Sutherlin Church Ministries
Sutherlin Church Ministries
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Prophecy Odyssey 15 - Satan’s Mark or God’s Seal by Doug Batchelor
Переглядів 72День тому
52 past views. "Prophecy Odyssey 15 - Satan’s Mark or God’s Seal" 10/5/2024
Prophecy Odyssey 08 A Woman, a Child and a Dragon by Doug Batchelor
Переглядів 11121 день тому
34 past views. "Prophecy Odyssey 08 A Woman, a Child and a Dragon" - 9/28/2024
Jesus and the Leper by Luke Herscher
Переглядів 921 день тому
81 past views. "Jesus and the Leper" - 9/21/2024
Faith and Acceptance by Pastor Sean Murphy
Переглядів 9Місяць тому
81 past views. "Faith and Acceptance" - 9/14/2024
Jesus Invitation to Salvation by Mark Herscher
Переглядів 15Місяць тому
55 past views. "Jesus Invitation to Salvation" - 9/7/2024
We are Too Important by Sherman Hong
Переглядів 8Місяць тому
52 past views. "We are Too Important" - 8/31/2024
Consecration by Pastor Sean Murphy
Переглядів 13Місяць тому
72 past views. "Consecration" - 8/24/2024
Jesus and Discouragement by Luke Herscher
Переглядів 13Місяць тому
87 past views. "Jesus and Discouragement" - 8/17/2024
Memorial Service for Sam Robinson Updated
Переглядів 312 місяці тому
306 past views. "Memorial Service for Sam Robinson-Updated" - 8/10/2024
The Hope of the Adventists by Pastor Sean Murphy
Переглядів 252 місяці тому
73 past views. "The Hope of the Adventists" - 8/10/2024
God's Word is Our Guide by Mark Herscher
Переглядів 222 місяці тому
40 past views. "God's Word is Our Guide" - 8/3/2024
Ruthan Plant Personal Testimony
Переглядів 9272 місяці тому
Ruthan Plant Personal Testimony
Confession by Pastor Sean Murphy
Переглядів 322 місяці тому
Confession by Pastor Sean Murphy
The Story of Lazarus by Luke Herscher
Переглядів 172 місяці тому
The Story of Lazarus by Luke Herscher
True Greatness by Pastor Sean Murphy
Переглядів 92 місяці тому
True Greatness by Pastor Sean Murphy
The Person of the Holy Spirit by Sherman Hong
Переглядів 103 місяці тому
The Person of the Holy Spirit by Sherman Hong
The Lords Prayer by Phil Sieck
Переглядів 143 місяці тому
The Lords Prayer by Phil Sieck
Repentance by Pastor Sean Murphy
Переглядів 143 місяці тому
Repentance by Pastor Sean Murphy
God's Word Correctly Interpreted by Mark Herscher
Переглядів 263 місяці тому
God's Word Correctly Interpreted by Mark Herscher
The Sinner's Need of Christ by Pastor Sean Murphy
Переглядів 294 місяці тому
The Sinner's Need of Christ by Pastor Sean Murphy
Jesus Says Honor Your Father and Mother by Luke Herscher
Переглядів 214 місяці тому
Jesus Says Honor Your Father and Mother by Luke Herscher
God's Love for Man by Pastor Sean Murphy
Переглядів 434 місяці тому
God's Love for Man by Pastor Sean Murphy
God's Reality, Our Reality by Sherman Hong
Переглядів 184 місяці тому
God's Reality, Our Reality by Sherman Hong
Basic Training by Pastor Sean Murphy
Переглядів 415 місяців тому
Basic Training by Pastor Sean Murphy
Are You Listening by Pastor Gary Evans
Переглядів 295 місяців тому
Are You Listening by Pastor Gary Evans
The Privilege of Obeying God's Word by Mark Herscher
Переглядів 305 місяців тому
The Privilege of Obeying God's Word by Mark Herscher
Paradise by Pastor Gary Evans
Переглядів 355 місяців тому
Paradise by Pastor Gary Evans
Bittersweet by Sherman Hong
Переглядів 156 місяців тому
Bittersweet by Sherman Hong
The Emmaus Road by Pastor Gary Evans
Переглядів 406 місяців тому
The Emmaus Road by Pastor Gary Evans


