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Just Mary
Приєднався 29 лип 2015
A place to have frank discussions of disability - something we lack in modern society. Disabled and non-disabled welcome!
Scarborough vlog
A vlog?! After all this time?!
My dear friends, i went away with mum for a few days aw i needed a few days to recharge (i.e do nothing and pretend I have zero responsibilities). It was meant to be 2 days of sun, sand and the sea but it rained. Every day. #GreatBritishSummer
Apologies the vlog was cut short, I promise the next one will be better! Or just as bad. Who knows?
My dear friends, i went away with mum for a few days aw i needed a few days to recharge (i.e do nothing and pretend I have zero responsibilities). It was meant to be 2 days of sun, sand and the sea but it rained. Every day. #GreatBritishSummer
Apologies the vlog was cut short, I promise the next one will be better! Or just as bad. Who knows?
Переглядів: 48
So it's been a while
Переглядів 1485 років тому
New name, new banner... new me? Haha, no it's still the same old me but there are a few more sides to my life that i want to share with you! I can't say EXACTLY what tyoe of content i'll post but fingers crossed you like it. And if not - thanks for coming & have a great day! in all seriousness, I have missed you all and thanks for staying subscribed. Your loyalty will not be forgotten.
Bologna | Traveller's Guide
Переглядів 556 років тому
Italy is probably my favourite country right about now! I spent 4 nights in La Grassa and here are my thoughts... Here's the tourist guide website which really helped me decide what things were worth doing based on access and interest: www.bolognawelcome.com/en/ A thing I also wanted to mention but forgot to say in the video was to approach taxis/cabs with caution. Getting a wheelchair taxi is ...
Falling over in public
Переглядів 766 років тому
Another week = another opportunity to make a scene... yay... To be fair, compared to my previous trip ups this is nothing but that doesn't mean this isn't a story worth sharing! Follow me on Facebook: Young-Disabled-223005988260380/
The last time I took my wheelchair on a plane... | STORYTIME!
Переглядів 756 років тому
In hindsight, I realise I haven't had the greatest luck when it comes to holidays but yet I still keep booking them! This is a story of my very first trip and how OLD BLUUUE passed on to the wheelchair afterlife. FOLLOW ME ON FACEBOOK!: Young-Disabled-223005988260380/
A Cinderella Story pt.3 | Disney Retold
Переглядів 146 років тому
The final instalment of my take on the classic that is Cinderella! It's been a fun journey so let me know what you think below. Follow me on Facebook for updates, sneak peeks and general geekiness! Young-Disabled-223005988260380/
A Cinderella Story - part 2 | Disney Retold
Переглядів 286 років тому
The next part of my take on a disabled Cinderella. She desperately wants to go to the ball but her stepmother refuses....guess it's time to enlist a bit of 'magical' help! Watch part 1 here: ua-cam.com/video/ba4VJ3-JJ4c/v-deo.html
Wakanda & Big Portions | Vlog Day
Переглядів 346 років тому
BLACK PANTHER WAS LIIIIT!!! Pancake day was especially awesome this year because I got to watch a film that I had been dying to see! It's a pretty short vlog so let me know if you prefer it this way.
My Online Dating Profile Tag!
Переглядів 596 років тому
I'm not the biggest fan of V-day (which I now refer to as Unofficial National Chocolate Day) but I wanted to do something to mark the day so I'm doing a tag! The original tag can be found on Emma's channel here: ua-cam.com/video/ARtk3N-JdeA/v-deo.html And here are the questions if you want 'em! Do you believe in love at first sight? What do you do for fun? Do you want/do you have any children? ...
A Cinderella Story - part 1 | Disney Retold
Переглядів 386 років тому
Last year I started reading the Grimm fairy tales and after watching the live action version of Cinderella... I had a burning question. What would happen if Cinderella was physically disabled? Well this is my attempt to begin answering that question! Comment down below with what you think so far and until next time...bye!
Brussels 2.0 | Traveller's Guide - An Update!
Переглядів 406 років тому
I returned to the land of chocolate and sugar last Summer! Here's a slight update of my thoughts of this beautiful European city after seeing it for the second time. Enjoy xx
Colours of the Wind cover | THE AUDITION THAT NEVER WAS!
Переглядів 846 років тому
I love Disney so it's only natural for me to share/force that love on you guys! Enjoy as I ATTEMPT to do Pocahontas justice (I probably didn't) and until next time, bye! Also cheers to Richo Tse for letting me use his music for this video. You can sing along to Colours of the Wind by clicking here: ua-cam.com/video/-qabocVXzRo/v-deo.html Or watch his other videos here: ua-cam.com/channels/o9j3-...
