Journey Through Games
Journey Through Games
  • 598
  • 7 358
Ep 595 Warlock
An o.k. LJN and movie tie-in game, just shy of being a decent discovery but with this and Total Recall, LJN weren't completely terrible.
Переглядів: 0


Ep 594 Wario's Woods
14 годин тому
A puzzle game for people who think Tetris attack, bubble bobble and Dr Mario are too easy.
Ep 593 War 2410
14 годин тому
A simplified strategy game sort of like Advance Wars, nothing special though.
Ep 592 Vortex pt 2
14 годин тому
A decent discovery, in the right circumstances the game runs pretty well and I think it could have given Star Fox a run for its money back in the day.
Rp 592 Vortex pt 1
14 годин тому
A decent discovery, in the right circumstances the game runs pretty well and I think it could have given Star Fox a run for its money back in the day. Part 2 is more positive.
Ep 591 Virtual Bart
14 годин тому
It’s a Simpsons tie-in game, not great but it has variety which is at least something.
Ep 590 Vegas Stakes
Переглядів 79 годин тому
It's a casino games compilation, but it lacks the extra effort put in by Super Caesars Palace, have a look at that one instead.
Ep 589 Val d'isere Championship
Переглядів 19 годин тому
This game could have been good but it's just too tough. It serves as a bit of a sneak peek as to the potential of snowboarding games though and the heights they will eventually reach on the N64 and PS2. Shame this one isn't better, but maybe give it a look if you like tough racing games.
Ep 588 Utopia The Creation of a Nation
Переглядів 139 годин тому
It's a SNES management sim but this time you are managing a city in the far future on a different planet, shame it's not very good.
Ep 587 pt 2 Urban Strike
Переглядів 39 годин тому
The story is interesting but the game is held back by really terrible performance unfortunately. Play the Genesis / Mega Drive version instead, hopefully that has better performance.
Ep 587 Pt 1 Urban Strike
Переглядів 99 годин тому
I've uploaded this part because it shows the opening story of the game before it crashes and the story is pretty intriguing. Shame that the game is held back by poor performance.
Ep 586 The Untouchables
Переглядів 212 годин тому
Another shoddy movie tie-in game based on a decent movie unfortunately.
Ep 585 Universal Soldier
Переглядів 112 годин тому
A shoddy movie tie-in game that wants to be Contra.
Ep 584 Uniracers
Переглядів 1312 годин тому
It's a racing game that tried something different but it doesn't really work for me.
Ep 583 Ultima 7 The Black Gate
Переглядів 212 годин тому
It's better than Ultima 6 in terms of first impression, it feels a little bit faster and I think the change to real time combat is positive. But there is still lots of walking around trying to figure out where to go and you start out very weak where two rats can kill you pretty easily. Runes of Virtue 2 is the best Ultima game on the SNES in my opinion.
Ep 582 Uncharted Waters New Horizons
Переглядів 1314 годин тому
Ep 582 Uncharted Waters New Horizons
Ep 581 Ultraman Toward the Future
Переглядів 3414 годин тому
Ep 581 Ultraman Toward the Future
Ep 580 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Переглядів 1814 годин тому
Ep 580 Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Ep 579 Ultimate Fighter
Переглядів 3714 годин тому
Ep 579 Ultimate Fighter
Ep 578 Ultima 6 The False Prophet
Переглядів 2414 годин тому
Ep 578 Ultima 6 The False Prophet
Ep 577 Ultima Runes of Virtue 2
Переглядів 1День тому
Ep 577 Ultima Runes of Virtue 2
Ep 576 UN Squadron
Переглядів 14День тому
Ep 576 UN Squadron
Ep 575 The Twisted tales of Spike McFang
Переглядів 3День тому
Ep 575 The Twisted tales of Spike McFang
Ep 574 Turn & Burn No Fly Zone
Переглядів 23День тому
Ep 574 Turn & Burn No Fly Zone
Ep 573 Tuff E Nuff
День тому
Ep 573 Tuff E Nuff
Ep 572 True Lies
Переглядів 1День тому
Ep 572 True Lies
Ep 571 Troddlers
Переглядів 2День тому
Ep 571 Troddlers
Ep 570 Toys
Переглядів 1День тому
Ep 570 Toys
Ep 569 Toy Story
Переглядів 22День тому
Ep 569 Toy Story
Ep 568 Total Carnage
Переглядів 6День тому
Ep 568 Total Carnage


  • @FirstNameLastName_1
    @FirstNameLastName_1 26 днів тому

    Episode 533... I respect the grind bro. It doesn't get better than Super Nintendo

  • @Jake211982
    @Jake211982 Місяць тому

    Great, a nostalgic video game.

