Creative Conscious Living
Creative Conscious Living
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Lotus Power InnerSpace Immersion - Recorded Live
Join me for the Lotus Power InnerSpace Immersion, recorded live at Townes Creative Studio. This event was made possible by a grant from the Greater Columbus Arts Council and the Funds for Artists program. I am so grateful for the support I received, and I encourage any artists in Columbus looking for support to reach out and apply.
Part guided meditation, part live music concert, the Lotus Power event ushers you through a journey to discover treasures hidden within your own heart.
Find a place to sit quietly and allow Lotus Power to support you in regulating your nervous system, awakening your intuition, and tapping into your inner wisdom.
Переглядів: 83


Stress Relief Nature Walk ASMR - Deer Haven 2
Переглядів 16Місяць тому
In this video, walk with me on the left loop at Deer Haven park to experience beautiful fall color in the leaves above the wooded path. Enjoy all kinds of crunchy ASMR goodness with hiking boots on gravel and crunchy, dry leaves along with songbirds, crickets, and more. To support Deer Haven Park with a donation, visit this link:
EFT Tapping for Negativity - Tapping in Positivity
Переглядів 52Місяць тому
Did you know our brains are hardwired to focus and dwell more on negative or scary things? While this survival mechanism served us by ensuring we remembered to avoid dangers already encountered, we certainly don't benefit from dwelling on negative things that happen in our daily lives. Training ourselves to remember and really "marinate" in positive feelings, thoughts, and memories can help to ...
EFT for Stress & Anxiety - Tap and Breathe Technique
Переглядів 56Місяць тому
If you are struggling with symptoms of stress or general anxiety, this video is for you! Here I demonstrate EFT Tapping for anxiety and stress relief using the Tap & Breathe technique. This is a safe technique appropriate for beginners and helps to lower elevated cortisol, soothe hypersensitivity, and regulate the nervous system. This technique offers natural stress relief and quick relief of a...
Nature Walk - Hocking Hills State Park
Переглядів 182 місяці тому
Come walk with me through Hocking Hills State park. Explore beautiful wooded ravines alongside water-carved limestone caves and rock formations. We will explore trails through Old Man's Cave, Hemlock Bridge, and the Whispering Cave.
Stress Relief Nature Walk - Tanager Trail, Emily Traphagen Park
Переглядів 302 місяці тому
Come walk with me through Emily Traphagen Park on the Tanager Trail. ASMR lovers will enjoy the sounds of hiking boots on gravel, crunchy rustling leaves, and the songs of birds and insects. I give a tour of the Whitetail Loop and Pond Overlook in another video, so stay tuned! To support the Emily Traphagen Park with a donation, please visit their website:
Stress Relief Nature Walk - Emily Traphagen Park
Переглядів 182 місяці тому
Come walk with me through Emily Traphagen Park on the Whitetail Loop and Pond Overlook trails. ASMR lovers will enjoy the sounds of hiking boots on gravel, crunchy rustling leaves, and the songs of birds and insects. I give a tour of the Tanager Trail in another video, so stay tuned! To support the Emily Traphagen Park with a donation, please visit their website:
EFT for Stress Relief and Anxiety
Переглядів 952 місяці тому
Join me for a Tap and Breathe session in beautiful Deer Haven Park. This video is suitable for those who are new to tapping, and those who already know the points. As stated in the video, if the physical movements are a challenge for you to carry out, please modify to your comfort, or simply visualize/imagine yourself stimulating each point. It works! We will make use of mindful breathing and w...
Stress Relief Nature Walk ASMR
Переглядів 502 місяці тому
In this video, enjoy a nature walk on a trail through meadows and woods. ASMR lovers will relish the sound of footsteps on gravel, crunchy leaves, birds and insects chirping and occasional soothing words. This was filmed at Deer Haven Park in Delaware, Ohio. To support Deer Haven with a donation, visit this site:
