hahah you suck it yer a true Scot and Irish person they loveee loud and proud this mucia reminds me of all this shit ive been threw and keep marching on loud an proud
This is my first week of having the internet at home, I'm so needing to catch up. I'ts just great having all this amazing music to hear when you want. Aye Macgregor, Scotland Forever :)
No need for colour hate. As many white faces have immigrated from all over Europe. Multiculturalism does not have to equate to loss of heritage, that crime falls in the laps of each generation who gives up their culture for modernity.
Anna Starseed Islam which is not a race but a ideology with political leanings is not a religion,Scotland will become Islamic like all western countries, but scots will fight regardless. Never give up ,in the future it will be a young Scottish Muslim that will rise up against isam😊
@segano1 You don't or may I restate You haven't very much education in this field at all - if you want to be embarrassed by your lack of it - continue by all means - what makes you think any Irishman is in some way jealous of Scotland and for what need - 19th century? - I'm not going to try and insult you by name calling etc but trust me when I tell you that you need to learn a little more about your own history. You are quite wrong but I'm holding my patience with you so far
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE So in conclusion, hope you enjoyed that little read there, enjoy being an Irish myth making revisionist while it lasts, as Scottish nationalism is growing and an awareness of the myth made rubbish that has shrouded all those born native to Scotland for many generations are wiped clean, slowly taken apart and destroyed for good, Regards...
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE The Scots are by far and large Caledonian Pictish, this was proved in the 'OGAP4' haplotype code found all over Scotland, even in the lowlands of Strathclyde and the Hebrides -where two thirds of the inhabitants found to have Pictish code, this means that any one born within Scotland with any degree of Scots kin is Caledonian Pictish.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE It's largely thanks to the seminal works of Simon James (1999) and Brian Sykes (2006) that the Celtic term is understood for the Victorian romantic idiocy that it is.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE Con't...the term was hi-jacked by Irish republicans using it as a political tool, attempting to re-define it as an ethnic term to resist 'Britishness' during the height of the Irish republicanism, giving the Irish a platform to hi-jack non-Irish culture as theirs as they emphasised it was a collective term of several other nearby non-English nations, aided by Irish myth makers such as W.H Grattan Flood and Henry Sarks, their works since debunked several times since the 80's.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE 5. Fifthly, the term 'Celtic' was also a linguistic term, not an ethnic one, the term was first coined by English linguist Edward Lhuyd in 1707 who used the term to group old languages from across the British isles and parts of continental Europe, it was heavily romanticised during the 1800s, by the early 1900s...
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE Con't, * People speaking a Goidelic tongue back then is Just like you speaking English right now, yet you are not an Englishman. The same similar thing applies back then just as it does today, a Gael - a linguistic term only, was applied to all who spoke a Goidelic tongue, regardless of where they were from, so that completely destroys the Irish claims of ownership of the language, as they like to say it was a 'Celtic' tongue, Celtic was yet another collective linguistic term.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE 4.Fourthly, 'Gael' was a linguistic term, not a people, this therefore means that the term 'Gael' was applied to all who spoke a Goidelic form of language regardless of what there national background was.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE Con't... Even the Irish writers uniformly say that the Scots were Scythians, and Nennius tells us the same thing. Ware confirms this origin of the nation when he shows that 'Scythoe' and 'Scoti' were but different names for the same people, and that both are called 'Scutten' by the Germans. So the name 'Scoti' was never originally Irish, as it has older origins in Caledonia (Scotland).
