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Euphoric Nightcore
Приєднався 6 кві 2023
Hello, and welcome to Euphoric Nightcore!. Join me on a musical journey through the euphoric world of Nightcore.
Nightcore ↝ Show & Tell (Lyrics)
♥thank you for watching♥
♫ Song: Show & Tell
♪ Artist: Melanie Martinez
♫ Original song:
➤Artist information:
♪ Melanie Martinez
› UA-cam:
› Instagram: littlebodybigheart
› Facebook: melaniemartinezmusic
› X: x.com/melanielbbh?prefetchTimestamp=1734534407637&mx=2
➤ support: Wasabi-ya「わさび屋」- 佐野 - 星りんご
❤I appreciate the support, it encourages me to keep striving. I would be very grateful if you subscribe. I hope you enjoyed it.❤+
🌐 Nightcore Network
We are a member of the Nightcore Now network, you can discover more nightcore at www.nightcorenow.com/
#nightcore #spedup #lyrics #anime #melaniemartinez #showandtell #playlist_pop #playlist_alternative
♫ Song: Show & Tell
♪ Artist: Melanie Martinez
♫ Original song:
➤Artist information:
♪ Melanie Martinez
› UA-cam:
› Instagram: littlebodybigheart
› Facebook: melaniemartinezmusic
› X: x.com/melanielbbh?prefetchTimestamp=1734534407637&mx=2
➤ support: Wasabi-ya「わさび屋」- 佐野 - 星りんご
❤I appreciate the support, it encourages me to keep striving. I would be very grateful if you subscribe. I hope you enjoyed it.❤+
🌐 Nightcore Network
We are a member of the Nightcore Now network, you can discover more nightcore at www.nightcorenow.com/
#nightcore #spedup #lyrics #anime #melaniemartinez #showandtell #playlist_pop #playlist_alternative
Переглядів: 1 038
Nightcore ↝ FuNhOuSe - Samantha Leah (Lyrics)
Переглядів 12 тис.Місяць тому
♥thank you for watching♥ ♫ Song: FuNhOuSe ♪ Artist: Samantha Leah ♫ Original song: ua-cam.com/video/x9X7pvkN7x8/v-deo.html ➤Artist information: ♪ Samantha Leah › UA-cam: @iamsamanthaleah › Instagram: iamsamanthaleah › Facebook: samanthaleahmusic › Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@iamsamanthaleah ➤ support: LeIsT0 www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/123576213 www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/1...
Nightcore ↝ Living Hell (Lyrics)
Переглядів 21 тис.2 місяці тому
♥thank you for watching♥ ♫ Song: Living Hell ♪ Artist: Bella Poarch ♫ Original song: ua-cam.com/video/iCPm55hqA3k/v-deo.html ➤Artist information: ♪ Bella Poarch › UA-cam: @bellapoarch › Instagram: bellapoarch › Facebook: BellaPoarch › Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@UCCY_8y1FjtOegxKB4s2bWqw › X: x.com/bellapoarch ➤ support: LeIsT0 www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/110613105 www.pixi...
Nightcore ↝ Hate Me (Lyrics)
Переглядів 7 тис.2 місяці тому
♥thank you for watching♥ ♫ Song: Hate Me ♪ Artist: Nico Collins ♫ Original song: ua-cam.com/video/4TSO8W0q_m8/v-deo.html ➤Artist information: ♪ Nico Collins › UA-cam: @NicoCollinsOfficial › Instagram: nicocollins › Facebook: NicoCollins/ › Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@UCGQFUUerut-k4-X2q0moWaw › X: x.com/nicocollins ➤ support: CiS www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/112996063 www.pi...
Nightcore ↝ X (Lyrics)
Переглядів 7 тис.3 місяці тому
♥thank you for watching♥ ♫ Song: X ♪ Artist: Poppy ♫ Original song: ua-cam.com/video/wbQsxWKfTSU/v-deo.html ➤Artist information: ♪ Poppy › UA-cam: @MelanieMartinez@poppy › Instagram: impoppy › Facebook: Poppy › X: x.com/poppy?mx=2 ➤ support: Saltyfish - LeIsT0 www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/116953784 www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117329883 www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/117389444 ...
Nightcore - Bad Feeling (Lyrics)
Переглядів 70 тис.7 місяців тому
♥thank you for watching♥ ♫ Song: Bad Feeling (Oompa Loompa) ♪ Artist: Jagwar Twin ♫ Original song: ua-cam.com/video/aPxFKQfv-Co/v-deo.html ➤Artist information: ♪ Jagwar Twin › UA-cam: @JagwarTwin › Instagram: jagwartwin › Twitter X: JagwarTwin › Facebook: JagwarTwin › Tik Tok: www.tiktok.com/@UC3awoAHiJSJRcVXTSLk-Dhg ➤ support: www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/1...
