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The Emissary
Приєднався 20 бер 2024
Exploring India - its politics, culture, history, economics, and diaspora.
The Untold Story Behind India’s Ancient Urbanization | How Monks Shaped Modern India
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UPI: theemissaryco@okicici
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Discover how India’s earliest monastic traditions laid the foundation for its ancient cities and continue to influence modern urbanization today. In this video, we explore the profound connections between spirituality, city-building, and the rapid growth of India’s urban landscapes in the 21st century.
Join me to uncover the enduring legacy of India’s first monks and their impact on contemporary society. #IndianHistory #Urbanization #CulturalEvolution #IndianCities
⏳ Timestamps:
00:00 Introduction
03:15 India's ancient urban landscape
07:08 Impact of Sramanism on Indian society
11:57 Modern India's relationship with urbanization
17:45 How globalization makes this urbanization different
📝 The Emissary Articles & Videos Referenced:
-India’s 1st Monks, 2nd Cities, & 21st Century Urbanization: theemissary.co/indias-1st-monks-2nd-cities-and-21st-century-urbanization/
-The Bhāratāyan: How the Idea of “India” Came To Be: theemissary.co/the-bharatayan-how-the-idea-of-india-came-to-be/
-The India They Saw: When Socrates Met the Sindhu: theemissary.co/the-india-they-saw-when-socrates-met-the-sindhu/
-What is Jatitva?: ua-cam.com/video/y1oqjOCEfQQ/v-deo.htmlsi=Gbk5UlXOZ3ZJsWMr
🔬 Other References:
-Samnyasa Upanishads: x.com/TheEmissaryCo/status/1716981311712149599
-The India They Saw Greco-Roman Accounts: x.com/TheEmissaryCo/status/1470235132628025345
-The India They Saw East Asian Accounts: x.com/TheEmissaryCo/status/1478205804696244229
-What did Ancient Indian cities ACTUALLY look like? by Odd Compass: ua-cam.com/video/zn6QjaEq_4E/v-deo.htmlsi=izW699DSYvFUSimK
-The Dhammapada: www.amazon.com/Dhammapada-Translation-Buddhist-Classic-Annotations/dp/1590303806?crid=OUIWDR48Y79M&keywords=dhammapada&qid=1640985311&sprefix=dhammapada,aps,77&sr=8-3
-Tapta Marga: www.amazon.com/Tapta-Marga-Asceticism-Initiation-Vedic/dp/8170302374?crid=3A1951EE882DY&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.r4eSzY95ZsVMDwmoB5rMVA.8hW5hsVUgv4yM0pLFCNGSkBgNlTtyxjAV6QVe1boWYM&dib_tag=se&keywords=tapta+marga&qid=1734116745&sprefix=tapta,aps,816&sr=8-1
🗣️ Socials:
-🕸️ My Website: theemissary.co/
-🐥 Twitter: x.com/TheEmissaryCo
-📰 Newsletter: theemissary.substack.com/
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UPI: theemissaryco@okicici
FOLLOW ME ON WHATSAPP FOR UPDATES: whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaeSCqYEFeXhphZGKu2F
Discover how India’s earliest monastic traditions laid the foundation for its ancient cities and continue to influence modern urbanization today. In this video, we explore the profound connections between spirituality, city-building, and the rapid growth of India’s urban landscapes in the 21st century.
