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Chris Noah
Приєднався 19 чер 2015
Chris Noah is a Riga-based recording artist who gracefully combines indie rock with catchy pop. His guitar-driven sound, authentic voice and gripping melodies have made him highly popular in his homeland. After playing some of the biggest festivals in Latvia (Positivus, Summer Sound, etc.), Reeperbahn Festival in Germany, Tallinn Music Week and landing support slots for artists like Tom Odell, LP and The Naked And Famous, Noah has proved himself as one of the most promising export acts of the region.
Chris Noah’s second single You became one the most played songs in Latvia in 2017 and his debut EP What About Tomorrow? received a nomination for the best debut at the Latvian Music Awards. However, Noah first gained international attention with self-released singles River and Fall Through - receiving praise for his distinctive vocals, relatable lyrics and strong sense of melody from a variety of blogs including Indie Air, AlexRainBirdMusic, Uranium Waves, Comeherefloyd and many others.
Chris Noah’s second single You became one the most played songs in Latvia in 2017 and his debut EP What About Tomorrow? received a nomination for the best debut at the Latvian Music Awards. However, Noah first gained international attention with self-released singles River and Fall Through - receiving praise for his distinctive vocals, relatable lyrics and strong sense of melody from a variety of blogs including Indie Air, AlexRainBirdMusic, Uranium Waves, Comeherefloyd and many others.
Chris Noah - Romance Isn't Dead (Official Audio)
Chris Noah - Romance Isn't Dead (Official Audio)
Listen to Chris Noah:
Spotify: bit.ly/chrisnoah-spotify
Apple Music: bit.ly/chrisnoah-applemusic
Tidal: bit.ly/chrisnoah-tidal
Deezer: bit.ly/chrisnoah-deezer
Amazon: bit.ly/chrisnoah-amazon
Oh you gotta kick start it
If you wanna break the pattern
And yea, you've got a lot of heart, but
In the end what does it matter?
under the corporate gleam,get-rich schemes ripping through your dreams
You’ll never fit with the elites
9 to 5, do or die, pay per view, please subscribe
We’re just tryna feel something
If you ever find love
if it makes sense
staring at the clock
like it owes you rent
romance isn't dead yet yea yea yet
romance isn't dead yet
Oh you’ve gotta move past it
before we’re buried in the chatter
Suck it up
Cookie cutter
To the top
From the gutter
We all wanna be someone
If you ever find love
if it makes sense
staring at the clock
like it owes you rent
romance isn't dead yet yea yea yet
romance isn't dead yet
lonely is the fight if you're not with me
lonely is the sound if you don't hear me
If you ever find love
if it makes sense
staring at the clock
like it owes you rent
romance isn't dead yet yea yea yet
romance isn't dead yet
romance could be somewhere
Anywhere but here
the hope that its not dead and gone
When will it start fo feel sincere
Listen to Chris Noah:
Spotify: bit.ly/chrisnoah-spotify
Apple Music: bit.ly/chrisnoah-applemusic
Tidal: bit.ly/chrisnoah-tidal
Deezer: bit.ly/chrisnoah-deezer
Amazon: bit.ly/chrisnoah-amazon
Oh you gotta kick start it
If you wanna break the pattern
And yea, you've got a lot of heart, but
In the end what does it matter?
