DIY with Dr Jeff
DIY with Dr Jeff
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2nd Gen Prius Door Won't Stay Open- Door Check Replacement
Step by step instructions on how to replace the door check on a second generation Prius. The door check is the part that helps to keep the door from slamming closed and allows it to stay open.
The Dorman part I bought made a noise when I installed it. Luckily I had an Aisin part that I was going to use of the passenger door (it can be rotated to work for either side) and when I installed the Aisin part it worked without any clicking noise.
Door check part:
Aisin DCT-00-1
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Warning: Only professionally trained mechanics should work on autos. This video is for entertainment only. You accept all liability should you try to replicate anything in the video. You hold Dr. DIY immune from all liability. In other words, No Malpractice Suits!
Переглядів: 20


Turn Off Auto Typing Text Prediction in Yahoo Email - Web Version on PC
Переглядів 1316 годин тому
How to turn off the auto type or text prediction on the web internet version of Yahoo email using a PC running Microsoft Edge in Windows 11. It sure annoyed me how the computer was trying to predict what I was going to write and typed for me. This video explains how to stop it. Since computers are different and software is also being "updated" not that this procedure might not work if you're ru...
Gen 2 Prius Passenger Headlight Bulb Replacement, Without Bumper Removal
Переглядів 17021 день тому
Step by step instructions to replace the headlight bulb of a second (2nd) generation Prius without pulling off the bumper. Years 2003-2009, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. Buy Me a Coffee (or a beer!) My Website: Warning: Only professionally trained mechanics should work on autos. This video is for entertainment only. You accept all liability should you try to rep...
Jeep Cherokee XJ Valve Cover Gasket Replacement - How To
Переглядів 27628 днів тому
Complete, step by step instructions on how to remove the valve cover and replace the gasket as well as the rubber grommets on a 2001 Jeep Cherokee XJ. Torque Specs: Valve cover gasket bolts 85 inch/lbs. Felpro Gasket : VS 50458 R (includes the rubber grommets) Buy Me a Coffee (or a beer!) My Website: Warning: Only professionally trained mechanics should work on ...
How to repair a Torn Wetsuit, with Results After Use
Переглядів 40Місяць тому
I show you how to repair a tear in the smoothie rubber of a wetsuit including all the prep and steps. I'm using Neo Rez. I show the results after 10 sessions. Buy Me a Coffee (or a beer!) My Website:
Jeep Cherokee XJ Throttle Body, IAC, TPS & MAP Cleaning & Replacement
Переглядів 2,6 тис.Місяць тому
Complete step-by-step instructions to remove and clean the throttle body on a 2001 Jeep Cherokee XJ. I also remove the Idle Air Control (IAC), Throttle Position Sensor (TPS), and Manifold Air Pressure sensor (MAP). I did this job because I had a low and rough idle and the factory service manual recommended this as the 1st thing to do. Unfortunately, it didn't help much. In a future video I'll e...
How To Clean & Wax a Sink - Hammered Nickel-Plated Native Trails
Переглядів 582 місяці тому
Step by step instruction for cleaning and waxing/polishing a Native Trails Hammered Nickel-Plated sink. 2 tips/hacks/secrets: Use 1:1 House hold vinegar and water. Use Scotch Brite blue work towels. Enjoy your clean sink! Buy Me a Coffee (or a beer!) My Website:
2nd Gen Prius Key Fob Battery Replacement in less than 90 seconds (2003-2009)
Переглядів 2332 місяці тому
Battery: cr 2032 2.0 x 50mm Phillips head screwdriver Complete, clear, step by step instructions for changing the Key Fob Battery in 2nd Generation Prius. Years 2003-2009, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008. Buy Me a Coffee (or a beer!) My Website:
