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STOP WASTING TIME - Powerful Motivational Video
#time #motivationalspeech #goalsetting
STOP WASTING TIME - Powerful Motivational Video
#motivationalspeech #motivation #motivationalvideo #motivational #theempowerpulse #selfimprovement #nevergiveup #inspiration #success #keepgoing #youcandoit #positivity #goalsetting #determination
Spoken by:
Jocko Willink
/ @jockopodcastofficial
Ed Mylett
/ @edmylettshow
Les Brown
/ ricenchicken
Voice By - AI
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Переглядів: 581


I CAN DO IT - Motivational Speech
Переглядів 9052 місяці тому
I CAN DO IT - Motivational Speech #motivationalspeech #motivation #motivationalvideo #motivational #theempowerpulse #selfimprovement #nevergiveup #inspiration #success #keepgoing #youcandoit #positivity #goalsetting #determination Embrace life's challenges, find your "why," and believe in yourself. Struggles build character; don't give up, rise above and keep climbing. Success comes from attack...
The Ideas 🔔 - Shi Heng Yi @TheEmpowerPulse #shorts
Переглядів 1858 місяців тому
The Ideas 🔔 - Shi Heng Yi @TheEmpowerPulse #shorts
Other Forces 🔔 - Shi Heng Yi @TheEmpowerPulse#shorts
Переглядів 808 місяців тому
Other Forces 🔔 - Shi Heng Yi @TheEmpowerPulse#shorts


  • @jaybee9269
    @jaybee9269 19 днів тому

    Dr. Peterson has such tortured eyes sometimes.

  • @MikeMann896
    @MikeMann896 24 дні тому

    Cynics are most of the time angry and destructive people. They hide their anger behind false wisdow, partly to convince and justify themselves, partly becaus they think the other people are so stupid… They are the ground for anarchy movement. The test to uncover them is just to see what they think about the others and respects. They are most of the time agressive and not polite.

  • @martintalbot875
    @martintalbot875 27 днів тому

    Sometimes some people use cynicism as a source of humour..and it often times works..because it's not always meant to be taken seriously

  • @user-tr7yg7zo3j
    @user-tr7yg7zo3j 27 днів тому

    Actually, cynicism is a form of bitter self-pity. It contains the same prefix as Cyanide: like poison tears.

  • @user-tr7yg7zo3j
    @user-tr7yg7zo3j 27 днів тому

    Actually, cynicism is a form of bitter self-pity. It contains thaw same prefix as Cyanide: like poison tears.

  • @EleanorDeakinPoet
    @EleanorDeakinPoet 27 днів тому

    I don’t think most actual cynics are in pursuit of their own hedonic gains.

    • @IsraelCountryCube
      @IsraelCountryCube 9 днів тому

      Error you haven't looked deep enough, cynical people include any humans which are cynical, this emotion of suspicious against humans attitude evil way, it's the atheists who are cynical who never judge their own evil view of the realism of this world. Most self identified atheist. Religion drown in their own self pity when they actually aren't suffering they simply drink their own poison of hedonic cynical gain.

  • @MOJSTER99
    @MOJSTER99 27 днів тому

    Peterson is a clown

    • @jaybee9269
      @jaybee9269 19 днів тому

      Or he’s over your head.

    • @MOJSTER99
      @MOJSTER99 19 днів тому

      @@jaybee9269 lmao yes sure, those self help books really are soo tough to read. you're a clown as well.

    • @MOJSTER99
      @MOJSTER99 18 днів тому

      @@jaybee9269 yeah sure, those self help books really are soo hard to read! you're a clown too.

    • @MOJSTER99
      @MOJSTER99 18 днів тому

      @@jaybee9269 yeah sure, those self help books really are soo hard to read. you're a clown too.

  • @Noadvantage246
    @Noadvantage246 27 днів тому

    Very few people are honest enough to reflect on their true intentions.