under the corporate gleam,get-rich schemes ripping through your dreams
You’ll never fit with the elites
9 to 5, do or die, pay per view, please subscribe
We’re just tryna feel something
If you ever find love
if it makes sense
staring at the clock
like it owes you rent
romance isn't dead yet yea yea yet
romance isn't dead yet
Oh you’ve gotta move past it
before we’re buried in the chatter
Suck it up
Cookie cutter
To the top
From the gutter
We all wanna be someone
If you ever find love
if it makes sense
staring at the clock
like it owes you rent
romance isn't dead yet yea yea yet
romance isn't dead yet
lonely is the fight if you're not with me
lonely is the sound if you don't hear me
If you ever find love
if it makes sense
staring at the clock
like it owes you rent
romance isn't dead yet yea yea yet
romance isn't dead yet
romance could be somewhere
Anywhere but here
the hope that its not dead and gone
When will it start fo feel sincere
Переглядів: 6 083
Chris Noah - Kādreiz
Переглядів 31 тис.2 місяці тому
Klausies albumu "Atvadas nav skumjas, ja zinām, ka drīz tiksimies": lnk.to/ChrisNoah-Album Piedalās: Krists Indrišonoks, Ulla Zirne, Agnese Gavare-Stendere, Derwayne McBayne, Džesika Anete Makbeina, Krists Krūskops, Matīss Dravnieks, Patriks Gulbis, Keitija Eizenbarde, Jānis Niedra, Kristiāna Pauliņa, Artūrs Sebris, Kaspars Vizulis, Jēkabs Zemzaris Director: Gustavs Ķibilds Director of Photogra...
Chris Noah - Nomodā
Переглядів 130 тис.11 місяців тому
Seko Chris Noah: chrisnoahmusic ChrisNoahMusic www.tiktok.com/@chrisnoahmusic Klausies Chris Noah: Spotify: bit.ly/chrisnoah-spotify Apple Music: bit.ly/chrisnoah-applemusic Tidal: bit.ly/chrisnoah-tidal Deezer: bit.ly/chrisnoah-deezer Amazon: bit.ly/chrisnoah-amazon Atbalstītājs: Sensum Group Piedalās: Chris Noah Krists Krūskops Didzis Bordo Kaspars Vizulis Jēkabs Ze...
Chris Noah - Cik Tālu Vēl? // "Tu jau zini Kur" LIVE
Переглядів 29 тис.Рік тому
Seko Chris Noah: chrisnoahmusic ChrisNoahMusic www.tiktok.com/@chrisnoahmusic Klausies Chris Noah: Spotify: bit.ly/chrisnoah-spotify Apple Music: bit.ly/chrisnoah-applemusic Tidal: bit.ly/chrisnoah-tidal Deezer: bit.ly/chrisnoah-deezer Amazon: bit.ly/chrisnoah-amazon Piedalās: Kristīne Pāže Krists Krūskops Mārcis Jukumsons - Jukumnieks Rūdolfs Ozols Didzis Bordovskis...
Chris Noah - Only Words (Official Lyric Video)
Переглядів 10 тис.3 роки тому
Chris Noah - Only Words (Official Lyric Video)
Chris Noah - This Is The Night (Official Video)
Переглядів 38 тис.4 роки тому
Chris Noah - This Is The Night (Official Video)
Chris Noah - The Line (Official Audio)
Переглядів 13 тис.5 років тому
Chris Noah - The Line (Official Audio)
Chris Noah - Fall Through (Official Video)
Переглядів 207 тис.6 років тому
Chris Noah - Fall Through (Official Video)
Chris Noah - Rain Is Still Falling Down (Official Audio)
Переглядів 37 тис.7 років тому
Chris Noah - Rain Is Still Falling Down (Official Audio)
Chris Noah - Spark (Official Audio)
Переглядів 79 тис.7 років тому
Chris Noah - Spark (Official Audio)
Chris Noah - Had It All (Official Audio)
Переглядів 97 тис.9 років тому
Chris Noah - Had It All (Official Audio)
es vakar gribeju lai Chris Noah vinetu un es balsoju 4 reizes par Chris Noah man bija ļoti žēl ka Chris Noah ir tikai 5. vietā 😢 bēt tu esi ļoti forš 😊
Super! Sen, ko tādu gaidīju!
He deserves to be bigger than this.
Boom! Have you seen that this track is currently on rotation on ESC - Eurovision Song Contest Radio in Berlin, Germany!
This gets even better as I listen to it more.... and the live performance was literally flawless definitely the best of the supernova :33
Ar pilotu Krisu NOAH lidojam.