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE Con't...King Alfred, in his translation of Bede, and other writers of that time, use 'Scytisc' for 'Scottish', so that 'Scyt' and 'Scot' were synonymous. Several of the classic writers do the same thing, making use of 'Scythia' and 'Scotia', and 'Scyth' and 'Scot' alternately.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE Con't.. Thus as Gethi, Gethicus, are the same as Gothi, Gothicus, so also from Scythoe, Scythicus, come Scoti, Scoticus. Gildas, in the sixth century, and Nennius in the ninth, use the names Scyuthoe and Scoti for the same people.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE 3. Thirdly (Or "Turd-lay" as the Irish tongue pronounces it), the name Scots the third century, it can hardly be questioned that it is the same as Scyths. There is a strong resemblance betwixt 'Scythae' and 'Scoti', and only a difference in the pronunciation according to the different accent of the several peoples that spoke of them.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE...Con't... the word 'Scot' has an even older origin from the British isles than the 'Scoti' term that the Romans used to mean 'Speakers of Gaelic', there's nothing to attribute it exclusively to the Irish from a Roman perspective, and even if there was, the term is actually centuries older than the time Irish Papist revisionists talk about, the several Irish myth makers complete with their poor scholarship are even more apparent when this is exposed en mass.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE 2. Second of all, 'Scotti' was not a tribe, it was a Latinisation of the ancient ancient Greek word 'Skotto' that meant 'Darkland', yes, the ancient Greeks knew of the Scots long before the Romans did, the Greeks wrote of an ancient Pictish (early Scot) Orcadian navy they feared from Scotland,
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE Con't... Your kind have been pwned, humiliated and destroyed by I and many so many times before over the years, so best of just coming clean and part with the typical Irish bullshit, I've heard it all before many times from all angles.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE Con't, So no need to pretend, happy to debate and destroy the Papist nationality stealing Nazi views of the Taigs and the ordinary level headed Irishmen who are obsessed with latching on to the Scots and claiming all Scottish credits as theirs due to their inferiority complex of their own national identity, their 19th century invention of Irish culture (a direct copy of Scottish culture)...
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE 1.First off, as I expected, it's clear that you were from Ireland, typical jealous nation of people of no achievement other than trying to steal credit by latching on to Scotland, you are either a typical biased jealous Irishman or a typical deluded ignorant dumb Plastic Paddie.
The vast majority of scots aren't what you refer to as scots at all but you don't know your historic facts do you - The picts were conquered by the gael and chose to integrate - this is a fact - and as far as the word scot is concerned - do you know were that came from? Look it up - your beginning to bore me
@segano1 I'm sorry but your analogy is very wrong - just because you have found a couple of bias sites doesn't mean that history should change on your account - In a small you tube box - this can't be discussed but you have referred to three different ages in you sentences. I would suggest that you pick your preferential history and stick to that. Caledonian Picts were assimilated by the Gael after they were conquered - FACT The Dal Riada migrated from Ireland to Scotia - Fact
@pirhana37 Won't happen - you sold yer soul to the devil when he promised the world would be at your feet - he didn't let you know that you would be outcast as a result and nobody would ever trust you again
@segano1 whit iy ye oan aboot! saen am no e'en scottish!a've no e'en been oot scotland in ma life!an whits wi aw this!saen am catholic an a marxist! a jist saed scots and picts ur twa deefrent folk ye say aw that! git a life!a bet ye jist spend aw day lookin fur truble!ye fat racist loner! awa an bile er heid! and if you cant understand that your not scottish
@COVERTSPYMASTER Also I used the 'Paedo' line against him to set a point, as an example, mirroring back his own logic back at him, like when he says 'Segano1 is racist' because he uses DNA evidence, that's like me saying that all 'Catholics are Paedos'. There is the bigger picture as well which is always on going, and I talk about and see both at the same time, me talking about what the Scots are by majority is no ignorance of the bigger worldwide view.
@COVERTSPYMASTER That's because that other guy is more of a PC Marxist type nut that put me down as a racist just for stating what is not factually correct by way of DNA, I gave you both the factual info to prove that I'm right, the fact you choose to dismiss it shows you both had some kind of agenda, like him using it as a way to condone mass multiculturalism, all I'm doing is stating that whao the Scots are by outright majority is Caledonian Picts, which is true.
@COVERTSPYMASTER Yes, that's what they say about all of Europe, Russia included, because of Political Correctness nonsense. I believe if you are born with at least one native parent then you are a native as you have the birth right and the native genetic link from at least one side of your family, but if you are born in a nation to both non natives, well you're still a national. But forced mass immigration aided by PC nonsense is wrong. Immigration is good in limited controlled ways though.