  • @digitalmarketer_seo
    @digitalmarketer_seo 8 днів тому

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  • @aletheaskinner8888
    @aletheaskinner8888 2 місяці тому

    My prayers are with you and Mike as you continue this faith journey. May you feel the love of ALL of us supporting you each day--no matter how far we are away from you in body. <3

  • @iDaleesaDoHair
    @iDaleesaDoHair 2 місяці тому

    Amen!! 🙏🏼 Love and miss you and think of you often Ruthan!! My prayers are with you as you and Mike continue this shaky journey while standing on a FIRM FOUNDATION!! ❤

  • @eileen386
    @eileen386 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for that sermon. If the Southerlin Church hasn't changed, I am afraid it has landed on deaf ears. A former member

  • @bettecuddahee5138
    @bettecuddahee5138 2 місяці тому

    What a powerful testimony to the Joy of the Lord, no matter what comes our way.

  • @KimMcDermott-Realtor
    @KimMcDermott-Realtor 2 місяці тому

    Ruthan, I'm so sorry to hear this and I'm praying for you and your family. Love you!

  • @juliewhitechurch
    @juliewhitechurch 2 місяці тому

    Ruthan you truely are an inspiration to me. Thank you for sharing. Praying for you💗🙏

  • @eliassantiz9817
    @eliassantiz9817 3 місяці тому

    Amén glory to God

  • @ashoknayaki7776
    @ashoknayaki7776 5 місяців тому

    I want medical Lab knowledge Please prayer from india my name is Ashok

  • @npprof8171
    @npprof8171 5 місяців тому

    Jesus is coming soon.

  • @John-gl5nh
    @John-gl5nh 5 місяців тому

    "promosm" 😓

  • @Stupidityindex
    @Stupidityindex 6 місяців тому

    Compilation of evidence that Emperors Titus and Vespasian were responsible for Jesus’ story, that Domitan modified it, and the reason they left such evidence. Michael Menasgotz PDF file.

  • @carinelson585
    @carinelson585 6 місяців тому

    So beautiful! Thank you.

