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Recycling Skills
Приєднався 3 тра 2024
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salam vean y aprendan
It's a bolt , not a nut !
Actually it is a hex head cap screw. As if the terminology even matters.
Where would you start the stocktake on the floor from?
How do you sharpen on this machine? He's dead! The heartbeat is very big! This is garbage, not a machine! Scrap metal !
Туфта полная😂
Marche pas !! lol le taraud
@11.00 Milling a slot on a manual lathe like that is frigging awesome. 😀.
bless you LOL.never seen someone use chalk on threads b4 👍would been nice to see it put to use but nice job though 😎😎
Probably the worst machining I've ever seen. I guess they needed an M( whatever it comes out to) by (pretty close to something) thread. The threading was extremely bad, you could see the pitch change about halfway up, and you never rely on a caliper for precise measurement. Also, that is not how you cult the clearance slots in a tap. This is just shit quality.
I love watching these videos just to see unqualified people make things that are poor quality and don’t work on machines that were worn out years ago.
انه لا يعرف سبائك الصلب.... هدا الحديد یتناسب لثقب الجبن.... لكنه فعل بشكل جيد.
High tensile steel is a mans best friend
Great work here and the last part was i think a way of hardening the metal however, is it for threading Copper as i doubt it could thread Steel . Thanks for sharing !
Hey, give these boys a break from all the ball busting! The Tap *will* be hard enough to cut threads in aluminum once or twice. Seriously, ...for a one off (field expedience) job I would too! Especially if it was a Grade 8 bolt!😉 Wakodahatchee Chris
Nice work 👍
Good work 👍
Nice work ❤
you have to be dam good on a lathe. 👍
테스트 안함?
For anyone thinking that a tap made out of a low grade bolt will be useless, don't worry, he wasn't making a tap, he was making youtube content. The tap doesn't have to work, it wont, but the youtube content did work, it made you watch two ads. Success!
У токарей кровь из глаз идёт при просмотре этого порно.
Этот мечик гроша ломаного нестоит
Мне такой метчик за так не надо. Или я чего то не знаю, и у них болты из углеродистой стали? 😂
There are high grade bolts (8.8) and when it got hardened, it would probably work for hundred times or more.
Я тоже делал мечики из болта закалил в масле и всё работало сейчас магазинские мечики хрупкие и одноразовые а болт намного крепче
Mire completo el video, me parece excepcional la destreza de el tornero. Mis felicitaciones. Dolo una observación: no sería mas económico comprar el machuelo? Saludos desde Salamanca Guanajuato México.
...dodgy as hell...
из болта метчик не получится- сталь3 не закалится.
Так она и не закалилась, смотри 21-10 мин. Но больше 100 тыс. просмотров получилось.😀
That's a terrible thread it will cut a terrible thread
If you're going to talk shit at least use the correct term for the tool... it's a called tap, and it cuts threads.
@Qbear86 I know what the thread on a good tap looks like and I never mentioned what it was just about the thread so pull you head out of your arss
Damit kannst du vielleicht Affen vom Baum schießen aber mehr auch nicht
Пакистан посмотрел канал Мехамозга.
by the way its a bolt not a nut
Good for cutting threads in wood or plastic
Super jest wykonany ten gwintownik ze starej śruby ale nie jest pokazane jak gwintuje Pozdrawiam serdecznie. 👍👍👍👍👍👍
Good working ❤
He knows his stuff
Сувенир. Мы думаем, что покупаем всё плохое из китая, а это оказывается пакистанская подделка
The Chinese do a better job than that
Супер!!!🎉 Видно, що болт був з крицевої сталі (8.8; 13,9;) сам люблю щось зробити.
Good warking Pakistani qom
Bonito trabajo, pero lamentablemente no tendrá filo. Las herramientas que hacen en la fábrica lo hacen de varias aleaciones para darle la máxima dureza. Cómo cobalto, Niquel, Molibdeno y titanio Así como acero al alto carbono y al final le dan su tratamiento térmico. En cambio el tornillo con el que hicieron la herramienta solo contiene acero al carbono. Y no tiene la suficiente dureza para cortar metales.
@@ErnestoZenteno-k1l hola Ernesto, buena observación, pero creo yo que lo que nos quieren decir en el video es la destreza de el operario. Saludos.
все из говна и палок ,лижбы бестело
Y ese tiraaaaadero???
Excellent job ! 👍
JESUS CRISTO te ama muito ❤
Any first year toolmakers apprentice can make taps and dies , it's very basic work.
Yeah but not from mild steel
@robames1293 graded bolts aren't mild steel.
@@snowflakemelter1172 That bolt was being machined on a lathe and the head had no markings so---graded?
@@snowflakemelter1172 Check out the shavings coming off.
How in threading show you tap not in iron threading tap
Parabéns 👍🇧🇷🇧🇷
Wait, show how well it cuts threads.
It won’t cut butter let alone metal. Lol
quite impressive
a bullnose would give better chip clearance
Good job best of luck
LOLOLOLOLOL.......Total bolony and BS. Real machine grade tap, dies and other machine tools are made out of alloys for strength and durability. That was just a plain ole everyday bold that had a little bit of hardening. I notice they never actually used it.