French History by French
French History by French
  • 81
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BEGGAR CHASER - Should this medieval trade be revived?
In Europe, the profession of beggar chaser was very useful. What did this man do? And why?
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Переглядів: 65


PONTIAC - The Native who gave his life for the New France!
Переглядів 3989 годин тому
When France abandoned New France, few rebelled. But one native refused to let his enemies rule his territory. Pontiac became a legend and a hero. 🙏🏻 If you like the video, like or comment on it, or even better and God bless you, subscribe. Thank you! To subscribe, click here: ▷ I am also here (in French): - 🌐 Website: latetehautefrancais...
Richelieu bans duels because too many Frenchmen are dying!
Переглядів 12819 годин тому
As proof of the courage of the French nobility, duels were eventually outlawed. The reason is logical. But was it the right choice? 🙏🏻 If you like the video, like or comment on it, or even better and God bless you, subscribe. Thank you! To subscribe, click here: ▷ I am also here (in French): - 🌐 Website: - 📷Inst...
La Salle discovers Louisiana - Louis XIV does not react as expected!
Переглядів 280День тому
When Cavelier de la Salle discovered Louisiana, he was so proud that he named it after King Louis XIV. The problem is, the latter is disappointed and angry… 🙏🏻 If you like the video, like or comment on it, or even better and God bless you, subscribe. Thank you! To subscribe, click here: ▷ I am also here (in French): - 🌐 Website: lateteha...
The story of the 800 French women who are Canada's mothers (1663-1673)
Переглядів 1,2 тис.День тому
In 1673, the king wanted to populate the French colony of Canada. So he sent 800 women. Discover their story. 🙏🏻 If you like the video, like or comment on it, or even better and God bless you, subscribe. Thank you! To subscribe, click here: ▷ I am also here (in French): - 🌐 Website: - 📷Instagram: t...
Clemeanceau's Hilarious Quotes about Politicians!
Переглядів 80714 днів тому
French statesman George Clemenceau was no stranger to irony. He had some very funny things to say about politics and civil servants. 🙏🏻 If you like the video, like or comment on it, or even better and God bless you, subscribe. Thank you! To subscribe, click here: ▷ I am also here (in French): - 🌐 Website: - 📷Ins...
Child crucified by the Jews - Insane rumor in France (1179) !
Переглядів 15321 день тому
🙏🏻 If you like the video, like or comment on it, or even better and God bless you, subscribe. Thank you! To subscribe, click here: ▷ I am also here (in French): - 🌐 Website: - 📷Instagram: tetehautefrancaise ▷ Video summary: 0:00 - Introduction 0:36 - Richard of Pontoise is one "innocent" among man...
How many French soldiers died wearing RED PANTS‽ (1914)
Переглядів 32728 днів тому
At the start of the First World War, French soldiers wore red pants. It's not a good idea, and they're going to be punished! But was this the reason for France's first defeats? 🙏🏻 If you like the video, like or comment on it, or even better and God bless you, subscribe. Thank you! To subscribe, click here: ▷ I am also here (in French): -...
Marguerite CHEATS on the future KING - Terrific Punishment!