  • @syrupofwahoo3059
    @syrupofwahoo3059 28 днів тому


  • @cillian.murphy
    @cillian.murphy Місяць тому

    Voiced by Bob Odinkirk

  • @jazzman2516
    @jazzman2516 Місяць тому

    Again, as with all of Dr Peterson’s defences of religion, you can absolutely satisfy the condition he mentions without belief in God. What he says in the latter part of this clip is great, and it’s what most people strive to be able to do (especially the ‘new atheists’ like Richard Dawkins). But it has NOTHING to do with superstition! I think Dr Peterson approaches Judeo-Christian religion with a lot of cognitive bias, as he always tries to justify it automatically instead of realising the points where it is actually irrelevant. Essentially, I can absolutely ‘ride the wave, no matter how big it gets’, without believing that creation itself has human form, that the Universe was made just for us, that we are the only beings capable of good, that some other realm after life exists, that the soul exists, and so on.

  • @FactStorm
    @FactStorm Місяць тому

    Peterson: the Daily Wire newcomer and right-wing/religious apologist

  • @philiprice7875
    @philiprice7875 Місяць тому

    a Muslim guy asked me "do you believe in God? my answer was "Yes but i dont believe in religion" he told me that Islam can be summed up with one word "FAITH"

  • @dmosfet
    @dmosfet Місяць тому

    Faith doesn't imply courage. It's quiet the opposite. We create religion because we are affraid.

  • @JesperMilling
    @JesperMilling Місяць тому

    Religious people have forgotten this deepest sense of faith.

  • @Flatbushguy1
    @Flatbushguy1 Місяць тому

    he fails to delineate thier claims of the basis for faith. he merely offers a benefit to faith guiding your way of thinking rather then responding to Dawkins view of faith as a way of thinking based on foolishness. Jordan is saying it is beneficial to think with faith without explaining how it isn't grounded in foolishness.

    • @jazzman2516
      @jazzman2516 Місяць тому

      Yes, excellent listening skills. It’s good to see some people still have their heads screwed on.

  • @-FukYoo-
    @-FukYoo- Місяць тому

    What a maroon!

  • @Reghrubnide
    @Reghrubnide Місяць тому

    "...ride the wave...' 🤷🏼‍♂️

  • @Notorious.819
    @Notorious.819 Місяць тому

    All these smooth talking will be out the window on judgement day

    • @jazzman2516
      @jazzman2516 Місяць тому

      Are you being metaphorical?

  • @conradtmariri3513
    @conradtmariri3513 Місяць тому

    Seek he first the kingdom of God and you will find peace knowing the truth in the delusion 😅 God remains ✌️❤️🌎

  • @mztwixed
    @mztwixed Місяць тому

    2Thessalonians 2 King James Version 2 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, 2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. 3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; 4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God. 5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things? 6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. 8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. 13 But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth: 14 Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast, and hold the traditions which ye have been taught, whether by word, or our epistle. 16 Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, 17 Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work.

  • @mztwixed
    @mztwixed Місяць тому

    "And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie," ASV. "And for this cause God sendeth them a working of error, that they should believe a lie": AMP "Because of this God will send upon them a misleading influence, [an activity of error and deception] so they will believe the lie", AMPC 2 Thessalonians 2:11 -

  • @MichaelJFedo
    @MichaelJFedo Місяць тому

    go away bad adviceman

    • @mztwixed
      @mztwixed Місяць тому

      Why not just scroll on?

    • @MichaelJFedo
      @MichaelJFedo Місяць тому

      @@mztwixed why tolerate garbage on my plate? foh

  • @user-zb5io8rg8w
    @user-zb5io8rg8w Місяць тому

    I was just preparing my Christian testimony and during portions of it I would start crying after I got done with my first draft I said to God you’ll have to help me with the crying part Lord and then I came on this video of Dr Peterson my God he is sent by the Lord! more and more every day I realize this! what a blessing he is in my heart ❤️ Tammy, for sharing him. Thank you.