  • @Stupidityindex
    @Stupidityindex 6 місяців тому

    Foot & feet are often used as euphemism. You are preaching to the choir. You are a wolf in sheep's clothing. You travel with that wicked generation seeking a sign of resurrection, using the vocabulary of fiction. Freud wrote, "The antidote to Christianity is literacy." I don't preach to the choir; I say call you out. I hunt Christians because Freud wrote the antidote to Christianity is literacy. I am here to teach you. I don't teach Christians because I expect them to learn, but because they are Illiterate. Religious people are given to profound nonsense, theologians grant each other Doctorates just like a scientist. We know them by their works: indoctrinating children; with fantasyland vocabulary: Prayer, prophesy, God, resurrection, faith, etc. Galatians 3:13 "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us." Jesus Christ says faith is worthless as a mustard seed, when it comes to telling mountains to move, with expectations of obedience. More nonsense comes from those of God & spirit, having given us Moses: World's worst navigator, making progress with one foot in The Garden of Eden. Jesus comes again because he failed the first time. Matthew 9:17 Neither do men pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst, the wine will spill, and the wineskins will be ruined. Instead, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved." Religious belief is great, especially when you control what children are taught. Matthew 19:14 KJV: But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. God made Mormons so Christians would know how Jews feel? God & Faith have a perfect record of doing nothing, so we have the sayings, God helps those helping themselves & nothing fails like prayers in a children's hospital. The only sign given is that of Jonah. The only sign given would be the sign of Jonah, Luke 11:29 As the crowds were increasing, Jesus said, "This is a wicked generation. It demands a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah. Jonah 1:15-17 KJV So they took up Jonah (he offered to help) and cast him forth into the sea: and the sea ceased from her raging. Then the men feared the LORD exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice (perhaps his family & friends, or a goat, who's to know?) unto the LORD, and made vows. It Is by faith Jonah was picked up and tossed overboard, being mindless, he asked for it. What audacity, what gall, to suppose a deity, so unworthy, theologians & sacred text exist. Are we all to give a pass to this suggestion? The religious believer in God makes a mockery of himself. Jesus Christ is hanged on a tree, "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is everyone that hangeth on a tree:" Galatians 3:13 Now, we must be born again: commit some act of incest? The Jews have not bought Jesus Christ in 2000 years because god & Jesus are both fictions. Luke 11:29-36 "As the crowds increased", Jesus said, “This is a wicked generation. It asks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah. Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness 4 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted[a] by the devil. 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” 4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’[b]” 5 Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6 “If you are the Son of God,” he said, “throw yourself down. For it is written: “‘He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’[c]” 7 Jesus answered him, “It is also written: ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’[d]” 8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” 10 Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’[e]”Men have always known God was fake, She would have no need for sleep. My sheep hear My voice being the _slavery_ of sheep. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Men have always known God was fake, She would have no need for sleep. My sheep hear My voice being the _slavery_ of sheep. "Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree:" Now we watch the death of all, ourselves now smitten, for the success of our _state_ of gall. "My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all" Galatians 3:13 King James Version 13 John 10 Quote from Emperor Julian the Apostate mid 300s AD… "Let no one, therefore, deceive us by words, nor disturb us with respect to providential interference. For as to the prophets of the Jews, who reproach us with things of this kind, what will they say of their own temple, which has been THRICE destroyed, but has not been since, even to the present time, rebuilt? I do not, however, say this as reproaching them; for I have thought of rebuilding it, after so long a period, in honor of the divinity who is invoked in it.” The third temple prophecy was fulfilled centuries ago! This recent temple rebuild prophecy is a huge deception! See videos: New research expands on J Atwill's discovery that the story of Jesus is a parody of Emperor' Titus' victories. Paul the Apostle: Liar and Conman | James Valliant, Rabbi Tovia Singer Psalm 22:16 Dead Sea Scrolls and some manuscripts of the Masoretic Text, Septuagint and Syriac; most manuscripts of the Masoretic Text me, / like a lion This verse, which is Psalm 22:17 in the Hebrew verse numbering, reads in most versions of the Masoretic Text as: כארי ידי ורגלי, which may be read literally as "like a lion my hands and my feet". Dogs surround me, a pack of villains encircles me; they pierce[b] my hands and my feet.

  • @Stupidityindex
    @Stupidityindex 7 місяців тому

    The beauty of this narrative is the symbol of the Messiah is crucified by a Roman solder. The Jews are forever defeated by a remembrance of See videos: New research expands on J Atwill's discovery that the story of Jesus is a parody of Emperor' Titus' victories. Paul the Apostle: Liar and Conman | James Valliant, Rabbi Tovia Singer Faith is used all the time in this fiction. All men know God is a tool of fiction. No. The context is a gathering crowd upon which Jesus is reminded of Jonah. The point is faith is worthless: The superstitious are dangerous. Luke 11:29-36 "As the crowds increased", Jesus said, “This is a wicked generation. It asks for a sign, but none will be given it except the sign of Jonah. Jonah 1:15-17 KJV So they took up Jonah and cast him forth into the sea: and the sea ceased from her raging. Then the men feared the LORD exceedingly, and offered a sacrifice unto the LORD, and made vows. The superstitious crowd is wicked. The Joke is having a miracle in every chapter. The link is to Moses, who we know as the worst navigator in the world, with one foot in The Garden of Eden. Gal 3:13 "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us."

  • @mildachavez8312
    @mildachavez8312 9 місяців тому

    I'm a SDA but I had never heard Pr. Jhon Bradshaw ❤😮. Touches My heart to Hear God's voice through him. I cried because I feel the presence of The Holy Spirit. Thank You God.

  • @spacechimp4039
    @spacechimp4039 10 місяців тому

    Iv've heard this message for decades and this is the most understandable and convincing sermon ever! Thank you pastor Bradshaw! Jesus is coming again!