Join me to uncover the enduring legacy of India’s first monks and their impact on contemporary society. #IndianHistory #Urbanization #CulturalEvolution #IndianCities
⏳ Timestamps:
00:00 Introduction
03:15 India's ancient urban landscape
07:08 Impact of Sramanism on Indian society
11:57 Modern India's relationship with urbanization
17:45 How globalization makes this urbanization different
📝 The Emissary Articles & Videos Referenced:
-India’s 1st Monks, 2nd Cities, & 21st Century Urbanization: theemissary.co/indias-1st-monks-2nd-cities-and-21st-century-urbanization/
-The Bhāratāyan: How the Idea of “India” Came To Be: theemissary.co/the-bharatayan-how-the-idea-of-india-came-to-be/
-The India They Saw: When Socrates Met the Sindhu: theemissary.co/the-india-they-saw-when-socrates-met-the-sindhu/
-What is Jatitva?: ua-cam.com/video/y1oqjOCEfQQ/v-deo.htmlsi=Gbk5UlXOZ3ZJsWMr
🔬 Other References:
-Samnyasa Upanishads: x.com/TheEmissaryCo/status/1716981311712149599
-The India They Saw Greco-Roman Accounts: x.com/TheEmissaryCo/status/1470235132628025345
-The India They Saw East Asian Accounts: x.com/TheEmissaryCo/status/1478205804696244229
-What did Ancient Indian cities ACTUALLY look like? by Odd Compass: ua-cam.com/video/zn6QjaEq_4E/v-deo.htmlsi=izW699DSYvFUSimK
-The Dhammapada: www.amazon.com/Dhammapada-Translation-Buddhist-Classic-Annotations/dp/1590303806?crid=OUIWDR48Y79M&keywords=dhammapada&qid=1640985311&sprefix=dhammapada,aps,77&sr=8-3
-Tapta Marga: www.amazon.com/Tapta-Marga-Asceticism-Initiation-Vedic/dp/8170302374?crid=3A1951EE882DY&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.r4eSzY95ZsVMDwmoB5rMVA.8hW5hsVUgv4yM0pLFCNGSkBgNlTtyxjAV6QVe1boWYM&dib_tag=se&keywords=tapta+marga&qid=1734116745&sprefix=tapta,aps,816&sr=8-1
🗣️ Socials:
-🕸️ My Website: theemissary.co/
-🐥 Twitter: x.com/TheEmissaryCo
-📰 Newsletter: theemissary.substack.com/
-📸 Instagram: theemissaryco
-👴🏽 Facebook: theemissaryco
-📱 TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@theemissary.co
-🌞 WhatsApp: whatsapp.com/channel/0029VaeSCqYEFeXhphZGKu2F
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This was so insightful and interesting I really want to visit south asia and southeast asia one day
I presume that the extremely light skinned Indians are mixed race with Europeans over the last two hundred years. My family is originally from the Punjab but we have lived in the UK for over sixty years and mixed with the indigenous peoples. Quite a few of my nieces and nephews and great nieces and great nephews are virtually white. I also have nieces that are half black. I really don't understand the obsession with skin tone. All my nieces whether dark or light skinned are very beautiful. I love them all equally.
Some feedback please do not use that background music. I use this to relax to or fall asleep to. I love these types of videos that’s my purpose for it. It is very informative, but please do not use that music in the background is so tense for no reason and it’s really annoying
Why all these channels where only discussing about Vedic practise as old practise of India we indigenous Tamil people also exist here and we do have our own true history even there’s so many evidence here in tamilnadu to disprove African migration theory and we had our own religion called Aaseevagam and been destroyed by Vedic migrators but why no main stream media or no big UA-camrs wanna discuss about this
Very informative video, it still goes back to self hate that foreigners brought to them
This information really enlightens my knowledge of Indians. As a born Jamaican lives in Canada I’ve heard Indians talk about casts. They did not explain well, but you did a great job on educating us. Wow 🤩 you were close to us Africans except without the woollen textured hair. Great to know 👍🏾
Aren't there like offical records of many temples being broken by hindu rulers themselves in some sort of "erase the identity" motive. To this day there are many recognised jain / buddist temples that have been converted into hindu one's... Also considering the amount of religious prosecution that jains and Buddhist reference in there texts... Calling ancient India some tolerarent utopia looks far detached from reality.