  • @user-um1ek5hl1q
    @user-um1ek5hl1q Місяць тому

    Humor ist likewise i think a playfull manor

  • @djsnobodycares6065
    @djsnobodycares6065 Місяць тому

    I'm sorry, but Jordan's eyebrows are getting madder by the second...

  • @adelerhoda5213
    @adelerhoda5213 Місяць тому

    Love this ❤

  • @TheKrackalack
    @TheKrackalack Місяць тому

    Ai? Looks like it

    • @TheEmpowerPulse
      @TheEmpowerPulse Місяць тому

      no mate, you can watch the full interview using the pinned in the comment

  • @Dryzual
    @Dryzual Місяць тому


  • @michaelmixon9635
    @michaelmixon9635 Місяць тому

    Jesus said. " I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father, but by me."

  • @parttimehuman
    @parttimehuman Місяць тому

    Force for darkness? Like for example, being the type of person who spreads misinformation and vitriol about trans people?

    • @Kuzka_
      @Kuzka_ Місяць тому

      They do that themselves with "trust me bro" as evidence. And then you look at their background and you can pretty much always find some problems that are the cause for them to question who they are and wanting to be anything but. Because the grass looks greener on the other side.

  • @mztwixed
    @mztwixed Місяць тому

    Thank you...I needed this right at this exact moment.

  • @jwarmstrong
    @jwarmstrong Місяць тому

    The force is strong in the light of truth - Darkness is the animal force that takes from the weak

  • @millerbeefarm
    @millerbeefarm Місяць тому

    Every now and then my girlfriend used to have a cry day, she just had to cry it all out and then she was okay again.😊

  • @TheEmpowerPulse
    @TheEmpowerPulse Місяць тому

    Link to the full interview:

  • @connorcmedia
    @connorcmedia Місяць тому

    So pain=change.

  • @Tragurium.metalhead
    @Tragurium.metalhead Місяць тому

    My esperience us that after crying i solve the problem on the spot

  • @RobinRenee-bx1pn
    @RobinRenee-bx1pn Місяць тому


  • @danargese4767
    @danargese4767 Місяць тому

    If you make your partner cry, stop, show kindness, and come to their aid. PERIOD.

  • @Rlove8687
    @Rlove8687 Місяць тому

    Memory reconsolidation!

  • @Eghvcr
    @Eghvcr Місяць тому

    Tears release negative energy

  • @parkerhudson2975
    @parkerhudson2975 Місяць тому

    Spot on

  • @mybrainhurts3727
    @mybrainhurts3727 Місяць тому

    That's crying? Wow, my bain plasticity must've been at 200% when watching Arcane. I learned so much.

  • @katiesimpson8517
    @katiesimpson8517 Місяць тому

    Back in the 60's my parents who were corporal used to tell us to "stop crying or I'll give you something to cry about.". To this day I find mysrlf dissociative regarding pain.

    • @gapcreekonline948
      @gapcreekonline948 Місяць тому

      Correct.. I didnt cry as a child... "Disassociated with pain" ive never heard it put so well b4 🌸

  • @ethanbest8921
    @ethanbest8921 Місяць тому

    Peterson must be constantly learning then

  • @DominikaMaliszczak-qc3jj
    @DominikaMaliszczak-qc3jj Місяць тому

    What is this from?

    • @TheEmpowerPulse
      @TheEmpowerPulse Місяць тому

      His interview in the Diary of a CEO. Here's the link: Sorry, I'll start adding the interview link as a pinned comment from now on.

  • @AnnaAwesome77
    @AnnaAwesome77 Місяць тому

    I hope my sweet daughter who I know cry’s to show her feelings finds this message and finds comfort ❤ Lila, I can hold you and all your tears. There is more for us beyond this❤🎉❤

  • @MikeMann896
    @MikeMann896 Місяць тому

    Nice thought

  • @oscarpeplow369
    @oscarpeplow369 Місяць тому

    So you should cry as much as possible while studying

  • @Trustingyourlight
    @Trustingyourlight Місяць тому

    I tell so many individuals especially those of African American descent that there is power in tears. Even the initiation of healing. Great message.