2001 Jeep Cherokee XJ Thermostat & Housing Replacement
Переглядів 2292 місяці тому
Complete step by step instructions to remove and replace the thermostat and thermostat housing on Jeep Cherokee XJ (2001). Bolt size 1/2" Torque spec's 15 ft lbs. Gasket: Felpro 35630 ECT: Master Pro 2-9361 Upper Radiator Hose: D71763 Hose to Firewall: 88429 Buy Me a Coffee (or a beer!) My Website: Warning: Only professionally trained mechanics should work on au...
Jeep Cherokee XJ Radiator Petcock Removal for Draining Coolant, Waste of Time
Переглядів 3032 місяці тому
How to access the radiator petcock on a 2001 Jeep Cherokee XJ in order to drain the radiator coolant. Spoiler! Don't bother with this technique because the coolant still spills all over and you drain less liquid that removing the lower radiator hose. Coolant capacity: 12 Qts., 11.4L* *Includes the fluid recovery reservoir bottle which is 2.3 Qts, 2.2L Buy Me a Coffee (or a beer!) buymeacoffee.c...
2nd Gen Prius P0A08 Red Triangle of Death- Just a Blown Fuse
Переглядів 5453 місяці тому
Red Triangle of Death was nothing more than blown 5 amp fuse at 12 V battery giving code P0A08. Location of fuse identified. I was lucky that it was just a fuse. There are other causes of this code and I show my code reader's list of possible causes (fixes). Buy Me a Coffee (or a beer!) My Website: Warning: Only professionally trained mechanics should work on au...
Jeep Cherokee XJ CCV (PCV) Upgrade
Переглядів 8 тис.3 місяці тому
Upgrading the CCV connection from valve cover to intake manifold on 2001 Jeep XJ Cherokee Sport 4.0L. Should work on late 90's-2001. The stock setup relies on a rubber connector to a plastic tube. This goes from about 1/2" at valve cover to 3/8" at manifold. The rubber cracks (air leak) because it isn't heat resistant. I replace it with strong gas/coolant line. Parts - The change in diameter fr...
Generation 4 (2016-2022) Prius Oil Change by Dr. DIY
Переглядів 8804 місяці тому
Complete step by step instruction on how to change the oil on Generation 4 Prius (2016-2022). All torque specs and bolt sizes noted. Shows accessing the engine compartment, drain plug & oil filter housing removal/replacement, pouring in new oil, and clean up. Parts: 0W20 Oil, about 3 quarts, then measure dipstick and add more as needed Drain plug washers - Ultra Power 095156 Paper oil filter an...
Vent Hood Baffle Filter Cleaning & Degreasing, Easy!
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Vent Hood Baffle Filter Cleaning & Degreasing, Easy!
Lawnmower Blade Sharpening, No Specialty Tools
Переглядів 486 місяців тому
Lawnmower Blade Sharpening, No Specialty Tools
2008 Chrysler Minivan Heater Hose Assembly Leak, Cracked Plastic V Radiator Coolant Line
Переглядів 1557 місяців тому
2008 Chrysler Minivan Heater Hose Assembly Leak, Cracked Plastic V Radiator Coolant Line
How to Flush Sprinkler Pipes and Clean Sprinkler Heads from Debris. MP Rotator Maintenance.
Переглядів 1917 місяців тому
How to Flush Sprinkler Pipes and Clean Sprinkler Heads from Debris. MP Rotator Maintenance.
Delta Cassidy 9197T 9997T Broken/Malfunctioning Touch20 Sink Fix, Solenoid Removal to Manual Faucet
Переглядів 657 місяців тому
Delta Cassidy 9197T 9997T Broken/Malfunctioning Touch20 Sink Fix, Solenoid Removal to Manual Faucet


  • @robertsims6136
    @robertsims6136 5 днів тому


  • @drew-shourd
    @drew-shourd 18 днів тому

    Thanx Jeff, great video

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff 18 днів тому

      You're welcome! Thank you for watching.

  • @jorgemora7190
    @jorgemora7190 23 дні тому

    Wow very good ideas thakns

  • @phil9022
    @phil9022 25 днів тому

    Has it collapsed under vacum with the heat of the engine bay?