  • @loidaibarra983
    @loidaibarra983 Рік тому

    Nice to meet you better lately thru internet. Hope to get better mentally at least to be able to meet you in person and stand the explosion......❤😊😮

  • @SamuelHollandsh
    @SamuelHollandsh Рік тому

    Thank you🙏

  • @patrickmunyimba8595
    @patrickmunyimba8595 Рік тому

    Well articulated indeed. Praise be to our Almighty Jehovah, the creator of the universe and everything around including the human beings world over. Stay blessed always. Thanks

  • @Stupidityindex
    @Stupidityindex Рік тому

    What makes Christians flounder is a complete lack of quality-control. Anyone can cop a deity out of fiction, but no one, beyond the inquisitor's torture, wants leaders putting us on a path with one foot in fantasylands. Thank goodness, we use voting for our leaders. Theologians grant each other doctorates as a matter of tradition, not facts. The same deity we know for a perfect record of doing nothing outside of fiction, is worshiped by Christians, paid for services by prayer. Christians, being void of quality-control, are vexed by the fact we use voting as a quality-control, and no one wants a leader guiding as if travel was best done with one foot in fantasyland, guided by a deity who can't make people aware of itself outside of fiction. A deity failing to make everyone aware, fudges the title. Christians assure themselves of having been delegated authority from a deity to spin The Divine shortcomings & be taken seriously too. The very good reason why Christians are ignored, avoided like the old woman with 400 pet cats, is we have quality-controls like voting for our leaders. No one wants a leader suggesting we travel with one foot in fantasyland. Christians, authorized by themselves, speak boldly, weighing-in on whatnot as if Earth had gravity-free zones & magic. The same deity we know for a perfect record of doing nothing, is adored & a servant for unmeasurable prayers, rather than a tool of fiction. That is why we say, God helps those helping themselves, a house divided cannot stand & Jesus says, think not I come with peace, but sword & a wicked generation seeks signs. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Getting directions from fantasyland works well for fascists, authoritarians. So, marvel not it is said, you must be born again, astounding rubbish is such that every Alex Jones in the country knows enough Jesus-lingo to put in the sales-pitch. Theology Lesson for Beings of Spirit / The Obvious Stuff One can make a spectacle of dressing, like boasting in the temple for everyone to see. Christians lure some, but insult others in public: As if those condemned to voting as a quality-control, would have any desire for leadership with one foot in fantasyland. These are the wolves in sheep's clothing, Think not they come with peace, but sword. A house divided, cannot stand. We say, God helps those helping themselves, The same deity of fiction, well-known for a perfect record of doing nothing, is their object of worship, a servant for unmeasurable prayers. Christians pass by with audacious boasting, having zero quality-control: Convinced we are all gods, children of the highest god. Theologians grant doctorates to each other based on nothing whatsoever. Deities apparently delegate Their authority & recordkeeping. We marvel at their ultimate conceit, We avoid them like the old woman with too many cats. We know a tree by the fruit, the man by his works, We thank god, secular law and order finally ended the witch-killing & inquisitions. We all citizens forced to render to Caesar. * History Lesson for Beings of Spirit There is no evidence Democracy works at scale. Not with endless wars, & too big to fail. The science of greenhouse gases was ignored. Now, is "too late" - 1979. Biden just opened up places to drill, as if Limits to Growth had not predicted our worst path. The only difference between a Republican & Democrat is how fast the knee hits the floor, when a donor walks in the room. The State is not a rational actor. The State has known this crisis & peak oil production was expected around the year 2000, after we passed peak oil (good quality oil) discoveries in 1956. The state has never acted green because the only questions about how soon global heating would be an extinction crisis beyond control, was would we have enough energy & civilization enough to get there or here. ​“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” ​All prophets are ravenous wolves, false prophets, prophesy being a tool of fiction. Christians have a problem in that they lack quality-control & voters prefer not electing someone with one foot in that fantasyland guiding us. Any deity, not making awareness of itself completely, lacks authority for the title.