@COVERTSPYMASTER Any way, I'm no racist or anti-anyone, I'm just a realist, I hate lies and mis-information and just pure opinionated wishes being passed of as fact. I respect the land and other nations along with this one, so I hate un-factual info being passed off and completely undermining the true history of our lands of birth and any history in general, all I got from that guy was opinions and "I thinks" and "It's thoughts".
@COVERTSPYMASTER Also, if you go to Google and type "Irishtribesman the Scots did not come from Ireland" you'll see an interesting piece on why it was a common misunderstanding by earlier scholars. As for Scottish population and land history, Google "14,000 year old hunting kit found in Scotland" this evidence proved that Scotland had it's people for 4000 years earlier than previously thought up until that discovery, that's genetic and archeological evidence I've provided.
@COVERTSPYMASTER As for the DNA, look up the work of Brian Sykes and his Blood of the Isles research, the Picts are marked as the OGAP4 haplotype, not only that it is distinctly different from the Irish OGAP8 code. This research was taken all over the isles from a period of 12 years (1996~2008). They found that Pictish descent was found in anybody with any degree of Scottish blood, in all areas of Scotland, even in the Hebrides (formally Dál Riata) and the Orkney and Shetland isles (Norse hold).
@COVERTSPYMASTER I've no problems with Russians, and I'm certainly no racist, I saw that you're bio said Russia on it and that's why I took it that you obviously didn''t know what you were talking about because you were foreign and not born here. Also, what Roman evidence are you on about? And what prove do you have that the Irish took over Scotland when they were a mere 1/4 the size and were destroyed at the 'battle of Degsastan'? Not to mention that Dál Riata wasn't even Irish.
Eu amo esses músicos!! Se eu tivesse dinheiro para assistir eu iria. Mas um dia vai acontecer um milagre.. 😏
Wow, best performance I've seen yet.
there all english decsent omg ?????????????????
If only the fitba' team was as good as these guys!
That was so good!!!! Thank you for sharing this wonderful music!!! Kisses from Brazil!!!
Beautiful music, God bless the Scots, men of men, always get the blood pumping,
Where can one get these drums?
Cry some more
hahah you suck it yer a true Scot and Irish person they loveee loud and proud this mucia reminds me of all this shit ive been threw and keep marching on loud an proud
This sucks!!!…too loud, too noisy..
@David Stevens you could have been more creative an said a wanna play with his bag and pipe
Where can I get a copy a this on cd in Ireland??
This is my first week of having the internet at home, I'm so needing to catch up. I'ts just great having all this amazing music to hear when you want. Aye Macgregor, Scotland Forever :)
They play almost every sunday in the summer, when it doesn't rain, in the streets of Edinburgh. Saw them three or four times, they are amazing!
No need for colour hate. As many white faces have immigrated from all over Europe. Multiculturalism does not have to equate to loss of heritage, that crime falls in the laps of each generation who gives up their culture for modernity.
Anna Starseed Islam which is not a race but a ideology with political leanings is not a religion,Scotland will become Islamic like all western countries, but scots will fight regardless. Never give up ,in the future it will be a young Scottish Muslim that will rise up against isam😊
Needs two more pipers drum heavy
@segano1 You don't or may I restate You haven't very much education in this field at all - if you want to be embarrassed by your lack of it - continue by all means - what makes you think any Irishman is in some way jealous of Scotland and for what need - 19th century? - I'm not going to try and insult you by name calling etc but trust me when I tell you that you need to learn a little more about your own history. You are quite wrong but I'm holding my patience with you so far
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE So in conclusion, hope you enjoyed that little read there, enjoy being an Irish myth making revisionist while it lasts, as Scottish nationalism is growing and an awareness of the myth made rubbish that has shrouded all those born native to Scotland for many generations are wiped clean, slowly taken apart and destroyed for good, Regards...