  • @Jake211982
    @Jake211982 Місяць тому

    Is this the first time that you had played the game? This game is a gem, I love the saga when I was a kid, when I first met this game in RPG style was amazing, and was very difficult 'cause I didn't know English, so I have to discover all then things by error.

    • @journeythroughgames4193
      @journeythroughgames4193 Місяць тому

      Yeah first time I've ever played it, it's quality is clear even all these years later!

  •  2 місяці тому

    It's kinda like on NBC Sports.

    •  2 місяці тому

      I like KNBC.

  • @coraldoyle9652
    @coraldoyle9652 5 місяців тому

    Promo>SM ☝️

  • @hugofarias9150
    @hugofarias9150 11 місяців тому

    A bit larger screen gonna be great 😊😊😊

  • @readyruxpin6417
    @readyruxpin6417 Рік тому

    reminds me a bit of old phantasy star games, not combat of course

  • @vinceyt8865
    @vinceyt8865 Рік тому

    4 god damn years absolute legend

  • @rockjonroll
    @rockjonroll 3 роки тому

    The two goal rage quit 😂

  • @marlonpendon4173
    @marlonpendon4173 3 роки тому

    B.e.S.T f'u"l'l D.a.T.i.n.G h.o.T G.i.r.L's -L-o-V-e-S-e-X---❤️😘 ..👍 Clickhere : !💖🖤❤️今後は気をライブ配信の再編ありがとうです!この日のライブ配信は、かならりやばかったですね!1万人を超える人が見ていたもん(笑)やっぱり人参最高!まさかのカメラ切り忘れでやら1かしたのもドキドキでした,. 💖🖤在整個人類歷史上,強者,富人和具有狡猾特質的人捕食部落,氏族,城鎮,城市和鄉村中的弱者,無`'守和貧窮成員。然而,人類的生存意願迫使那些被拒絕,被剝奪或摧毀的基本需求的人們找到了一種生活方式,並繼續將其DNA融入不斷發展的人類社會。. 說到食物,不要以為那些被拒絕的人只吃垃圾。相反,他們學會了在被忽視的肉類和蔬菜中尋找營養。他們學會了清潔,切塊,調味和慢燉慢燉的野菜和肉類,在食品市場上被忽略的部分家用蔬菜和肉類,並且學會了使用芳香的木煙(如山核桃,山核桃和豆科灌木 來調味g食物煮的時候1 1618619467

  • @rockjonroll
    @rockjonroll 3 роки тому

    That popular game is 'Stardew Valley' - congratulations on reaching 201! I can't think of a game that combines Persona and Harvest Moon, but the manga 'Silver Spoon' by Hiromu Arakawa (writer of Fullmetal Alchemist as well) is kind of a fusion of those two things.

  • @pilkogaming4439
    @pilkogaming4439 3 роки тому

    Hey man, hope your doing well, I definitely would like to see more gameplay on this. It explains every little detail. :) Thought I'd drop you a manual to help you out. › Ge...PDF Gemfire - Nintendo SNES - Manual - Games Database

  •  3 роки тому

    I like the Buffalo Bills.