  • @garypratt1453
    @garypratt1453 Рік тому

    Excellent presentation

  • @goinhome
    @goinhome Рік тому

    Thank you for Everlasting Truth! ❤

  • @aprilbird9064
    @aprilbird9064 Рік тому

    Thank you for sharing present truth! ❤️

    • @Stupidityindex
      @Stupidityindex Рік тому

      Jesus Christ is proven a bad idea in the context of voting in a democracy using notions from religious fiction.

  • @Stupidityindex
    @Stupidityindex Рік тому

    Theology Lesson for Beings of Spirit / The Obvious Stuff One can make a spectacle of dressing, like boasting in the temple for everyone to see. Christians lure some, but insult others in public: As if those condemned to voting as a quality-control, would have any desire for leadership with one foot in fantasyland. These are the wolves in sheep's clothing, Think not they come with peace, but sword. A house divided, cannot stand. We say, God helps those helping themselves, The same deity of fiction, well-known for a perfect record of doing nothing, is their object of worship, a servant for unmeasurable prayers. Christians pass by with audacious boasting, having zero quality-control: Convinced we are all gods, children of the highest god. We marvel at their ultimate conceit, We avoid them like the old woman with too many cats. We know a tree by the fruit, the man by his works, We thank god, secular law and order finally ended the witch-killing & inquisitions. We all citizens forced to render to Caesar. * History Lesson for Beings of Spirit There is no evidence Democracy works at scale. Not with endless wars, & too big to fail. The science of greenhouse gases was ignored. Now, is "too late" - 1979. Biden just opened up places to drill, as if Limits to Growth had not predicted our worst path. The only difference between a Republican & Democrat is how fast the knee hits the floor, when a donor walks in the room. ​“Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” ​All prophets a ravenous wolves, false prophets, prophesy being a tool of fiction. Christians have a problem in that they lack quality-control & voters prefer not electing someone with one foot in that fantasyland guiding us. Any deity, not making awareness of itself completely, lacks authority for the title.

  • @jacksample707
    @jacksample707 Рік тому

    Watching from Papua New Guinea. Great memories in Sutherlin. Thanks for great message.

  • @garypratt1453
    @garypratt1453 Рік тому

    Will it be a littoral day?

  • @garypratt1453
    @garypratt1453 Рік тому

    Absolute incredible

  • @garypratt1453
    @garypratt1453 Рік тому

    Ellen Whites writings incredible

  • @garypratt1453
    @garypratt1453 Рік тому

    I've wondered 🤔 before how evry eye could see Jesus return??? How the clouds will spread out

    • @Xgjigzigzyixiy
      @Xgjigzigzyixiy Рік тому

      Cause it’s the sun they are referring to.

  • @garypratt1453
    @garypratt1453 Рік тому

    Does the Bible call Angel's stars??

