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New World: Genesis Caretaker Cheese! [Reported]
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🌟 New World Genesis Caretaker Cheese🌟
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Reported: forums.newworld.com/t/genesis-caretaker-cheese-patch-asap-video/719197
Jxsie Beats: Pink Roses
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⛅ About Me ⛅
I'm Medically Retired AirForce and I specialized in Server System Admin, Network Admin, Messaging, Monitoring, Client Systems and Active Directory work while in. I'm a self made multimillionaire at 28 years old and I spend my time doing stocks, investments, lifting weights, overland with my wife and dog and play video games.
#mmorpg #newworld
Reported Here: forums.newworld.com/t/neishatun-boss-exploit-2-minute-kill-video/717759
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💜 A portion of revenue gained from this channel will be donated to non profit organizations who help disabled veterans. By watching you are contributing. 💜 🌟 New World Tempest FREE WEKEND EVENT! APRIL 7-11th🌟 🔔 Like and Subscribe for more videos and hit that bell icon to get notified 🔔 www.newworld.com/en-us/news/articles/steam-free-weekend-2022 💜 Supporting These Veteran Programs 💜 Disabled Am...
New World: OMG! Neishatun Cheese 2 Minute Kill [Reported]
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💜 A portion of revenue gained from this channel will be donated to non profit organizations who help disabled veterans. By watching you are contributing. 💜 🌟 New World Tempest Heart Neishatun Cheese Reported🌟 🔔 Like and Subscribe for more videos and hit that bell icon to get notified 🔔 Reported Here: forums.newworld.com/t/neishatun-boss-exploit-2-minute-kill-video/717759 💜 Supporting These Vete...
New World: Easily Beat Neishatun! What You Need To Know!
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💜 A portion of revenue gained from this channel will be donated to non profit organizations who help disabled veterans. By watching you are contributing. 💜 🌟 New World Tempest Heart Neishatun Guide 🌟 🔔 Like and Subscribe for more videos and hit that bell icon to get notified 🔔 0:00 Introduction 1:00 Before The Fight 2:34 Resistances & Class 3:00 During The Fight 5:00 Ranged Attacks 5:50 AOE Fla...
New World: Blunderbuss Skill Trees! Overview!
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💜 A portion of revenue gained from this channel will be donated to non profit organizations who help disabled veterans. By watching you are contributing. 💜 🌟 New World Blunderbuss Skill Tree & Abilities Overview 🌟 🔔 Like and Subscribe for more videos and hit that bell icon to get notified 🔔 0:00 Introduction 💜 Supporting These Veteran Programs 💜 Disabled American Veterans cst.dav.org/ USO www.u...
New World: Easily Get 1000+ Umbral Shards Everyday
Переглядів 14 тис.2 роки тому
💜 A portion of revenue gained from this channel will be donated to non profit organizations who help disabled veterans. By watching you are contributing. 💜 🌟 New World new patch, prepare for 1000-4000 umbral shards everyday within minutes.. 🌟 🔔 Like and Subscribe for more videos and hit that bell icon to get notified 🔔 Outpost Rush Caches BIS Drops: ua-cam.com/video/AZbw_dpps6M/v-deo.html New W...
New World: Outpost Rush Caches Drops Best In Slot Gear!
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💜 A portion of revenue gained from this channel will be donated to non profit organizations who help disabled veterans. By watching you are contributing. 💜 🌟 New World new patch, outpost rush drops best in slot gear. 🌟 🔔 Like and Subscribe for more videos and hit that bell icon to get notified 🔔 💜 Supporting These Veteran Programs 💜 Disabled American Veterans cst.dav.org/ USO www.uso.org/ Freed...
New World: PSA Disappearing Tuning orbs! How To Avoid It!
Переглядів 5222 роки тому
💜 A portion of revenue gained from this channel will be donated to non profit organizations who help disabled veterans. By watching you are contributing. 💜 🌟 New World bug disappearing tuning orbs 🌟 🔔 Like and Subscribe for more videos and hit that bell icon to get notified 🔔 💜 Supporting These Veteran Programs 💜 Disabled American Veterans cst.dav.org/ USO www.uso.org/ Freedom Service Dogs free...
New World: Tuning Orb Farm Max Faction Tokens In A Day PvE & PvP
Переглядів 1,6 тис.2 роки тому
💜 A portion of revenue gained from this channel will be donated to non profit organizations who help disabled veterans. By watching you are contributing. 💜 🌟 New World fastest and best faction token farm for both pve and pvp 🌟 🔔 Like and Subscribe for more videos and hit that bell icon to get notified 🔔 0:00 Introduction 1:25 Faction Token Boosts 3:20 PvE 4:20 PvP 💜 Supporting These Veteran Pro...
New World: How To Permanently Get 400% Mana Regeneration Exploit [Reported]
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💜 A portion of revenue gained from this channel will be donated to non profit organizations who help disabled veterans. By watching you are contributing. 💜 🌟 New World mana regeneration exploit. This is the second time releasing this video in order to get traction so it will be patched. This is for educational purposes only. 🌟 🔔 Like and Subscribe for more videos and hit that bell icon to get n...
New World: BIS Tool Perk! Gathering Alacrity [Min Max]
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💜 A portion of revenue gained from this channel will be donated to non profit organizations who help disabled veterans. By watching you are contributing. 💜 🌟 New World Gathering Alacrity min max overview. 🌟 🔔 Like and Subscribe for more videos and hit that bell icon to get notified 🔔 💜 Supporting These Veteran Programs 💜 Disabled American Veterans cst.dav.org/ USO www.uso.org/ Freedom Service D...
New World: Buy These Bags Before Patch!!
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💜 A portion of revenue gained from this channel will be donated to non profit organizations who help disabled veterans. By watching you are contributing. 💜 🌟 New World loyalty perk and how useful it is next patch. 🌟 🔔 Like and Subscribe for more videos and hit that bell icon to get notified 🔔 💜 Supporting These Veteran Programs 💜 Disabled American Veterans cst.dav.org/ USO www.uso.org/ Freedom ...
New World: 625 Gear Score Worth It? Best GS Bang for Buck [Min Max]
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💜 A portion of revenue gained from this channel will be donated to non profit organizations who help disabled veterans. By watching you are contributing. 💜 🌟 New World max gear score 625 worth it? Comparing perks, attributes and damage to see your best bang for buck. 🌟 🔔 Like and Subscribe for more videos and hit that bell icon to get notified 🔔 0:00 Introduction 1:21 Comparisons 3:20 Umbral Sh...
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💜 A portion of revenue gained from this channel will be donated to non profit organizations who help disabled veterans. By watching you are contributing. 💜 🌟 New World bug limited glitch that prevents you from ranking up your faction and unable to buy faction tokens. 🌟 🔔 Like and Subscribe for more videos and hit that bell icon to get notified 🔔 💜 Supporting These Veteran Programs 💜 Disabled Am...
New World: How To Prepare For Umbral Shards & Mutations
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New World: How To Prepare For Umbral Shards & Mutations
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  • @zaza_ftl
    @zaza_ftl Місяць тому