Those examples are exceptional and in theological debates and aren’t attested in foreign accounts. The conflict examples are molehills vs the mountain of syncretism
Not Hinduism and Buddhism, but Hinduism and Islam, absolutely. There is no denying that.
Sad ….small minded stupid people!
Your videos and shorts are authentic and factual Please make more shorts as they can reach more viewers.
That’s the plan!
Why does Inbdia's history rely entirely on BS made up out of thin air without documents, proofs or evidences?
Ideological stranglehold over Indology + some amount of lack of documents
Very informative. Great content.
Glad you enjoyed it
@@TheEmissaryCo Yes, lots of history and DNA migratory patterns most of us in the west are totally unaware.
I'm not Indian I am light skinned mixed black but Indian men have always been drawn to me for some reason. I could never understand why until now. I feel bad all of a sudden lol 😅
India is a Satya yuga civilization, Satya yuga is when the earth is as close to the Sun as possible, no humans lighter than chargoal would survive such heat & Sun radiation. All genetic Indian Hindus are black or very dark skinned, they're the direct descendents of the Satya yuga civilization. In the descending yuga cycle the earth moves further & further away from the Sun until Kali yuga, when it is so far away from the Sun that Kali yuga human's hair & eyes do not pigment such as the Europeans. All white/fair/gore ppl of India are not genetic Indians or Hindu, they're EuroArab, progeny of the invaders. The colorism in India is actually racism. The progeny of the EuroArabs are racists against the Native indegenous dark skinned Hindus.
White colour skin usually look better than dark color skin
You said the British destroyed India....totally revealing a pathetic insecurity, an awful, uneducated and embarrassing knowledge, or deliberate misdirection, of history. Btw, you didnt do too bad from your oppressors considering you have colonized/resided in a wealthy, prosperous, free and tolerant nation began by your go to bogeyman, the British. Cant have been that bad huh considering your family, like millions of other Indians, followed your light skinned oppressors to *another land those brutes colonized, made prosperous, and all the other bad stuff/ bs you throw at them.* Hypocrite is the main word that comes to mind for you dude.
A beautiful dark and well proportioned Indian woman is a treasure to behold and a gift from God.
I just knew, somewhere along the narrative, that he'd eventually get to everyones favorite bad guy, The British. Of course theyre responsibe for all ills, lmao, such bs. Many southern Indians are descended from African slaves so, of course, they are gonna reflect their ancestry and the reason for their dark skin. The British, and probably all Europeans, were not racist or bigoted by nature and so judging superiority by lighter skin tones. No, it was actually factual that agrarian folk, people who spent most of their lives doing outdoors work, farming( the vast majority of European folk right up to the 18th century were tanned), had brown skin especially in summer. The elite, wealthy n well off, therefore thought fairer skin was a sign of folk that didnt have to work the fields. Eventually pale skin wasnt just a signal of beauty but of success. And, in the modern, 21st century, world it is not Europeans obsessed with skin tone and the belief that fair skin is superior no, it is mostly found amongst brown people's. Even in families darker skin tones are looked down on. Talking about the modern world and progress it is, particularly in India, brown skin tone ppl that value paler skin and deride darker people. India has thousands of years of this bigotry and could teach the British a thing or more about intolerance, superiority complexes and downright hateful bigotry to fellow countrymen shown, most prominently in the caste system No, this guy and his ilk need to drop the pro-victim routine, stop projecting on others(like the British)and sort their own prejudices out.
I will forever thank you friend for helping us to rebuild the narrative blocks of our civilisation.
you are doing incredible work here ❤
Thanks Aviral!!
Thanks 🤗
Mystic ✨✨ Love the sound effects!