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff 25 днів тому

      No. The line is thick rubber reinforced with braiding.

  • @outersketcher
    @outersketcher 27 днів тому

    What year is your xj? Ive got a 95 xj. And when I do a job like this thats going to require the cpu to relearn the parameters of the new sensors… I disconnect the battery. And then after about 20 minutes, I touch the pos and neg battery cables together. Note: you can do this on the ‘96 and older xj,s. But Ive read that you do NOT touch the battery cables together on newer models.) For the newer models, touch the pos cable to a solid ground on the frame or engine. Re install the battery cables and then turn the key so can turn on the headlights. This tells the cpu to dump the saved info and start relearning new info. Ive been told that the next fifty start ups are what the cpu uses to relearn the new parameters of your xj. Sooo.. I like to take the jeep out for a couple of good, long drives on a highway as well as normal puttering about on regular town roads.

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff 26 днів тому

      2001. Thanks.

    • @drew-shourd
      @drew-shourd 18 днів тому

      For sure, the cpu needs to 're-learn' some high and low parameters, always unhook the neg terminal and when all is complete, take it for a drive, accelerating and decelerating to help the system to reset.

  • @taylornelson1311
    @taylornelson1311 27 днів тому

    Could of just got a new fitting for the intake that was 1/2 or 9/16 and had one size hose....

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff 19 днів тому

      I wondered why the Jeep was designed this way with 2 different size openings. A mechanic told me they did that on purpose to affect the way the air flows from one end to the other. So, it seems it isn't meant to be one continuous size hose. But, I don't know how much of a difference it would make in real life if you altered it to just one size all the way through. Check out "Boyle's law" online. Assuming the gas in the hose remains at the same temp at the other end then with the lower volume in the hose there will be higher pressure at the side of the intake compared to the valve cover. But, I don't know if the gases in coming out of an XJ Valve cover behave like "ideal gases" so maybe I'm not properly applying this rule of physics.

  • @swatscorner
    @swatscorner Місяць тому

    Fantastic video! Thanks!

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff Місяць тому

      Thanks. I'm happy you enjoyed it.

  • @highwayxj9397
    @highwayxj9397 Місяць тому

    How much horsepower did it add?

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff Місяць тому

      I don't know. The reason I wanted to replace the original was because the rubber adaptor kept cracking. The fuel line hose is a lot stronger.

    • @TK-iu4nf
      @TK-iu4nf 27 днів тому

      At least 4

    • @Compton4x4
      @Compton4x4 14 днів тому

      Probably 20 and 30 foot pounds of torque. Lol

  • @masterkot5798
    @masterkot5798 Місяць тому

    Why mlp?

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff Місяць тому

      I didn't pick it on purpose. It was trial and error at the hardware store to find a connector that fit on both tubes. That was just what I happened to find.

    • @highwayxj9397
      @highwayxj9397 Місяць тому

      @@DIYwithDrJeffwhy quarter inch if it’s a 1/2 hose?

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff 29 днів тому

      @@highwayxj9397 It was just trial and error. You'd think the straight 1/2 x 3/8 would work but it didn't. I looked it up and MIP stands for "Male Iron Pipe" meaning it's male threading. They don't actually have to made of iron anymore. I also typed in "1/4 mip dimensions" to Google and it said that outside diameter is 0.54 inches. That would explain why it fit for the 1/2 inch hose.

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff 29 днів тому

      I looked it up and MIP stands for "Male Iron Pipe" meaning it's male threading. They don't actually have to made of iron anymore. I also typed in "1/4 mip dimensions" to Google and it said that outside diameter is 0.54 inches. That would explain why it fit for the 1/2 inch hose.

  • @Mr.Kupz10
    @Mr.Kupz10 Місяць тому

    Hi there, Do you need to disconnect the battery when removing that whole Throttle Body?TIA

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff Місяць тому

      According to the service manual it doesn't say to do that. To try to get the computer to "learn" there was a new IAC and adjust the air flow I disconnected the neg cable after I was all done. But, that wasn't part of the procedure itself. In my case my rough idle is only marginally better so I plan to go down the stepladder suggested in the manual to address it. I'll try to make a video on that later.

