Church on the Road
Church on the Road
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이입분 목사의 주일설교 '작은일에 충성하라' (사무엘상 17장 33-40절)
벤쿠버 동산교회 설교 (January 12, 2025 )
Church on the Road
This church has obtained a church copyright license and streaming license from CCLI. This church uses it for non-profit worship purposes in accordance with the CCLI church copyright license and streaming license regulations. If an advertisement is played on this video, it is decided by the copyright holder of the song, not this church, and the revenue is distributed to the copyright holder of the song, not the church.
본 교회는 CCLI 로부터 교회 저작권 라이선스와 스트리밍 라이선스를 취득하였습니다.
본 교회는 CCLI 교회 저작권 라이선스 및 스트리밍 라이선스 규정에 따라 비영리 예배 목적으로 이용합니다. 본 영상에 광고가 재생될 경우, 본 교회가 아닌 노래의 저작권자가 결정한 것으로 수익은 교회가 아닌 노래의 저작권자에게 분배됩니다.
Church on the Road
본 교회의 라이선스 취득 사실을 CCLI 에서 확인할 수 있습니다.
Church Copyright License® #21705275
CCLI Streaming License™ #21705268
Rev. Lip Boon Lee
Minister of Church on the Road, Langley BC Canada (2022-Present)
Minister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Moosomin SK(2017-2021)
MDiv. Knox College in the University of Toronto, Canada
BRE Tyndale University, Toronto Canada
By Cheque
You can send your Cheque to the address below, payable to Church on the Road.
Address: 111-7809, 209 Street Langley, BC, V2Y 3N6 Canada
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By e-Transfer
In Korea
신한은행 : 110-323-830381 (예금주 이희명)
Переглядів: 11


이입분 목사의 주일설교 '주님의 첫번째 기적' (요한복음 2장 1-11절)
Переглядів 3121 годину тому
Church on the Road Online 설교 (January 19, 2025 ) Church on the Road This church has obtained a church copyright license and streaming license from CCLI. This church uses it for non-profit worship purposes in accordance with the CCLI church copyright license and streaming license regulations. If an advertisement is played on this video, it is decided by the copyright holder of the song, not this...
이입분 목사의 주일설교 '하나님의 뜻' (히브리서 10장 5-10절)
Переглядів 28Місяць тому
Church on the Road Online 설교 (December 22, 2024 ) Church on the Road This church has obtained a church copyright license and streaming license from CCLI. This church uses it for non-profit worship purposes in accordance with the CCLI church copyright license and streaming license regulations. If an advertisement is played on this video, it is decided by the copyright holder of the song, not thi...
Morning QT-Wise words
Переглядів 4Місяць тому
Proverbs 20:15-30: “Gold and pearls abound in the world, but wise lips are a more precious treasure.” Throughout life, I’ve often witnessed words causing pain and wounding others, but moments where wise and kind words deeply move someone are far less common. However, on the day my mother first met my in-laws, my mother-in-law took my mother’s rough hands in hers and said, “Dear madam, you must ...
Morning QT -Importance of Intercessory Prayer
Переглядів 9Місяць тому
Mark 2:1-12: “When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralyzed man, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.’” A group of people, determined to bring a paralyzed man to Jesus for healing, carried him on a mat. Unable to reach Jesus because of the crowd, they went up to the roof, made an opening, and lowered the man down to Jesus. Witnessing their active faith, Jesus healed not only the man’s physical ...
이입분 목사의 주일설교 '내게 주신 사명' (로마서 12장 3-8절)
Переглядів 23Місяць тому
벤쿠버 동산교회 설교 (December 8, 2024 ) Church on the Road This church has obtained a church copyright license and streaming license from CCLI. This church uses it for non-profit worship purposes in accordance with the CCLI church copyright license and streaming license regulations. If an advertisement is played on this video, it is decided by the copyright holder of the song, not this church, and the ...
이입분 목사의 주일설교 '다시오실 주님을 준비하자' (요한계시록 1장 4-8절)
Переглядів 1782 місяці тому
Church on the Road Online 설교 (November 24, 2024 ) Church on the Road This church has obtained a church copyright license and streaming license from CCLI. This church uses it for non-profit worship purposes in accordance with the CCLI church copyright license and streaming license regulations. If an advertisement is played on this video, it is decided by the copyright holder of the song, not thi...
이입분 목사의 주일설교 '매일 감사하는 생활' (에베소서 5장 15-21절)
Переглядів 442 місяці тому
Church on the Road Online 설교 (November 17, 2024 ) Church on the Road This church has obtained a church copyright license and streaming license from CCLI. This church uses it for non-profit worship purposes in accordance with the CCLI church copyright license and streaming license regulations. If an advertisement is played on this video, it is decided by the copyright holder of the song, not thi...