Переглядів 385Місяць тому
Marguerite CHEATS on the future KING - Terrific Punishment!
The story of the BLIND KNIGHT who Fought at the Battle of Crecy (1346)
Переглядів 212Місяць тому
The story of the BLIND KNIGHT who Fought at the Battle of Crecy (1346)
The TERRIBLE TRUTHS about the FATE of the HARKIS (Algeria/France)
Переглядів 22Місяць тому
The TERRIBLE TRUTHS about the FATE of the HARKIS (Algeria/France)
French Scientist proves Germans Smelled Bad in 1916!
Переглядів 107Місяць тому
French Scientist proves Germans Smelled Bad in 1916!
Cardinal de Richelieu's enemies nicknamed him "Rotten Bott..."
Переглядів 80Місяць тому
Cardinal de Richelieu's enemies nicknamed him "Rotten Bott..."
Did Philip the Fair REALLY have the Pope slapped?
Переглядів 147Місяць тому
Did Philip the Fair REALLY have the Pope slapped?
“Napoleon Bonaparte was a Muslim” - Is this true?
Переглядів 1,8 тис.Місяць тому
“Napoleon Bonaparte was a Muslim” - Is this true?
The Horrific Atrocities of the Nazis in France... told by a Frenchman!
Переглядів 1292 місяці тому
The Horrific Atrocities of the Nazis in France... told by a Frenchman!
The Kings of France... whom the French hate!
Переглядів 1,5 тис.2 місяці тому
The Kings of France... whom the French hate!
Why did so many FRENCH people support PETAIN in 1940?
Переглядів 5336 місяців тому
Why did so many FRENCH people support PETAIN in 1940?
De Launay: the governor of the Bastille was massacred by the crowd (Paris - 1789)
Переглядів 1356 місяців тому
De Launay: the governor of the Bastille was massacred by the crowd (Paris - 1789)
Louis-Napoléon disguises himself as a worker to escape from prison!
Переглядів 447 місяців тому
Louis-Napoléon disguises himself as a worker to escape from prison!
The Funniest Charles de Gaulle Punchlines!
Переглядів 4,6 тис.7 місяців тому
The Funniest Charles de Gaulle Punchlines!
The Most Beautiful Women Napoleon had in Bed - his Hall of Fame!
Переглядів 7957 місяців тому
The Most Beautiful Women Napoleon had in Bed - his Hall of Fame!
De Gaulle's Crazy Escapes during the First World War!
Переглядів 3787 місяців тому
De Gaulle's Crazy Escapes during the First World War!
Vercingetorix brags at Gergovia, Julius Caesar destroys him at Alesia!
Переглядів 3978 місяців тому
Vercingetorix brags at Gergovia, Julius Caesar destroys him at Alesia!
The 5 biggest LIES about Joan of Arc - Don't believe them!
Переглядів 1,5 тис.8 місяців тому
The 5 biggest LIES about Joan of Arc - Don't believe them!
Have you seen Henri IV's head? (because it's gone!) - It's an incredible French story
Переглядів 2438 місяців тому
Have you seen Henri IV's head? (because it's gone!) - It's an incredible French story
Ravaillac (Killer of Henri IV) - Unimaginable tortures, life, motives!
Переглядів 1178 місяців тому
Ravaillac (Killer of Henri IV) - Unimaginable tortures, life, motives!
Trial and Death of Joan of Arc in Rouen - Kidnapped as a runaway, burned as a rib-eye steak!
Переглядів 2069 місяців тому
Trial and Death of Joan of Arc in Rouen - Kidnapped as a runaway, burned as a rib-eye steak!
Joan of Arc defeats the English at Orleans - More than 1,000 Englishmen end up buried!
Переглядів 1,3 тис.9 місяців тому
Joan of Arc defeats the English at Orleans - More than 1,000 Englishmen end up buried!


