  • 6
  • 200 386
Marisha - Gone by
31.10.2008 Ounaskoski
Переглядів: 7 486


Michael Monroe - She's no angel
Переглядів 151 тис.17 років тому
From Album Nights are so long and Not fakin' it
Hanoi rocks, Simerock 2007
Переглядів 6 тис.17 років тому
Hanoi rocks Simerockissa rovaniemellä 2007
Virpi Kuitunen - Maailman paras naishiihtäjä!
Переглядів 31 тис.17 років тому
Mulle AINA maailman paras naishiihtäjä OVER ALL! 2 MC-kokonaisvoittoa, 6 MM-kultaa, MM-hopea ja -pronssi, olympiapronssia ja kaks Tour de Skin voittoa!
Sm-hiihdot pyhäjärvi
Переглядів 2,5 тис.17 років тому
Virpi Kuitunen
Переглядів 1,8 тис.17 років тому
Pyhäjärvi SM-kisat 2007


  • @dragonqueen6589
    @dragonqueen6589 2 роки тому

    Great to finally see a vid of his solo material… Hanoi Rocks were truly Finland’s best rock/punk group from the late 70s and early 80s.

  • @pierrehammarstrom1770
    @pierrehammarstrom1770 2 роки тому

    Br Briljant!

  • @adrianthurston1036
    @adrianthurston1036 4 роки тому

    Mike Monroe is a great showman and vocalist and so was Gary Holton...i was lucky enough to go to the local Fish and Chip shop with Mike and Razzle many years ago , and also go for a pint with Gary Holton before he died , both really nice people and certainly not boring .

    • @mandelik6176
      @mandelik6176 4 роки тому

      Have you had a chance to kiss Michael Monroe??

  • @ariane5570
    @ariane5570 4 роки тому

    Michael is my Angel.

  • @eveliina7396
    @eveliina7396 6 років тому

    Virpi oli upea urheilija👍

  • @angelikaa259
    @angelikaa259 7 років тому


  • @tonkool4736
    @tonkool4736 8 років тому

    Blooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooody gooddddd!!!!! :-) Such a pity he is touring so little outside Finland.... :-(. I'd love to hear and see this guy in the good ol' city of Amsterdam...!

  • @arturogein
    @arturogein 9 років тому


  • @mhantich3011
    @mhantich3011 13 років тому

    my song <33

  • @limeybean
    @limeybean 13 років тому


  • @karenalexanderful
    @karenalexanderful 14 років тому

    I saw Mike Monroe play in the UK on his tour to promote this album - it was awesome!

  • @Sallam30
    @Sallam30 14 років тому

    Ääni on todella voimakas, mahtava! Nyt vaan jalat maassa loppuun asti, niin menestys on taattu! Ollaanhan joukolla ylpeitä Rovaniemen tytöstä!! :")) Hyvä Mari!

  • @Aappan
    @Aappan 14 років тому

    Mahtava ääni oli kyllä idolsin koe-esiintymisessä. Oli pakko ettiä lisää materiaalia :D En pettynyt.

  • @SuperTechnoVEVO
    @SuperTechnoVEVO 14 років тому

    @akatsukifani19 asukko pyhäjärvellä??

  • @Darkangelrock92
    @Darkangelrock92 14 років тому

    @mrlee192 Some bands from 70s & 80s was under-rated! I listen to both them and those who was over-rated lol

  • @NotStoked1
    @NotStoked1 14 років тому

    next tuesday im seeing these guys

  • @Jagguar20
    @Jagguar20 14 років тому

    Heard the news? Mike Monroe's next work is going to feature LEMMY fuckin' KILMISTER!

  • @NeilThompson30
    @NeilThompson30 14 років тому

    There a three spams about the original version here - why? The Heavy metal kids were one of the best bands ever - if you think Hanoi Rocks were a great live band - did you ever see HMK - if not - don't spam it baby.

  • @Darkangelrock92
    @Darkangelrock92 14 років тому

    Hanoi Rocks was golden age of glam rock scene and its pretty cool they are from finland:)

  • @Higherlearningfacility
    @Higherlearningfacility 14 років тому

    Nice tribute to the Heavy Metal Kids!!

  • @07kitara
    @07kitara 14 років тому

    heavy metal kids

  • @jaakkoppi
    @jaakkoppi 14 років тому

    Te olette kyllä tampioita jos luulette että toi ämmä ei oo koko ajan vetänyt kamaa yhtä paljon kuin ravihevoset. Eihän se ole vielä edes tunnustanut vetäneensä kamaa 2001, kuolee sydäriin ennen kuin täyttää 50, steroidit tappaa.