이입분 목사의 주일설교 '변화해야 한다' (로마서 12장 1-13절)
Переглядів 332 місяці тому
Church on the Road Online 설교 (November 10, 2024 ) Church on the Road This church has obtained a church copyright license and streaming license from CCLI. This church uses it for non-profit worship purposes in accordance with the CCLI church copyright license and streaming license regulations. If an advertisement is played on this video, it is decided by the copyright holder of the song, not thi...
이입분목사가 들려주는 아침묵상-성령의 인도하시는 길
Переглядів 632 місяці тому
갈라디아서 5:13-26 “육체의 소욕은 성령을 거스르고 성령은 육체를 거스르나니 이 둘이 서로 대적함으로 너희가 원하는 것을 하지 못하게 하려 함이니라“ Church on the Road This church has obtained a church copyright license and streaming license from CCLI. This church uses it for non-profit worship purposes in accordance with the CCLI church copyright license and streaming license regulations. If an advertisement is played on this video, it is decided by the ...
이입분 목사의 주일설교 '하나님의 공의' (에스더 7장 1-6절)
Переглядів 403 місяці тому
벤쿠버 동산교회 설교 (September 29, 2024 ) Church on the Road This church has obtained a church copyright license and streaming license from CCLI. This church uses it for non-profit worship purposes in accordance with the CCLI church copyright license and streaming license regulations. If an advertisement is played on this video, it is decided by the copyright holder of the song, not this church, and th...
Переглядів 323 місяці тому
Zion Chapel Pentecostal Church in Fort St. James, BC, Canada Church on the Road 설교 (August 24, 2024 ) This church has obtained a church copyright license and streaming license from CCLI. This church uses it for non-profit worship purposes in accordance with the CCLI church copyright license and streaming license regulations. If an advertisement is played on this video, it is decided by the copy...
'Justice of God' (Esther 7: 1-6)
Переглядів 264 місяці тому
First Presbyterian Church in New Westminister, BC, Canada Church on the Road 설교 (September 29, 2024 ) This church has obtained a church copyright license and streaming license from CCLI. This church uses it for non-profit worship purposes in accordance with the CCLI church copyright license and streaming license regulations. If an advertisement is played on this video, it is decided by the copy...
'Whom shall I send' (Isaiah 6:6-8)
Переглядів 234 місяці тому
Glad Tidings Tabernacle in Vanderhoof, BC, Canada Church on the Road 설교 (August 25, 2024 ) This church has obtained a church copyright license and streaming license from CCLI. This church uses it for non-profit worship purposes in accordance with the CCLI church copyright license and streaming license regulations. If an advertisement is played on this video, it is decided by the copyright holde...
'염려하지 말라' (빌립보서 4:1-9)
Переглядів 1074 місяці тому
Geneve, Switzerland Church on the Road 설교 (Aug., 2024 ) This church has obtained a church copyright license and streaming license from CCLI. This church uses it for non-profit worship purposes in accordance with the CCLI church copyright license and streaming license regulations. If an advertisement is played on this video, it is decided by the copyright holder of the song, not this church, and...
'내 주는 강한 성이요' (시편 46편 1-11절)
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'내 주는 강한 성이요' (시편 46편 1-11절)
'기적같은 하루' (시편 39편 1-13절)
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'기적같은 하루' (시편 39편 1-13절)
'삶과 사역의 동기' (요한복음 21장 15-17절)
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'삶과 사역의 동기' (요한복음 21장 15-17절)
'선한일을 시작하라' (빌립보서 1장 6-11절)
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'선한일을 시작하라' (빌립보서 1장 6-11절)
Morning QT - The sovereign ruler
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Morning QT - The sovereign ruler
이입분목사가 들려주는 아침묵상-하나님의 주권
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이입분목사가 들려주는 아침묵상-하나님의 주권
Be Thankful (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
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Be Thankful (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)
'경청하라' (마가복음 10장 46-52절)
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'경청하라' (마가복음 10장 46-52절)
'먼저 그 나라와 의를 구하라' (마태복음 6장 19-34절)
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'먼저 그 나라와 의를 구하라' (마태복음 6장 19-34절)
'감사하라' (데살로니가 전서 5장 16-18절)
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'감사하라' (데살로니가 전서 5장 16-18절)
'우리의 참소망 예수 그리스도' (마가복음 5장 21-43절)
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'우리의 참소망 예수 그리스도' (마가복음 5장 21-43절)
Our Ultimate Hope ( Mark 5: 21-43)
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Our Ultimate Hope ( Mark 5: 21-43)
Witness of the good news (Matthew 28:16-20)
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Witness of the good news (Matthew 28:16-20)
이입분목사가 들려주는 아침묵상- 전도의 사명
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이입분목사가 들려주는 아침묵상- 전도의 사명
하나님의 뜻을 분별하라 (로마서 12장 1-13절)
Переглядів 437 місяців тому
하나님의 뜻을 분별하라 (로마서 12장 1-13절)