    @SR_HADDEN 7 годин тому


  • @avb4805
    @avb4805 2 дні тому

    Bonne année 😊

  • @kukushka632
    @kukushka632 2 дні тому

    I like all French kings and French history !

  • @carolynwilson3861
    @carolynwilson3861 3 дні тому

    Wow french cannibalism.

  • @SpiritmanProductions
    @SpiritmanProductions 3 дні тому

    The 's' in viscount is silent.

  • @magistrumartium
    @magistrumartium 4 дні тому

    7:10 "Having kids in Canada" means having children. I don't know what else you heard, but in 60 years I've never heard it. Anyway, very interesting historical facts in this video!

  • @didierroux1547
    @didierroux1547 5 днів тому

    There is no difference In 1940 everyone was a Petainist then over time a part of the Petainists broke away calling themselves Marshalists to separate themselves from the Petainists who did not totally approve of Petain's policy. There is therefore no difference, the man was the same. At his trial in 1945 he was accused of conspiracy against the security of the state and intelligence with the enemy. Edouard Daladier in a clear and clear response to one of Petain's three lawyers. replied “the marshal did not assume the duties of his office! The marshal did not assume his duty as a Frenchman!”

  • @colinwilson4609
    @colinwilson4609 5 днів тому

    I read a library book about duelling (wish I could remember it's name). It taught me that the three types of aristos most likely to die in a duels were Russians, Irish Protestants, and Southern U.S. Americans.

  • @kevinwalsh1619
    @kevinwalsh1619 5 днів тому

    It puzzled me when Neocons started stating and implying that the French were cowards, because growing up I was given the impression that all they did was fight duels with each other. I also remember having been confused by "The Three Musketeers," because I never saw them using muskets or even carrying them. When I read the book there was a brief period during the siege of La Rochelle when they actually got to use muskets.

  • @lewjames6688
    @lewjames6688 7 днів тому

    This is a story I heard from an old retired gendarme. When Kennedy had DeGaulle as a guest at a grand state dinner in Washington, he was seated next to Jackie, the First Lady. Having been educated at the Sorbonne and speaking fluent French, and being of French ancestry, she turned to DeGaulle and said to him in perfect French, you know, Mister President, I am of French ancestry. Without skipping a beat, DeGaulle replied, "oh? Me too!"

  • @RosemaryH-c7e
    @RosemaryH-c7e 10 днів тому

    Strange they got rid of the scrounging royals in France but Canada still supports the scroungers now LOL

  • @rodmanstewart4530
    @rodmanstewart4530 10 днів тому

    I have 17th century Quebecois ancestors. Is there a list of all the King’s ladies by name?

  • @schiacciatrollo
    @schiacciatrollo 10 днів тому

    baguette evas

  • @armandoacevedo1922
    @armandoacevedo1922 11 днів тому

    What is the AI BS? I do not appreciate this.

  • @alee3146
    @alee3146 11 днів тому

    This is such an arrogant, ignorant, self serving narrative that the producers should be ashamed. These intrusive settlers landed from another culture uninvited and proceeded to impose their values and religious dogmas upon people who long preceded their arrival, all in the name of imperialistic, colonialist expansionism so de rigeur in this era and continuing in this episode. Barbarians indeed; kettles shouldn’t call pots black. The men brought disease and eventually interbred with indigenous women, got attacked by bears and were tormented by blackflies; you celebrate solo, exploited, nubile females of convenience who should have re-embarked their ships and returned back to from whence they came. Plus ça change…

  • @niklavssenkans8341
    @niklavssenkans8341 11 днів тому

    Jews were persecuted in the Middle Ages and burning at the stake and why didn't anyone like them in the Middle Ages

  • @halk3
    @halk3 11 днів тому

    Is this a real person talking?

    • @aprilloper
      @aprilloper 11 днів тому

      It sounds like text to speech and the video has strange jump cuts. Is this an AI channel? I really feel like I'm walking in the uncanny valley.

    • @simsonhorstman3166
      @simsonhorstman3166 11 днів тому

      Yeah, I think you're right, f'd up shi

    • @magistrumartium
      @magistrumartium 4 дні тому

      The channel's called "French History by French" but no French person would say "Gene" when pronouncing the name Jean Talon.

    • @cathjj840
      @cathjj840 День тому

      My guess is the guy read his text aloud in English, but with usual and probably hard to understand accent (even if charming) and then had an AI voice overlaying his and coordinating with his mouth.

  • @tonylam-u1t
    @tonylam-u1t 11 днів тому

    Many of Australia's population were descended from maybe 300 women.

  • @barbaraferron7994
    @barbaraferron7994 11 днів тому

    Up to age 40? A 40 year old wouldn't have many childbearing years left.

    • @magistrumartium
      @magistrumartium 4 дні тому

      But she would have the most experience at spinning, weaving, making soap, midwifery and other women's work at the time.

  • @nextphase7481
    @nextphase7481 11 днів тому

    Very nicely done! Your framing of the importance of their role in the development of a solidified French culture in Canada is an insightful perspective. Thank you.