  • @redmoonbloodmoon3161
    @redmoonbloodmoon3161 3 роки тому

    awesome, that you found this most unique game (wish its design would be done as a modern game, as it's a really good design, despite being simple, and could be done so cool with modern graphics and animation and etc, it doesn't have to be the same setting of real earth life evolution, could be anything, fantasy /sci-fi / etc, though a re-design and expanded game of the same real earth life evolution would be cool too, as its the game design itself which is so unique) ----------- the game is unfortunately quite a bit grindy (once you know the game, you can greatly speed up the experience grinding, but first time playing, will be very grindy, as you don't know what to evolve and where are the best/fastest places and enemies to get best/most/quickest experience) and... the bosses are hard... you will die a lot... until you learn the secret/trick/pattern/etc to beat them, wink -------- each era you get more options for your build, the fish era is basically a tutorial (wish it would be expanded more, sighs, it's too short and simple, sighs) there's different means of attack/damage (first priority), you get more attack/damage options with each era --------- most simple is to go for jaws for bite damage experts go for charging/running/ramming (strength) damage (raising agility/speed), it's faster/more-efficient than doing jaws-bite damage, "speed is king (especially when speed is also damage)" -------- about defense: most of the time, you want mobility (agility/speed) over defense (due to the stun-locking with attacks), so keep a small body, and prioritize raising agility/speed over defense (if raising defense also lowers agility/speed, you may want to not do that evolution) ----- about horns: all horns (of every era) break after 3 uses (run into enemy, but do NOT press the A button, in order to use your horn), except for the swordfish horn (always does 3 damage, reduces bite damage, if you got the jaws of kuralesche-something = ancient sharks or the zini-something = ???, as you don't have teeth using the swordfish horn, you keep the jaws upgrade, you don't lose it: if you remove/change horn, you still got the jaws you had) and the angler horn (doesn't do any damage, used to immobilize small fish and the green sea cucumbers, for easy grinding) in the fish era ------- controls Y button: attack (for all eras: jaws: bite damage, but as human, you use your weapon instead of biting, obviously, which of course uses the strike stat for its damage), this will also eat the meat/food too X button: eat (does NOT do damage), purpose of this (as why not just use the Y button) is in later eras (you'll see why) B button: jump (mostly for after the fish era, obviously, though technically in the fish era, you can go to the water surface and jump up out of the water, but there's really no reason for it, aside from ending the fish era to go to next era, lol) A button: press (right before bumping into enemy) when running to do charging/running/ramming damage (or as mammal, if standing still / not running, you can also kick), the strength stat is what determines its damage (raise up your agility/speed for the most part, which usually raises up your strength too), when kicking, obviously the kick stat determines kick damage running: double tap a direction on the directional pad to run (when swimming/flying, you can run up and down too, otherwise, you can only run left/right) ------ if interested, if don't know already about it the "Gaia" trilogy: (unfortunately, this is the one gaming trilogy that most people would never know its a trilogy, lol) (using US names, as I'm american, these the names I know them by, lol) 1. Soul Blazer (don't know if it has a different name in europe) (SNES) 2. Illusion of Gaia (Illusion of Time in europe) (SNES) 3. Terranigma (don't know if it has a different name in europe) (SNES)

    • @redmoonbloodmoon3161
      @redmoonbloodmoon3161 3 роки тому

      keep forgetting about the crystals, lol yellow: info/advice blue: experience bonus (examples: +500 XP, +1,000 XP, etc) red: a temporary special form/body (make sure you save these special red crystal forms/bodies!) (actually, it's really not too important, unless really struggling, the saving/loading of bodies/forms feature really isn't that great/useful at least in its implementation for how the game is designed: you really don't need them and they're not too helpful beyond your normal current era's upgrade-choices/forms/bodies, but it's a very cool idea) green: I think the game keeps a hidden tally/count/value of how many you collect (and I think they carry across the eras, but maybe not), but am not to sure exactly how this mechanic works, meh. Anyways, the green crystals enable you to temporarily load into any saved body/form you want ----- the saving/loading of bodies/forms feature/mechanic: at any time, you can save your body/form (within the record of evolution choice in your menu), up to 50 slots (50 bodies/forms), and then with collected/eaten green crystals, at any time, (again, within the record of evolution choice in your menu) you can load whatever saved body/form that you like, for temporary usage

  • @TheDutchGhost
    @TheDutchGhost 4 роки тому

    It is a little silly but I was so much drawn to this game for the same reason why I was drawn to the old ZX Spectrum game Jetpac; because it had a NASA style astronaut as a main character. And as someone who really has an interest in space exploration, both real and fictional that was such a major appeal. Even now when I look at this game again I feel that childhood interest.

  • @c.samuels87
    @c.samuels87 4 роки тому

    Can't beat a good Tennis sim.

  • @c.samuels87
    @c.samuels87 4 роки тому

    The idea of this game is to collect everything you can.

  • @c.samuels87
    @c.samuels87 4 роки тому

    Here comes Yogi!!!! I believe I use to get this on rental back in the 90s.

  • @c.samuels87
    @c.samuels87 4 роки тому

    Seems like a good enough platformer. Wouldn't mind trying this one

  • @c.samuels87
    @c.samuels87 4 роки тому

    Top game!!

    • @journeythroughgames4193
      @journeythroughgames4193 4 роки тому

      Really hard, though but it could just be that I'm bad at fighting games lol

  • @AceHardy
    @AceHardy 4 роки тому


  • @lilyflowers3764
    @lilyflowers3764 4 роки тому

    Just subscribed to your channel. You should promote your videos! Why haven’t you used ZMSocial(dot)com?? I used it on my main channel and it helped me rank my videos!

  • @LaxxedGaming
    @LaxxedGaming 4 роки тому


  • @rockjonroll
    @rockjonroll 5 років тому