Nu feini! Letiņiem ir savs Antonoffs un Blīčeri!
foršs klips. vienīgi dīvaini, ka neauploudoja 4:3, bet gan ar melnajām malām sānos
Es aizmigu😴😴😴😅
Izklausās pēc AI
airbaltic ir piramīdas shēma, kas apzog tautu
Reallly good! :)
Pa smuko!Jaudīgs pieteikums startam Eirovīzijā!
In love with this song from the very start and now that it officially released its even better 💜
This song is much better than “Hollow” of the last year
You're winning supernova Chris! 🇱🇻🇱🇻🇱🇻
Nejau ar tādu dziesmu un balsi pajoli.
Super vokāls!❤
It lacks the peak moment. Maybe a guitar solo or Background singing at the end of the song. It's just flat right now.
uhh, this slaps a lot more now. Big improvement
The songs just get BETTER!
winner for me!
Sit pa seju dzīves skaudrums,tas lūdz,lai paliekam ,turpat kā k ādreiz. Jāiztur!Kaut aizvainojums sabradā. Paldies!Par ievesmu izturēt!
Mani pārsteigt ir visai grūti...bet atzīstu..ieraudzīju kvalitāti. Paklanos 😏👍
Forša,dziesma! Riktīgs cliffhangers. Kas beigās notika ar to lidmašīnu? 😅
Pēc Palladium koncerta visas dziesmas iedeva pilnīgi citu nozīmi. Klausoties tagad es tās saprotu daudz citādāk un tas iedeva papildus enerģiju, vērtību un nozīmi. Atvadas tiešām nav skumjas, ja zinam, ka drīz tiksimies… Un mēs tiksimies ATKAL 29. martā. ❤
Skaisti/pateicos 💪🏻🙏🏻👍🏻
Tik cilvēcīgi,līdz ar to aizskar daudzas sirdis.
Atkal trāpīts dziļumos. Paldies par mūziku ar vērtību.
Super dziesma, super klips!
Dziesma uz visiem 💯💯
Beidzot kāda dvēseliska un pilna ar emocijām dziesma! Savādāk jau apnīk visi šie OL4S, Sing4pvras Sat1ns utml.. P.S., Mūzikas/dziedāšanas stils nedaudz atgādina The 1975. Vai tā nav viena no grupām kas jūs ietekmēja/iedvesmoja?
Burvīgs videoklips!Var just,ka te tika ieguldīts daudz darba pie šī video!
jaudīgi aizlidojām ✈
Ļoti skaisti
Karstākais Latvijas mūziķis !!!!
Aiziet 🤝🤝🤝
Forši! ❤
Chris's singing is amazing in English, but he reaches a whole new level in Latvian. This video takes his lyrical self-reflective intensity to a powerful place. I'm glad I got to see him open for Dons at Daugava Stadium, he deserves all the recognition and I hope for continued growth and success for Chris!
Ļoti skaists un kvalitatīvs videoklips! Dziesma arī burvīga!❤ paldies, Chris!
Beidzot kāds mūziķis velta laiku un līdzekļus labam, kvalitatīvam videoklipam. 🙏🏽 Es ticu un ļoti ceru, ka Chris Noah būs manas paaudzes Prāta Vētra. Gribas piebļaut pilnu Mežaparku ar “ kopā gaidīsim rītu, ar mani paliec nomodā” … 🫶🏽
Atklāt dziesmu ar tādām rindām neviens Latvijā nav uzdrošinājies sen. Poētiski, drosmīgi un aktuāli. Šķiet, ka satura un kvalitātes ziņā "Kādreiz" un viss albums kopumā, salīdzinājumā ar laika biedriem, ir lecis divas galvas tiesas augstāk.
Ļoti līdzīgas sajūtas, par kvalitāti un skanējumu! Liekas, ka šis ir nākošais līmenis-atklāts, īsts, saprotams, cilvēcīgs un skaists! Jāsāk gatavoties mūzikas balvu saņemšanai🎉🎉🎉🎉Apsveicam!
Paldies par dziesmu! Un emocijām,kura tā sagādā !