- 299
- 255 785
Приєднався 7 лип 2017
Alhamdulillah ❤️
The only extra degree of responsibility of husband in Islam !
The only extra degree of responsibility of husband in Islam !
Переглядів: 17
Why Rasulullah SAW Used To cry A Lot ?
Переглядів 26221 годину тому
Why Rasulullah SAW Used To cry A Lot ?
Correct way of making dua | prophet Muhammad bpuh story | Honey is healing for people !
Переглядів 95День тому
Correct way of making dua | prophet Muhammad bpuh story | Honey is healing for people !
The correct interpretation of this verse !
Переглядів 10614 днів тому
The correct interpretation of this verse !
Do you want to know the signs of your dua being accepted ?
Переглядів 7 тис.14 днів тому
Do you want to know the signs of your dua being accepted ?
When you have hope in Allah….. | Amal
Переглядів 25914 днів тому
When you have hope in Allah….. | Amal
Hadith of prophet Muhammad pbuh about this time ! | Amal
Переглядів 10321 день тому
Hadith of prophet Muhammad pbuh about this time ! | Amal
Sana khan realization about hijab and Islam ! | Amal
Переглядів 4821 день тому
Sana khan realization about hijab and Islam ! | Amal
Respect your mother ❤️ | Mufti Menk
Переглядів 1,4 тис.21 день тому
Respect your mother ❤️ | Mufti Menk
When Allah raise you high in his eyes ? | Mufti Menk
Переглядів 20421 день тому
When Allah raise you high in his eyes ? | Mufti Menk
3 places where Bismillah is forbidden ! | Amal
Переглядів 4,4 тис.Місяць тому
3 places where Bismillah is forbidden ! | Amal
Seven people will be shaded by Allah ❤️ | Amal
Переглядів 249Місяць тому
Seven people will be shaded by Allah ❤️ | Amal
Why we say Ahamdulillah every time we sneeze ? | Amal
Переглядів 34Місяць тому
Why we say Ahamdulillah every time we sneeze ? | Amal
The only place you can find true happiness ! | Amal
Переглядів 73Місяць тому
The only place you can find true happiness ! | Amal
SubhanAllah ❤❤❤
May Allah accept the dua of person reading this comment ❤
@@OPACAROPHILE-Rukhsar Ameen
Subhan Allah
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Thank you for the information
@@malakalnazzawi675 welcome
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I wish I could hug my Allah so tight and say I love him sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo muchhhhhhhh.......🥰🥰🥰 Publicly I feel shy to say so🥺
Allah ❤❤❤
Allah Akbar
Alhamdulillah😭 🤲
I dont even feel his presence let alone his love
Subhanallah ❤️
Ameen ❤❤❤
I Love Allah (swt)
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@@TrustAllah786-u4d I already am :)
@ thank you
@TrustAllah786-u4d ofcourse no problem :)
Thank you
My appeal to every Muslim, my brother or sister, the owner of the channel, I know that it is not my right to comment on your channel, but God is my witness that our circumstances are harsh and forced me to do this. Please forgive me. My brother, there is still a brotherhood of faith. I asked you for a bag of flour. My brother, we women cannot go out among men. There is still a woman with you. My brother, God has honored you. You are men. We are women. We cannot go out or work like you. My brother, where is the brotherhood of faith in your hearts? We are women. There is no brotherhood, no mercy, no compassion, no humanity. And give good tidings to the patient. It is the greatest hope while waiting for what we want. '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' How many times I called and talked and tried hard, but no one responded. Oh man, we are with you. My mother ordered us food from the restaurant. More and today. My mother left. Crying. She said, Why are you crying, my mother? She said, My daughter, I ask. God, that I may be honored by death. She said, Why, my mother. She cursed us. She said, "My daughter, today the restaurant owner insulted me. I said, 'Why?' I said, 'How can I be better than people?' I ask God, my daughter. May God gather me. With death alone, a gathering that is better than this humiliation and this humiliation. It is true. I am saying this. It diminishes my value and respect. But, man. I swear to God that I did not say this. I kiss your boots. I am so hungry that my conscience no longer allows me to let you go and ask us for food. I kiss your boots, man, and I ask you by God Almighty and in the Book of God, man, I kiss your boots, man. He has caused us harm, my brother, so that we can buy a kilo of flour and pay the rent. My brother, have mercy on us. He who is in the show will have mercy on you, He who is in the sky. My brother, this is my WhatsApp number: 00967717061469. Whoever can help us, message me on WhatsApp. We will send him the full name. He will transfer us as much as he can. May Allah reward you. Allah knows that my family and I, our house rent is 15 thousand Yemeni riyals per month, and now we owe 45 thousand for 3 months. The owner of the house is one of those people who do not have mercy. By Allah, my brother, he comes every day and humiliates us and talks about us and wants to throw us out of the house and into the street because we were unable to pay him the rent. We will have until the end of the week, and if we pay him, he will swear by Allah that he will throw us out into the street without mercy. See my situation for yourselves. I ask you by Allah, the Living, the Eternal, to help me. By Allah, the Almighty, even at night we cannot sleep from fear. We do not have mattresses or blankets to warm ourselves from the cold. Everything is flooded from the rain, and we have no one but Allah and then you. My brothers, I kiss your boots, don’t turn me away empty-handed. Help us with whatever you can. Is it acceptable to you that we live in this place? We are girls and we have no one. Our father died in a car accident. Consider us your daughters and your honor, and help me with whatever you can. May God reward you with good =>[[}>] ^][;&&&//&..,~~~♡♡~~~♡~~♡~•~•••••~•(・|.}]◤)~♡~♡~;l.i.i.i¡¡.i.i.l.|-.»◇◇~~،،،.،،،،،،-,:/;&;&😭😭💔__«•«••«««♕♕♡«♡««😢🎉🎉.. o(╥﹏╥)o (ง'-̀̀'́)ง ◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗ ◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗ ◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗🎉.. ◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗ o(╥﹏╥)o ヘ(;´Д`ヘ) ヘ(;´Д`ヘ)🎉 ◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗ o(╥﹏╥)o ◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗ ◖⚆ᴥ⚆◗
Ameen ❤
Allahuma Ameen
Please pray that Allah would make us both better for each other
@@UmerAyyaz-o1b Ameen
@ Jazak Allah ❤️
May Allah make you and who you love, not only better but best for each other Ameen❤
@ Jazak Allah ❤️. May Allah reward you for this
@@achiever9560 Ameen
If ai is praying it's obvious it's a living entity/ 50 % spirit/ 50% technology
Allah Hu Akbar ❤❤❤❤❤
امن امن امن