  • @mikepoulin3020
    @mikepoulin3020 12 днів тому

    Filles du Roy.. daughters of the king .... my grandmother, whose original last name was Royer - told me of these ladies...and what the men had to do to apply for one....

  • @chrisoneill3999
    @chrisoneill3999 15 днів тому

    In Katherine Mansfield's short story The Man Without a Temperament there is a completely ineffectual, but chronically foul-tempered, pet cat called Klaymongso.

  • @84422112
    @84422112 15 днів тому

    My favourite Clemenceau quote is that America "is the first country in history, which, miraculously, has passed directly from barbarism to decadence, without an intervening period of civilisation".

  • @richardshort3914
    @richardshort3914 17 днів тому

    Maybe you could correct me on this: I'm an Anglophone in Canada. I believe he said, "if you are not a socialist at the age of 20, you have no heart. If you are still a socialist at the age of 30, you have no brain." Also, I think he said, "War is too important to be left to the generals," the exact opposite of what Carl von Clausewitz said. Do you know the story of him paying the passage for his soon-to-be-divorced wife back from the United States to France in what amounted to one step above Steerage Class? I'd love the details. Thank you very much.

  • @alexius23
    @alexius23 19 днів тому

    During the debate about the French trousers a French general states, “Le rouge pantaloon, c’est la France “

  • @lolSW0RD
    @lolSW0RD 20 днів тому

    Nice AI video bro

  • @jaydunno8266
    @jaydunno8266 21 день тому

    You are correct, the red pants in 1914 were not a good idea, but that wasn't the only reason for the 1914 casualty rate. The whole French army was antiquated - tactics uniforms, and weapons. The Lebel rifle with its smokeless cartridge was ground breaking in 1886, but it was surpassed in the 1890's by newer, better systems. The stripper clip loading of the British, German, and American armies was much better for a sustained volume of fire. The 8mm Lebel was basically a necked down black powder cartridge with a rim that did not lend itself to stripper clips or machine guns. Also the German army made much better use of machine guns, especially early in the war. All the armies modified their uniforms and weapons during the war, but the French started with a huge handicap.

  • @Beey56
    @Beey56 21 день тому

    “Aggressors and child killers” so kind of like the slaughter of the Palestinian people no?

    • @Wolverine-rp9ed
      @Wolverine-rp9ed 20 днів тому

      Let's not bring imaginary nations into the conversation

  • @harlandfriendofgod6108
    @harlandfriendofgod6108 22 дні тому

    Jesus was killed by the Romans; I am a Bible scholar of sorts

  • @greyscout01
    @greyscout01 27 днів тому

    A French Officer asked an English Officer why they wore Red Coats into battle. The English Officer replied, so if an officer gets wounded, the soldiers won't see the blood and panic... It was from THAT time in history the the French Officers switched to (poop) Brown Pants.

  • @RUcookoo
    @RUcookoo 27 днів тому

    Humanity must wait for its geniuses - they brought olive uniforms

  • @picklejarmonsterfanboy9367
    @picklejarmonsterfanboy9367 28 днів тому

    Hey, it was stylish.

  • @EM-lz9kg
    @EM-lz9kg Місяць тому

    Margaret's daughter, Joan, later became queen regnant of Navarre as Joan II (1311-1349). Her paternity was under doubt because of her mother's alleged adultery. On his deathbed, Louis formally recognized Joan as his daughter. In 1361, Margaret's succession rights became important in the premature death of Philip I, Duke of Burgundy (her grandnephew), since the closest Burgundian heirs were descendants of Margaret and of her sister, Joan the Lame. Margaret's grandson and heir Charles II of Navarre claimed the duchy on the basis of primogeniture, but Joan the Lame's son John II of France on the basis of proximity, being one generation closer to the Burgundian dukes. As king, John ruled in his own favor and became Duke of Burgundy, later bestowing the Duchy upon his son, Philip the Bold.