  • @garypratt1453
    @garypratt1453 Рік тому

    Excellent presentation Sermon

  • @garypratt1453
    @garypratt1453 Рік тому

    Amazing, I one of those people who don't know detail of Bible ,who wrote Job

  • @garypratt1453
    @garypratt1453 Рік тому

    The Bible is Real no doubt

  • @Stupidityindex
    @Stupidityindex Рік тому

    How can anyone want to be a Christian? It is obvious to the sane, there is no god, no Jesus Christ, no prophesy, outside of fiction. Christian meat comes from butchering the context of words & a sublime tourism resource. Can there be any moral justification for the Christian? It is obvious to the sane, there is no god, no Jesus Christ, no prophesy, outside of fiction. Christians gain for themselves by butchering the context of words. I'm sure, if everyone is not aware of the alleged deity, the god title is a bit fudged, & does not fit. Dear Christian Uploader, my god, have you any sense of decency? Christian invocations call into existence evil as good; they are wolves in sheep's clothing. We know a tree by the fruit. We know them by their works. Thank God secular law & order finally stopped the witch killings. I can only imagine if a deity desired my awareness of it, I would probably be aware & if not, then why call deity other than fiction? Christians embarrass & insult us with this barrage of nonsense, retreating into caves like this channel to refuel. You encourage people to travel as if best done with one foot in fantasyland. Theologians grant each other doctorates based on nothing whatsoever. Christians are fascists, rendering to Caesar what is his, exercising freedom of speech with abuse. The naked ape is a vein species, Christians want to own the narrative, claiming knowledge of a supreme being, which is never verified beyond a tool of fiction. Christians insult intelligence in public, suggesting we navigate reality with one foot one foot in literary fiction & state propaganda. Christians authorize themselves to weigh-in on whatnot as if Earth had gravity-free zones, & everyone knows it. We inherit their vast bulk of our oldest documents, the records of looting & torture: inquisitions. Christians are hypocrites with productions like this, making a scene of praying in the temple. Christians are the lowlifes in society, avoided like the insane pretending to talk to an invisible friend, holding a hairdryer in place of a phone. Christians manufacture ultimate vanity, proclaiming we are all gods, children of the highest god. When the contradictions of the economic system catch up to it, the politicians intone the same notions, because they don't know what to do. Democracy is a cult-like faith where many actually believe giving power to others always has consequence which can be tolerably managed by the managers. The models for Limits to Growth of 1973 were accurate. The state has no plans, so the only difference between a Republican & a Democrat is how fast the knee hits the floor when a donor walks in the room & SCOTUS produces stench. What is really funny, is these Christian delusions support videos. Christians ignore they are rejects, politely avoided like the old lady with 400 pet cats. Christians don't comprehend the parody being played, the guy making a scene of prayer in the temple. Christians are largely given a pass for suggestions we navigate with a map of fantasyland. Christians present evil as good, the wolves in sheep's clothing. Christians authorize themselves to weigh-in on whatnot as if Earth had gravity-free zones, and everyone knows it. That is why Alex Jones puts Jesus-lingo in the sales delivery.

  • @Stupidityindex
    @Stupidityindex Рік тому

    The uploader does not even bother to give your comments a thumbs up. Christians embarrass & insult us with this barrage of nonsense, retreating into caves like this channel to refuel. Dear Christian Uploader, My god, have you any sense of decency? If everyone is not aware of "the" deity, then it fudges the title a bit, don't you think? You encourage people to travel as if best done with one foot in fantasyland. Theologians grant each other doctorates based on nothing whatsoever. Christians are fascists, rendering to Caesar what is his. Christians insult intelligence in public, suggesting we travel with a map of fantasyland, walk with one foot in reality & one foot in literary fiction & state propaganda. Christians authorize themselves to weigh-in on whatnot as if Earth had gravity-free zones, & everyone knows it. Christian invocations call into existence evil as good; they are wolves in sheep's clothing. We inherit their vast bulk of our oldest documents, the records of looting & torture: inquisitions. Christians are hypocrites with productions like this, making a scene of praying in the temple. Christians are the lowlifes in society, avoided like the insane pretending to talk to an invisible friend, holding a hairdryer in place of a phone. Christian manufacture ultimate vanity, proclaiming we are all gods, children of the highest god. Democracy is a cult-like faith where many actually believe giving power to others always has consequence which can be tolerably managed by the managers. The models for Limits to Growth of 1973 were accurate. The state has no plans, so the only difference between a Republican & a Democrat is how fast the knee hits the floor when a donor walks in the room.

  • @Stupidityindex
    @Stupidityindex Рік тому

    Paul, Smaul, Saul. You get the joke. Mary is a slur, try it. Dear Christian Uploader, My god, have you any sense of decency? You encourage people to travel as if best done with one foot in fantasyland. Theologians grant each other doctorates based on nothing whatsoever. Then, with self-authorization, speak as if capable of weighing-in on subjects like

  • @likcre2688
    @likcre2688 Рік тому

    Jesus spoke of buying truth from Him and selling it not. So the buying and selling is not of things but of truth. We shouldn''t exchange truth for lies.