Overcome Stage Fright with EFT Tapping - FREE Webinar
Переглядів 403 місяці тому
Would you like to overcome stage fright or get over fear of public speaking so that you can truly shine? In this webinar, you will discover: - 3 common myths about what helps stage fright but can actually make it worse! - Why you need an approach that works with your BODY - not just your brain - in order to get over stage fright. - An easy, DIY technique you can use starting NOW to get over sta...
How to Overcome Stage Fright with EFT!
Переглядів 1173 місяці тому
Are you tired of fear and anxiety getting in the way of you giving great performances, landing that big sale, or just expressing yourself freely? My FREE Overcome Stage Fright 5 Day Challenge is for you! I had THE WORST stage fright ever accompanied by THE STRONGEST desire to sing and share. It was difficult for a long time, white-knuckling my way through performances and presentations, hoping ...
June Community Garden Tour
Переглядів 565 місяців тому
Take a tour of my organic community garden plot as it changes over the month of June. Every 3 days or so I filmed a new segment, which gives you the opportunity to observe what happens as plants grow, and how to solve problems when they first pop up. You will also get tips on organic weed control, how to get rid of pest insects naturally, and how to plan the layout of your community garden plot.
Community Garden June Garden Time Lapse
Переглядів 515 місяців тому
In this video, watch a time lapse of the garden growth over the entire month of June. June is such a fun month in the garden, with flowers blossoming en masse, abundant harvests beginning, and lots of butterflies and bees buzzing about.
How to Read a Soil Test - Community Garden
Переглядів 296 місяців тому
If you don't know what is IN your soil. don't put anything ON your soil! In this video, I explain how to read a soil test from the county extension office. I will show you how to know what to add to your soil to correct deficiencies and avoid over-saturation of certain nutrients, which can cause as many problems as deficiency. The bedrock geology in central Ohio is Devonian bedrock. Most of Fra...
May Community Garden Tour
Переглядів 456 місяців тому
In this video you will see a tour of the garden on several dates in May. Each segment has tips on how to transplant garden plants, how to control garden pests naturally, how to build healthy soil in a community garden and how to control weeds without chemicals. Music: Harmonic Confluence by Carisa Holmes Her Life Giving Waters by Carisa Holmes Listen to the full track here:
Spring Garden Time Lapse
Переглядів 306 місяців тому
Spring Garden Time Lapse
Lotus Power InnerSpace Immersion LIVE Event
Переглядів 766 місяців тому
Lotus Power InnerSpace Immersion LIVE Event
How to Set Up a Community Garden Plot - April Updates
Переглядів 787 місяців тому
How to Set Up a Community Garden Plot - April Updates
Ohio's Premier Yacht Rock Band - YACHTOPIA!
Переглядів 1389 місяців тому
Ohio's Premier Yacht Rock Band - YACHTOPIA!
Free EFT Tapping for Artists!
Переглядів 8211 місяців тому
Free EFT Tapping for Artists!
Laurie's Testimonial: Your Perfect Song
Переглядів 192Рік тому
Laurie's Testimonial: Your Perfect Song
Bonardi & Holmes Music Sampler
Переглядів 104Рік тому
Bonardi & Holmes Music Sampler
Instruments for Donation to Medina Middle School
Переглядів 374Рік тому
Instruments for Donation to Medina Middle School
EFT Client Testimonial
Переглядів 105Рік тому
EFT Client Testimonial
Love and Appreciate Your Body - Guided Meditation
Переглядів 232Рік тому
Love and Appreciate Your Body - Guided Meditation
How to Actually Feel Grateful and Happy
Переглядів 1952 роки тому
How to Actually Feel Grateful and Happy
CCSL Virtual Quarantine Choir - Alleluia
Переглядів 1722 роки тому
CCSL Virtual Quarantine Choir - Alleluia
The Cure for Virtual Stage Fright, aka, Zoom-o-phobia!
Переглядів 2 тис.3 роки тому
The Cure for Virtual Stage Fright, aka, Zoom-o-phobia!
Never Try to "Raise" Your Vibration!
Переглядів 2303 роки тому
Never Try to "Raise" Your Vibration!
Why Being an Artist Can Be Painful
Переглядів 473 роки тому
Why Being an Artist Can Be Painful