The Joys of Hiring
Переглядів 356 років тому
Is it slightly ironic that I'm becoming an employer before I have ever been employed? These are my thoughts on the process and a quick run down of how finances are managed. Here are some useful links: www.moneyadviceservice.org.uk/en/articles/direct-payments-arranging-and-paying-for-care www.disabilityrightsuk.org/being-control-getting-personal-assistants-pas www.communitycare.co.uk/2010/11/19/...
Spellcheck & Decorations
Переглядів 556 років тому
ALWAYS REMEMBER TO CHARGE YOUR WHEELCHAIR. I've been alive for 22 years but apparently I still forget this simple rule... Follow me on Insta @y_a_disabled Music: Lazy Day by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) Artist: audionautix.com/
Count Your Blessings!
Переглядів 396 років тому
HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE EVE!!! (Yes, that's a thing). I know it's been a while but it's been a mad hectic month. Thankfully, I had some time today to sit back and reflect on all that has happened this year...
I Will Never Let You Know | Acapella cover
Переглядів 617 років тому
I Will Never Let You Know | Acapella cover
Why Representation Matters | Thank you, Annika!
Переглядів 917 років тому
Why Representation Matters | Thank you, Annika!
Переглядів 2157 років тому
Get Ready With Me, Disney Villains & WWE
Переглядів 767 років тому
Get Ready With Me, Disney Villains & WWE
Just be yourself enjoy life ❤
You are so beautiful I wish I would have seen this when you first made this video I have a disability and I've been all my life and I've been using a wheelchair for about 8 years I stay in Cleveland Ohio where you stay you are so beautiful cook that Italian with me❤
Beautiful voice
Ur wonderful
Welcome backkkkkkkkkkkkkk 💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾💃🏾
So glad you're doing this channel for yourself! Also, yass to the Lizzo appreciation at the end :)
LOVE THIS! Good to have you back, can't wait to see more of what you will share Mary. Welcome back xx
It feels nice to be back! And also congrats girl on all your work with your hair accessories! They be looking goooood!
I totally get your reasons for stopping. When you come from a minority group it’s very easy on youtube to get slotted into only being able to talk about the issues surrounding the group you’re from and it sucks. It’s a pressure to make one small part of yourself be all of your online image and it’s insane. You should be able to just be you and not constantly have to talk about stuff that you don’t always want to talk about. You do you Mary! If there’s an issue to do with disability that you wanna talk about, go for it, and if you wanna talk about One Piece instead, GO FOR IT!
That warmed my little heart ♥ Thank you xx
I've got the same disability. Everyone I've seen seems to be a bit differently affected. I've got a limited range of motion in all my joints but I've been able to do most things independently. With orthopedic shoes I'm good to go. I too walk on the side of my feet but also on my toes. You can see me walk in a video if you look up "curbing bulling with empathy" on UA-cam. Best of luck to you. Take care of your body because as we get older it can be sorta painful. I used to not have pain but now.... not good. We are women who happen to live with a disability. 👍🏽
There are two useful notes in the description box so take a look! :P
You got me at your exist comment 😁
Okay I should mention the guys in the office were being slightly over cautious because they haven't known me very long. I would have much preferred to have been on my merry way a lot sooner but all things considered it could have been worse!
I actually love the concept!!
Cheers hun! It's been fun messing with a well known story although I am still trying to figure out the ending!
Young And Disabled I'm definitely looking forward to hearing it :)
Your voice is incredible!!! Hope you’re well!
Beautiful voice! :)
I have a managed account, by which I mean I hire my PAs and choose rates of pay etc. and payroll, insurance etc is handled by a direct payments agency - the council funds that though and self managing wouldn't actually increase the money I have to play with because of the way my council works it. Hiring is a bit of a nightmare. Initially I did what the agency suggested and went through job hunting sites but found I had a lot of people applying that either didn't fit the specification or who didn't seem to care about the role (submitted a cover letter for a shop job etc). I had over 100 applications but only interviewed 3 people. I've found that the better method for me is through the friends of people I know. People only tend to pass the advert on if it seems like a good fit & they're actually going to want the job. There's still a sort of "chemistry" thing and people who it won't work with but it does the first step of filtering for you. I also know people who employ friends but that feels a bit weird to me. I've had PAs who have become friends but to go the other way round would be a bit complicated. I would maybe do it just for someone to do social hours, maybe. Sorry for the mega long comment!
100 applicants?! I've had a total of 6... thankfully no-one confused me with a shop though! I actually just managed to recruit some PA's I like - thank God - so now it's all the legal stuff. I was told to hire friends at the beginning but the thought of being my mate's boss did not feel right either!