    • @Stupidityindex
      @Stupidityindex Рік тому

      Your ministry service is crap. The uploader does not even bother to give you a thumbs up. Paul, Smaul, Saul. You get the joke. Mary is a slur, try it. Dear Christian Uploader, My god, have you any sense of decency? You encourage people to travel as if best done with one foot in fantasyland. Theologians grant each other doctorates based on nothing whatsoever. Then, with self-authorization, speak as if capable of weighing-in on subjects like

  • @lisafisher8081
    @lisafisher8081 Рік тому

    I made it to about 23 minutes and then it started jumping around and skipping entire portions of the teaching. Not sure where that is but now quit watching because I'm not getting the full picture

  • @lisafisher8081
    @lisafisher8081 Рік тому

    If we didn't have Alaska we'd have Russia at our doorstep. Hawaii is also a very strategic land grab.

  • @plateroharrison2041
    @plateroharrison2041 Рік тому

    Happy Sabbath, from TO'HAJIILEE NM

  • @robertbeauchamp4839
    @robertbeauchamp4839 Рік тому

    So why is evolution and not creation being taught in school curriculums. Is it because humanity is rejecting God and anything that points to Him?

  • @robertbailey6797
    @robertbailey6797 Рік тому

    I Love this brother! Will anyone tell him about his bad erroneous words of Sunday being in the middle of Friday and the first day of the week ( Sunday) ?

    • @Stupidityindex
      @Stupidityindex Рік тому

      Thank God, secular law & order has finally stopped the witch killings. I can only imagine if a deity desired my awareness of it, I would probably be aware & if not, then why call deity other than fiction? Christians embarrass & insult us with this barrage of nonsense, retreating into caves like this channel to refuel. Dear Christian Uploader, My god, have you any sense of decency? If everyone is not aware of "the" deity, then it fudges the title a bit, don't you think? You encourage people to travel as if best done with one foot in fantasyland. Theologians grant each other doctorates based on nothing whatsoever. Christians are fascists, rendering to Caesar what is his. The naked ape is a vein species, Christians want to own the narrative, claiming knowledge of a supreme being, which is never verified beyond a tool of fiction. Christians insult intelligence in public, suggesting we travel with a map of fantasyland, walk with one foot in reality & one foot in literary fiction & state propaganda. Christians authorize themselves to weigh-in on whatnot as if Earth had gravity-free zones, & everyone knows it. Christian invocations call into existence evil as good; they are wolves in sheep's clothing. We inherit their vast bulk of our oldest documents, the records of looting & torture: inquisitions. Christians are hypocrites with productions like this, making a scene of praying in the temple. Christians are the lowlifes in society, avoided like the insane pretending to talk to an invisible friend, holding a hairdryer in place of a phone. Christian manufacture ultimate vanity, proclaiming we are all gods, children of the highest god. Democracy is a cult-like faith where many actually believe giving power to others always has consequence which can be tolerably managed by the managers. The models for Limits to Growth of 1973 were accurate. The state has no plans, so the only difference between a Republican & a Democrat is how fast the knee hits the floor when a donor walks in the room.

    • @robertbailey6797
      @robertbailey6797 Рік тому

      12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. 2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

    • @robertbailey6797
      @robertbailey6797 Рік тому

      The Holy Word of God, says that in Isaiah chapter 14; that Lucifer, was the first sinner in heaven, because a created being like him a covering Cherub wanted to be like the Most High ! He was cast out of heaven the capital of the created universe! If Christian think that the Almighty Creator God only created only the Angels of God in heaven and this world that Lucifer “Hijacked” this planet from the time of Adam and Eve in Eden, this seems inconsistent with what modern Science and Astronomy as shown us that there is so many galaxies and planets circling around star systems that the odds of only this world that is inhabited in a infinite universe makes the Great Creator God of the Holy Scriptures very limited! In the books of Revelation and chapter 1 of Hebrews shows that there is other worlds with life ! We have a fatal disease that we cannot meet these other races just yet ? It is called SIN ! That plan of Salvation has to completed by Jesus Second Advent then when Sin has been done away ! Then we shall meet these other beings who have never been contaminated by Lucifers mind set of pride and rebellion against the character of God ! Amen

    • @Stupidityindex
      @Stupidityindex Рік тому

      @@robertbailey6797 Christians embarrass & insult us with this barrage of nonsense, retreating into caves like this channel to refuel. Dear Christian Uploader, my god, have you any sense of decency? If everyone is not aware of "the" deity, then it fudges the title a bit, don't you think?