  • @EM-lz9kg
    @EM-lz9kg Місяць тому

    Margaret was born in 1290. She was the second daughter of Robert II, Duke of Burgundy (1248-1306) and Agnes of France (1260-1327), the youngest daughter of Louis IX of France and Margaret of Provence.[1] As such, she was a member of House of Burgundy, a branch of the Capetian dynasty. In 1305,[2] Margaret married her first cousin once removed, Louis, who had inherited the crown of Navarre from his deceased mother, Queen Joan I. They had one daughter, Joan (born 1312, died 1349). Early in 1314, Margaret was caught in an alleged act of adultery in the Tour de Nesle affair. Her sister-in-law Isabella of France was a witness against her, and Margaret was imprisoned at Château Gaillard along with her sister-in-law Blanche of Burgundy. In November of the same year, Louis I of Navarre ascended the French throne as Louis X of France,[1] thus Margaret became Queen of France. However, she remained confined, as Louis would not revoke her punishment for adultery, nor have her crowned as a queen consort. Without an incumbent pope, Louis had no means of annulling his marriage. After poor treatment in prison, Queen Margaret caught a cold and died in 1315,although another source states that she was strangled

  • @sofou4683
    @sofou4683 Місяць тому

    keep using that awful ai narrator

  • @Mac-is4sd
    @Mac-is4sd Місяць тому

    Are you a frenchman sir?

  • @EnglandVersus
    @EnglandVersus Місяць тому

    What so special about Charlie? From our Anglo-Saxon prospective all he did was cry about Brits and Americans fighing to help France like we were the Nazis instead of the Germans.

  • @CasepbX
    @CasepbX Місяць тому

    The biggest lie is that she existed at all. It's obviously all fabricated.

  • @IAMEVIL315
    @IAMEVIL315 Місяць тому

    😂 she didnt die from smoke inhalation and her head didnt explode😂

  • @picklejarmonsterfanboy9367
    @picklejarmonsterfanboy9367 Місяць тому

    Just goes to show you how anything can be made up to give justification to hatred.

  • @SonOfTheOne111
    @SonOfTheOne111 Місяць тому

    Yo- In pretty sure the pope was in France, not Italy, at the time! Avignon!

  • @ivangirin4207
    @ivangirin4207 Місяць тому

    This is someone who deserves an hour and a half long video about him. Nevertheless, I didn't know about his haemorrhoids.

  • @Wn9618
    @Wn9618 Місяць тому

    My favourite French historian! Love your videos

  • @picklejarmonsterfanboy9367
    @picklejarmonsterfanboy9367 Місяць тому

    How are these videos recorded? Do you speak in French and them use AI to translate

  • @CommonSwindler
    @CommonSwindler Місяць тому

    Louis XI… the most shrewd and prudent of French monarchs… not “sane”? And Louis XIV as “hated” in French history? Unserious list.

  • @BearsArms45
    @BearsArms45 Місяць тому

    His writings on final exile and nearing to death… were centered mostly around his Christian faith. “I tell you that Jesus Christ IS god!” There are no nuanced explorations of that reality in his writings. They’re more or less, just pages of hymns overtly declaring the grandeur of Christ and Christianity. Does that not… Tell you all you need to know? On the other hand however, Yes, the Catholic Mussolini was in fact, openly recognized by a great many as “the sword of Islam”

  • @jaytoven7
    @jaytoven7 Місяць тому

    This claim is so disrespectful to Saint Napoleon. They believe the same about Jesus, David, Solomon, Abraham, and even Adam, it is so deluded.

  • @prosto_potomuwto
    @prosto_potomuwto Місяць тому

    Yes, he was muslim.

  • @zlocish
    @zlocish Місяць тому

    Yeah sure. He was also black. And a Woman.

    • @BearsArms45
      @BearsArms45 Місяць тому

      Blahkke… muhammden…. What’s next… that we’ll consider either of them human?

    • @zlocish
      @zlocish Місяць тому

      @@BearsArms45 I consider you a dummy

  • @sebozz2046
    @sebozz2046 Місяць тому

    Vive Jean Messiah!