  • @0007homer
    @0007homer 14 років тому

    Kyllä hyvä hän kyllä on

  • @vegasvamp22
    @vegasvamp22 14 років тому

    This sums up the week I spent in Tokyo/Kawasaki with Michael for the Not Fakin It in Japan Tour - oh my God- so freakin' amazing! EVERYONE is in this video! Johnny Angel, Paul Garisto, Jon Rae Sierra (RIP) JD Malo, Jude Wilder, NiteBob Czaykowski, Charlie - who did I miss? I think the only people missing are Adolf & Janna!This IS SOOOO COOL!

    @ROCKDRIGOSORTINO 14 років тому


  • @Zlatan260
    @Zlatan260 15 років тому


  • @NeilThompson30
    @NeilThompson30 15 років тому

    Too right Fam - Heavy metal kids rule. You've got to remember though - this was the eighties - most bands in the eighties were shit.

  • @jaynexpain
    @jaynexpain 15 років тому

    awesome guy i gotta say ..... marvellous true legend....100% brilliant ......and he's finnish so thats another winner for me i gotta say....love this song itis awesome...love the vid and love the guy..

  • @wkromalicki
    @wkromalicki 16 років тому

    NOOOOOO WAAAAYYYY that is good news :):) welcome back, MM

  • @glamdog69
    @glamdog69 16 років тому

    If he did join VR maybe they would write another decent song... Havn't written a great song since Slither in my opinion.. but hey thats just me.... Slash and Monroe together would have been great.....

  • @LadyKagura91
    @LadyKagura91 16 років тому

    Kuitunen on paras! Kivan videon oot väsänny. Ihmiset vaan jaksaa muistella vuotta 2001. Hän on rangaistuksensa kärsinyt joten eiköhän pikkuhiljaa voisi unohtaa menneet? Toivottavasti nainen on taas kunnossa seuraaviin lähtöihin mennessä :) Pidetään yhdessä peukkuja Virpille! Yay for Virpi!

  • @acdcelsker
    @acdcelsker 16 років тому

    Hanoi is the best there is! But Michael is also one of the absolute best og greatest men that have been made on this earth.

  • @GoneWithASin
    @GoneWithASin 16 років тому

    My gosh, still going on about how Kuitunen used dope in Lahti? It was years ago, and after hundreds of dopingtests she has camed every single time CLEAN. Head of the ski in 2001 was pathetic, they made the decisions. Finns were really ashamed then and a lot was done so that this wouldn't happen twice. And last, I do believe that Kuitunen and Jauho were pretty out about what was happening. She gave negative sample after her singlerace but then positive in teamrace. That just doesn't fit.

  • @prinsvaffla
    @prinsvaffla 16 років тому

    "I think I want to become a top athlet today! Now where did I put that needle with EPO?"

  • @Powerdudes
    @Powerdudes 17 років тому

    I get a little angry when I read your comments. Makaronimano, where have u gotten these "fakts" that Norwegian skiers take doping? As a norwegian skier myself I can tell u that no country in the world take doping tests on skiers more then in Norway. That´s a FAKT. The closest a skier in this country have gotten to be dopet, is a girl that drank to much coffee. And for the maker of this film, please take away the picture from the WC Lahti 2001. A cheater is not a good role-model

    • @angelikaa259
      @angelikaa259 7 років тому

      Powerdudes Only 49 percent of Norwegians believe that domestic cross-country skiers are completely doping-free in the wake of asthma case against Martin Johnsrud Sundby and the doping case against Therese Johaug.

  • @Tepaa
    @Tepaa 17 років тому

    Kaisa Varis is an idiot who hits an unneeded "failure" stamp over the whole Finland, which I'm very ashamed of. I heard that she had had connections with her old couch Kari-Pakke Kyrö, who was the one we can blame of the doping cases in Lahti 2001. I myself am a Finn with quite a large sportic background (and I still do a lot sports), and I could never imagine myself touching those "drugs". I apologize for the whole Finland.

  • @brisbin44
    @brisbin44 17 років тому

    Although I've only followed world cup skiing for the past two years so I don't know the entire story. Athletes should know what's being put into their bodies, saying I didn't know is a horrible excuse. I think only the results from Virpi last few seasons should be celebrated, the rest is a disgrace.

  • @heyonyouyou
    @heyonyouyou 17 років тому

    Virpi Kuitunen and the other finnish cheaters, Myllylä, Isometsää, Varis and the rest of them is a shame for the whole cross-countri ski sport. She should not not be allowed to start in any competitions for the rest of her life. A shame for the sport