Me too :)
A lot of problems impeding this Urbanization process with the main one being how Indian cities are governed. Unlike most Major cities around the world, Indian cities don't have a Mayoral System to govern cities instead there are bureaucrats who run the show instead of democratically elected mayors. Although there is an elected council, they aren't given enough powers to make changes. The laws regarding cities are outdated & no one seems to care about it except a few politicians here & there. The system is such that only a Cabinet rank Minister is able to repair/widen roads inside of a city. This is just an example to show just how powerless Municipal Corporations are. All decisions regarding the administration & governance of a city are taken by these bureaucrats & the residents have almost no say in decisions which directly affect them. This has led to severe mismanagement of cities with no sembelance of town planning at all. This has led Housing shortages, high rents, severe traffic, poor public transport, lack of public open spaces & parks, not to mention Jaan leva pollution. This is the main reasons why the quality of life is so low in Indian cities compared to other cities. If Indian cities are to grow then we have to adopt a Mayoral System as soon as possible. It is the need of the hour. A majority of problems would be solved if we embraced this. Till this reform happens Indian cities will never be able to grow & reach their true potential. I wish more Indians knew about this.
there's a big issue of lack of local governance officials in India vs say US or China. Too many officials for federal/state while local and esp urban governance languishes.
Hey bro I love your video, tanx for educating us about the history of India in terms of skin color, it’s true that (White people) have a history of discrimination, they use skin color as a way to oppress people around the world for so many years 🌎 who cares about what color a person is??? 🤷♂️ people come in so many different shades 🌈 why does it matter so much? At the end of the day we are all humans, we are all the same, the fact that a light skin person and a dark skin person can re-procreate, tells us all we need to know… this idea that a lighter skin person is better than a darker skin person is complete nonsense and ignorance 😡 which can cause hatred in which ( RACISM ) was born and the sad thing is that even in today’s society, we’re still effected by this behavior, whether you’re white, black or in-between, u have to live with the fact that either your ancestors were the oppressed or the oppressors… which is very heartbreaking and I don’t see this color thing ever going away becuz innocent black Americans are still getting killed by white police officers and in some cases the criminal justice system protects those officers instead of prosecuting them, to sum it up I want everyone to love themselves despite the color of their skin, embrace yourself❤️ and your culture🙌 becuz no man or woman has the right to judge you, only God has that type of power🙏
Chitpavans Brahmins used to be firsherman caste but now the high status amomg Brahmins Valmiki were Brahmins but now dalits Yadav are now sudra but were kshatriyas in Vedic time Agarwal were kshatriyas now middle caste ( business caste) Caste feudal was never fixed until the caste census was done by Britishers
Lots of fluidity happened yup
I don't think caste is much important In every orthodox Vedic rituals gotra is much more important We gave teachers students relationship based on gotra Rather than caste And those who do not subscribe to gotra are given general gotra as kashyap ( so even if a non Hindu who join the Hinduism he will consider kashyap gotra, which is said to be gotra of all human kind ) Casts is not tied with culture , rituals gotra is
Good context!!
Bro I really liked your content. But one disagreement. It is that as much as khangress uses caste to get vote banks,bjp gets from religion. and i feel its equally bad .Any way good work man
BJP uses religion but I’d say it’s less sticky than caste. INC also uses religion via minority stuff which is powerful. Hindus overall seem to vote for caste unless urbanized
Link of the peacock painting on the wall pls. Thanks a lot for this video.
Haha my parents got it in the 90s from a garage sale! So unfortunately don’t know
great video hope this you put more videos intelectually like this
That's the plan!
Equal, yes. People used to be equally miserable.
Exactly! Big overlooked problem
I always really like indians color, I learned at school as a child to paint on "Indian Day". I am an admirer.
Wait, let me try to guess the whole premise without watching the video. Is it the white mans fault somehow?
Vietnam and Philippines have issue of skin color.
Draveediyan❤ All others are intruders
I was born here tho
Great video! I finally watched a video that clearly explained colorism in India and its history. I didn't understand the differences or the reasons behind them before. Thanks for sharing this knowledge!
You are from which country
US. Parents are from India
Very impressed with your research and presentation. Subbed.
Welcome aboard!