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE The Scots are by far and large Caledonian Pictish, this was proved in the 'OGAP4' haplotype code found all over Scotland, even in the lowlands of Strathclyde and the Hebrides -where two thirds of the inhabitants found to have Pictish code, this means that any one born within Scotland with any degree of Scots kin is Caledonian Pictish.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE It's largely thanks to the seminal works of Simon James (1999) and Brian Sykes (2006) that the Celtic term is understood for the Victorian romantic idiocy that it is.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE Con't...the term was hi-jacked by Irish republicans using it as a political tool, attempting to re-define it as an ethnic term to resist 'Britishness' during the height of the Irish republicanism, giving the Irish a platform to hi-jack non-Irish culture as theirs as they emphasised it was a collective term of several other nearby non-English nations, aided by Irish myth makers such as W.H Grattan Flood and Henry Sarks, their works since debunked several times since the 80's.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE 5. Fifthly, the term 'Celtic' was also a linguistic term, not an ethnic one, the term was first coined by English linguist Edward Lhuyd in 1707 who used the term to group old languages from across the British isles and parts of continental Europe, it was heavily romanticised during the 1800s, by the early 1900s...
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE Con't, * People speaking a Goidelic tongue back then is Just like you speaking English right now, yet you are not an Englishman. The same similar thing applies back then just as it does today, a Gael - a linguistic term only, was applied to all who spoke a Goidelic tongue, regardless of where they were from, so that completely destroys the Irish claims of ownership of the language, as they like to say it was a 'Celtic' tongue, Celtic was yet another collective linguistic term.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE 4.Fourthly, 'Gael' was a linguistic term, not a people, this therefore means that the term 'Gael' was applied to all who spoke a Goidelic form of language regardless of what there national background was.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE Con't... Even the Irish writers uniformly say that the Scots were Scythians, and Nennius tells us the same thing. Ware confirms this origin of the nation when he shows that 'Scythoe' and 'Scoti' were but different names for the same people, and that both are called 'Scutten' by the Germans. So the name 'Scoti' was never originally Irish, as it has older origins in Caledonia (Scotland).
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE Con't...King Alfred, in his translation of Bede, and other writers of that time, use 'Scytisc' for 'Scottish', so that 'Scyt' and 'Scot' were synonymous. Several of the classic writers do the same thing, making use of 'Scythia' and 'Scotia', and 'Scyth' and 'Scot' alternately.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE Con't.. Thus as Gethi, Gethicus, are the same as Gothi, Gothicus, so also from Scythoe, Scythicus, come Scoti, Scoticus. Gildas, in the sixth century, and Nennius in the ninth, use the names Scyuthoe and Scoti for the same people.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE 3. Thirdly (Or "Turd-lay" as the Irish tongue pronounces it), the name Scots the third century, it can hardly be questioned that it is the same as Scyths. There is a strong resemblance betwixt 'Scythae' and 'Scoti', and only a difference in the pronunciation according to the different accent of the several peoples that spoke of them.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE...Con't... the word 'Scot' has an even older origin from the British isles than the 'Scoti' term that the Romans used to mean 'Speakers of Gaelic', there's nothing to attribute it exclusively to the Irish from a Roman perspective, and even if there was, the term is actually centuries older than the time Irish Papist revisionists talk about, the several Irish myth makers complete with their poor scholarship are even more apparent when this is exposed en mass.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE 2. Second of all, 'Scotti' was not a tribe, it was a Latinisation of the ancient ancient Greek word 'Skotto' that meant 'Darkland', yes, the ancient Greeks knew of the Scots long before the Romans did, the Greeks wrote of an ancient Pictish (early Scot) Orcadian navy they feared from Scotland,
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE Con't... Your kind have been pwned, humiliated and destroyed by I and many so many times before over the years, so best of just coming clean and part with the typical Irish bullshit, I've heard it all before many times from all angles.
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE Con't, So no need to pretend, happy to debate and destroy the Papist nationality stealing Nazi views of the Taigs and the ordinary level headed Irishmen who are obsessed with latching on to the Scots and claiming all Scottish credits as theirs due to their inferiority complex of their own national identity, their 19th century invention of Irish culture (a direct copy of Scottish culture)...
@SPAREPARTSCENTRE 1.First off, as I expected, it's clear that you were from Ireland, typical jealous nation of people of no achievement other than trying to steal credit by latching on to Scotland, you are either a typical biased jealous Irishman or a typical deluded ignorant dumb Plastic Paddie.
