiLike 6 років тому

    what’s the name of the singer? :)