• 431
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Satoshi in the field! (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 87413 годин тому
Satoshi in the field! (BULLET ECHO)
Ghost training! 💪 (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 92813 годин тому
Ghost training! 💪 (BULLET ECHO)
The Renegades superstars are back! (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 940День тому
The Renegades superstars are back! (BULLET ECHO)
A Wolf out for Hunting Mimics! 🐺 (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 1,6 тис.День тому
A Wolf out for Hunting Mimics! 🐺 (BULLET ECHO)
Dragoon after the Nerf 😢 (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 1,5 тис.14 днів тому
Dragoon after the Nerf 😢 (BULLET ECHO)
New Zombies Mode gameplay 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️ (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 2,3 тис.14 днів тому
New Zombies Mode gameplay 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️ (BULLET ECHO)
Twinkle Heat is going to burn the Arena! 👨‍🚒🚒 (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 1,6 тис.21 день тому
Twinkle Heat is going to burn the Arena! 👨‍🚒🚒 (BULLET ECHO)
Bertha domination! (BULLET ECHO)
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Bertha domination! (BULLET ECHO)
How to train your Dragoon 🗿 (BULLET ECHO)
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How to train your Dragoon 🗿 (BULLET ECHO)
Raven Salad 🥗 (BULLET ECHO)
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Raven Salad 🥗 (BULLET ECHO)
Doc shows you how it's done! 🥼 (BULLET ECHO)
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Doc shows you how it's done! 🥼 (BULLET ECHO)
The OGs are back in town! (BULLET ECHO)
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The OGs are back in town! (BULLET ECHO)
Hurricane on his prime! 🌀👑 (BULLET ECHO)
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Hurricane on his prime! 🌀👑 (BULLET ECHO)
The Renegades Super Stars! 🤩 (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 1,3 тис.Місяць тому
The Renegades Super Stars! 🤩 (BULLET ECHO)
She's one step ahead of Blot! ✨ (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 991Місяць тому
She's one step ahead of Blot! ✨ (BULLET ECHO)
Play Smart not Hard! 😎 (BULLET ECHO)
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Play Smart not Hard! 😎 (BULLET ECHO)
My best Gear Build so far for Alice! 🔩 (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 1,5 тис.Місяць тому
My best Gear Build so far for Alice! 🔩 (BULLET ECHO)
Tanky Blot challenges Firefly! 🤕 (BULLET ECHO)
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Tanky Blot challenges Firefly! 🤕 (BULLET ECHO)
Dragoon and his pro Satoshi friends! 🙌 (BULLET ECHO)
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Dragoon and his pro Satoshi friends! 🙌 (BULLET ECHO)
Rate my Raven Gearset! 👀🔩 (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 1,7 тис.Місяць тому
Rate my Raven Gearset! 👀🔩 (BULLET ECHO)
Rate my Bertha Gearset! 👀 (BULLET ECHO)
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Rate my Bertha Gearset! 👀 (BULLET ECHO)
A soldier on duty! 💪 (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 1,5 тис.Місяць тому
A soldier on duty! 💪 (BULLET ECHO)
Just flying around the map! 🕊️ (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 834Місяць тому
Just flying around the map! 🕊️ (BULLET ECHO)
The Mysterious Doc! (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 2 тис.Місяць тому
The Mysterious Doc! (BULLET ECHO)
Cyclops badass mode! 💀 (BULLET ECHO)
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Cyclops badass mode! 💀 (BULLET ECHO)
Full Gameplay Team Deathmatch! (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 5 тис.Місяць тому
Full Gameplay Team Deathmatch! (BULLET ECHO)
Let Blizzard handle it! 💪❄️ (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 867Місяць тому
Let Blizzard handle it! 💪❄️ (BULLET ECHO)
You can't hate drones for this! 😂 (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 1,1 тис.Місяць тому
You can't hate drones for this! 😂 (BULLET ECHO)
The real definition of "Team Work" 💪 (BULLET ECHO)
Переглядів 1,2 тис.Місяць тому
The real definition of "Team Work" 💪 (BULLET ECHO)


  • @ToxiVeno
    @ToxiVeno 8 годин тому

    Twinkle now.

  • @emoefedrizzzy5027
    @emoefedrizzzy5027 День тому

    You shld have stood in the middle of drone while reloading... that way it cant hit u... when i use ghost for KOH i always have that in mind.

  • @cocokie512
    @cocokie512 День тому

    Bro but raven has become a lot harder now 😅😢😓😭

  • @falinsky
    @falinsky День тому

    Самый сбалансированный персонаж в игре

  • @corpse_..
    @corpse_.. День тому

    Bro is showing so old clip with the introduction of new drones raven is very hard and not as good as it was used to be

  • @فهدالزهراني-ز9و


  • @Akutsu7
    @Akutsu7 День тому

    As a vi man after the nerf she is so difficult to play.. it's even hard to kill ghost 🥲

  • @umar2542
    @umar2542 День тому

    I want to be pro with raven

  • @umar2542
    @umar2542 День тому

    Raven gear set ???

  • @suyash159
    @suyash159 День тому

    The most threatening character to deal with, also very hard to master him, but his weapon should be

  • @AmitJana143
    @AmitJana143 День тому

    Can you please share the build

  • @MohsenGhan
    @MohsenGhan День тому

    اسم بازی چیه

  • @UncleRisitas
    @UncleRisitas 2 дні тому

    Kamoulox already edit this game.

    • @sycoxtra
      @sycoxtra День тому

      Mobx the original maker of this clip asked me to post it for him here too 😂

  • @NafisaAsrorova-o8i
    @NafisaAsrorova-o8i 2 дні тому

    How much kills he had or has?

  • @NafisaAsrorova-o8i
    @NafisaAsrorova-o8i 2 дні тому

    Hajime is the legend of his time😢he has kills more than 130k! Do you believe him? He is uzbek like me😂

    • @sycoxtra
      @sycoxtra День тому

      This guy is from NA server

  • @Raj-px5sh
    @Raj-px5sh 2 дні тому

  • @darshangaming5464
    @darshangaming5464 2 дні тому

    I am raven main to🙌🏻

  • @SnajperekYT
    @SnajperekYT 2 дні тому

    Im raven main and i have mire battles on three heroes lmao

  • @PurpleKitty56
    @PurpleKitty56 2 дні тому

    This is kinda embarrassing but I just recently found out by observing, that doc shoots the rocket out of his gun not the middle if his body. Ive played a year and even mained him on 1 of my accounts just to find out now

    • @sycoxtra
      @sycoxtra 2 дні тому

      LMAO I actually noticed that a long time ago because of the editing

    • @PurpleKitty56
      @PurpleKitty56 2 дні тому

      @sycoxtra now that I noticed I've been winning 2x the amount of games then before it's life changing

  • @ma10hr75
    @ma10hr75 2 дні тому

    i like your ms😂

    • @sycoxtra
      @sycoxtra 2 дні тому

      Thanks sir 🤣🙌

  • @phenix0kaneki0913
    @phenix0kaneki0913 3 дні тому

    Shield should protect from one explosion

    • @sycoxtra
      @sycoxtra 2 дні тому

      Agree with you

    • @PurpleKitty56
      @PurpleKitty56 2 дні тому

      Which shield? If it's blizzard I don't think that would be a good idea simply because rocket users have such a disadvantage against her

  • @Foxshotecho
    @Foxshotecho 3 дні тому

    Doc was good bomb Squad Blizzard, because he can activate Ice mine with rocket or can be use drone for alternative