    you might be the most stupid person ever not once did u say where the area is on the fkn map u didnt even zoom out for any of them jesus christ i can tell by the way you talk you are w NPC robot moron

  • @zaza_ftl
    @zaza_ftl Місяць тому

    maybe zoom the map out more idiot cant even see where you are

  • @jweiler1108
    @jweiler1108 3 місяці тому

    Thanks Warrior!

  • @ethanbinkley8527
    @ethanbinkley8527 4 місяці тому

    Offal Grotto only giving ~26 per with Powerful proficiency booster and yield song as of 8/18/2024

  • @Acanis87
    @Acanis87 8 місяців тому

    Result of 30min in Everfall: - 2k Firefly - 2k Premium Firefly - 1,2k Reed - 1,2k Bulrush Cob Its a perfect round (didnt use the prof booster), good spot to do :). Still annoying to farm that stuff xD!

  • @nightcall7398
    @nightcall7398 9 місяців тому

    So this is probably obvious but we keep our ID name and character name transferring over right?

    • @Kaezox
      @Kaezox 9 місяців тому


  • @jecbunsoPG
    @jecbunsoPG 9 місяців тому


  • @DramaticCrossroad
    @DramaticCrossroad 9 місяців тому

    4:08 WA has i-frames... nice joke.

  • @pwnomega4562
    @pwnomega4562 9 місяців тому

    I finally found your channel again after 2-ish years! you still play PSO2/NGS?

    • @Kaezox
      @Kaezox 9 місяців тому

      Hey! No my son was born and I have no time to play anymore. My wife is currently 5 months pregnant with our second son so I can play a game about once every 2 weeks. I plan on building out a playroom for my kids and have a recording setup in there so I can do something while they play together.

    • @pwnomega4562
      @pwnomega4562 9 місяців тому

      @@Kaezox hell yeah man! saw you haven't uploaded in while so i was worried for a sec there. nice to see you again, and good to hear that life is treating you well!

  • @edgy__
    @edgy__ 10 місяців тому

    As of angry earth expansion, the second location now yields thick hide.

  • @barbaraihalainen861
    @barbaraihalainen861 Рік тому

    Very nice route. Thanks for posting!

  • @ShAd0w0100
    @ShAd0w0100 Рік тому

    Could you update this, please? Apparently those last 2 locations in Cutlass only give Thick Hides - I was looking for Raw Hides, and that Lynx location is currently overrun with people griefing my Lynx kills :/

  • @gronfather6149
    @gronfather6149 Рік тому

    They are thick hide now :(

  • @rockbear9422
    @rockbear9422 Рік тому

    You should update this video or pin a comment about this 2/3 spots no longer give Raw Hide, but Thick hide. The Offal Grotto is always full of people making that spot useless to farm raw hide.

  • @Snow101Bunny
    @Snow101Bunny Рік тому

    What about Devine impact for thr launcher?