Nightcore Kiss or Kill (Lyrics)
Переглядів 427 тис.7 місяців тому
♥thank you for watching♥ ♫ Song: Kiss or Kill ♪ Artist: Stela Cole ♫ Original song: ua-cam.com/video/VswL-sHlOSU/v-deo.html ➤Artist information: ♪ Stela Cole › UA-cam: @helloimcrypto@StelaCole › Instagram: callmestelacole › Twitter X: callmestelacole/ › Facebook: callmestelacole/ ➤ support: www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/109353017 › Artist: LeIsT0 ❤I appreciat...
Nightcore - Crypto - Summertime Sadness (Lyrics)
Переглядів 6 тис.8 місяців тому
♥thank you for watching♥ ♫ Song: Summertime Sadness ♪ Artist: Crypto ♪ ♪ Original artist: Lana Del Rey ♫ Original song: ua-cam.com/video/Ak1eTy-Ten4/v-deo.html ua-cam.com/video/BPO0Sah2cVY/v-deo.html ➤Artist information: ♪ Crypto › UA-cam: @helloimcrypto › Instagram: helloimcrypto › Twitter X: helloimcrypto › Facebook: helloimcrypto ➤ support: www.pixiv.ne...
Nightcore - Killer (Lyrics)
Переглядів 118 тис.8 місяців тому
♥thank you for watching♥ ♫ Song: Killer ♪ Artist: Valerie Broussard ♫ Original song: ua-cam.com/video/ZR4UArtqm8Y/v-deo.html ➤Artist information: ♪ Valerie Broussard › UA-cam: @valeriebroussard7970 › Instagram: valerie.broussard › Twitter X: vrbroussard › Facebook: valeriebroussardmusic/ ➤ support: www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/113358775 › Artist: LeIsT0 ❤I a...
Nightcore - Kiss Me Slow (Lyrics)
Переглядів 23 тис.8 місяців тому
♥thank you for watching♥ ♫ Song: Kiss Me Slow ♪ Artist: VANÈS ♫ Original song: ua-cam.com/video/x79f76RpO0U/v-deo.html ➤Artist information: ♪ VANÈS › UA-cam: @itsnotvanes › Instagram: itsnotvanes › TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@itsnotvanes ➤ support: www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/115698407 › Artist: LeIsT0 ❤I appreciate the support, it encourages me to keep striving. I would be very gratef...
100 likes ! Awesome video 😊 subbed as well 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
I love it!!
The doll is talking to us durning silence dance.
You did so good 😊
I miss show and tell ❤❤❤❤❤
Love it!!!!🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
you always choose the best music :)
Am I the first in comments:0? Also nice nightcore/song, not my thing but still nice
Love you J+K=D Kendra
Omg this is amazing!
Im badly obessed with this song❤
pixiv says this image is ai-generated, but I completely fail to see how exactly. Scary.
Me👤 my friends 🫂 Me:sad
Was looking for boywithuke, this is still good
Song: Tunnel Vision Movie: The Fireant War: A Film by Wakapat ( 2025, PG-13 for frequent intense animated violence, sexual assault theme and strong language )
Ok its insane other song which fits at me and my lover ❤😍😳
This video is the one thing psychologists can't figure out. It's the dopamine response Everytime u watch any video ur brain releases this chemical. It's hard to find a cure for something that is way too addicting
sick bro
i love your work!!🥰
thank you💖💖💖
TOGA!! (this fits her so well if you have seen the new season)
i love this song my new fav
Bread took a sharp turn
love it ❤
I fucking love nightcore
😮💯Really Nice
Happy Halloween 👻🎃💀
I really like the pictures and animations there!
Based Fact
Why is this nightcore song making me feel so much better Sorry sometimes when I get sad I listen to sad nightcore and this song is so beautiful I love it ❤❤
Love it ❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥❤️🔥
Ooooooo happy Halloween to everyone and everyone a good night 🕷️🦇🐦⬛
So sweet, 🫡
Happy Halloween 🦇 🎃👻
my life is nightcore
my life is nightcore
I love it
your version is perfected it sounds better than og
Only 13k views it's criminal, I've been listening to this one since you posted no joke
This was amazing!
Love 🔥
I like this one but my favourite is this version ua-cam.com/video/3q-T3BQ6dHs/v-deo.htmlsi=dQyjW_LCqOD7DWyM Sorry euphoric
I do like the pictures though