The vast majority of scots aren't what you refer to as scots at all but you don't know your historic facts do you - The picts were conquered by the gael and chose to integrate - this is a fact - and as far as the word scot is concerned - do you know were that came from? Look it up - your beginning to bore me
@segano1 I'm sorry but your analogy is very wrong - just because you have found a couple of bias sites doesn't mean that history should change on your account - In a small you tube box - this can't be discussed but you have referred to three different ages in you sentences. I would suggest that you pick your preferential history and stick to that. Caledonian Picts were assimilated by the Gael after they were conquered - FACT The Dal Riada migrated from Ireland to Scotia - Fact
@pirhana37 Won't happen - you sold yer soul to the devil when he promised the world would be at your feet - he didn't let you know that you would be outcast as a result and nobody would ever trust you again
gets my pictish blood a boilin lads well done! Pax aut bellum from Clan Dunn Florida US!
@soulous1 remind me what happened at the battle of culloden ....
@soulous1 But the Jacobites lost that battle?
@segano1 whit iy ye oan aboot! saen am no e'en scottish!a've no e'en been oot scotland in ma life!an whits wi aw this!saen am catholic an a marxist! a jist saed scots and picts ur twa deefrent folk ye say aw that! git a life!a bet ye jist spend aw day lookin fur truble!ye fat racist loner! awa an bile er heid! and if you cant understand that your not scottish
@COVERTSPYMASTER Also I used the 'Paedo' line against him to set a point, as an example, mirroring back his own logic back at him, like when he says 'Segano1 is racist' because he uses DNA evidence, that's like me saying that all 'Catholics are Paedos'. There is the bigger picture as well which is always on going, and I talk about and see both at the same time, me talking about what the Scots are by majority is no ignorance of the bigger worldwide view.
@COVERTSPYMASTER That's because that other guy is more of a PC Marxist type nut that put me down as a racist just for stating what is not factually correct by way of DNA, I gave you both the factual info to prove that I'm right, the fact you choose to dismiss it shows you both had some kind of agenda, like him using it as a way to condone mass multiculturalism, all I'm doing is stating that whao the Scots are by outright majority is Caledonian Picts, which is true.
@COVERTSPYMASTER Yes, that's what they say about all of Europe, Russia included, because of Political Correctness nonsense. I believe if you are born with at least one native parent then you are a native as you have the birth right and the native genetic link from at least one side of your family, but if you are born in a nation to both non natives, well you're still a national. But forced mass immigration aided by PC nonsense is wrong. Immigration is good in limited controlled ways though.
@COVERTSPYMASTER Any way, I'm no racist or anti-anyone, I'm just a realist, I hate lies and mis-information and just pure opinionated wishes being passed of as fact. I respect the land and other nations along with this one, so I hate un-factual info being passed off and completely undermining the true history of our lands of birth and any history in general, all I got from that guy was opinions and "I thinks" and "It's thoughts".
@COVERTSPYMASTER Also, if you go to Google and type "Irishtribesman the Scots did not come from Ireland" you'll see an interesting piece on why it was a common misunderstanding by earlier scholars. As for Scottish population and land history, Google "14,000 year old hunting kit found in Scotland" this evidence proved that Scotland had it's people for 4000 years earlier than previously thought up until that discovery, that's genetic and archeological evidence I've provided.
@COVERTSPYMASTER As for the DNA, look up the work of Brian Sykes and his Blood of the Isles research, the Picts are marked as the OGAP4 haplotype, not only that it is distinctly different from the Irish OGAP8 code. This research was taken all over the isles from a period of 12 years (1996~2008). They found that Pictish descent was found in anybody with any degree of Scottish blood, in all areas of Scotland, even in the Hebrides (formally Dál Riata) and the Orkney and Shetland isles (Norse hold).
@COVERTSPYMASTER I've no problems with Russians, and I'm certainly no racist, I saw that you're bio said Russia on it and that's why I took it that you obviously didn''t know what you were talking about because you were foreign and not born here. Also, what Roman evidence are you on about? And what prove do you have that the Irish took over Scotland when they were a mere 1/4 the size and were destroyed at the 'battle of Degsastan'? Not to mention that Dál Riata wasn't even Irish.