  • @CreativeConsciousLiving
    @CreativeConsciousLiving 9 днів тому

    Here is the link to my FREE Overcome Stage Fright 5 Day Challenge:

  • @rositamendes9248
    @rositamendes9248 Місяць тому

    Thank you soo much Carisa for informing us about buckwheat. I've been eating buckwheat which I love...but did not know about growing it...thanks again.😊

  • @rositamendes9248
    @rositamendes9248 Місяць тому

    I make Buckwheat stew it's soo delicious 😋

  • @anettesinn280
    @anettesinn280 Місяць тому

    Iam addicted to it 😂 miam tastes so good.

  • @andrehardeman3582
    @andrehardeman3582 Місяць тому

    Thanks for the creativity &inspiration, RIP Quincy Jones, on this very day, as an added token of reflection and appreciation of the musical arts & talented people such as yourself.

  • @belle-sd6uv
    @belle-sd6uv Місяць тому

    I am so glad I finally found somebody taking about this! In all of youtube, you are the only person who is telling the truth and not going to extremes about this. Believe me, I searched all of it.

  • @tommyslavic898
    @tommyslavic898 Місяць тому

    Very informative. Guessing spouting will not work with roasted buckwheat.

    • @CreativeConsciousLiving
      @CreativeConsciousLiving Місяць тому

      You're right! Roasting the seeds kills them and they are then unable to sprout.

  • @cb5151
    @cb5151 Місяць тому

    yeah thats a good talk, thanks

  • @KarenS-b7l
    @KarenS-b7l Місяць тому

    Thank you for this informative video! 🩷

  • @Prophet_be_her_name.
    @Prophet_be_her_name. Місяць тому

    I love you.. Thank you.. I needed this SOooo much Thank you ❤ 🌎 ✌

  • @Gary65437
    @Gary65437 2 місяці тому

    No mention about where to buy buckwheat, price or having to be organic or not?

  • @margaretslater6053
    @margaretslater6053 2 місяці тому

    I love buckwheat pancakes

  • @123Cookies-v7m
    @123Cookies-v7m 2 місяці тому

    Do buckwheat sprouts need to be cooked, or can they be eaten raw?

    • @CreativeConsciousLiving
      @CreativeConsciousLiving 2 місяці тому

      You could eat them raw, but they are more appealing if at least steamed or blanched. Listening to your body and its response to them cooked and raw will help guide you.

    • @123Cookies-v7m
      @123Cookies-v7m 2 місяці тому

      @@CreativeConsciousLiving YES...I LIKE IT!

  • @annemariegadd3614
    @annemariegadd3614 2 місяці тому

    This is so cool!

  • @LisaRobinson0725
    @LisaRobinson0725 2 місяці тому

    Thank you, this city girl is going to try it...

  • @trancesoul3323
    @trancesoul3323 2 місяці тому

    Indian eats buckwheat traditionally since ages

  • @bismillahrabbani9006
    @bismillahrabbani9006 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for this informative lesson about buckwheat. I ordered it today and look forward to incorporating it into my diet, to help ward off inflammation. Thanks again. 🪷🙏🏽🪷

  • @honestlee4532
    @honestlee4532 2 місяці тому

    I recently started growing buckwheat. I like it because it helps to add nitrogen to the soil and it grows quickly. I recently watched a video where a lady made a fermented bread using buckwheat.

  • @carlstewart365
    @carlstewart365 2 місяці тому

    I learned something new today! Thank you very much!

  • @GenkiSugiru
    @GenkiSugiru 2 місяці тому

    Thanks for this helpful, informative video. I love using GF buckwheat flour for baking bread and in pancakes.

  • @majvlierop
    @majvlierop 2 місяці тому

    Unfortunately I don’t like the taste of it …

    • @CreativeConsciousLiving
      @CreativeConsciousLiving 2 місяці тому

      That's feedback from your body, so you are wise to listen. Buckwheat isn't for everyone!

  • @brendawood6712
    @brendawood6712 3 місяці тому

    Great video! Just love buckwheat.

  • @CreativeConsciousLiving
    @CreativeConsciousLiving 3 місяці тому

    If you are a singer, speaker, or other performer or presenter and you are dealing with STAGE FRIGHT, I have a free resource for you! Join my 5 Day Challenge and start overcoming your stage fright today! Follow this link to join:

  • @CreativeConsciousLiving
    @CreativeConsciousLiving 3 місяці тому

    Want to start overcoming your stage fright TODAY for FREE? Join my FREE 5 Day Challenge:

  • @CreativeConsciousLiving
    @CreativeConsciousLiving 3 місяці тому

    Want to start overcoming your stage fright TODAY for FREE? Join my FREE 5 Day Challenge:

  • @illuminaut9148
    @illuminaut9148 3 місяці тому

    Holy shit! I never thought about it. This is interesting. Meanwhile, i eat buckwheat right now.

  • @martadahlstrom8139
    @martadahlstrom8139 3 місяці тому

    To make sprouted buckwheat is it raw. I buy buckwheat to cook, but my Russian friend says it is roasted.

  • @DM-vp3kr
    @DM-vp3kr 3 місяці тому

    Buckwheat Honey. The bees work much harder to make it - it is so much better than any other honey.