  • @Kaezox
    @Kaezox Рік тому

    Sign Up: r.honeygain.me/YEAHI90BA4

  • @peachique
    @peachique Рік тому

    How about an update video with all the new stuff included

  • @ncohesive
    @ncohesive Рік тому

    More importantly want is your girl wearing

  • @Blackpheonix99
    @Blackpheonix99 Рік тому

    So why didn't you ad in braver or bouncer?

  • @tinyelliott1728
    @tinyelliott1728 Рік тому

    Awesome choices here! You know your stuff. Thanks!

  • @raimuneishida1947
    @raimuneishida1947 Рік тому

    I been playing ranger since the Dreamcast.

  • @Ill_hamtt
    @Ill_hamtt Рік тому

    Nice video bro

  • @kertosyt
    @kertosyt Рік тому

    i don't know which game is this , but that thumbnail is illegal, that's all i wanted to say

  • @BigBeerus
    @BigBeerus Рік тому

    Lol why tf is blight rounds better than shifta/deband.. Over emphasis is long as cooldown trash too.. They really hate techter

  • @KingOfHeartsTANK
    @KingOfHeartsTANK Рік тому

    Clickbait title.... Really? "Why you don't need Klaus units" is really "right NOW, wink wink. I meant why not to rush it lol" Not watching another video of yours again.

  • @toolegittv8993
    @toolegittv8993 Рік тому

    Thanks for this guide im be on ship one next maintenance for game so im be playing alot more solo any advice is helpful

  • @ObiWanTonSoup
    @ObiWanTonSoup 2 роки тому

    What launcher camo is that, the black and yellow one?

  • @lanceknightmare
    @lanceknightmare 2 роки тому

    Hunter is a perfect Sub-class for me since I need more bulk for the new Stia map which the level 74 Gigamax are hitting for around 650 to 750 when I had -10% elemental resistance and 1,129 defense. The situational buff to defense and it's branch I went all in on since I will only be using Hunter as a Sub-class and Ranger as my main. I definitely need to build a set specifically for level 65 Titan and level 74 Gigamax hunting. In a strong party my damage is not bad.

  • @egerpirate9464
    @egerpirate9464 2 роки тому

    Thanks, even after 1 year helps. Just check another city. 👍

  • @raukoring
    @raukoring 2 роки тому


  • @_3clipse_
    @_3clipse_ 2 роки тому

    Great vid dude... love the ninja moves you did... very cool

  • @JuniAku
    @JuniAku 2 роки тому

    So much PP!

  • @wintersotero9749
    @wintersotero9749 2 роки тому

    Can i buy a Katana,i just wanna try it first.TY.Please reply.

  • @stick9078
    @stick9078 2 роки тому

    Awesome spots man thanks! But your 3rd spot no longer giving rawhide. All I am getting is thick.

  • @arinsutthitavil7773
    @arinsutthitavil7773 2 роки тому

    how you get your wings? what its name? thank you in advance

  • @Woah808
    @Woah808 2 роки тому


  • @dannypeixoto8435
    @dannypeixoto8435 2 роки тому

    really appreciate the video. Best one out here. I've got a loooong way to go

  • @andersonjohnny3759
    @andersonjohnny3759 2 роки тому

    Outfit name please :)

  • @gubitiful
    @gubitiful 2 роки тому

    It should be exponentially increased.. what a mess Amazon is doing

  • @SuperSaiyan2NahumKai
    @SuperSaiyan2NahumKai 2 роки тому

    I wish that game actually allowed flying besides gliding.

  • @dumpinclipsgaming
    @dumpinclipsgaming 2 роки тому

    im so confused. so can i play as a knuckle fighter as my main, and then add points into other classes to get their affects so long as they arent class specific?

  • @starryskies113
    @starryskies113 2 роки тому


  • @Zackaria_sMax
    @Zackaria_sMax 2 роки тому

    Does the 25% PP recovery while attacking work while I'm using my main class, or do I have to attack with the sub clsss to get the benefits?

    • @Kaezox
      @Kaezox 2 роки тому

      yes both. i quit this game a while ago as i had a kid so this video might be out of date. It does seem alot more people are viewing my pso2 videos so I am considering coming back and making videos for it.

  • @dennisneumann8067
    @dennisneumann8067 2 роки тому

    is the build still up to date? I've seen that many go to hunter as a sup class?

  • @IReplayThose
    @IReplayThose 2 роки тому

    Hey wondering if there's a updated video coming seeing how there's new classes

  • @LegitKev.
    @LegitKev. 2 роки тому

    While these methods will help, it’s new world server that is the issue. They need to restart their servers like they normally do which clears all backed up data cache ect then game runs smoothly

  • @billypaid8106
    @billypaid8106 2 роки тому

    I need those wings accessories

  • @miklymick5
    @miklymick5 2 роки тому

    it really not the same, i miss the lazer beam we could call down. No clue if it worth playing other one since NG might of taken everyone away from it.

  • @CrazyKillinit
    @CrazyKillinit 2 роки тому

    hey liked the video is it cool if i reference this video on my video in the description ill make sure to shout you out

  • @EdeDizon
    @EdeDizon 2 роки тому

    sub class mechanics in ngs is boo boo. What's the point if we only get to access 5% of the subclass passive abilities as well as basically not being able to use any their abilities