    • @Mr.Kupz10
      @Mr.Kupz10 Місяць тому

      @@DIYwithDrJeff Thank you so much.cheers

  • @alltimers_dizzies7311
    @alltimers_dizzies7311 Місяць тому

    Thank you

  • @Pierce-q3h
    @Pierce-q3h Місяць тому

    So hellpfol

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff Місяць тому

      Thanks! This makes me feel great. The whole reason why I started a UA-cam channel was to pay it forward given the help I've gotten from other people.

  • @Kunoswildworld
    @Kunoswildworld Місяць тому

    Better use a syringe

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff Місяць тому

      The pen has a built-in syringe like plunger. No needles necessary. Ha ha.

  • @asherael
    @asherael Місяць тому

    All that for a ball point

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff Місяць тому

      It takes less than 60 seconds and the benefit of a refillable pen is less single use plastic. I often see pens, lighters, and other debris on the beach. Thank you for watching.

    • @asherael
      @asherael Місяць тому

      @DIYwithDrJeff by all means that's super valid, I just would want a fountain nib

  • @capsallday
    @capsallday Місяць тому

    this video changed my life, thank you doctor

  • @Pierce-q3h
    @Pierce-q3h 2 місяці тому


  • @DIYwithDrJeff
    @DIYwithDrJeff 2 місяці тому

    Someone asked if I could provide a link on Amazon to the parts I used. I bought everything at the local hardware store and auto repair store, old fashioned brick and mortar. I would try typing these items into Amazon: -1/4" MIP x 3/8" barb brass connector. - 1/2" fuel line - 3/8" fuel line.

  • @user-wn7nz1mq4l
    @user-wn7nz1mq4l 3 місяці тому

    Hi, did the red triangle and the DTC p0a08 both immediately go away once the fuse was changed?

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff 3 місяці тому

      Yes. It went away immediately. Note that I disconnected the negative battery (ground) during the procedure which resets the computer and clears codes. But the red triangle never came back, and I have done about 50 drive cycles since and no codes. There may be other causes for the P0A08 but luckily in my case it was just a simple fuse. I hope yours tuns out to be nothing more also.

    • @user-wn7nz1mq4l
      @user-wn7nz1mq4l 3 місяці тому

      @@DIYwithDrJeff Thank you for your reply, but it didn't work for me. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff 3 місяці тому

      @@user-wn7nz1mq4l Sorry to hear that. My fuse was visibly bad so that was the clue to my problem. This is what stinks about fault codes- there can be multiple causes. It can be super frustrating working on your own vehicle.

    • @user-wn7nz1mq4l
      @user-wn7nz1mq4l 3 місяці тому

      @@DIYwithDrJeff This is true. Actually, when I removed the 5 amp fuse it looked exactly like yours. My hopes were raised briefly.

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff 3 місяці тому

      @@user-wn7nz1mq4lBummer. Try this forum as there are some Prius mechanics on there who might be able to help.

  • @TrevorsMailbox
    @TrevorsMailbox 4 місяці тому

    Straight forward, clear, concise. I've changed oil on a 1000 different cars, but this is the first change on a hybrid (new to me 2014 prius), just wanted to make sure nothing was different. Same as any other ICE (save the oil filter adapter). You even through in part numbers. Subbed. Thank you dude!

    • @DIYwithDrJeff
      @DIYwithDrJeff 3 місяці тому

      Thanks! I'm really happy that I was able to help.

  • @MichaelDeleray-kn5ih
    @MichaelDeleray-kn5ih 4 місяці тому

    Very clear and helpful directions!

  • @Mericanman4ev
    @Mericanman4ev 7 місяців тому


  • @louisegirling9615
    @louisegirling9615 7 місяців тому

    Awesome video! Very clear and helpful!!