  • @DM-vp3kr
    @DM-vp3kr 3 місяці тому

    Find raw buckwheat HONEY. It is the best honey (better than Manuka honey). It has SIGNIFICANTLY more antioxidants (like 400x) than clover honey. Dark in colour and tastes great. I have it every day on a sourdough slice of bread with grass fed butter with buckwheat honey on top. It is amazing.

  • @CreativeConsciousLiving
    @CreativeConsciousLiving 3 місяці тому

    Are you ready to overcome stage fright, the fear of public speaking or virtual stage fright! My Overcome Stage Fright Online course is for you! Please click the link to join our supportive community. You CAN see stage fright as a helpful ladder to climb to the next level, rather than an enemy to conquer, you got this!

  • @AzizimIstanbul
    @AzizimIstanbul 3 місяці тому

    It's very nice, where's this community garden?

  • @spontaanaan8871
    @spontaanaan8871 3 місяці тому


  • @shannahsnyder5653
    @shannahsnyder5653 4 місяці тому

    I don't cook or sprout, I pour warm water over top til fully submerged with few inches over top cause a cup can expand to almost 4 times the amount. I buy brown buckwheat, I have not worked with untoasted buckwheat. I feel so good when I eat this and an excellent rice replacement especially koshari dish.

  • @GinaSzerdahelyi
    @GinaSzerdahelyi 4 місяці тому

    Excellent info! Thank you.

  • @couerleroi1
    @couerleroi1 4 місяці тому

    Wow!! What a talented communicator!! Informative and entertaining. Thanks

  • @ronaldgrant5436
    @ronaldgrant5436 4 місяці тому

    Good old Kasha, makes my eyes go wide and my tummy say howdy. Nicely done love.

  • @Oldsoul4
    @Oldsoul4 4 місяці тому

    What a GREAT video 👍

  • @lauraestes9304
    @lauraestes9304 4 місяці тому

    Sprout them!!❤

  • @hollykrupinski6727
    @hollykrupinski6727 4 місяці тому

    Just found you and glad I did. I've been gardening for 11 years and I learned a lot from this video. I appreciate your helpful teaching. I'll be checking out more of your videos. We live in Ohio and thankful to have you as a resource for gardening here in Ohio. We are growing Romanesco for the first time. So it was exciting to see that you are growing it.

    • @CreativeConsciousLiving
      @CreativeConsciousLiving 4 місяці тому

      Good luck with your garden! My romanesco did really well here, so I hope you get great results. If you'd like to connect with the Ohio Organic Garden Club on Facebook, we all share tips and stories and pics on there as well.

  • @arjacarter857
    @arjacarter857 5 місяців тому

    Thank you

  • @amitloutube
    @amitloutube 5 місяців тому

    great! I am doing buckwheat halva sweet today in one pot with butter and ghee and cardamom!

  • @jaybay9944
    @jaybay9944 5 місяців тому

    I could listen to you all day ☺️

  • @carinaekstrom1
    @carinaekstrom1 5 місяців тому

    Thank you. I love buckwheat bread, which is something I just recently discovered, at 66 years old 😊. So easy to make as well.

  • @carinaekstrom1
    @carinaekstrom1 5 місяців тому

    Aren't all grains also seeds?

    • @CreativeConsciousLiving
      @CreativeConsciousLiving 5 місяців тому

      Grains are seeds in the sense that they can grow a new plant, but not all seeds are cereal grains. Sometimes when we say "grains" there is an assumption we mean cereals.

  • @ggverity7632
    @ggverity7632 5 місяців тому

    Great information., great teacher.

  • @CreativeConsciousLiving
    @CreativeConsciousLiving 6 місяців тому

    Here is a map of the bedrock types in Ohio:

  • @Gator1699
    @Gator1699 6 місяців тому

    Cool 🐊

  • @KalvinMauveMusic
    @KalvinMauveMusic 6 місяців тому

    No frills. No annoying intro music. No ugly make up. No reading from script. Constant flow of useful knowledge. I'm in !

  • @shubhankarsse
    @shubhankarsse 6 місяців тому

    Is it safe to eat buckwheat everyday?

    • @CreativeConsciousLiving
      @CreativeConsciousLiving 6 місяців тому

      This is something your own body can show you. We all have different responses to foods, and certain folks do better with a consistent diet of mostly the same foods everyday, where others like me need to rotate foods to prevent developing sensitivities. I would encourage you to work with your health care provider and listen to your own body to know how much buckwheat it needs.