    • @Stupidityindex
      @Stupidityindex Рік тому

      @iAm Martins There is always a Christian offering his self-authorized narrative of fantasyland. No wonder Christians are avoided like the old women with 400 pet cats & four unmaintained litter boxes.

  • @robertbailey6797
    @robertbailey6797 Рік тому

    Sorry brother you have made a very very bad mistake when you said that Jesus, died on the preparation day which is Friday! This is correct ! And that Jesus arose on the first day of the week which is Sunday, which is correct again! But then you said in this recording that the day in between was Sunday ? You should have said the seventh day sabbath which is Saturday! What a bad mistake brother ! It throws out all the truth that you have been saying ! Robert

    • @tonigeorge3320
      @tonigeorge3320 Рік тому

      Yes, people make mistakes all the time when speaking. However, everyone knows that the day between Friday and Sunday is Saturday. Some mistakes speak for themselves and this was one of them. People who are looking for a reason to disqualify themselves from knowing the truth will find one. Saturday is God’s Holy Day, God rested on the seventh day and blessed it from the beginning of the world.

    • @Coachman38
      @Coachman38 Рік тому

      I'm not sure where you heard what you quoted, but he said the day in between is the sabbath.

  • @garypratt1453
    @garypratt1453 Рік тому

    The Devil will counterfeit

  • @garypratt1453
    @garypratt1453 Рік тому

    Like how you ask questions 🤔

  • @garypratt1453
    @garypratt1453 Рік тому

    Jesus is Creator

  • @garypratt1453
    @garypratt1453 Рік тому

    Excellent presentation

  • @joannekapo3076
    @joannekapo3076 Рік тому

    Praised God and Amen!

    • @Stupidityindex
      @Stupidityindex Рік тому

      Thank God, secular law & order has finally stopped the witch killings. I can only imagine if a deity desired my awareness of it, I would probably be aware & if not, then why call deity other than fiction? Christians embarrass & insult us with this barrage of nonsense, retreating into caves like this channel to refuel. Dear Christian Uploader, My god, have you any sense of decency? If everyone is not aware of "the" deity, then it fudges the title a bit, don't you think? You encourage people to travel as if best done with one foot in fantasyland. Theologians grant each other doctorates based on nothing whatsoever. Christians are fascists, rendering to Caesar what is his. The naked ape is a vein species, Christians want to own the narrative, claiming knowledge of a supreme being, which is never verified beyond a tool of fiction. Christians insult intelligence in public, suggesting we travel with a map of fantasyland, walk with one foot in reality & one foot in literary fiction & state propaganda. Christians authorize themselves to weigh-in on whatnot as if Earth had gravity-free zones, & everyone knows it. Christian invocations call into existence evil as good; they are wolves in sheep's clothing. We inherit their vast bulk of our oldest documents, the records of looting & torture: inquisitions. Christians are hypocrites with productions like this, making a scene of praying in the temple. Christians are the lowlifes in society, avoided like the insane pretending to talk to an invisible friend, holding a hairdryer in place of a phone. Christian manufacture ultimate vanity, proclaiming we are all gods, children of the highest god. Democracy is a cult-like faith where many actually believe giving power to others always has consequence which can be tolerably managed by the managers. The models for Limits to Growth of 1973 were accurate. The state has no plans, so the only difference between a Republican & a Democrat is how fast the knee hits the floor when a donor walks in the room.

  • @robertbailey6797
    @robertbailey6797 Рік тому

    Powerful message my brother! The way to the third heaven is via M42 -The Orion Nebular ! Please look at Early Writings , when the prophet of the Lord, who spoke to Mrs EG White, the “ open space in Orion, is where the Holy City the New Jerusalem will come from” ! There are 3 texts in the OT, 2 in Job and 1 in Micah; all talk about Orion and water or seas, see Revelation 17:15; Gods people the symbol of water is connected to this space nebular-M42 ! All proves the way to heaven is through this M42- The Orion Nebula! Amen and amen RPB