Yeah I think it went onto universal jobmatch so it was people just applying to anything so they had evidence of looking for jobs to give to the job centre. Yay for finding people though!
I wasn't allowed to add a link in the video but here is a link to the article I was talking about xx www.spaldingvoice.co.uk/spalding-fundraisers-big-ideas-for-charity/
You're amazing and keep the videos coming. I totally agree about counting your blessing to often we thinking about what we don't have. This time of the year is nice to just reflect. Great video.
CARRIE HOPE FLETCHER!!! CARRIE HOPE FLETCHER!!! That's the other UA-cam channel I am obsessed with but for some reason I couldn't remember! I blame caffeine...
Love this, very insightful! Thanks for sharing, keep doing what you're doing!
I liked the second top knot bun! - It looked really nice on you. Thank you for sharing Mary xo
You are amazing luv. Very empowering video.
But the real question is how did the cheesecake turn out?
Haha! Check my instagram.... @y_a_disabled....
Also she has my name as her surname; she must be awesome too
Mary, I love you 💛
love you too xx ♥
The dorky you at the end, and your exit 😁👌
Mary! Super late suggestion, 'Your Name' I've heard is really good. You've probably seen it by now...lol
Hey! Don't know how I missed this comment - sorry! But yeah I saw it a couple months ago and LOVED IT!!! I actually cried a little, haha!
Hey! I just want to say thanks for documenting your experiences of travelling around Europe with a powerchair :) I would love to travel and go inter-railing some day but am unsure how things would work out with my power chair. I was searching for videos to see if anybody else had gone interrailing with a wheelchair but you were literally the only one I could find! Since there's so little out there, I guess I should make some videos too if/when I do. It won't be any time soon because other health problems mean I can barely move from my bed these last nearly two years and if I improve I would have to be very careful to avoid overdoing it and causing relapse but I am hopeful that maybe one day… And your videos help give me some encouragement and hope :)
Hey! Sorry I saw this comment so late. Thank you for such a lovely comment! I'm glad you want to go interrailing and if you do start making videos let me know - I'd love to see your experience too :)
Hey heyy :) Congrats babyg! I used to be so quick to dismiss volunteering until I actually volunteered myself lol - the skills you'll pick up can defo help you in future jobs and can help you climb that corporate ladder. I agree, we do not live in a meritocratic society, but I also think as long as the company has disabled access for staff then they should be hiring - you'll be amazed at how recently some of our local stores just put a ramp in place - it's shocking to say the least!!! Wishing you the very best for the future xxx
About My Fro Thanks girlie! And you are completely right about firms having no excuses to avoid hiring disabled people if they have access. I think my concern is whether they'd be willing to make reasonable adjustments or decide to pass disabled applicants over because it's "simpler". Saying that I am a strong believer in that what is meant to be shall be. I'll get a job where I'm meant to get one 😜
Amazing video !!!
I've been Barcelona it's really lovely there. Great video. :D
CallmeK Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!
omg Mary I stayed there
CallmeK Really?! How did you find it?
CallmeK Really?! How did you find it?
CallmeK Really?! How did you find it?
Yeah and it was alright. I didn't mind the travelling between the hotel and central Rome. The restaurant in the hotel was nice the food was great. However, we went to a local pizza place near the hotel and it was a struggle to get what I want because of the language barrier. I did write what I wanted in Italian but it didn't help.
CallmeK I struggled with ordering too! Had to get them to try and translate but that kinda failed, haha! Just stuck to pasta most nights 😋
love this
Excited for the first episode of the series chica!
Thanks hun! Got some good things coming your way ;)
nice house
Thank you :D
Something I forgot to mention in the video: My only real criticism is that Craig Roberts is an able-bodied actor portraying a disabled actor. But considering this film is a HUGE step in the right direction I can overlook that. Baby steps, right?
You deserve sooo much more subscribers. your so amazing and inspiration.
Hey Jake! Sorry for the late response - just got back from my trip! Thank you soo much for this comment. It made me smile :D
No problem, Hope you had fun on your trip too! :D
I could not agree anymore about all of what you said...I also being in a wheelchair, and 23 years old.
Very good!
I've liked them all Keep doing what you're doing!
Beautiful video! (Pardon the pun)
Haha thanks! And it's cool, I appreciate a good pun ;)
Love the dress!
Any Freshers Week stories to share?
How do you respond to being gazed at?
This is amazing Mary! Didn't expect this. Don't stop! Love, Love , Love This!
love this